OSI Chapter 17 – Longevity Sect, Sun Bo Fang

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Xu Liao walked home slowly; his eyes were listless and dead. Qu Lei’s rejection kept running through his mind, and it was as if nothing else in the world matters anymore. Even as he walked past the Huai Demon Street, he didn’t bother to glance at the interesting buildings and weird-looking demons.

Just as he was about to reach home, suddenly a terrifying gust of wind blew past him. Xu Liao sensed something was wrong and immediately activated his demonic energy to shield himself from the wind.

Out of nowhere, an enormous body flew towards Xu Liao and phased through him due to Xu Liao’s skill. The body smashed into a garbage can behind Xu Liao, flinging rubbish everywhere.

Xu Liao’s face drained. He sensed the force behind the throw was several times of his own. Xu Liao raised his head slowly and stared at a man dressed in a white casual suit, his face had a rather relaxed look. The man in the white suit slowly walked towards the enormous body and grabbed his throat. Then he lifted the man up as if he was as light as a feather.

Xu Liao subconsciously switched his gaze to the huge man and nodded slightly, agreeing in his mind. He recognized that this man in the white suit was the man who threw the enormous man. Moreover, he also recognized the enormous man! It was one of the members from the Storm Legion the other day.  He was the one with the bulging muscles and dark, fierce eyes who threatened Xu Liao to join their Storm Legion.  Xu Liao thought that the both of them was rather strong before, and didn’t expect that they were chased away so easily by Grandma Huai. Now, it was this man again getting thrashed by the man in the white suit.

Despite cultivating the Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill, and opening both of his core meridians, when it comes to battle, he had no offensive skills at all and was absolutely not a match for the two men from the Storm Legion, not even to mention this man in the white casual suit who easily wiped the floor with them. This man here was obviously coming for Xu Liao, thus, he stared at the man and asked cautiously:

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“Who are you? What do you want?”

The man straightened out his suit casually and smiled.

“I am Sun Bo Fang of the Longevity Sect.”

Xu Liao recalled some of the common knowledge of the demonic world and rebutted him.

“You are a human practitioner from the Longevity Sect? I belong to the Million Demon Clan, you can’t kill me!”

Within China, the Million Demon Clan is thriving among its peers. Globally, there are the Big Four Legions as the main alliance among demons, it forged alliances with several smaller associations and thus, forming the International Demon Alliance as a whole to fight against the Eastern Eighteen Xian Faction and Western Ying Zong Liu Faction.

Xu Liao face was pale. Though he knew he had the Million Demon Clan as a form of protection, however, he was facing a professional demon killer from the Eighteen Xian Faction! The killer could end his life with a single touch. Xu Liao was worried that he would make a move on him without caring of the consequences. So what if the Million Demon Clan would help him in his revenge? Nothing would matter if he was already dead.

Sun Bo Fang let off a brilliant smile, with an appearance as warm as the morning sun.

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“I am not as powerful what you’re imagining. To risk my life by messing with the Million Demon Clan for killing such an unimportant person like you. It isn’t fun to provoke the Million Demon Clan. My purpose here is because I have heard that you awakened the Undead Tree Blood pulse!”

Xu Liao face darkened slightly. He intended to deny this man, but once he glanced at the lifeless corpse of the enormous man at the side, he swallowed down his rebuttal. Showing a face as honest as he could, Xu Liao replied:

“Everyone said that I had awakened the Undead Tree Blood pulse, but even I myself could not confirm it.”

Xu Liao was planning to try to escape after that question, however the man in the white suit just laughed lightly and said:

“The Heavenly Monument of the Million Demon Clan would absolutely not make any mistake. You have awakened the Undead Tree Blood pulse, and coincidentally, I need your help.”

“Follow me.”

Sun Bo Fang then waved his arm and unleashed a menacing black mist from his sleeve. The black mist slowly swirled around the body.

At the side, Xu Liao stole a few glances and froze with fear. Apparently, this smoke of black mist was actually formed by countless of black-shelled beetles! Soon, sand started to seep out of the mist and carried away by the wind. Within a few seconds, the body of the man was devoured. Not even the bones were spared. All of these black beetles had grinded the man into bone dust!

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Xu Liao had a cold feeling in his spine. His face was totally stiff. After a while, he asked in a frantic voice:

“Just like that!?”

“Ha ha ha!! Of course! We, the Eighteen Xian Faction and Million Demon Clan had an agreement not to harm any demons registered under their name. But we do not have any agreements with the other demon associations. So when we see them, of course we will kill them! For them to die in my hands, they have only themselves to blame for being weak. With so little strength, they still dared to run around as if it was their father’s backyard. Their deaths could not be blamed, right?

Xu Liao subconsciously nodded his head. Of course, Xu Liao felt that his view was crooked, but how could he find the courage to refute Sun Bo Fang? As long Sun Bo Fang would not harm him, any other matters are easy to negotiate.

Sun Bo Fang then lightly locked his fingers together close to his palm. All the black beetles immediately flew back into his sleeve. He smiled warmly at Xu Liao and said:

“Follow me to Huai Demon Street.”

Xu Liao didn’t dare to object, so he could only obediently follow Sun Bo Fang cautiously. However, he was curious why Sun Bo Fang would want to go to the demons living sector.

Nevertheless, there was a glint of hope within Xu Liao’s eyes.

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“Maybe.. when we reach Huai Demon Street, Grandma Huai will come out and save me! I don’t believe this guy would lay his hands on Grandma Huai? Since Grandma Huai is one of the eighteen talismans, I am sure that the Million Demon Clan would be particularly alert in these areas. And even if Grandma Huai is unable to defeat this guy, Commander Xu Fu should be able to…”

However, the truth was, Xu Liao had thought too much!

As if nothing was wrong, Sun Bo Fang and Xu Liao walked past the normal streets without any interference. It was like nobody even noticed them. Sun Bo Fang did not provoke any of the demons. This made Xu Liao feel slightly better, but when he remembered Sun Bo Fang’s black beetles in his sleeve, it gave him a chill down his spine.

Sun Bo Fang lead Xu Liao to the area where Xu Liao was in charge of preventing humans from entering the demonic world. Then, without asking for Xu Liao’s permission, Sun Bo Fang took out a bronze key and unlocked the bamboo door.

Xu Liao immediately tried to feel for his own bronze key, and indeed, Sun Bo Fang had taken his key without him realizing.  Xu Liao face stiffened for a moment, but decided to just continue observing.

He even felt that Sun Bo Fang was quite resourceful and started to admire him slightly.

Sun Bo Fang walked to the back of the bamboo house and stood in front of a mound. A wave of emotions could be seen on his face as he caressed the mound gently.

Translated by Gary. Edited by Jason.

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