Chapter 90 I Hate Soap Operas

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“Mr. Damon, please follow us back to the police station for interrogation.” Maigret signaled for the officers beside him to handcuff Damon.

Cindy frowned and said, “Officer, can I talk to him for a bit?”

Maigret thought for a moment. “Mr. Cindy, I hope you can make it quick.”

“Thank you.” Cindy nodded, then looked at the expressionless Damon. A trace of regret flashed through his eyes, and he sighed. “Damon, I watched you grow up. You have always been a brilliant star among your peers. You are Robert’s pride. But… but how did you end up like this? To actually… to actually do such a cruel thing like murdering your father. What exactly are you thinking about?”

“What are you talking about?” Damon chuckled, and then a savage expression appeared on his face. “I want him to die!”

“Ha… hahaha… I want him to die…”

He revealed a crazy smile, the veins on his face gradually bulging out. His eyes turned white, and his skin changed in color—he was mutating into a zombie.

Cindy widened his eyes. “Damon, you…”

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“Hurry… hurry up and destroy him.”

Everyone was shocked and quickly turned to King for help.

King raised his eyebrows, opened his palm, and aimed at Damon. A blue ball of energy condensed.

“Wait a minute.” Cindy interrupted King’s attack. He continued with a sad expression, “Child, why do you hate your father so much? Do you know? Your father loves you very much. I came here today indeed to discuss the sale of the company stocks. However, I’m not the one who wants to sell the company’s shares; it’s your father. Do you know why he wanted to sell the company’s shares? He did it for you!”

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise. It turned out that the person who wanted to sell the shares was Robert, not Cindy.

“Impossible, impossible! I don’t believe it!” Damon shouted ferociously, “That stubborn old man is always self-righteous. He always looks at the new era with his old-fashioned ideas. What is the theme of this era? It is biotechnology and intelligent robots. However, he clung to a few broken toys and refused to let go. He is outdated. But it’s fine. It’s understandable because he is old and can’t accept new things. But… But he denied and destroyed my dreams with his ridiculous thoughts. He destroyed my dreams! He belittled my efforts and said that my biological research is…”


A blue wave interrupted Damon’s monologue with a bang. His head was blown apart, and his brain mixed with blood like a tofu pudding.

Cindy stared blankly at Damon, who had fallen to the ground. Maigret widened his eyes. Child Emperor bit the lollipop in his hand. Everyone looked at the sight in front of them in a daze.

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What the fuck happened?

King put his hands back into his pocket and said coldly, “Sorry, I’m in a hurry. If you haven’t finished speaking, let’s talk about it in the next life!”

A good murder plot had turned into a soap opera. Seriously, does no one know that I hate soap operas?

“Hey, the matter is settled. Let’s go.” He pushed Child Emperor and casually walked out of Robert’s house under the confused gazes. Child Emperor picked up his small school bag and followed behind. The two of them got into Child Emperor’s own car, and Child Emperor told the robot he designed and installed to drive.

“Uncle, can you let them finish their words next time?”

In the car, Child Emperor looked at King with resentment. Damon only said half of his word. This was cold-blooded murder!

“I just feel that there is no need to waste time listening to it.” King leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.

He still had to ride the train to City Z in the afternoon. How could he have so much free time to play soap operas with them? Moreover, it was a soap opera where rich families loved each other and killed each other. He was sick of watching it when he was a child, okay?

“Aren’t you wasting time now?” Child Emperor fell silent at King’s words. He pinched his little chin, and his eyes lit up. “Yes, the great philosopher Sayed Michellf once said that an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time. Time is simultaneously abundant and not enough. We need to invest our finite time into infinite self-growth; only then can we truly become stronger. Uncle King, I admire your mentality on becoming stronger. I am ashamed; I also need to make good use of time to become stronger. I can’t let myself be too far behind.”

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“Right, Child Emperor, I heard that Robert is your investor?”

“Yes.” Child Emperor rolled his eyes, “However, Robert and his son are already dead. The investment will be ruined.”

King crossed his arms and looked at Child Emperor. “It doesn’t matter. Why would a child need so much money?”

Child Emperor, “…”

Don’t treat me like a child. I am also very powerful!

“By the way, Uncle King, I didn’t just invite you to help complete the experiment this time. I also invited a few other Heroes. They were already waiting for us at the research institute. You don’t mind, do you?”

King’s expression did not change at all. “It doesn’t matter. Anyway, just finish the experiment as soon as possible.”

“Don’t worry; it won’t take long to collect data for my new invention.” Child Emperor laughed.

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The two of them arrived at Child Emperor’s primary school student research institute. This research institute was specially built for Child Emperor by the Association to accommodate various experiments. However, due to the shortage of research funds, Child Emperor regretfully could not make many earth-shattering research results. Instead, he made a lot of small things.

This time, Child Emperor invited King to City Y to experiment with his newly invented gadget, a strange pair of glasses called “Bookworm”.

According to Child Emperor’s introduction, this pair of glasses was installed with the most advanced sensor. It could sense the subtle vibration of human muscles and predict the movements of the target through this vibration. In other words, after wearing this pair of glasses, you will be in control of your opponent’s actions. As long as the strength was not far apart, the ability to foresee your opponent’s movement would allow you to completely crush them.

It was almost equivalent to a low-end version of Kenbunshoku Haki!

If the experiment was successful, this pair of glasses would become common equipment for professional Heroes under the Heroes Association. It would definitely increase Monster elimination efficiency and success rate; it was simply a blessing for low-level Heroes.

Of course, that is only if the experiment is successful.

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