It was the last day of school. As soon as I arrived, I went to the extremely cold gymnasium. During the school assembly, I keep yawning due to my sleepiness.

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“Unn… I’m so lazy…”


It’s been two years since I joined the “go-home” club. I feel like my stamina is decreasing. When I was in the track-field club, I’d always train my body everyday. I think I should start running again… When the weather gets warmer.  


 On the stage, there was a teacher who stood up and gave her speech in a monotonous tone. When I was in a daze, Yume, who was standing next to me decided to spoke to me to kill her boredom.


[Marika, you’re unusually late today. Did you perhaps stay up late? Did you stay up to watch movies, or TV, or perhaps manga?]


[Just a bit…]


I used my sleepiness as an excuse for Yume’s question.


Needless to say, I stayed up late… But as for the reason, it was the heavenly moment I had last night. 


I mean, Aya knew that we had school. But she’s been clinging on to me since morning.


Since I went to bed last night without taking a bath, I was in a hurry to take a shower to get rid of the scent. Then Aya suddenly barged in and started messing me up.


But there’s no way for me to not bathe in the morning. I was on my edge and my legs were losing their strength, but she kept telling me to hurry up. 


Thanks to her, I was almost late.


I have a very troubling lover, don’t I? Good grief..


[Marika, what are you smirking about?]


[Eh? No-Nothing in particular.]


[How suspicious…? Oh, maybe you were just having a really good dream that you ended up coming up late.]


Well, it is true that I was so happy that I couldn’t believe that it was real. Due to this, I am currently sleep-deprived and worn out.


[It’s not that, It’s just that lately, I’ve been feeling kind of weak.]




[Yeah, it’s because I only exercise at my part-time job. Do you do any exercise, Yume?]


[Well, don’t you think that “it” counts as an exercise? Since it’s tiring]


[What are you talking about?]


Suddenly, I understood what she meant and let out an “Ah!”


[Did you know? We also do it really hard once a week]


[What was that?]


[Yeah, with Chii-chan]


Is what she said as she suddenly froze, realizing what she had just said. Her face grew redder and redder.


… Just now, didn’t you just say something daring, Yume?


[Anyway, I also do some gymnastic exercises like strength training.]




When I gave her a sly look, she tried to hide her embarrassment by laughing it off, but her ears turned bright red.


Apparently, an all-girls school is a place where nasty jokes like this are thrown around. Most of the girls are tolerant of this kind of joke, but as expected, it’s kind of embarrassing when you can relate the joke to yourself.


At this moment, I feel like running away and hid myself. But due to the school assembly, I couldn’t move an inch


[By the way, how long do you usually do the “exercise?”]


[I’m not sure… If I don’t have anything to do then… for the whole day]


[The whole day?!]


I hurriedly covered my mouth. The teacher who’s giving her speech on the stage glared at me who’s misbehaving.


Wow… that’s amazing, Yume… I’m suddenly reminded of that time when Chisaki told me about Yume being an animal in bed. But the current Yume didn’t really have that image.

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Even though she looks like a pure and cute idol…


[It looks like you have a lot of confidence in your stamina, Yume Sensei]


[Stop bullying me!]


This time, it was Yume’s turn to be glared at by the teacher as she covered her head with her hands. If I were to have Aya do me all day, I would die… really.


We exited the gym and returned to our classroom.


I don’t know if it’s because of the conversation with Yume, but the current me is still reeling from the thought of what happened in the morning and felt flustered..


Aa…I’m tired from my lack of sleep. But somehow, my cheeks are relaxed and my body feels light at the same time. Could it be because I’m happy? Just kidding.


 If the current me were to look Aya in the face… I’d feel like my life is in danger. I might make a face that I’m not supposed to make in the classroom… I think I’ll go to the toilet to calm down.


 I stopped by the toilet before returning to my classroom. As I was exiting the stall, I met Kishinami and Tomatsu. Both of whom are Nishida’s cronies.


Seriously, why does the mood suddenly sour, dear god.


Both of them are obviously wanting to meet me. I think it was because of yesterday’s event.


Are you sure that you still want to invite me? Well, I’ve got Aya on my side though. 


As I was glancing at them from the mirror. They suddenly apologized to me.


[Sakakibara, sorry for yesterday!]




I wiped my hands on my handkerchief as I turned around.


[Eh- What? What happened?]


Both of them crowded me from both sides.


W-wait a second? Nishida cronies have such high specs. Why am I blushing when I’m getting pestered by another woman?! I’m just a normal girl that loves Aya the most.


Don’t look at me like that when you’re begging me for something. You’re too cute!


[Hey, Sakakibara, are you sure that you can’t join the mixer?]


[As I said, I have a party with my friends that day.]


