Chapter 34 – His Highness’s Beloved

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Jian Mai followed behind his older brother, not knowing where his brother was taking him.


Jian Changjia seemed carefree, walking and talking on the phone. He even managed to hail a taxi while on the way. With his confident demeanor and the quiet, obedient Jian Mai by his side in a white shirt, he looked like a lost child who had been kidnapped. Even the taxi driver couldn’t help but glance at him a few times, discreetly observing.


Jian Mai whispered to his brother, “Where are we going to play?”


Jian Changjia looked at his naive younger brother and replied, “We’re going to a place you’ve never been before.”


Jian Mai nodded and stopped asking further questions.


This ignited Jian Changjia’s mischievous nature, and he teased his younger brother, “Why don’t you guess?”


“I can’t guess,” Jian Mai sat beside him, looking at the bustling world outside the car window. He raised his little face to look at Jian Changjia. Though his expression was calm, his words struck a chord, “There are too many places I haven’t been to.”


Jian Changjia suddenly felt choked up and didn’t know what to say.


“Look at your attitude,” he said, for some reason, with a comforting tone. “You’re still young. You have plenty of time to go to all the places you haven’t been.”


Jian Mai nodded and smiled at him, saying, “Yeah, big brother is taking me to play.”


Jian Changjia was moved by his gaze, feeling a bit uncomfortable. He wanted to say that he had just spontaneously decided to bring him along, but when he saw Jian Mai’s eyes, the words stuck in his throat.


Forget it.


He didn’t feel like arguing with him.


Better not upset this little brat. He cried just last night, so let him be happy now.



The car turned a corner and finally stopped in front of a flamboyant and bustling building. Many people were coming in and out, including young children. Jian Changjia led Jian Mai out of the car and confidently entered the building after exchanging greetings with the security guard.


Once inside, Jian Mai could see the place more clearly.


It appeared to be a very large game arcade. People were coming and going, and various extravagant gaming devices caught their eyes. The flashy game interfaces on the screens were overwhelming.


Jian Changjia asked as they walked, “Have you been here before?”



Jian Mei shook his head lightly and said, “No.”


Then Jian Changjia’s destination was not here either. He walked straight ahead, and not far away, a group of people were waiting. When they saw them, they waved and greeted, “Chang Ge! Over here!”


Jian Mei was a bit shy and instinctively shrank back when he saw the group of people.


Jian Changjia noticed his fear and gave his younger brother a glare. “Why do you have to shout so loudly? I’m not deaf.”


The buddy chuckled, and he caught sight of the child next to Jian Changjia. After a glance, he was completely stunned. Of course, not for any other reason, but mainly because of Jian Mei’s appearance. He inherited his mother’s excellent genes completely—rosy lips, white teeth, and extraordinary beauty. Most importantly, his temperament was very gentle, which contrasted greatly with his wild and rebellious older brother. The two of them were completely different.


The buddy hesitated a bit and asked, “Who is he…?”


Jian Changjia casually replied, “He’s my younger brother. I decided to bring him out for a while on a whim.”


The buddy felt a bit choked up.


He thought to himself, “Big brother, your whim has lasted for too long. We’ve only heard about your younger brother for so many years but never seen him. Finally, you’re willing to bring him out now.” While he was thinking, Jian Mei, who was standing next to Jian Changjia, took a step forward. He lightly bowed and spoke with a clear voice, “Hello, I’m Jian Mei.”


So polite!


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The buddy and the group of friends were pleasantly surprised and quickly responded, “Hello, hello, Jian Mei, right? Don’t be polite, don’t feel constrained. You can play any game you like here!”


After hearing their words, Jian Mei smiled sincerely and said, “Thank you, I understand.”


This radiant and pure smile instantly touched the hearts of the people, catching them off guard. This child was clearly an angel! Unconsciously, everyone’s gaze shifted to Jian Changjia, who had a tough and domineering appearance. It was clear that they were meeting Jian Mei for the first time, but they secretly felt envious of the fact that their big brother had such a well-behaved younger brother!


