OSI Chapter 51 – Luo Yang Street

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In this autumn season, the northern city’s air was cool and refreshing.

Moreover as the day ended, lesser people on the streets generated less heat and cars on the roads lessened as well.

Xu Liao and Zhao Yan Qin were walking together down a street chatting with each other merrily about the novel that Zhao Yan Qin read in Xu Liao’s room. Since Xu Liao had read the novel many times before, he was quite confident about the details of the novel.

“That novel is so addictive… I couldn’t bear to put it down just now.. Is it possible to lend it to me?” Zhao Yan Qin spoke softly, obviously feeling some regrets not being able to finish the novel.

Xu Liao folded his arms and considered for a while before replying. “Hmm. Okay then! I will bring it to school for you tomorrow.”

Upon hearing that, Zhao Yan Qin clasped her hands together in joy and giggled. “Thanks!!”

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After walking for a while, both of them found themselves on the outskirts of Huai Demon Street. Xu Liao didn’t intend to head in and just wanted to bid her goodbye to prevent any more possibilities of misunderstandings. As he was thinking about that, he suddenly spotted a deep red sports car driving out of Huai Demon Street.

Although the Huai Demon Street didn’t limit to only pedestrians, but it was quite rare to spot any type of modern transportation because this street was just too short. Even by foot it only takes twenty to thirty minutes to reach to the end of the street and back.

It was Xu Liao’s first time watching someone driving a car out of Huai Demon Street. When the sports car drove out of the street, a van that was driving nearby suddenly swerved when he suddenly spotted the car appearing out of nowhere. In Xu Liao’s eyes, he could indeed see the car clearing driving out of the street, but it was vastly different from a normal human being’s sight.

The van almost collided with the billboard on the side of the road. The driver within the van was visibly angry as he winded down the window to confront the driver of the sports car. Just as he was doing that, the red sports car suddenly parked beside Xu Liao and Zhao Yan Qin.

“Ah. Isn’t it Qin Qin! So I see you have a boyfriend already. Why didn’t you introduce him to me?” A laughter rang out as the driver of the sports car winded down the window.

The driver of the flashy red sports car is a flirtatious beauty. All of her proportions met all expectations of men. Towering bust, smooth silky skin, long legs, and sense of unruly wildness emitted from her demeanour, just like a fiery flame burning with passion.

The moment the van driver saw the appearance of this beautiful woman, he immediately gave up all notions of arguing with her as he passed it off with a gentle greeting, trying to leave a good impression. Then he cranked up his vehicle before slowly driving off.

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Zhao Yan Qin smiled cheekily without feeling an ounce of ridicule. She shyly waved her hand at the driver as she spoke: “Sister Cui! When did you return to Huai Demon Street? Didn’t you always hate the environment here? What happened to the apartment in Luo Yang Street?”

This flirtatious beauty did not give an answer Zhao Yan Qin just like Zhao Yan Qin didn’t reply to hers. Instead, she turned her head towards Xu Liao and stared at him for a moment before smiling. “So you must be Xu Liao? The one who awakened the Undead Tree Blood Pulse?”

Although Xu Liao found her appearance to be irresistibly charming, but the way she questioned made him a little unsatisfied. Therefore Xu Liao merely shrugged coldly and didn’t give a reply.

“I am Cui Ying! I am running errands for various overseas companies – just like Duan Tian Lang. It is a pity that you have a lot of trouble on you now, otherwise how would this big sister allow that Duan Tian Lang to seal my business?”

Cui Ying spoke as she smiled. She didn’t mind Xu Liao’s cold attitude and introduced herself. After which, she restarted her vehicle and raced off into the traffic.

Xu Liao couldn’t help but feel slightly startled. His cooperation with Duan Tian Lang was said to be secret. He didn’t expect that it would be a well known secret already!

Zhao Yan Qin read Xu Liao’s thoughts and spoke: “Duan Tian Lang is running an intelligence business. So he would be willing to sell any intel. Your cooperation with the Storm Legion had been sold by him for dozens of times long ago… Even I it know as well..”

Xu Liao’s eyes widened in shock. “What?! Isn’t he too working for the Storm Legion? How can he not have any business ethics?”

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“… In the future you will realize what kind of person Duan Tian Lang is.. He isn’t a bad person, but you really cannot trust that guy with any secrets.” Zhao Yan Qin spoke with a reserved smile.

Xu Liao nodded slowly, as if he learnt an important lesson on understanding demons. He then remembered about the flirtatious beauty from before and asked: “Then how is that Cui Ying woman from just now? You seemed quite close with her.”

“All the demons in the world don’t add up to a lot. Unless it is regarding those secluded old demons or those weak demons, most demons will likely know each other. Cui Ying is an old resident in the demonic world so naturally I would be close with her. She works as a broker, but due to her overpowering abilities and strong self principles, she can be considered to be much better than Duan Tian Lang. If you want to get into business, Sister Cui is much more reliable than Duan Tian Lang.”

Despite being recommended by Zhao Yan Qin, Xu Liao still didn’t have a good impression of Cui Ying. This flirtatious beauty also seemed to show an intention to back away from him as well. Previously, she mentioned that he had too many troubles on his back and didn’t dare to get involved in them. This sentence made Xu Liao think for a while. Apparently this woman seemed to know some secrets about him.

Xu Liao didn’t had a good impression of Cui Ying. This flirtatious beauty seemed to show an intention to back away from him also. This woman said that he had too much troubles on himself and she didn’t dare to get involved in them, this made Xu Liao thought deeper. He felt that this woman seemed to know some secrets.

As he bid farewell to Zhao Yan Qin and watched her entering the Huai Demon Street, he once again felt that his knowledge of the demon world is indeed too little. He whipped out his phone and stared at the screen hesitantly, then he shook his head and dialled Duan Tian Lang’s number.

Although Xu Liao couldn’t find the other Xian species, but obtaining the golden spear grass couldn’t be any simpler so he decided to fulfil the contract.

Duan Tian Lang sounded very excited over the phone and fixed a date before chatting with Xu Liao about the recent hot topics of the demonic world. When it was time to hang up, Xu Liao could tell that Duan Tian Lang couldn’t bear to hang up the phone.

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After hanging up, Xu Liao felt a slight sense of loss. “So with this … am I considered to have entered the adult world?”

To be able to negotiate with a billion dollar business with overseas companies and also receiving a huge prepaid sum… and engaging with this female demon driving a sports car… he realized that he had been performing adult-like acts that was unheard of at someone at his age. For the past few days, he didn’t think  about it much because he was mostly feeling satisfied by eliminating his closest threat.

Xu Liao rummaged through his pockets for his demon identification card and held it up. He had a sudden urge for shopping.

Xu Liao did not enter Huai Demon Street to board the train, but instead he hailed a taxi and requested for Chang An Street.

However, in reality he did not want to go to Chang An Street, instead, he wanted to visit the Luo Yang Street.

The Luo Yang Street is the most bustling street within the northern city’s commercial district. Passing through the road towards the Forbidden City, the Luo Yang Street is parallel to the Chang An Street. The Demon Affair’s Headquarters is also located at the Luo Yang Street. At least thirty percent of the northern city’s demon population lives on that street. The architectural designs didn’t resemble the Huai Demon Street’s ancient vibe, but instead it is mostly post-modern styled. Other than the ancient palace, the rest of the buildings were all of modern design. Every demon that stepped into this street would sometimes feel as if time slowed down; as if every step is on the river of time.

Translated by Gary. Edited by Jason.

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