Kishinami feels depressed. I guess that this is her true nature when Nishida is not around.


[W-well you see… Reina’s depressed… and she said that she’s going to have a christmas party all by herself]


Tomatsu suddenly tapped on Kishinami’s shoulder as if to comfort her. Then looks at me with a sulking look. 


[“If Marika isn’t coming then I won’t”, she said. As long as it’s within our capability, I’ll do anything you say!.]


[Please don’t say such things recklessly…]


If I were to say something like that to Aya… She’d eventually reply to me with, “Duh…” or “Well…”.


[Uhm, are you really that interested in doing that mixer?]


[Of course]


They put both of their hands together. They sure are close.


And then, they were suddenly smiling at each other.


[Well, I’ve been asking Reina for a long time, but she always rejected me because she has a boyfriend. But this time, it might be possible to make her come.]


[The level of good-looking guys are different. I heard that some of them are actually actors and models.]


[It’s like a foreign hamburger that’s turned into local filet mignon!] (TN: It is what it is. If you know some phrases like this, Let me know in the comment)


[Aah! I’m so excited for this mixer. So please, please, please, Sakakibara!]


[I see]

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I think I’ve seen a scene like this in a certain marriage drama…


But I’d feel bad for Aya if I didn’t come to the Christmas party to fulfill your wishes, girls…


[I’m sorry… But you see, I already have a lover, that’s why…]


[Eh, what?!]


[It’s fine, it’s just for a day. Reina has chosen us, right?]


“Wait, me too?”, said me as I tilted my head to the side


That’s right. There’s something thats been bugging me since the start.


[Wait a second, if I remembered correctly, there are about six people in Nishida’s group including her right? Then… Why me?]


[Eh? Well, I don’t know either]


[Did something happen between you guys and Reina? Did you go out somewhere?]


[Eh, never, never. The only contact we had was at school.]


Kishinami and Tomatsu tilted their heads a bit and suddenly grabbed my shoulders.


[Well, I don’t care about that. Please, Sakakibara!]


[Even though you can’t, then it’s fine. Even though you can’t or even if you still say no… But still, please, Sakakibara-chan!]


[I just can’t come!]


I quickly wiped my hand and immediately ran away from the toilet. Gosh, I have my own love life! I don’t want to take care of other’s!




When I returned to my classroom while being clinged on to by Kishinami and Tomatsu, Nishida was waiting for me.


[Are you guys messing with Marika again?]


[Ah, it’s not what it looks like!]


[You’ve got the wrong idea! I was apologizing for yesterday! Right, Sakakibara?]


I turned around at them and they winked at me.


I can’t hate these kinds of girls who radiate the vibe that they’d be forgiven for whatever they do with their faces. Or maybe it was just me who’s bothered by that.


Oh well, I don’t want to tell the whole story either. So I decided to call the girl with blue hair.


[Hey, how about you guys take Hinano instead?]


[For what?]


I put my hands on Hinano petite’s shoulder and offer her to them just like a sacrifice.


[For the christmas party]


Hinano didn’t laugh, she maintained her straight face and immediately responded.


[No thanks, I have a partner to spend my time with on christmas]


You have one?!


[Eh, for Hinano to have one… that can’t be right?]


[What’s with those eyes? I’m going to kiss you, you know?]




It’s true that Hinano is cute. But as expected, that’s a no-go. I’m a devoted person, after all!


Kishinami and Tomatsu were looking at Nishida’s face as she was laughing out loud.


[Nope, it’s impossible for her to come. Everyone would be turned off by her appearance, not to mention her personality as well. No one can replace you, Sakakibara]


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You think too highly of me!


Hinano then glared at Nishida as if she’s staring at a wild animal.


[Don’t underestimate the charismatic shopkeeper of Shinjuku. I’ve also got over 6k followers on instagram you know.]


[Eh, isn’t that great? I’d love to see Hinano’s shopkeeping service.]


[Well, that’s true, I kind of want to see it as well.]


After she agreed, she immediately coughed. And then, with a scary face, she smiled broadly. 


[Welcome~♪ Are you searching for something~♪]






[Imma knock both of you out]


Both Nishida and I were running away from Hinano, who was starting to clench her fists. If some stranger were to look at us, we’d undoubtedly looked like best friends. I guess both Nishida and I are similar.


But I guess I was right about how strange it was for Nishida to invite me to the party. Though it’s still a long time before the day of the Christmas Party.


It was the last day of school, so school finishes at noon.


On the way home, I have lunch with Aya, Yume, and Chisaki. We were discussing the plans for the party.  


[How about wearing a dress?], Yume said. 

[Eh, a dress?]

[What the heck? Isn’t it too late to rent one now?]


In the end, we decided that it’s alright if we dress up only for a little.


