Our house is a 15-minute walk from the station. It’s a corner room of a three-bedroom apartment, on the sixth floor of a nine-story condominium building, in the middle of a residential area with good security. 

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There’s nothing else to explain. Hmm… there’s a long hallway and we have a bathtub that’s quite large…? It’s not impressive enough to be introduced to people. It was an ordinary house.

Since we were going to be living together, I took Aya around the house. My mother’s room, my father’s room (now a storage room), the toilet, the washroom, the bath, the living room, and the dining room.

I was still in a state of shock when I came back to the living room and turned on the heater. From there, I stood in place facing Aya.

I felt fidgety and restless.

Maybe it was because Aya is here, but I felt as if half the house wasn’t actually my house.

[W-Well, let’s eat for now.]


It was about eight o’clock at night when we got home from the hospital. I rummaged through a plastic bag from the convenience store at the dining table and picked up a sandwich.

I had accidentally bought a matcha latte while I was in the convenience store, it was a bit embarrassing. What were you thinking, Sakakibara Marika?!

This type of drink is the one you buy when you’re on a date! When I’m at home, I usually drink plain yogurt or something.

Oh no, I feel like I can’t keep myself together. I can’t remember what I normally do at home.

 I was too conscious of Aya, who had the strong presence of a celebrity sitting in front of me that I’ve completely withdrawn from everything except for the thought that I want to look cute in front of Aya. But that fact alone makes me feel really uncomfortable.

Since it’s nighttime, I had a soda instead of my usual black coffee. Aya took a salad and a chicken salad.

[Are you only going to eat that?]

[Yeah, since it’s nighttime and I try not to have too many carbs.]

[I see.]

While ignoring the calorie content of the sandwich in my hand, I stared at Aya, who sat on my mom’s usual seat.

Ah…I can’t think clearly. Why is Aya here?

I feel like I’m losing my mind. Why are you so gorgeous, Aya?!

Well, that’s because she’s staying for a week, starting from today. A week! That’s too long! It’ll feel like an eternity!

Moreover, I have school tomorrow and the day after. The uniform that Aya brought is hanging in the living room. From today, I’ll be going to school and coming back to the same house as Aya!

Our current relationship is almost like sisters, and if we’re going further than that, well… there we have it. The state of the legal act that gives rise to a marital relationship. Yes, marriage.

Yes, it’s like we’re married!


I hurriedly turned my face away from Aya’s gorgeous body. What’s this feeling..? It’s as if the blood flowing through my body is carrying embarrassment instead of oxygen, and I can’t help but feel shaky down to my fingertips.

I wanted to curl my face into a pillow and flop my legs or roll on the bed. My mind is turning into that of an infant’s. This is… this is too much! I can’t handle this!

Haah… this is tough. The sudden happiness that seemed to come to me without any reason made me think, “Well, if the happiness that I’ll be getting big, then I won’t be able to keep my composure even if it’s positive!”

After we finished eating. Aya and I were both playing with our phones. Aya was reading a manga, and I tried to open Instagram. But I couldn’t seem to do anything other than pretending to look at it.

I mean, I’m going to live with someone gorgeous for an entire week. Isn’t that enough to make me overload?

I couldn’t help but send an SOS message to Enomoto Sae, a friend from my part-time job. I sent a message to her saying, “Aya is staying with me right now, and I’m in trouble.” But the message was completely ignored. Damn, what a useless woman…

However, as long as we lived, there were times where we had to make a decision. Yes, for example, a place to sleep.

[Eh~~~~ what should I do? Aya, tonight is..]


Aya tilted her head to the side and looked at me. Ugh, I’ve said something that could be misunderstood. Wait, it wasn’t misleading, right? Never mind, it must be!

Because… Aya and I aren’t just going to live normally for a week, right? We’re alone together… in a closed room where no one can see… if I stayed in a hotel with Aya for a day, I would be happy, but a week…

After living together under the same roof for a week, even a girl who insists that it’s impossible for two women to date each other will drop her idea slowly…

[What do you mean by tonight?]

Aya naturally urged me to answer her question. But I was still too shocked to answer it. So I chose too many words to reply to her. (TN: Marika, I don’t think she’s urging you though…)

[S-sleeping place! C’mon, let’s just sleep! It’s already late!]

