One-way Passage

Chapter 51

Ming Luchuan was livid.

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The first thing Xia Wennan noticed at the cafeteria during lunchtime was Ming Siyan’s omega assistant, Xue Jing, crying at the next a table while her tablemates tried to console her.

“What happened to her?” Xia Wennan asked. Inwardly, he was a little uneasy, and suspected that it had something to do with what happened in the meeting room this morning.

A female omega named Zhao Feifei who sat at his table told Xia Wennan in a hushed tone, “I heard that President Ming had her transferred to the logistics department.”

“Why?” Dong Liqing, who was sitting next to Xia Wennan, took the question right out of Xia his mouth.

Zhao Feifei shrugged. “I’m not sure. We’re not that close. Apparently it was because of something that happened this morning.”

“What happened this morning? Didn’t we have a quarterly meeting?” A male beta coworker at their table asked.

The instant his words landed, every head in his vicinity uniformly turned to Xia Wennan.

A thin sheen of cold sweat formed on Xia Wennan’s forehead. Feigning composure, he grabbed a napkin and gracefully wiped at his mouth, calmly answering, “It was just a normal meeting. I’m also not sure what happened.”

Later on, however, a miserable Xue Jing came knocking on the door of Xia Wennan’s office.

Xia Wennan had his head propped up with his hand at that very moment, still thinking about what happened at the meeting this morning. When he heard a knock on his door, he looked up and casually said, “Come in,” only to see Xue Jing open the door and walk into his office the next second.

Xue Jing was a delicate omega; she had cried her eyes out all noon, and they were now flushed red. “Manager Xia, please help me talk to President Ming,” she begged once she had walked up to Xia Wennan’s desk. “Please don’t transfer me away.”

While sympathising with her pitiful appearance, he couldn’t help but feel curious. “Is Ming Luchuan mad?” he asked.

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Xue Jing nodded.

“Is he mad at you or at me?”

“I don’t know, probably more at me,” Xue Jing replied.

Ming Luchuan’s anger was probably not insignificant, given that he had gone so far as to directly remove Xue Jing from his side.

“Manager Xia, I didn’t open the door on purpose, I thought there was nobody in the meeting room,” Xue Jing continued, upon seeing that Xia Wennan wasn’t responding. “You know I’m in charge of meetings on the 20th floor, I only came in to collect the documents… I had no idea you two would be inside—”

“All right.” Xia Wennan interrupted her. He was already embarrassed enough as it is, and yet she’d gone and brought it up again—it seemed that there was really something not quite right with her head. However, it was true that she hadn’t done anything wrong, so Xia Wennan gave it a thought and said, “I’ll try to persuade him for you.”

Xue Jing’s red and swollen eyes instantly widened. “Thank you, Manager Xia!”

Xia Wennan waved his hand dismissively. “I won’t necessarily succeed. You know how stubborn Ming Luchuan is.”

Xue Jing immediately said, “You will, President Ming loves you so much.”

For a brief moment, Xia Wennan was taken aback by her words, but then he looked over at her and summoned up an unfazed expression as he said, “Right. I’ll find an opportunity to talk to him.”

Xue Jing was filled with gratitude when she left Xia Wennan’s office.

Not long after Xue Jing’s departure, someone else knocked on his door.

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“Who is it? Come in.” Xia Wennan closed the book in front of him.

The one who had come this time was Yin Zejing.

Since he started interning at the company, Yin Zejing had always dressed in formal attire, making him appear more mature and steady.

“Let’s go, Wennan,” Yin Zejing said the instant he opened the door.

Puzzled, Xia Wennan asked, “Go where?”

“There’s a commercial shoot for Ming Yan’s new product this afternoon,” Yin Zejing bounded towards Xia Wennan’s desk, pulling out a chair and plopping down onto it. “Li Xin is the new product’s spokesperson.”

“Who?” Xia Wennan had never heard of that name before.

Yin Zejing laughed. He slightly leaned forwards, crossing his arms on the table. “He’s an omega star who’s been on the rise lately, he’s extremely popular.”

“Thanks, but I’m not interested,” Xia Wennan said. Afterwards, he suddenly felt a little skeptical and couldn’t help asking, “You’re interested? Aren’t you scared of dad knowing?”