In America, they have proms. But here in Japan, the most that we have is only Halloween and Clubs. That itself left me clueless about etiquette at a party. Aya told me how it went last year and taught me some etiquette.


And then after around two hours, we parted ways and went home.


I was going to visit my mother and Aya decided to go home to change her clothes. I immediately realized that it’s time for Winter Holiday.


When Aya got off the train, I sent her a “See you later” message and saw a notification. It was a message from Chisaki.


[Did you get tangled up with Nishida’s group today?]


Oh, so she saw it.


Oh well, I guess she’s just worried. Just like any best friend would be.


[She invited me to a party. It’s tough when you are popular]


I said along with an emoji.


[Nishida, huh… She never wanted a boyfriend anyway]


I could see Chisaki’s disgusted face in her message.


[Is that so?]


The message showed a “Read” mark, but there was no reply from her. Oh well, I don’t really care either.


But you see, back then, I never had the thought of having a lover, but I ended up having one. Thinking about how wild the world could be, I got off the train and walked to the hospital. 


[Hey mom, how are you doing?]

[Mhm, I’m fine]


 She said, as she kept her eyes at the laptop in front of her. Apparently, she was watching a foreign drama. She told me that she had completed lots of seasons and decided to finish watching it this week. Which would literally mean that there are more than 72 episodes left, and it’d take her 12 hours a day to finish it up.


Today is the third day since she was hospitalized. And she’s been treating this room as if it was a hotel room. Even though the normal rooms are vacant, she kept insisting to get a private room.


[I feel like it’s worthless for me to actually worry about you…]


[My bad, my bad. But you know, this is the best medicine for your mother.]


[Are you really saying that in front of your own daughter?]

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I feel like our roles as children and daughter had been switched.


I hurriedly picked up her laundry.


[Anyway, how are you? Did you and Aya-chan get along?]


If you’re talking about getting along… Last night, we got along better than ever. I was about to lose my composure, so I decided to restrain my emotions.


[Uh-Yeah! She made me dinner last night. Cream Stew]


[So Aya-chan can cook, huh… I wish that she could marry you]


Even though my mother said that as a joke, but I was careless and it caught me off-guard


[W-what are you talking about?!]


My mother was so engrossed in the drama that she didn’t think much of my reaction. I guess I’m safe…


[It’s fine. But don’t say weird things to Aya, okay? She’s a good girl.]


I felt uncomfortable with my mother saying that Aya is a “good girl”, but at least she’s serious and was responsible enough to swear to my mother that she won’t lay a hand on me. Did that make her a “good girl”?


[Okay, okay, I won’t say it to her. But don’t forget, even though you’re on winter break,  do your homework properly.]


[I know, I know, Aya is going back home for a bit to take her study materials]


[Hmmm, Ok then. I guess I don’t have to worry if Aya-chan is with you]


[Since when did you put so much trust in her?]


[With my mother’s level, I can easily tell what Aya-chan is like. Based on her personality and looks, her rarity is SSR. I’m sure that she’s a good girl]


My mother acted like Karen-san. But instead of guessing whether someone is good or not, Karen-san has the ability to guess whether someone is an S or an M by looking at one’s hand.


 My mother is currently working at a makeup company and she’s been in charge of the department store for a long time. When she was younger, she used to be the helper for the store visitors. Even now, she sometimes helps the visitors as well.


I guess that’s where my mother gets the ability to predict people’s personality just from their looks. But I don’t believe that such skill exists. If I remember correctly, it’s something called the Halo effect right? The one where you judge someone as a good person only by looking at their face.  


Oh well, there’s nothing I could do here. I decided to go home.


[Nee, Marika. Have you ever heard anything about Aya’s household?]




I never heard anything about it.


[What’s with that sudden question. Well, there’s nothing special about it]


[Mhm, Okay then.]


That’s it? I wonder what made her ask.


Speaking of which, everytime I went to Aya’s house, it was always empty. Remembering that makes me curious  at the same time.


[What is it?]

[Nevermind, it’s not good to pry further into someone’s household.]

[You’re the one who asked first, though?!]


That’s the same reason why I never asked Aya about her family. I’ve always restrained myself from doing so. I’m a good girl after all.


[Well, I don’t really know but, I’m sure that Aya is a good girl.]


If I were to explain my feelings right now, it was the same feeling as when you were about to study and then your mother scolded you to go study.


[I know, she’s serious and always looking forward. It’s a wonder that you could get a friend like her.]


I’ll take that as a compliment. But in fact, we’re not actually friends, We’re lovers. But I suddenly got embarrassed so I decided to answer with a simple “Yes”.


[Yeah, you’re right. Aya’s a good girl, afterall!]


I keep repeating the same sentence over and over.


I cheekily thought “You’re a good judge of character mom.” inside my head.

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