And why did the big brother always seem to dislike his own brother? It was truly a case of “the grass is always greener on the other side.” Can’t they have such a wonderful younger brother? Big Brother is truly blessed!


Jian Changjia felt overwhelmed by the strange gazes and gave everyone a glare. “Weren’t we here to have fun? Why are you all standing here like idiots? Go and have fun on your own.”


As soon as the big brother spoke, everyone had to retract their gaze, no matter how angry they were inside.


In fact, most of them in the group were second-generation wealthy or students who had a particularly open lifestyle. Unlike middle school, in high school, social circles became even more important. They played with people who were similar to them, and class divisions became more evident. Each group of people had their own private gaming rooms in this building, so many of them didn’t need to leave their rooms. They could just find the people they liked to play with directly.



Jian Mei didn’t understand. He walked out of the private gaming room and wandered outside. Whenever he saw some claw crane machines, he would go over and insert a coin to give it a try. However, his skills were not good, and he only ended up grabbing nothing.


Inside the private gaming room, someone glanced through the window and said to Jian Changjia, who was sitting on the sofa, “Chang Ge, your brother has been playing there for a long time, but he hasn’t caught anything yet.”


Jian Changjia showed great disdain and sneered, “That’s because he’s clumsy.”


The person was curious and asked, “Aren’t you going to help him?”


After all, they all knew that Jian Changjia was a gaming master. Claw machines were child’s play for him. If he really wanted to catch something, even the owner would shed tears.


Jian Changjia grabbed a game console and said, “If he can catch something, then he can. If he can’t, it means he’s bad at it. I’m not going to help.”


The person could only nod.


After watching for a while, he said again, “But it seems like someone else is going over.”


Jian Changjia, who initially appeared indifferent, paused for a moment, raised his eyelids, and looked at his younger brother with a slightly sharp and unfriendly gaze. He asked, “Who?”


The person was startled. He didn’t expect that although Jian Changjia seemed indifferent, he would suddenly become so angry. Afraid that Jian Changjia would misunderstand that it was a bad person, he quickly replied, “No one, it’s just Xiao Wang.”


Xiao Wang was also one of their friends, probably feeling sorry for Jian Mei and went to help.


The hostility emanating from Jian Changjia subsided somewhat, but he still cursed a few times under his breath. Then he threw the game console to the person next to him, stood up, and prepared to leave.


The person asked, “Hey, didn’t you say you wouldn’t go? Where are you going now, Chang Ge?”


Jian Changjia kicked him and said, “Mind your own business.”



The game hall was bustling with activity.


After several attempts, the friend next to Jian Mei managed to help him catch a toy from the claw machine. With a smile on his face, Jian Mei took out the toy and gratefully said to Xiao Wang, “Thank you.”


Xiao Wang felt a bit embarrassed and said, “It’s nothing, just a small favor.”


“You’re amazing,” Jian Mei praised others without reservation. “You’re the best claw machine player I’ve ever seen.”


As soon as the words fell, before Xiao Wang could feel proud, Jian Mei’s head was tapped by someone. Jian Changjia grumbled in annoyance, “How many people have you seen? You’re here claiming he is the best.”


Jian Mei rubbed his head and protested with a glance at his brother.


Xiao Wang, being a more sensible person, glanced at his girlfriend not far away and happily said, “Mei Mei, let Chang Ge help you catch some toys. I’ll go to my girlfriend. She also wants to play the claw machine.”


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Jian Mei was very understanding and said, “Okay.”


After Xiao Wang left, Jian Mei hugged the newly acquired toy and said, “I’ll go check out the other games.”


Jian Changjia disagreed, “Why not keep playing the claw machine?”


“This one is quite difficult,” Jian Mei honestly said, “I can’t catch anything, and brother, you don’t need to waste money either.”


Jian Changjia glared at him, “Who do you look down on?”