[Yeah, since we’re humans.]

[Of course, you are a human, Aya. So I was wondering where you would sleep.]

[Excuse me?]

Aya tilts her head further. Yes, I didn’t offer her any options. I felt like my interpersonal skills were on the levels of an infant.

[You could sleep in the living room with a futon. Or since I sleep in my mother’s room, you can sleep in my bed instead. Or…]


Like maybe, together in my bedroom, laying on my bed, sleeping together.

I was overcome with so much embarrassment l that my voice wouldn’t come out, but Aya answered without a second doubt.

[I, I’m gonna sleep in the living room.]


It was a very, very unexpected answer.

I thought Aya would immediately say that she would sleep with me in my bed, and even go as far as to cinch my chin with her index finger and ask, “Do you think I’ll let you sleep tonight?” I thought she would do something like that.

[Where’s the bedding? I’ll help you carry it.]


What is this feeling? It’s like putting lots of effort towards a birthday gift, and then having it lumped in with the other kids’ presents. It’s not like I’m disappointed or something, I just feel a bit sad and lonely. 

Me expecting something from Aya? There’s no way that’s true. I just thought that Aya would do something like that. I’m just sad because my expectations were wrong, that’s all.

The two of us carried the bedding from the closet in my mother’s room,putting the sheets and pillows at the edge of the living room. If we moved the desk in the living room, we could make enough space to lay out the bedding.

[Uhm, thank you, Marika.]


While casually replying to her, I took a glance at Aya. Then, our eyes met.

[What’s wrong?]

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[Nothing… I just feel like Aya is really gorgeous and calm.]

[Am I?]

[Yeah, at least that’s how I see it.]

For a moment, I feel like Aya was strangely protective today, and I couldn’t tell what she was thinking from her expression.

I wasn’t my usual self either. My mom was in the hospital, Aya was staying with me as her replacement, and my mind was floating around aimlessly.

That being said, there was something I shouldn’t forget. This is bad.

[By the way, I haven’t thanked you yet.]

[Did I do something?] 

[Yeah. You were so worried about me that you decided to stay with me for a week, right? I know Aya has a lot of plans, but you even showed my mom your Aikido footage and convinced her.]

[Ah..yeah. Since, it is true.]

Aya lowered her eyes and stroked her hair as if to hide her embarrassment.

[I told you right? My weakness is Marika’s tears.]

[Mhm… E-Eh?]

Aah~ Suddenly, my cheeks get hot.

[Are you talking about that time when I was crying in the hospital? What’s with that line? Wait… isn’t that a little too cool?]

[I was putting some effort into it when I said that.]

[What in the world is that?]

I laughed. But Aya’s expression was stiff.

[I didn’t need to spend time with Marika. Our daily meeting was enough. But I knew that my birthday was very important for Marika. I wanted to make it happen, so I thought about what I could do to help.]

 As if agreeing with her own words, Aya shook her head with a small nod.

[I gave a little thought about it and did it anyway. I was nervous to talk to your mother, and I wasn’t sure if it would go well or not. But I’m glad it didn’t bother you.]

[It’s not like I’m bothered by it!]

I take Aya’s hand. I hope that my feelings will be conveyed to her hands that are always cool.

[I’m so glad for your feelings and the fact that you came to stay with me… I’m very happy for both of them. Thank you, Aya!]

[Well then, I’m glad. You’re welcome.]

Aya smiled thinly and said that line with a look of determination on her face.

[So I’m going to protect you, okay? I’ll make sure that no one, not a single person, would be able to touch her.]

Aya stroked my head lightly. 

[I’ll return Marika’s body to your mother in perfect condition. Don’t worry about anything. Even if a murderer appears, or a demon appears, I’ll fight it off.]

My family isn’t living in such an inhospitable environment. But Aya’s words made me happy.

[Yeah… Thanks.]

I grabbed Aya’s hand and thanked her, looking down in embarrassment.

I’ve decided to have a relationship with Aya where I can pamper her, be pampered by her, protect her, be protected by her, cherish her, and be cherished by her.

So I thought it would be okay for today.

My mom was in the hospital and I was worried about breaking my promise to Aya, so I was really happy to hear her feelings.

I want to be spoiled by her today. I’m going to be a girl.

[I love you, Aya.]

