Ch24.3 - The first video

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Translation Checker: asgardlucy

In Stan Star, the targets were mobile and had been technologically modified. Not to mention the distance, sometimes the target would even change in size. The crown prince had a powerful fire-based divine power, which was actually the most limited among the five elements, so he probably worked hard to achieve these scores. 

The emperor finally nodded in approval.

Next was the second prince, who was much more mediocre. He chose a moving target and finally scored 7-ring, 7-ring, and 9-ring.



However, he was cute and good at acting spoiled. He was usually doted on by the emperor, so even if he didn’t perform well, he wasn’t scolded. After he got off the hunting ground, the imperial concubine mother of the second prince rushed over to wipe his sweat and handed him water, treating him like a precious baby.

According to the order, the next contestant should be the third prince, Lu Xingwang. In the past, this was the time that everyone was looking forward to the most, because no matter what scores members of the noble families or other princes had, His Highness, the Third Prince would definitely win first place. This was something that everyone subconsciously acquiesced to. However, as if the god had a different plan, and this year was different from the previous years… 

The empress had long wanted Lu Xingwang to make a fool of himself. She stopped the attendant who wanted to call a noble member from another family to compete, and then she said to the emperor, “Your Majesty, we hold this event so that everyone can participate and feel the spirit of our ancestors. Now the crown prince and the second prince have participated. You see,  Xingwang…”


As expected, the emperor set his gaze below at Lu Xingwang.

Lu Xingwang, who was sitting in the princes’ seats in the row below, also appeared today in proper archery clothing. His upbringing required him to always maintain an upright posture. The teenager sat alone, and no matter how lively the surroundings were, he just sat quietly in his seat. Even when he was possibly about to make a fool of himself, he still looked calm and composed.

The emperor said, “Xingwang, do you want to try?”


The empress was delighted and didn’t forget to make things difficult for him. “Xingwang, don’t worry about the results. Just focus on the game. But it might indeed be difficult for you now that you’ve lost your divine power, so it’s fine if you don’t wish to participate.”

Lu Xingwang stood up and everyone’s gaze subconsciously casted on him. There were some obvious scars on one side of the boy’s face, but he had a steady pace and strong aura. When he stepped up from behind the table and stood in the center, no one thought that this child was suffering from a severe poison attack. Some people didn’t need to do anything to attract everyone’s attention.

Lu Xingwang bowed to the emperor and said in a low voice, “The son is willing to try.”

The emperor always made it impossible for people to see through his mind, or tell whether he was satisfied or not from his expressions. He gestured with a hand. “Go ahead.” 

Without the divine power, the difficulty of dealing with a moving target with only the naked eye was unimaginable. This was also the reason why this sport wasn’t popular among the commoners. The imperial nobles could do many things because of their divine powers, but for ordinary people, it would be as difficult as climbing over a mountain.

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The attendant passed over a bow. “Your Highness, please.”

At the base of the mountain, the small flying balls that were broadcasting the competition live were spinning wildly. In the downtown area, people who were watching this grand live broadcast gathered in circles. When they learned that the third prince was going to shoot at the moving target, more people gathered from the major towns . They once heard the legend of the third prince because he had the divine power of five elements. Now, they gathered to watch His Highness shoot without divine power.


An arrow flew through the air, hitting the moving target.

“6-ring,” said the attendant.

Such a result was undoubtedly very unsatisfactory. Not to mention that he always scored 10-rings in the previous years, his first score was obviously much worse than the crown prince. Not only the people on the scene had different thoughts after hearing the results, even the people who gathered in the town center square were talking about it.

“It looks like the third prince really doesn’t have any divine power.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“The rumors are true ah.”

“Vff, P abiv sbe. Ljnlcu j vlnlcf qbkfg wjxfr j teuf vloofgfcmf!”


Pc atf mfcafg bo atf tecalcu ugbecv, Oe Wlcukjcu mbeiv jiwbra offi atf njglber wjilmlber jcv uibjalcu ujhfr. Vemt ujhfr kbeiv wjxf qfbqif eqrfa. Vbwfbcf jr qgbev jr tlw kjr cba erfv ab yflcu ibbxfv vbkc eqbc ys rb wjcs qfbqif. Mbg j wbwfca, tlr tfjga kjr oliifv klat tbralilas.

Naturally, the discussions around him grew. 

“His Highness, the Third Prince is really struggling.”

“Alas, he’s not as good as he used to be.”

“Such a pity.”

Surrounded by the noisy environment, the darkness in Lu Xingwang’s heart surged. The poison that had been suppressed seemed to have flared up and his body became tense. At this moment, when he was upset and in his worst mood. For some reason, a person slowly appeared in his mind. It was a child who always talked to him endlessly—although most of the time he was talking about trivial things. He never thought that he could remember, but at this moment, he remembered it extraordinarily clearly. 

“You’re awesome.”

“Wow, you’re so smart.”

“I don’t know why,  but I believe that you can overcome the difficulties and become a very powerful person.”

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When he heard those somewhat awkward and childish words at that time, he wasn’t really affected. However, at this moment, as he recalled those words, he slowly calmed down for some reason. 

He stood straight and drew the bow a bit fuller. The moving target moved rapidly, but Lu Xingwang’s gaze slowly became confident and sharp. He squinted and shot the arrow without any hesitation. The moment it hit the moving target, the attendant shouted. “9-ring!”


The audience was in an uproar.

This was a good score even for someone with divine power. Not to mention Lu Xingwang had no divine power! 

The smile on the crown prince’s lips gradually disappeared and the empress’ expression gradually became serious. Even though their hearts were heavy, many people on the scene were thrilled and excited. They all held their breaths and looked at the boy standing at the center of the stage. Compared to the crown prince who was powerful and the second prince who was favored, the boy just stood there alone, like a wolf ready to strike.

