Chapter 97 Terrifying King

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“Just when…”

Sneck’s pupils shrank. He stared in shock at King, who “teleported” in front of Tanktop Boxer. What kind of speed was this? Who was he? Was he Flashy Flash, the S-class Hero known for his speed? No, that flamboyant knight Flashy Flash would never appear in this outfit.

If not Flashy Flash, then who?

Even though the person had terrifying speed, his punch did not trigger the fighting robot’s response. According to Child Emperor, the Bookworm would fail when the enemy was either too strong or too weak. Before, Sneck thought that this mysterious guy was too weak, but from the terrifying speed just now, that cannot be the case. How could the Bookworm ignore his attack? Or was this person hiding his strength and deliberately throwing a soft punch, causing the Bookworm to lose its effect?

“What a blinding speed!” Fast Fist Man stared at King’s back, dumbfounded. Was this person a ghost?

“Oh no, Uncle King is angry.”

Child Emperor felt an anxious chill in his heart. Although that Tanktop Boxer was very annoying, he was still a Hero of the Association and a person that Child Emperor invited. If he died in this research institute, it would be very troublesome.

“Three scars and a power that the fighting robot doesn’t react to. It was definitely that man. Oh no, I even mocked him and said he was worse than a dog. I have provoked a terrifying person. I am dead for sure…”

Tanktop Boxer widened his eyes in horror. His body subconsciously shrank into a ball and leaned against the iron cage with all his strength. His butt was pushing against the iron cage, as if he was trying to squeeze through the iron bars.

King looked down at Tanktop Boxer, expressionless. He cursed System in his heart. What the hell? Increasing Strength and Defense attributes were actually equivalent to equipping an invisible mechanical suit instead of modifying his physical body. In other words, I was still in that damn otaku body the entire time?!

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Damn it!

King’s head was a mess. He kicked the frightened Tanktop Boxer into the air and bombarded his body with hundreds of punches within the blink of an eye. It’s as if King’s fists had turned into a machine gun, and Tanktop Boxer their target dummy.

“Do you want to save him?” Sneck watched as King beat Tanktop Boxer to such a miserable state. Even if he knew that Tanktop Boxer deserved it, his responsibility as a Hero can’t just let a person be killed in front of his eyes.

He took a deep breath, drew a half-circle with his feet, and his hands formed the shape of a snake head.

“Well, it seems that the other party is very strong. We have to be careful.” Fast Fist Man observed King carefully. He straightened his body and tensed his muscle. As a Hero, he would never watch an innocent person lose his life, even if the innocent person was someone he hated.

“Let him go. Otherwise, don’t blame us for being impolite.” Sneck and Fast Fist Man warned King coldly. Their muscles were tense and ready to attack at any time.

Child Emperor followed. “Uncle King, please show mercy. No matter how annoying he is, he is still a member of the Association. It will be very troublesome if you kill him. Please spare his life!”


Sneck and Fast Fist Man froze. This… This mysterious guy was King?

Their faces were full of disbelief, but it was reasonable when they thought about it carefully. Perhaps only King’s punch could cause the Bookworm to fail.

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They thought that King deliberately hid his strength, causing the fighting robot to not react, but King had no reason to do this. Increasing his reputation? Stop messing around. Why would King, known as the strongest man, need to increase his reputation? Was he teasing us? Ha, the strongest man in the world would not have this kind of bad taste.


They almost attacked King. What a ridiculous idea. The mere thought left a lingering fear in their hearts. If they had attacked just now, their heads would have been blown apart by King’s punch!

Even more terrifying was the fact that King’s punch actually exceeded the upper limit of Bookworm detection. Child Emperor had previously said that even Superalloy Darkshine’s attack would be accurately traced by the Bookworm. In other words, King’s strength was far beyond Superalloy Darkshine, a fellow S-class Hero. He was truly a terrifying man!

“Is it that really King?” The association staff stared at him and sucked in a breath of cold air. “King… the idol of men, the target of women, that terrifyingly strong man!”

“Huh?” King paused and looked sideways at Sneck and Fast Fist Man. “You… What was it you say about being impolite? Are you going to attack me?”


Sneck and Fast Fist Man let out a strangled voice. Their faces were red. What kind of international joke was this? How could they have the courage to attack King?

In a moment of desperation, Sneck coughed twice. “Cough, cough, actually, I… We feel that people like Tanktop Boxer are not worthy of your effort. We can do it for you. To tell you the truth, I have long wanted to beat up this annoying bastard.”

Fast Fist Man’s eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly. “That’s right, that’s right. King, take a break, and let us beat this guy up for you. Let me tell you, this bastard has been mocking me just now. I have tolerated him for too long. Now I can’t bear it anymore; I want to break his legs. You go to the side and take a rest. Let me beat him up a few times.”

“Yes, yes, Uncle King, calm down. You don’t have to be angry with this bastard uncle.” Child Emperor pulled King to the side and tried to persuade him.

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King rolled his eyes. He was not angry with Tanktop Boxer. He was angry with that bastard System. Unfortunately, System was hiding in his body. Fighting it was equivalent to hitting himself. He had no choice but to vent his anger at Tanktop Boxer.

Of course, he could not beat Tanktop Boxer on his own. His current speed was entirely borrowed from the three-star Monster Card – Velociraptor’s power.

As an aside, it was worth celebrating that he rose another level by consuming the Velociraptor Monster Card.

Name: Wang Feng
Hero Name: King
Level: Level 13
Experience: 437/8000
Endurance: 16
Strength: 7
Speed: 16
Defense: 38
Luck: (omitted) Note: Hidden attributes cannot be viewed and cannot be changed!
Attribute Points: 5

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Skills: 1. Liquid Jet: Lv. 1: Fires a jet of liquid to attack the enemy.
2. Explosive Energy Bomb Lvl2: Gather energy from the surroundings and fire energy bullets as a beam.
3. Strength Amplification Lvl2: Strengthen one’s own ability and increase the power of Skills by one level.
4. Flight Lvl2: As an envoy of Earth, you can freely fly on Earth.
Skill Points: 11
Cards: 4-star Monster Card – Desire Judge – 3-star Monster Card – Tyrannosaurus rex…
Special Card: No Star Level Card X1
Reminder: 1. A normal person’s attributes are all 5. The maximum value is 100.
2. Skills’ power depends on the Skill level. It is not affected by the character itself, but the number of times Skills can be used is affected by Endurance’s attributes.

“Save… Save me, King is crazy…” Tanktop Boxer screamed miserably with a bloody nose and a swollen face.

“Save you? You asked for a beating.” Seeing that Tanktop Boxer was about to say something crazy again, Sneck immediately stepped forward and kicked him away.

“Beat him up!” Fast Fist Man joined the fight and punched Tanktop Boxer.

“Ah, ah, don’t… don’t hit anymore…” Tanktop Boxer squealed again and again like a dying pig.

King looked coldly at Sneck and Fast Fist Man. He was not a fool, so he could guess their intent. They pretended to beat Tanktop Boxer in order to save him from King. However, King never intended to kill him anyway, so he ignored them.

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