[I love you too, Marika.]

Aya gently stroked my back as I hugged her.

My heart keeps pounding when I’m looking at my strong, gentle, and cool lover.

At that time, I was a maiden in love and I forgot about the consequences I would have to face if I did something like this.

I realized that if I gave too much of my affection to Aya, I would be in trouble later.


Bathing in the bathtub, water up to my mouth, moaning.

No, because …… it’s impossible, right? Or it isn’t? Ah, geez…

After that, we hugged for a while, but I suddenly felt embarrassed, and out of all things, I said, “I have to take a bath soon!”

No, it is the perfect timing, considering the time I had to dry my hair and take care of my skin. But that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t in the mood for it. 

[Well then, what now? Can I come in first? I’m going in now!] The reason I said that was because I wasn’t sure I could stay calm in the bathtub if she went in first.

Moreover, if Aya asks me to “join her”, I’m sure I’ll make a heart mark in my eyes and say, “Yes~♡”. It’s dangerous! I have to go to school tomorrow.

So without waiting for Aya’s reply, I quickly went into the bath as if I’m running away.

I feel like I’m going to fall asleep even though the temperature is lukewarm.

[This is bad……]

What’s even worse is that I’m hoping that Aya will come to me soon. If she does, I can’t run away anymore. That’s why I’ll be in trouble if she comes. But there’s no way I can refuse her. Uu… 

There’s an old song that says,“Love grows when you don’t see each other.” But it seems that’s not the case for me. The more I talk to Aya, the more my love grows. I feel like that love is going to burst from my chest one day.

[Nope, it’s funny, isn’t it? The other day, Aya was recording a s*x tape of me. So why do I look so naive and innocent?]

 We’ve been dating for four months now, and if anything, our physical relationship started before that. (It sucks.)

I should be used to it by now. I should have gotten used to being seen naked, or even taking a bath together. At the very least, I shouldn’t be as nervous as the current me. But at least, I won’t be frightened or freaked out. 

[I mean, Aya is…… Aya is….really kind……]

Uh, this is embarrassing.

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 I’m easily influenced by the atmosphere. I wonder if my skill of reading the atmosphere makes me more sensitive to such things than others.

I look down at my body in the bathtub.

 The second year of high school. Moderately firm, not too bad looking, pretty clear skin. Not that I’m confident about my looks, but that doesn’t mean I’m not.

In most places, like the beach or the pool, I can be with any girl without fear, and I’m often praised and talked to.

My body remembers the feel of Aya’s fingers and lips on every inch of me. From the top of my head to my toes, Aya has touched almost every part of me. I’ve kissed her on the lips, too. Even my mother doesn’t know this. Aya is the only one who understands my body.


If I agonized over it any longer, I would indeed be disturbing Aya by taking away her sleep time. I got out of the bathtub as if I was trying to push away an invisible girl’s hand by washing my hair and body and quickly left the bathroom. 

After putting on my underwear and pajamas, and towel-drying my hair, I went to the living room. I took Aya with me to explain a bit about the washroom.

[The towels are on the shelf on the right, you can use them as you like while you’re here. Please put your laundry in this basket.]

[I understand.]

After sending Aya off to the bathroom, I was sitting on the living room sofa with my mirror and beauty products. When I looked down, I saw Aya’s Boston Bag.

I was thrilled again by the sense of development in life that drifted from the change of clothes there.

[Ah, geez…]

I applied lotion to my face as I was trying to purge my worries with it.

I applied makeup to myself more carefully than usual, I wore my favorite underwear that was cuter than usual. At this point, I started to question my morality.

 I look at myself in the mirror in disgust. However, my cheeks were burning for reasons other than the bath.

I thought to myself, “This girl is in love…” as if it’s someone else’s perspective.

[Thank you for the bath!]

[That was quick!]

Aya came out of the bath unexpectedly quickly.

[It’s just how I always do it. I only wash my hair and body.]

[I don’t enter the bathtub.]

[Oh, maybe she uses the shower more.]

 I thought that she’d come in her underwear. But in reality, she was wearing her middle school jersey. The casual look of Aya was as if it’s my mood switch.

 Her jersey was a little small, so the lines of Aya’s waist and hips were highlighted, and the short length of the jersey made it better. As expected from Fuwa Aya.