The smile on Yin Zejing’s face remained unchanging. “Doesn’t matter. I’m not that interested either, I mainly wanted to let you know that the photographer for today’s shoot is Duan Ning.”

Xia Wennan leaned backwards, reclining in his chair. “Oh—” He remembered what Ming Qin had said the night of the Ming family dinner, but he didn’t expect that Ming Luchuan would actually follow through and invite Duan Ning to shoot a commercial for Ming Yan’s new product.

Well, compared to Li Xin, a complete no name to Xia Wennan, Duan Ning was someone of a little more interest to him, but that was all. Nothing more.

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“I don’t want to go,” said Xia Wennan.

Yin Zejing upped the ante. “Ming Luchuan should also be going. He’s probably gonna get dinner with Duan Ning tonight.”

Xia Wennan’s brow faintly furrowed as he looked at Yin Zejing. He was somewhat annoyed, but not because he suspected that there was something going on between Ming Luchuan and Duan Ning—he was annoyed at Yin Zejing’s dubious manner of speaking. Every time someone desperately tried to convince him that Ming Luchuan was having an affair with Duan Ning, whether he believed it or not, he was treated as if he was a complete moron who had been betrayed.

Yin Zejing drove to the photo studio, while Xia Wennan sat in the front passenger seat. The vehicle was what Yin Zejing drove to work; a luxury car with an unobstrusive exterior.

“Is this your car?” Xia Wennan asked, even though he already knew the answer.

“It’s Qin ge’s, of course,” said Yin Zejing. “He lent it to me for work.”

Xia Wennan asked him a question that had long been festering in his heart, “Won’t you feel uncomfortable, using his car?”

Yin Zejing’s hands were gripping the steering wheel, his gaze fixed ahead. Upon hearing Xia Wennan’s question, he barked out a laugh. “Nope. We all take what we need, right? Doesn’t dating me make Qin ge happy?”

“Are you really an alpha?”

“Mm, that’s why I like omegas, especially powerful ones. Pursuing omegas is in an alpha’s nature.”

“Are you trying to hint at something?”

Yin Zejing smiled and said, “Hint at what?”

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Xia Wennan cut straight to the point. “You’re implying that if Ming Luchuan were a normal alpha, he’d prefer omegas. Come to speak of it, it’s really quite funny how you guys don’t seem to be optimistic about my relationship with Ming Luchuan.”

“You guys? Me and who else?”

“You and Ming Siyan,” Xia Wennan said. In reality, he had another person in mind—He Yufeng—but since Yin Zejing didn’t know him, he didn’t bother to mention him.

Yin Zejing nodded. “Isn’t that normal though?”

“How so?”

“Don’t conflate yourself with Ming Luchuan, view yourselves as separate individuals. You should understand why we don’t want you two to be together then.”

Xia Wennan fell silent.

Yin Zejing steered the expensive car. He waited for two cars to overtake him before continuing on his way and saying, “At the moment, Qin ge owns the majority of Ming Yan’s shares. Ming Luchuan and Ming Siyan are both his sons, but their relationship is purely a competitive one—do you think that Ming Siyan genuinely cares about his big brother’s wellbeing? Now you, on the other hand… You invented pheromone perfumes, and you’re one of the best perfumers in the industry. Ming Yan’s success and status today are entirely due to you. The company can’t exist without you.”

Xia Wennan didn’t speak, staring intently at the road ahead of him.

“Right now, with the patent and technology for pheromone perfumes in his pocket, Ming Siyan is working with a new team to develop new pheromone perfumes, but his results have been far from ideal, and he’s hesitant to put them on the market. The entirety of Ming Yan still resides on your shoulders. Just think about it, wouldn’t Ming Siyan want you to abandon his brother?” Having said that, he turned to glance at Xia Wennan. “Wennan, you can feel it. We’re friends, I get you.”

“Ming Siyan told me that he was my best friend,” said Xia Wennan.

Yin Zejing laughed upon hearing this. “He’s lying to you. I know that you don’t actually believe him. Look, Ming Siyan was just not clever enough, which is why Ming Luchuan succeeded in obtaining you and Ming Yan.”

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