If he didn’t show off his skills to his younger brother, Jian Changjia might not be able to hold his head high in the future. It had been a long time since he last played this thing, and he made a mistake on his first try, but he gradually got better as he continued. He basically had a hundred percent success rate. Jian Mei couldn’t help but smile more and more. The two of them were having a great time, completely disregarding the owner’s feelings.


Jian Changjia asked, “Which one do you want?”


Jian Mei pointed through the glass, “That one.”


“Just this one then.”


Jian Changjia successfully caught it for him, and Jian Mei happily bounced around, saying, “Thank you, brother!”


Jian Changjia used to think this thing was incredibly boring, but at this moment, seeing his younger brother so happy playing with it, he started to feel like… it wasn’t that boring after all.


After playing for a while, Jian Changjia said, “Rest here for a while on your own. Xiao Wang and I will go to the restroom together.”


Jian Mei said, “Okay.”


He sat on the chair, and Xiao Wang’s girlfriend, who was also idly passing by, said, “You’ve caught a lot of toys.”


Jian Mei saw that she was also carrying quite a few toys and replied, “You have a lot too.”


Xiao Wang’s girlfriend found this little kid amusing and sat down next to him, saying, “It’s my first time seeing Chang Ge bringing someone here, and it’s for playing claw machines of all games.”


Jian Mei hugged the toy in his hands and said, “It’s my first time too.”


The girlfriend looked at him with surprise.



Jian Mei whispered, “Because it’s the first time I come out and play with my brother.”


“I see,” the girlfriend pondered for a moment, but then looked at the many toys in Jian Mei’s arms and smiled, “Well, you’re also very fortunate. I envy the strong bond between you brothers. Most guys aren’t really interested in claw machines. It’s already good enough that they can put down their games and accompany you to play.”


Jian Mei was puzzled and said, “Don’t you have someone to accompany you too?”


The girlfriend looked down at her own toy and smiled, “This one, it’s different from a brotherly bond. My boyfriend got this for me. It’s something a good boyfriend should do. If there’s someone who isn’t your brother or family but is willing to play this boring game with you, which he usually isn’t interested in, then it’s only a boyfriend.”



Jian Mei fell into contemplation. “I see.”


For some reason, at this moment, he remembered DaZhuang -ge.


A long time ago, when he wanted to play King of Glory, DaZhuang hadn’t played it before, and he didn’t seem interested. DaZhuang always seemed busy, but on that day, despite not being particularly interested, he still put aside his work and played King of Glory with him, game after game.


Jian Mei tightened his grip on the little bear’s hand, hesitatingly said, “What about besides a boyfriend?”


The girlfriend paused at his words. She actually took a moment to think, then smiled gently and said to Jian Mei, “Well, I think that person definitely cares a lot about you.”


Jian Mei’s eyelashes trembled. The music in the game arcade was a bit loud, and his heart was touched for a moment. Many times, people tend to overlook the kindness of those who have always been by their side. Only when they look back can they truly appreciate that grounded tenderness.


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Seeing him lost in thought, the girlfriend said, “Don’t overthink it. Just cherish the present.”


Jian Mei snapped back to reality, a faint smile appearing in his eyes. He nodded and said, “Yes, cherish the people in front of you.”


Today was expected to be a somewhat difficult day, but in the game arcade, perhaps because the music and dancing were too noisy, he didn’t have the energy to think too much. Plus, Jian Changjia had been taking him to play various exciting things, making him even happier. It wasn’t until they returned home and saw the lights on in the house that Jian Mei became somewhat nervous.


Jian Changjia glanced at him and said, “Look at you, so timid.”


Jian Mei whispered, “Will Mom scold me?”


“Go inside and see for yourself.”


The front door opened, and the living room lights were on. Shen Meina and Jian Shencheng were indeed sitting on the sofa. When they saw Jian Mei at the door, Shen Meina immediately stood up and anxiously asked, “Where did you go?”


Jian Mei whispered, “I went out to play with my brother.”


“You…” Shen Meina was short of breath. “Then why didn’t you say anything?”