Aya, with her wet hair, has a stronger perm hairstyle than usual. Which made her look more mature.

[Uhm, I’ll be right back with a hairdryer.]

[Don’t worry, I’ve brought my own.]

[I see, alright then.]

Aya also took out some basic cosmetics from her bag and placed them on the table.  Then, she took out a comb and a dryer. Drying our hair side by side, it was like training camp.

[Aya was on the tennis team in Junior High School, right?]

[Yes, I’ve always wanted to get into a club back then. My teacher also told me that the way I swung my racket was very deadly.]

[Ahaha, what in the world was that?]

[How about you, Marika?]

[I was in the track and field club. I thought it would be easy because all I had to do was run. But the practice was harder than I thought. I tried doing the 400m run, but I almost died back then…]

[A runner Marika, that’s kind of cool.]

[You know, it’ll take me 20 seconds for a 100m run. But running for 400m continuously is really hard, and then one day, I heard that the 400-meter run is the hardest of all! I had been tricked!]


[But, didn’t you stay in the club for 3 years?]

[You see, I’m an easy girl. So when a kouhai praised me, “You’re really fast, senpai!” I get so excited, and by the end of practice, I’d think, “Okay, I’ll stay in this club.” I guess I’m just a pig that tries to climb a tree when flattened.]

[But that makes you a really good senpai, Marika.]

[Eh, really? I knew it.]

I did think I was a good senpai. Well, my kouhais are like an addition to my friends.

As we were talking about things, we finished drying our hair.

 I can smell the scent of soap from Aya, who was standing next to me. Aya looked so vulnerable after her bath that I felt like I wanted to touch her.


Our conversation ended and I glanced at Aya’s trimmed fingers.

“Maybe it’s time…” that’s what I thought.

[You always go to bed at midnight right, Marika?]


[Should we go to bed now?]

I-It’s here!

An invitation!

I gulped down a mouthful of my saliva.

[Uh-huh, let’s go.]

I nodded and tried not to let my voice falter.

This is the first time that I’ve lent Aya a room. What if she likes to use aromatics? There are so many different odors mixed in, and other things that I haven’t even taken into consideration…

I grab a few things and head to my room. Aya is following behind me. The hallway outside the living room is chilly. My body feels chilled.

But soon after this…

Ugh, why am I so embarrassed?

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This isn’t good. When I think about the fact I’m going to be doing naughty things in my home where I spend my time with mom and dad… Ugh…

When I reached the front of my room, I opened the door.

There’s a name plate on the door that says, “Marika”. I made it back in elementary school during art class. I’m so used to seeing it that it has become a scenery. But it’s different when someone else sees it. I should have bought a better nameplate at Home Depot or something!

[Uhm, Aya…]

I open the door, press the switch by the wall to turn on the light, and turn around.

My heart is beating so fast right now…


Aya paused her words.

She stood in the hallway as if there was an invisible wall between us.

She’s looking at me with her usual plain face.

[Well then, good night, Marika.]

And then she closed the door.

The sound of footsteps fade away. Alone, in front of the door, I blinked repeatedly.


In a dark room without lights, laying on my bed while snuggling inside my blanket, I looked up at the dark ceiling.


I am still confused about what had just happened…….

I mean, Aya is here to stay right? Eh?

Why am I sleeping here alone?

Eh, what is this feeling, it’s cold. That’s not right, the futon is warm and snug, but somehow it feels cold. It’s cold. My heart feels bitter. And I feel like the bed is larger than usual…..

In the end, Aya retreated to the living room, without laying a finger on me.

The Aya I know and love. I feel like something’s wrong about her. Is there some kind of contagious disease going on? Or maybe an STD? Or is she with someone else? Nonono that can’t be….. I’ve become too paranoid lately. 

It can’t be helped! Because Aya is not coming anyways!

She didn’t even give me one! A good night kiss!

My legs are all mushy as if they want something. But there’s no warmth there, only cool sheets…..

What is this, is this the rumored “neglect play” I often hear about? Is there anyone who genuinely likes this kind of play?  It just makes me feel lonely……

It’s not like I’m disappointed or something…… I don’t know what Aya’s intentions are, but sometimes you’re not in the mood for it, right? There are times when you’re tired, or maybe “Ah… today’s Marika is not cute, guess I’ll leave her for now,” a thought like that……? I feel like I’m going to cry anytime soon.

