Ch1 - Strange Phone

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“Jian Mei, why are you not letting people be worry-free?”

“You can lose your phone!” 

“Crying, crying, crying. What’s the use of crying? What will you do if you get hurt?”

The stern female voice mixed with a little helplessness, and the sound of reprimanding kept on. The child standing in front of the woman was a little dirty, his clothes were dripping down, and he was sneezing from time to time.



When his mother finally stopped, Jian Mei only dared to whisper, “I just saw the puppy fall into the water, so I went to pull it. Who would have imagined my phone would fall into the lake.”


Shen Meina was so angry she could faint because of her son. Why was this child so thoughtless? If the phone fell, then it fell. What if he fell into the water? Unfortunately, the child felt extremely wronged. It was really a headache.


An old man came back from the entrance of the village. The old man in a black coat came over and saw his grandson. He hurriedly said, “Yo, what happened to Xiaozhi?”

Shen Meina angrily complained, “He went to the river to save the dog. Look at what he did, his body is so dirty!”

The old man was not angry. He just bent down and asked, “Xiaozhi is so powerful. Was it saved?”


Jian Mei looked lofty and answered with his head tilted, “En, it was saved, but it was wet and ran away as soon as it got to the shore.”

The old man was so happy, he even took a piece of chocolate out of his pocket, “That’s considered a good deed.”

Jian Mei was praised and raised his face with a smile.

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Shen Meina’s blood pressure increased. She said to her father-in-law angrily, “You’re spoiling him. To save the dog, he dropped his phone into the river. How expensive is that mobile phone. In the beginning, you cried and shouted to buy it, now you’ve lost it. I’ll have to pay him a supplementary tuition fee next month. He lost it this time, there will be no another one.”

When Jian Mei heard this, he felt like he was struck by lightning, he looked pitifully at his mother, “Mom..”

In fact, Shen Meina didn’t really mean not to buy it for him. She just wanted to take this opportunity to scare the child. When she saw the child’s expression, her heart softened again. She was just about to say that she would buy it for him again after this summer vacation when the old man next to her first said, “Xiao Zhi, grandpa has a mobile phone.”

Jian Mei looked unexpectedly at his grandpa. 

Even Shen Meina was surprised, “Dad, you can use your mobile phone yourself. How can you give it to the child.”

The old man walked into the house as he spoke, “It’s not my old machine. I picked it up in the mountains some time ago. I can’t tell what model it is, but it hasn’t been opened yet, it’s quite new.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Jian Mei’s eyes lit up, “Really?!”

Vtfc Zflcj uijgfv ja atf mtliv. Vtf vlrjugffv jcv rjlv, “Gjv, lo rbwfbcf ibra la, kf tjnf ab gfaegc la.” 

Ktf biv wjc ifv atf akb qfbqif lcab atf sjgv. Ktfgf kfgf wjcs rtfinfr lc atf rqjmlber sjgv, bc ktlmt wjcs wfvlmlcji tfgyr ogbw atf wbecajlc kfgf vglfv. Yc atf biv wjc’r gbmxlcu mtjlg, atf biv mja ijs ijhlis jcv megifv eq ab riffq. Lf iflregfis kjixfv jcv rjlv, “P’nf jrxfv atf qfbqif lc atf nliijuf. Rb bcf ibra jcsatlcu. P qlmxfv la eq veglcu atf gjlcrabgw rlz wbcatr jub. P kfca atfgf ab kjla obg atf bkcfg obg tjio j wbcat. Ktf wbylif qtbcf tjr yffc xfqa ja tbwf.”

In that case, Shen Meina also couldn’t say anything.


Jian Mei grabbed his wet clothes and said, “Do you want to give it to the police uncle?”

Shen Meina sighed, “It’s been so long. It’s useless to give it to the police uncle. The mobile phone is new, so it would be difficult to find the owner of the lost phone.” 

Jian Mei: “It’s still new. If I lose it, I’ll be very furious.”

Shen Meina glared at him.

The old man walked slowly in front, happy, as if talking to himself and sighed with emotion, “All gains and losses have their own, fixed number.” 

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They crossed the yard and entered the house. The old man stepped alone on the wooden steps into the inner room to get the mobile phone. Their house had two floors, the first floor was full of medicine fragrance, and the open windows would blow the hot wind in summer.

Shen Meina patted Jian Mei’s head, “Careful of getting sick. Go and change your clothes quickly.”

Jian Mei was peeling the chocolate his grandfather gave him, “How could it be so easy to get sick.”

“Why can’t it be? Have you forgotten your own body?” Shen Meina’s voice stopped abruptly in the middle. As if she remembered something, her face changed and even gave a cautious glance at Jian Mei’s reaction. 

