“Biting Snake Feint!”

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Sneck’s curled hands suddenly launched at the joints of the fighting robot. Whether a real person or a robot, the joints were always the weakness.

His speed was astonishing, like a poisonous snake devouring people. In the blink of an eye, he almost reached the robot’s joints. The robot twisted its joints in a divine movement and avoided his attack.

“Interesting. Take another attack from me.”

After Sneck failed to hit the robot, his hands shook and started moving fluidly like a pair of flexible swords. He continuously struck the fighting robot from strange and tricky angles, like a poisonous snake.

However, the fighting robot readily deflected Sneck’s attack.

Sneck raised his eyebrows. His arms seemed to lost all bones. He took advantage of the momentum and wrapped around the fighting robot’s arms like a snake coiling on prey. His hands formed chicken claws and stabbed the fighting robot’s shoulder joints like chickens pecking rice.


Although Sneck’s moves were strange and full of tricks, the fighting robot still kept up like a wriggling worm. Its mechanical hands stretched out to block Sneck’s hands.

“As expected of an A-class Hero!”

King looked at Sneck’s battle with the fighting robot. His eyes lit up. He finally saw the combat strength of an A-class Hero. Compared to the heavy fist from Tanktop Boxer and the barrage of punches from Fast Fist Man, Sneck’s snake-like hands were focused on attacks with unorthodox techniques. Sneck’s combat strength was clearly superior to Tanktop Boxer, and he was actually able to push the fighting robot’s defense to its limit.

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After another move was blocked, Sneck took a few steps back. He stared at the steady fighting robot with shock.

The effect of the Bookworm invented by Child Emperor was too amazing. It could actually see through my every move. Even if the original fighting robot was slightly weaker than me, it had such a powerful weapon. I had already lost half of the battle before it even began!

How am I supposed to defeat such a guy?

He thought for a moment and took a deep breath. “It seems that I can only attack the eyes. As long as I cripple its eyes, I can free myself from the restraints and release my combat power completely. At that time, defeating it will only be a matter of time.”

He made up his mind and focused on the eyes of the fighting robot. Bookworm was attached there, the secret and the biggest weakness of the fighting robot.

But the fighting robot still had the Bookworm. If he carelessly attacked, the robot would easily deflect it.

Sneck stared at the motionless fighting robot, thoughts racing in his mind. There are certain amounts of delays between human perception and reaction. The robot and its glasses would also need time to analyze data. As long as my attack is faster than its reaction time, I can definitely break its eyes!

“Dance of Snakes!”

He narrowed his eyes, and his hands started to move at lightning speed. In an instant, more than ten afterimages appeared, as if a dozen poisonous snakes had just attacked the fighting robot.

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Sneck’s plan was excellent, but the reality was cruel. The fighting robot was unfazed in the face of his dazzling attacks as if it had seen through everything. It treated Sneck’s attacks no more than a clown’s performance.

“Damn it!”

Sneck was annoyed. He stopped creating afterimages and went straight for the fighting robot’s eyes.


As expected, the fighting robot grabbed Sneck’s wrist with its mechanical hands, halting his attack again.

“Sigh, I admit defeat.” Sneck looked at the fighting robot in a daze and smiled bitterly. “Child Emperor, the Bookworm you developed is too powerful for martial artists. It is the natural enemy for martial artists like us.”

For martial artists who relied on their regulated and precise moves, the ‘Bookworm’ that could see through their moves was simply a nightmarish existence.

A robot that isn’t too strong actually managed to tie with Sneck after installing the ‘Bookworm.’ This little toy has dramatically increased their combat strength. How about… I also ask for a pair from Child Emperor?

King touched his chin and pondered.

“Hey, asshat. Wake up. It’s your turn.” Tanktop Boxer crossed his arms. “I want to see how strong you are. Are you qualified to be ranked above us?”

Child Emperor licked the lollipop, his small eyes sparkling, full of expectation. “Uncle, it’s your turn. Oh right, be gentle. My robot can’t withstand your attack.”

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Sneck and the others stared at King. They wanted to know what kind of Hero King was and what kind of strength he had.

King did not speak. He was just here to help Child Emperor collect experimental data. There was no need to go all out, only enough force to not be ignored by the fighting robot. He just had to do it half-heartedly.

In System’s attribute panel, his Strength had already reached seven points, surpassing ordinary people. As long as he concentrated his mind and attacked, according to the situation explained by Child Emperor, the fighting robot would respond accordingly.

He slowly walked to the tall fighting robot, took a deep breath, retracted his fists in front of his chest, and put on a regular twisting boxing posture.

“Ha-ha, this boxing movement can’t be more amateur. Is he trying to be funny?”

As a former boxing professional, Tanktop Boxer could see through King’s awkward boxing movement at a glance. It was not excessive to describe King as a “boxing amateur.”

King ignored him. His eyes were fixed on the fighting robot. He clenched his fist and focused all his strength on his right arm.

Child Emperor stared at King intently. There was a hint of excitement on his face. He was happy to see King fight with his own eyes and collect King’s combat data.

King Punch!

King gathered his strength for a while. He clenched his right fist tightly and pulled back. Then, he exerted all his strength to hit the fighting robot’s chest.

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“This kind of strength is at most at a child’s level, right? Wouldn’t it just get ignored?”

Sneck and the others frowned. They felt that King’s fist was very weak, comparable to a child. According to the lower limit of Bookworm, this degree of attack would definitely be regarded as no threat.

Child Emperor looked at King’s punch, and his little face was confused. What an ordinary punch! Was this King’s attack?


King’s fist hit the chest of the fighting robot under the watchful eyes of Sneck and the others. The fighting robot did not react at all.

“Was… was I ignored?”

He saw that his fist was about to hit the chest of the fighting robot. The fighting robot still had no sign of defending itself. He immediately stopped his fist, and his whole body froze. He was very embarrassed.

The fighting robot would only choose to ignore under two circumstances. One was if the attack was too strong, and the other was when the attack was too weak. King obviously did not belong to the strong type. Then the reason why the fighting robot ignored him was that it recognized King’s attack as harmless.

“My attack is harmless?”

King looked at the motionless fighting robot with his fist frozen in the air. His attack was actually regarded as harmless. He can’t even be compared to an ordinary association staff or a dog. This was too embarrassing!

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