The cold words of my delusional Aya, made me feel selfishly unhappy.

If it was the usual Aya, she would have barged into my room without a single word, done whatever she wanted with my body, and wouldn’t stop even if I told her I didn’t want to.

And then she’ll whisper something in my ear, “Because Marika likes this kind of thing, right? Since you didn’t say the safeword, I’m sure you’re the one enjoying this kind of thing.”

The gap between my fantasy and reality makes me tingle for a bit.

And then, when I blame Aya for messing up my body, she would always look happy and say, “See, it feels good doesn’t it? That’s because Marika’s body is so naughty, right?”

As if Aya would do that to me… (TN: I think the previous statement was Marika’s fantasy for that night.)


I gently slid my fingers inside my pyjamas.


As I wrap myself in the blanket, I think about Aya. Her fingers… They’re white, long, thin, and soft like flower petals… A sweet feeling slowly spreads through my heart.


Aya’s sleeping in the room next to mine across the hall, and there’s me, wondering why I’m doing this kind of thing alone. I really think that this is wrong. It makes me feel so shabby and miserable.

Yet, I couldn’t stop my hands from groping my breasts and my lower half…


I sniffed my pillow. The scent of the shampoo and conditioner soaked into the pillow is mine… But today, Aya smelled exactly like this.

Eventually, my lower half started to feel wet and slippery. But unlike Aya’s touch, my poor fingering couldn’t make me feel good. But my body was completely in a trance.

[Aya… More… Touch me more, wouldn’t you?]

I was frustrated. I rubbed my sensitive spot as rough as I could.

But… It feels different. I can only feel a rough stimulus. Aya’s touch was gentle, but it gave a sharp stimulus that pierced my sensitive spot like a needle. But I couldn’t feel it in my touch.

However, after spending about ten times as much time as Aya usually does, by pressing, pinching, and rubbing it with my fingers, I finally feel a strong wave of pleasure rushing throughout my body.

[Ah~, Ahn, Ahh~, Aya, Ah~n, Aya…]

With my toes tucked in, my body begins to stiffen and twitch, preparing for the wave. I closed my eyes lightly, and behind my eyelids, I could see Aya’s cruel and sweet smile.

That girl enveloped my whole body, forcing me to shake my head, and made my mind go blank.

Drowning in such a fantasy, I call out Aya’s name.

[S-stop… Aya-, I can’t… Mmh~]

At that exact moment, the door to the living room opened with a bang.


The peach-colored mist that had enveloped me until a moment ago dissipated in an instant.

I felt as if a curtain had fallen down while I was getting dressed. I kept my mouth shut and completely stifled any hint that I was doing anything indecent.

The sound of someone walking in the hallway. It was getting closer and closer  to me.

Is that Aya? Don’t tell me… this is Yobai in real life? (Yobai: an act where an unmarried boy crawls at night to his girlfriend’s room to make his intention unknown.)

It’s possible that Aya deliberately did this. That pervert could’ve done something like that.

Ehm… Anyway, isn’t this a bad thing?

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I mean, the current me is…

I checked my lower half, and it turns out that it’s not slimy anymore. Rather, it looks like a spilled vanilla milkshake.

If Aya finds out about this, she’s going to give me the cold shoulder for the next year. 

I-I’m not a perverted girl!

No, I don’t want Aya to have that kind of impression towards me. Please don’t come, please don’t come. I quietly listen to the sound of her footsteps.

 Aya headed to the bathroom. I heard the faint sound of water and then the creaking sound of the bathroom door along with the sound of footsteps. Aya next destination is…

It’s the living room. Aya went back to the living room.


I felt a mixture of relief and disappointment that she didn’t show up. At this point, I don’t know what was going on inside my head…

Oh well, I didn’t feel like doing that act again anymore…

I turned over and forcibly closed my eyes.

My body is tingling and the heat is building up in my body. All I can see right now is a lonely bed. I know it’ll go away if I just throw away my shame and go to the living room and seduce Aya.


There’s no way I could do that…

Even though Aya had come to stay with me, I still felt like crying. This muddy feeling… will it go away if I sleep over it?

The night was spent away in a daze.