As the bow was slowly pulled tight, everyone’s heart slowly became tight.


The last arrow flew out. 

The audience unconsciously became silent. Soon, the attendant shouted at the top of his lungs and reported the score to everyone. “10-ring!”

It turned out to be 10-ring, and it was achieved by someone who was severely ill and without any divine power. When Lu Xingwang won the first place previously, everyone would only say that this was an achievement a person with a divine power should have. But now, Lu Xingwang had no divine power, and he still scored higher than many people were capable of.


Some members of the noble families whispered:


“Is it for real?”

“Did he cheat?”

Admitting that someone else was far better than you was the hardest thing to do.

The young reporter in charge of the special live broadcast finally couldn’t help it, and when Lu Xingwang was about to return to the banquet, he squeezed over for an interview. “Your Highness, Your Highness, congratulations on your scores. I want to know how you did it without your divine power. The speed of that moving target is so fast. I don’t have a divine power and I can’t even see it clearly! Can you share your trick with us? Because many children from civilian families also would like to do target practice.” 

This was a question that Lu Xingwang had never been asked before. It was somewhat ridiculous, but it was also real.

Not to mention the civilians waiting to hear the answer from the other side of the live broadcast, even the imperial nobels with divine powers on the scene were also very curious. They perked up their ears for Lu Xingwang’s response.

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Lu Xingwang stood there without any excessive expression on his face. He didn’t look like he was particularly happy or sad about his scores. After hearing the question, he became silent for a moment before he said in a deep voice, “There isn’t any trick.”

The young reporter blinked in confusion. 

He asked, “Do you know how many times a moving target moves every minute?”

The young reporter was stunned for a moment. She simply found it hard to imagine—that moving target would change rapidly every second. Would someone know how many times it moved?

“It’s 600 times.” Lu Xingwang replied indifferently. “And I have hit every position it moved through.”

It was obviously surprising, but the boy said those words calmly. “There’s no trick, just practice and you’ll succeed.” 

Previously, because he had superior divine power, everyone acquiesced that His Highness’ must have relied on the god’s gift to obtain his success and achievements. But when Lu Xingwang said those words, the entire audience became more silent.

It took a long time before the young reporter spoke again. “What does Your Highness think, if it’s a civilian…”

“So what?? I’m a civilian now as well.” Lu Xingwang stood there and replied to her calmly. “But the fact is that with  enough effort, anyone can hit the bullseye.”

The audience was still very quiet. But after a short while, cheering suddenly came from the periphery. Even from the far and distant city center, and the civilians who gathered around to watch the live broadcast could hardly contain their excitement. For a long time, in everyone’s mind, people with divine power and without divine power were different, and the same thing couldn’t be accomplished by the civilians. 

But today, in front of the people of this country, Lu Xingwang hit the 10-ring.

Moreover, His Highness said that, with practice, even a civilian could hit the bullseye!


This was inspiring for many people who hadn’t been affirmed for a long time. Waves after waves of cheers came. It was unclear who started it, but some people began to shout.

“Long live, the Third Prince!” 

“The Third Prince, forever our prince!”

“Your Highness isn’t a civilian, you’re a miracle!”

Such enthusiastic voices seemed to shatter the sky and even spread out to the distant hunting grounds. Many ministers at the scene were gradually convinced by Lu Xingwang’s ability and achievements. Even the emperor sitting in front showed satisfaction for the first time. He said in a low voice, “This child has my demeanor in the past.”

The empress’s expression changed. 

Of course, the crown prince’s face was the most gloomy. Today was his only victory over Lu Xingwang. However, the protagonist who was praised and celebrated was still not him. Not to mention the ministers, even those civilians didn’t praise his name. Why? Why on earth!?

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In the evening.

A tent was set up in a camp. When Lu Xingwang returned to the plain tent after cleaning up, he received a message from Jian Mei.

“Good evening.” Jian Mei seemed to be in a good mood today. “What are you doing?” 

Lu Xingwang was watching the replay of today’s live broadcast in his communication terminal. He watched his own shooting performance and that he didn’t win first place. He watched it for a long time before he came back to his senses and replied. [I’m watching the replay of a game I played during the day.]

Jian Mei was very curious. [What replay? Did you participate in a competition?]

Lu Xingwang answered unenthusiastically. [Hmm.]

[Can I have a look?] Jian Mei mustered his courage to say it. [Just a little bit.] 

Lu Xingwang didn’t think he did anything worth looking today. It was funny; he met Jian Mei when he was at his lowest point in life. Any of the highlights of the first half of his life would be proud achievements, but for his current self, it seemed he had nothing to be proud of. [There’s nothing to look at.]

Jian Mei was a little disappointed. [Ah, okay…]

As if he could see this person’s aggrieved face through the screen, Lu Xingwang’s thoughts changed in an instant. The boy was silent for a moment, but in the end, he edited out a part of the video, showing only his back, and sent it to Jian Mei. [I can show you a part of it.]

This was also the first time that he was willing to share his life with Jian Mei. 

After a short pause, Lu Xingwang added: [But I didn’t win first place in this game.]

Because he was born to be favored by God, everyone paid attention to his achievements. Because he was the third prince, he must be excellent so his father could see him. Because only by being the best would everyone shut up. For a long time, it was as if he’d developed the habit of being hard towards himself. When the video was sent out, he subconsciously added that.


“Ding Dong”

A message came in quickly, it was from Jian Mei. 

[It doesn’t matter whether you got the first place or not. I didn’t want to see the winner.] His words were never very reasonable, yet they were always so heartfelt. [I wanted  to see you.]

You don’t need to be the heir to the throne in the future. You don’t have to be the third prince or the best.  

Just being Lu Xingwang is enough, because I see you. 

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