Jian Mei tightened his grip on the toys in his hands. His other hand held onto his brother’s clothes as he lowered his head and said, “I left a note.”


Shen Meina became even angrier. She yelled, “Your note only said that you wouldn’t be home today, but didn’t say where you were going. You, child, do you know how worried Mom was?”


The sharp tone pierced their eardrums.


Shen Meina was an award-winning actress and had a significant position in the entertainment industry, but in front of her child, she still lost control. Perhaps children are their parents’ greatest vulnerability in the whole world.


Jian Changjia said, “I took him out to play. What are you worried about?”


“And you, why didn’t you say anything when you took your little brother out to play?” Shen Meina held her phone and said, “I called both of you so many times, but neither of you answered. What were you thinking?”


Jian Mei was so caught up in the fun today that he forgot to take his phone out of his backpack, and Jian Changjia deliberately didn’t answer.


But the older brother was always reluctant to explain, leaving only Jian Mei to purse his lips and lower his voice, saying, “Didn’t receive any calls…”


Shen Meina trembled with anger, and her chest heaved up and down. “Are the two of you trying to drive your parents crazy? Jian Mei, what’s wrong with you? Mom remembers you used to be so obedient. Why are you so willful now? Is this what you learned from school? Now that you’ve grown up, you’ve become stubborn, right?”


Jian Shencheng pulled her aside and urged his wife to calm down.


Shen Meina caught a glimpse of Jian Mei’s somewhat fearful gaze, and suddenly her heart ached. This wasn’t what she wanted. Clearly, she was concerned about her child, but in the end, she received his distant and fearful gaze. Waves of discomfort surged through her heart, and she turned her face away and said, “Forget it. Did you two have dinner? If you haven’t eaten, there’s food in the kitchen. When you’re done eating, go upstairs and sleep.”


The two brothers glanced at each other and obediently went upstairs.


When there was no one downstairs, Jian Shencheng embraced his wife’s shoulder and said, “They’re back, so why are you in such a hurry? You, too. What’s been going on with you recently? Why are you so irritable?”


Shen Meina trembled all over and leaned into her husband’s embrace. Tears started flowing down her face. “I didn’t want this either. You know our son’s condition. Jian Changjia is one thing; he’s grown up and can make his own judgments. But what about Jian Mei? The last medical checkup didn’t show good results. His health is so poor, it’s not that we don’t allow him to go out and play. But what if he goes to some dangerous place and falls, gets injured, or bleeds? His immune system is weak, so what if he accidentally catches a cold and gets a fever? What will we do….”


As she spoke, her crying grew more intense.


“Even if I try to reason with him, he doesn’t listen. He sees me as the bad person,” Shen Meina choked out. “If I assert myself, he becomes afraid of me. Then what am I supposed to do? Tell me, what do you think I should do?”


Jian Shencheng sighed in response.


Ever since they received the unfavorable results of Jian Mei’s recent recovery from the hospital, his wife had been feeling anxious. Although she never mentioned it, the shadow had always loomed over their family’s hearts throughout those years. How could they be at ease when their child had suffered in the hospital all these years? The more well-behaved and obedient Jian Mei was, the more distressed they became.


Especially his wife. Even though Shen Meina never mentioned it, Jian Shencheng knew that she blamed herself, thinking that it was because she hadn’t taken good care of and accompanied Jian Mei enough when he was young that he had ended up with such a severe illness. She wanted to make it up to him, so she invested a lot of her energy into him. That sense of guilt slowly transformed into strong protective and controlling instincts.


“Just like what Jian Mei himself said yesterday, he has already grown up. He’s 14 years old now,” Jian Shencheng said softly. “Children have their own ideas now. Look, today we weren’t here, and he was fine, right? He didn’t get sick or injured. He’s already capable of protecting himself.”


As he spoke,

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Jian Shencheng wiped away his wife’s tears and whispered, “You can’t protect him forever, can you?”