It’s human nature to have the desire to sleep. Maybe it’s because I was so tired from all the things that happened last night. But before I knew it, I seemed to have fallen asleep.

The alarm clock that I set for 7 o’clock wakes me up. I open the curtains, it’s sunny outside. I can feel the tingling cold air through the glass. Wow, it’s going to be cold again today.

I was about to head for the living room, wearing a coat.  Then I remembered that Aya is staying with me for a week. I should wear a cute cardigan today.

I wear my slippers and go to the washroom. I waited for the hot water to run and then washed my face and brushed my teeth. After getting myself back to the swing of things, I entered the living room. There, I was greeted by the warm air from the heater. It was warm.

 Aya was already up and dressed in her uniform. She even had her hair done.

[Aya~, Ohayou~.]

[Good Morning.]

[Did you sleep well?]


[Ah… I see. That’s good, then.]

For a moment, l saw a glimpse of what happened last night. But I waved them away with a wave of my hand. It’s a new morning, a new day. Let’s switch our gear up.

I turn on the air humidifier, but there’s no water in it. So I went to the kitchen to fill up the tank, and put the tank back in place, then turned it on. It gets cold real quick when I’m near the humidifier, so I retire back to the sofa. 

[Marika, what do you want for breakfast?]

[Oh right, by the way, I forgot to buy anything yesterday.]

[I’m going to the supermarket then, do you have anything you want?]

I looked back at Aya, who was wearing a scarf in a hurry.

[Eh wait, I’m coming with you as well!]

[You can’t go outside dressed like that. Why don’t you change while I’m going to the supermarket?]

It’s embarrassing to be told by a gorgeous woman who’s clean and beautiful already in the morning.


 Aya was going at her own pace, as usual. I can’t have her going into the supermarket in this cold weather alone while I was lazing around in a warm living room. So I decided to dress myself up.

 I set up my hair iron in front of the bathroom and curled my hair. The warmth of the iron was addictive during the winter. As I hurriedly made my bangs, Aya came home.

[Sorry, you can eat first!]

Once I started to worry about it, I felt like it was a huge blunder to go out in front of Aya in a dazed state of sleep. The voice of last night’s “I don’t think you look cute today, so I guess I’ll leave her for now.” echoed in my head. No, actually, she didn’t say that!

I-I’m going to do a little make-up… I want Aya to think that I’m cute in the morning…

That’s why… I should start doing my morning makeup. It’s a race against time. Let’s go!

 I used an eyebrow brush to trim my eyebrows, and then applied a thin layer of a pink-beige base. The kind of foundation that would last until after school. After applying liquid foundation, I applied a bit of powder.

 I wore 14mm clear pink contacts. I put them in as if I were staring into a mirror to make my naked eyes look a little bigger, then I quickly drew my eyeliner. This was the part I needed to concentrate on the most.

I can’t spend too much time on this… I hope I don’t screw up…

I opened the lid of the tiny tube and applied a brown eyeshadow with a brush, gave it a fluffy touch, and then made a slight tear bag.  Onto the most important part, my eyelashes.

 I use an eyelash curler that makes your eyelashes stand up, and then used a mascara base to enhance the curve effect. After that, I applied mascara to the upper and lower lashes, and I’m now almost done.

A quick sweep of blush to balance the whole look, and then the lips.

To make sure it’s not too heavy for winter, I applied a gentle pink with a hint of mixed berries and I’m done.

I checked my appearance from various angles… Yep, it’s perfect, It’s cute. I’m sure Aya will love it.

In the end, I felt like I had created a perfect portrait of me with a lot of effort, but it turned out okay.

[I’m sorry for making you wait, Aya~] When I walked into the living room, Aya was sitting at the dining table instead of eating. It seemed that she was waiting for me. I’m sorry, Aya.

[Forgive me for making you wait.]

[It’s alright.]

Aya stared at me. The pressure of her gaze makes me squirm a little. When I broke out in a cold sweat, she laughed and I asked her, [What?]

Aya giggled with gentle eyes, as if she was looking at her little sister dressed up for the seven-five-three festival.

[You’re cute, even in the morning, Marika.]

[U-Uhm.. Yeah!]

With such a little compliment, I felt as if all the time and technique I’ve spent by watching videos and magazines had been rewarded.

What happened last night was still one sidedly rooted in my mind, though!

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