[Marika?] I woke up when I heard a man’s voice.

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We had already done something last night, and instead of sleeping in, we ended up taking a nap.

Eh, wait a second. A man’s voice? Is there anyone else at home?

When I woke up, what I saw was something that makes you want to scream.

I was completely naked, not even wearing shorts, my hair was shaggy, and I probably smelled like sweat.

And next to me,  Aya in her underwear is breathing quietly in her sleep. She’s as beautiful as a sleeping princess, and her defenseless sleeping face is cute. Wait, let’s not get distracted!

Our clothes were strewn everywhere, and there was a mess of lotion on the table. It’s as if we’ve done something. Well, that’s the fact though!

Ah, he’s coming closer! It’s coming towards my room! Aah, I’ll just get my underwear, throw myself under the covers, and hide Aya too!

AH! He’s knocking on my door!


[Eh, Father?!]

[Yep, it’s me, your father. I’m home]

My father discreetly opened the door to my room. I hurriedly pulled the covers over my mouth, as if to hide Aya who’s sleeping next to me.

My father is a laid-back guy, like something out of a Ghibli movie. I think my personality is inherited from my father than my mother.

[Eh, Why are you here? I thought you have work?]

I crawled deeper into bed with Aya and looked up at my dad like I did when I missed school because of a cold. My heart is going to burst out of my mouth, seriously, this is bad.

[Ah that, let’s just say that I managed to get some time off today]


Well, if you’re off, that means you’ll be home all day today. ……?

We’ve got to tell him that I and Aya are going to a Christmas Eve party late at night and that we have to obey the curfew! I’m in so much trouble!

[I-I see… Isn’t that great?]

[Yep, I’m glad that I got a day off]

Dad held up the travel bag he was carrying, looking happy. He smiled like a little bear.

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I thought I’d stay over with Mom today since it’s Christmas Eve.


[I heard that the hospital will put another bed in your private room if you’re willing to pay for it. It’s been years since we’ve spent time alone together. It’s been almost twenty years since I had my first child.


I blinked rapidly at him

Uhm, that means…

[So Dad, are you and Mom staying at the hospital today?]


[Is that why you came all the way from Hokkaido?]

[That’s right]

I currently got a smug look on my face. I’m not sure if I’m happy with the news… Should I?

[We’re going to spend time together but in a hospital. Since we can’t go out somewhere or have a fancy dinner at a restaurant with a night view, can we? I guess I’m spending the night in Hospital clothes eating hospital food, huh?]

[Well, it is what it is]

When I asked him about it, he frowned and crossed his arms.

[But you know what, Marika? I’m going to say something embarrassing now.]

[Eh, I don’t want to]

[Nah, I’m saying it, no matter what you say]

If you want to say it, then just say it. He’s my father, and he’s sending me to school, so I’ll let him say it. Maybe my dad is embarrassed, he keeps stroking his chin.

[It’s not like I care about the place or anything!]

[No, but wouldn’t it be better if the place was better?]

[Well, that’d be the case wouldn’t it?]

My father frowned at the high school girl’s retort, then quietly shook his head.

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[But to be able to spend time with her is the most important and special thing. She’s the first place winner price, and that’s what matters. Other than that, Let’s not think about it.]

[Eh, that was really cool]

[I know right?]

The Sakakibara family, who are prone to get carried away, are proud of themselves. I was a little offended by that, but I’ll forgive him for saying something nice. You’re right, the most important thing for me is to be with Aya. Maybe even in the hospital.

I see I see, as expected from an adult… Impressing me even with such simple action.

Then I was caught off guard. Someone’s hand stroked my thigh. My whole thigh was covered in her hair.

A small voice from under the blanket said, [Marika…] as if she was sleepwalking. Uhm, not now please, I’m still talking to my dad right now…

I’m naked right now, and I’m sensitive all over the place, so can you please stop..?

[Speaking of which]

He looked around the room.

[I thought your friend was staying with us. Where is she now?]

[Eh?! A, Aya? Uhm… Mom’s bedroom! She’s sleeping in Mom’s bedroom!]