Shen Meina’s beautiful face was filled with sorrow. “But…”


Jian Shencheng sighed, “Didn’t you also say before that his happiness is what matters? We work hard, creating a favorable environment for them, so they can make better choices in their lives. Even if they come into contact with bad people or make mistakes, our role should be to offer help and support when they need it, to be their safe haven. I know you’re afraid of him getting hurt, but look, if you hold on too tightly, who will suffocate, right?”


The refined and gentle Mr. Jian always patiently communicated with others, slowly alleviating his wife’s emotional barriers.


Shen Meina sniffled, “I, I only want what’s best for him, but this child doesn’t understand why…”


“But do you know that you’re clearly in the wrong?” Jian Shencheng said. “Are we completely without fault? Putting aside everything else, what about the parent-teacher meeting, including Changjia’s school? Do you even know the name of his homeroom teacher? Being busy with work is just an excuse. Do we always have to expect understanding from our children? Did they come to us to ask for an explanation? Why is it that when we do something wrong, we can be self-righteous and not apologize?”


Shen Meina felt a pang in her heart, as if her wounds had been touched.


She couldn’t refute it. When the truth was laid bare before her, self-blame and guilt suffocated her. But at the same time, she also sadly realized that if these mistakes couldn’t be corrected and stopped in time, her relationship with her children would only spiral towards an extreme end.



Planet Stan


The afternoon sun was scorching, and a young boy sitting under a tree leaned against the trunk, engrossed in a book. The play of light and shadow fell upon him, and his expression was calm, emitting a sense of indifference.


A Ruo approached with medicine and said, “Your Highness, they’ve sent more medicine.”


Lu Xingwang said, “Put it aside.”


“…. Alright.”


A Ruo placed the medicine to the side, holding a blanket in her hands. “It’s cool outside. Would Your Highness like to go inside?”


Lu Xingwang turned a page of the book. “No need.”


“Um…” A Ruo hesitated, unsure whether to speak or not. Tomorrow would be His Highness’s birthday, and in previous years, it would have been celebrated grandly. But this year’s timing was awkward. On one hand, Lady Lan had passed away, and on the other hand, His Highness’s health might not last for more than a few years. Celebrating a birthday seemed like a mockery, mentioning it or not mentioning it.


Lu Xingwang lifted an eyebrow to look at her. “What’s the matter?”


A Ruo made up her mind and finally spoke, “His Majesty just sent word that this year, Your Highness’s birthday will be a simple due to the special circumstances it won’t be publicized.”


To her surprise, she had expected His Highness to be sad or even angry, but there was no expression on Lu Xingwang’s face. He said, “I understand.”


For some reason, A Ruo felt even more uncomfortable in her heart.


She would rather His Highness get angry and vent his frustrations than have him keep everything bottled up inside. It was more heartbreaking to see him always suppressing everything. But she was just a lowly handmaiden, unable to do anything to alleviate His Highness’s burdens. She had watched him grow up since childhood, and she had always hoped that there would be someone close to His Highness to accompany him, but…


Suddenly, an idea struck A Ruo.


She whispered softly, “Your Highness, what would you like to eat tonight? I noticed that the fruits in the palace have run out. Shall I prepare some fresh ones for you?”


Lu Xingwang nodded. “Handle it as you see fit.”

A Ruo tested the waters and asked, “What about sweet fruits? Do you still want them?”


Lu Xingwang’s movements paused for a moment, and finally, he nodded. “Hmm, make some.”


A Ruo knew that His Highness never ate sweets. She looked at the always serious Lu Xingwang and suddenly felt mischievous. “How about making some other types of fruits? Sweet fruits are delicious, but their flavors can be one-dimensional. There are some flower fruits that taste amazing and have exquisite and beautiful appearances. How about preparing a variety of them? That way, your beloved will also enjoy them.”


Lu Xingwang said, “Hmm, you handle it…”


His voice abruptly stopped, and he lifted his eyelids to gaze at the maid beside him.For the first time since earlier, when his expression had remained unchanged, then a reaction finally appeared on his face.

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