OreDungeon ‐ Chapter 1

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My Body Became a Dungeon

Translation by Solistia, Edited by Creed, and GeekyOtaku36

(You have got to be kidding me......)

I was stunned. The reason for this, was that my body had become a dungeon.

I was riding along my usual route to work on my bicycle. It was still early morning, and biking 

through the fresh air felt nice.

As a slave to the Man, this was one of the few things I, Shoutarou Sagami, enjoyed. Today, like 

always, I headed for my company with plenty of time to spare.

But, as you may have guessed, I never made it, and will never again make it, to work.

While I was waiting at a light, an out of control truck sent me flying. The last thing I remember 

was a very loud noise and seeing the looming truck before me

Man, a 27­year long life. I at least wanted to get married. That was the last thought that passed 

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through my mind before I lost consciousness.

――And so, I awakened in a dreary cave.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the ceiling of a dark cave and its entrance, in 

which sunlight streamed in.

I thought I was hit by a truck and died, so why on earth was I in a cave? It made no sense. I 

guess for now, I should check out the situation. I just gotta stand up and――

(Eh? I­I don't have a body?!)

There was no body to be found. I could think, but I had no body.

(W­what's going on?! What the HELL is going on?!)

In this impossible situation I had a full blown panic attack. But regardless of the ruckus I made, 

After a while I finally calmed down. First things first, I had to calmly figure out what was going 

(I don't have a body, but my mind is definitely here...did I become a ghost after I died? Can I 

'Move', I commanded myself.

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My view changed. But I didn't feel like I actually moved. It was more like changing camera views 

(Oh, oooh?! I can move in all directions.)

I got my view to move up and down and side to side. Any direction, and any angle.

Using my newfound ability, I investigated the cave.

The space was about the size of 20­tatami mats (302m, 3302ft). It was only 4m (13ft) high, and 

had a rocky floor making up the whole of the cave.

It was oblong in shape, and completely empty.

(Wha?! I, I can't get out......)

The only thing connecting this cave to the outside world was a 2m (6.5ft) hole. I wanted to go 

out through there but...I couldn't.

I was obstructed by some invisible force. I was just about to give up, then I tried again.

But all I could see were bits and pieces of the outside. A verdant forest spreading out in all 

directions, with a myriad of trees making it impossible to see very far.

I tried to call for help, but I had no voice. I didn't even have a mouth.

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(...I'm at an impasse, now what do I do?)

I came to understand 3 things:

1. I had a mind, but not a body. That's why I couldn't speak.

3. I could look around the cave freely, but I couldn't go outside.

I didn't know anything else. And I couldn't call for help. A feeling of helplessness wafted through 

me. It felt like I was gonna cry, but I didn't have eyes.

(......Huh? What's this sensation?)

Suddenly I was filled with a strange feeling. What was it? If I had to compare, it was like when 

your limbs were getting their feeling back after becoming numb. 

But what was coming back was not my body――.

It felt like my body was the whole of the cave.

I didn't really understand it all that well, but that's the only way I could think to describe it. It felt 

like each and every rock of the floor and walls were part of my body. I didn't have a sense of 

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touch, but I was able to focus myself on specific points.

(I­it really became my body...)

The moment I thought that, a panel abruptly appeared in my vision. ──────────────────

Basic Stats ────────────────── Dungeon Name: Shoutarou Sagami

Number of Non­biologics: 0

Number of Dungeon Skills: 0

DP (Dungeon Points) Remaining: 100 ──────────────────────────────────── Wh­what is this? The panel that appeared was a game­like window. It displayed a bunch of 

weird stats, and I had no idea what to make of it.

Number of rooms? Skills? There were a lot of other things I didn't get, but what struck me the 

most was the Dungeon Name. 

Dungeon Name, Shoutarou Sagami? T­this couldn't be... I felt like my entire body had become 

the cave, but this indicated...

I, Shoutarou Sagami, had become the dungeon itself.

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