I shouted in panic. There’s no way I can say that she’s hugging me around my waist under the covers right now, and she’s moving her hands around suspiciously.

Wait! Aya-san, that’s not good! It’s not a good idea to move your hand there! You can’t do that! My dad’s here!

[I see. I’m sorry if I woke you up.]

I’m sorry I haven’t seen you in a while, but I want you to read the air right now and get out of here as soon as possible.

[I-I guess so!]

Oh no. Aya’s hand slightly touched my feet where I wasn’t wearing any shoes. My voice is leaking. Aya, you’re sleepwalking, aren’t you?

[But I don’t think you should sleep until noon just because you have the day off, Marika.]

[A-Ah, I g-guess so!]

Aya strokes my hips. A gentle sensation spreads through me as if my hips are about to give out.

Oh, Aya… a good-for-nothing… This is different from normal play, and if we got caught, we’ll be in big trouble..!

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I’ll let you do as much as you want later. So please stop it!

What’s wrong with you? You’re sleepwalking, don’t grope me…  Not now, don’t make me feel better… No, my father will hear me…

[Ok then, I should get going soon]


I nodded my head frantically.

[Give my regards to your friend, kay]

I had already pulled the covers up to my eyes and was biting my index finger underneath to keep me from screaming. But I couldn’t hold it anymore. No, pl-please stop. don’t-!…

I wriggle my hips in a convulsive spasm. The place where Aya’s fingers were fiddling with me contracted and quivered.

… I can’t believe it. I can’t believe how easy it was to make me feel so good. I’ve been overly sensitive in the past week…

Dad closed the door to his room without noticing me. The sound of footsteps in the hallway moved away, the front door opened and closed, and soon the presence of people disappeared from the house.

And then.

[Aya!] I shouted as I flipped the covers over my head. Aya, who had squeezed herself tight against my cold glare, looked up at me with sleepy eyes, [Marika, ……?] She looked up at me with sleepy eyes.

I shuddered and raised my arms in the air.

[Stupid Aya!]

I slapped Aya on the back of her head, making a nice sound like I was hitting an alarm clock.


[I’m so sorry!]

[I was embarrassed to death.]

[I’m really sorry about that!]

[I thought I was going to die]

Aya and I were in my room, each doing our makeup on the table. Aya kept apologizing to me while I was talking muffledly. Of course, she should!. Being made to cum by someone playing with your lower half in front of your father would be a trauma of a lifetime if you were not good at handling it.

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Aya shook her head quietly.

[What a waste of time, I embarrassed Marika to death, but I can’t remember what happened. What a blunder…]

[Please reflect on it!]

[Yeah, I’m sorry]

I sighed, [Humph!] I said as my mouth pouted.

[Sleepwalking is a really rare thing to happen to people and you can’t help it this time because you were sleepwalking, but you can’t do it again. But if we’re alone or we’re around people that we don’t have any acquaintance with, then… you can do it however you like.]

The second half of the sentence was more of a love joke, hence I was embarrassed that I have to whisper it to her in a trembling tone. Aya nodded with a serious face.

[Okay then, how about going to the convenience store naked under your coat?]

What in the world do you mean by, [[Well then]]?

[It’s cold outside so no it is]

[Well then, I’ll be waiting when summer came]

What? Why are you that persistent?

[Hmmm… what if they find out? Oh, but I don’t want to go to the nearest convenience store…]

[I understand]

Aya took out her notebook and started to write something. I’m sure she’s extending her punishment game choice. You’re trying to make me do it, aren’t you? Wasn’t it just a what-if situation?

[Yup, I’m looking forward to summer, Marika]

[I’m not ready for a beach trip!]

Why do I have to be the one to expose myself? (TLN: Wanna switch place?)

It’s just a matter of whether it’s morally acceptable or not, and on top of that, if I said that it’s embarrassing, it’s embarrassing! I would definitely never expose myself! Absolutely!

TL: Hyou

ED: Grammarly (At this point, I don’t give a damn about editing it, sorry guys)

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the chapter, leave a comment if you have anything you want to share (no spoiler as always). If you like my translation, consider donating (cuz I don’t get paid for this).

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