Beside her, Jian Mei bowed his head and his expression couldn’t be seen, but the action of holding the sugar paper in his hand paused. Then, he raised his face, and met Shen Meina’s anxious face, broke off half of the chocolate, and handed it over, “Mom, do you want to taste half of it?”

How simple-minded.

Shen Meina secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but it was not obvious on her face. She angrily said, “Keep it for yourself!”

Jian Mei also didn’t get angry. He really stuffed chocolate in his mouth. 

After a while, he changed clothes and washed briefly. When Jian Mei went downstairs, his grandfather and mother were sitting in the main room. When they saw him coming, the old man beckoned to him, “Xiaozhi, come quickly.”

Jian Mei ran to the table, “Grandpa, is this the mobile phone?”

A box was placed on the wooden carved table. At this time, it was open. A black mobile phone lay inside. The body was frosted, it was about the size of a palm and it looked brand new. There was a circular button at the bottom of the screen. Although it was the first time they saw it, it made people feel strange.

Shen Meina said, “I haven’t seen this model before.” 

Jian Mei stepped forward, picked it up, turned over the back of the mobile phone, and was slightly surprised, “There’s a brand name behind this.”



Shen Meina came over to read it and said, “It’s strange. Is it a foreign brand? Our domestic mobile phones don’t have this brand.”

Jian Mei saw a rectangular glass tray under the box, “Mom, what’s this for?” 

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Shen Meina was also surprised, “I don’t know.”

The phone didn’t even come with a manual. After checking, there was no charger or charging port. Although the phone itself looked high-end and expensive, it gave a strange feeling as a whole.

Shen Meina sighed and said, “It should be unusable. I think it’s better to forget it. No, I’ll buy a new mobile phone for Xiaozhi. How can it be used without a charger.”


As soon as her voice fell, a machine sound rang in the room.

Shen Meina was stunned, she looked aside, and saw her son put the mobile phone on the glass tray. The mobile phone seemed to be charged. The screen lit up and turned on successfully.


Shen Meina was a little unbelievable, “Meimei, you know this mobile phone?” 

Jian Mei took the mobile phone and seemed a little confused, “No… I just tried it.”

Shen Meina came over, “Is this glass plate a charger?”

Jian Mei hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Since the mobile phone could be used, Shen Meina didn’t propose to change it anymore. Instead, the old man who was asking about the telephone card nearby, which suddenly attracted her. Immediately, she no longer bothered with Jian Mei and went over to discuss how to apply for a replacement card from the mobile company. 

Seeing that his mother and grandpa were busy talking, Jian Mei simply took the mobile phone and went back to the room. The palm-sized mobile phone was in his hand but he was somewhat uneasy for no other reason. The glass plate had no charging port, but he took a few steps aside and when the glass plate came into contact with the sun, it automatically powered on. In a sense, The principle of this glass plate might also be solar energy.


Was there a mobile phone with this model and function on the market?

Why did this feel so weird…… 

Filled with doubts, Jian Mei sat by the bed, watched the phone turn on successfully, and was surprised, “The system is actually normal.”

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This was a very simple Android system, but unlike some models of mobile phones, this mobile phone did not have any additional software, but it was strange that the system automatically installed a WeChat for him, there wasn’t even a penguin, but there was a WeChat software icon that stood brightly.


Jian Mei connected to the wireless network at home and opened WeChat first. He originally planned to log in to his account first, but unexpectedly, there was an account in the chat box that was supposed to be empty. The account had a blank avatar and a blank chat page, which looked clean.

Jian Mei had some doubts, “Is there a bug in the system?” 

He felt a little strange in his heart, Jian Mei simply tried to delete this account.

After he swiped the delete button on the left, he successfully removed the blank account from his chat list. Only then did he log in to his WeChat with satisfaction.

However, when Jian Mei successfully logged in to his WeChat account, he switched back to the chatbox, but he was surprised again. His pupils widened slightly. As if he had seen a ghost, he looked in disbelief at the blank avatar chat box that had been deleted but returned.

What happened? 

It was successfully deleted just now!

Jian Mei murmured to himself, “Is it a network problem? Wasn’t it deleted successfully just now?”

It was a far-fetched reason even to think about it, but because newborn calves did not fear tigers, Jian Mei stared at the blank avatar for a while and hesitated. He decided to try to send a few messages to the other party: 




The later his messages were sent, the more messed up the messages, but unfortunately, the other party didn’t respond even after waiting for a long time. Jian Mei, who waited with his mobile phone for a long time, smiled for a while. Thinking about it, this account didn’t even have a circle of friends and WeChat. How could there be a reply? His action was really stupid. 

As he thought of that, Jian Mei was relieved.

He was going to switch out of WeChat to find the app store to download other apps. But just before he cut out the WeChat interface, the WeChat prompt tone sounded on his mobile phone: [You have received a new message]

The blank account replied.

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