Origin of Evil

Chapter 18

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None of the guards dared to block his way, so Dorian entered the mansion without a problem. He entered a huge hall, which was the room the City Lord received his subjects and guests in.

Right as he entered, Dorian felt multiple gazes focus on him, as well as danger. Dorian knew that if he made one wrong move then all the guards hidden or not would jump on him and kill him.

The guards hidden weren't much of a threat because he could feel them, and would be able to take care of all of them if he was in prime condition.

But now he was too tired to fight all of them, moreover he had no reason to do it as he wasn't here to fight.

What actually scared Dorian was the man and woman standing on both sides of the City Lord, and the City Lord himself. The two guards felt a little stronger than the Leaf, and slightly below Arteon in werewolf form, while the City Lord felt a little stronger than the fully transformed Arteon.

That meant that there were at least three superhumans in the City Lord Mansion. But there were probably more or the 13 Stingers would have killed them long ago.

Dorian walked to the City Lord and stopped a few meters from the throne, but he did not bow to show his stance. The two guards' hands, which were already grabbing their sheath, tightened and looked like they were about to draw out their sword.

Dorian ignored them and looked straight at the City Lord. He was a middle aged man with a trimmed beard and a mustache, as well as curly hair. He was somewhat fat, but Dorian didn't underestimate him for that as he was probably a great warrior, or at least had great strength.

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The City Lord seemed curious about Dorian, and after some time asked "I believe you are the one known as the Butcher?"

Dorian nodded and said "I have killed one of your enemies, I would like to exchange his head against someone."

The City Lord laughed and said "Yes, you killed the Leaf… Who is it that you want?" Dorian replied "The Captain of the Police, Charles Bowman. I know you detain him."

The City Lord's laugh abruptly stopped and the two guards unsheathed their weapons, each one jumping at Dorian.

Dorian didn't expect them to attack but reacted accordingly and took out his daggers. Looking at them, Dorian was relieved to see that they didn't excel in Agility. He parried both swords with his daggers, and realized their strong point was their strength.

But Dorian's Strength, even if weakened, had reached 18, and they both equaled him. Because they were two he couldn't block each sword relying on strength alone, so he stepped forward and pushed both swords on each side, making them miss.

Then, using his initial inertia his slashed at both their thighs, injuring them both. Dorian then prepared to finish them, but the City Lord cried out "Enough!"

The three stopped moving and the two guards limped back to the City Lord's side, who said "Don't, go to the doctor you two." They nodded and left, limping and looked at Dorian with scary eyes.

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Dorian looked at the City Lord and expected to see anger on his face but he looked calm. He said "While you indeed have some strength, the head of the Leaf isn't enough to save that man's life. He tried to kill me."

Dorian frowned and asked "What would it take to free him?" The City Lord laughed and said "It would at least take a Stinger's head!"

As he said that, the surrounding people snickered, thinking of killing the Stingers was a fool dream. They thought that Dorian probably didn't even know who they were.

Dorian ignored them and showed the wolf pelt to the City Lord and said "Will this be enough?" He took out Arteon's head and showed it to the City Lord, who froze.

The City Lord then looked at an attendant next to him and said "Check this head. If it's Arteon's then release Bowman immediately."

The attendant stepped forward and after a bow he took the head from Dorian's hands. The City Lord said "Friend, if what you say is true then you have truly done me a favor. Please wait for me for confirmation."
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Dorian nodded and didn't move. The two of them didn't have to wait long before seeing the attendant coming back with a confused Charles.

Charles had obviously spent unpleasant days in this mansion, but that was to be expected, at least there didn't seem to be any lasting damage. As Charles approached Dorian received another notification saying he had completed a side mission.

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The City Lord smiled and said "If you have any other business as such don't hesitate in coming here." Dorian nodded and took Charles with him outside.

Charles remained quiet until they reached the streets when he said "Thanks."

Dorian patted his shoulder and said "I still need you to give me my rewards. Come, I'll take you home." Charles nodded and tried to make himself presentable. They didn't take long before arriving at his house.

His wife teared up when she saw Charles and went to hug him along with her daughter. Dorian let them with their reunion and intended to leave, but before he could Charles said "I owe you, is there anything I can do for you?"

Dorian was about to decline when Lucie said "We insist." Dorian thought about it and said "Well I could use a bed." They nodded and led him inside.

The family of three didn't bother him. Soon after, Amanda left the house, leaving to join her friends. Left alone, the couple sat in the living room. They had quite a big house thanks to Charles' job and were allowed to have bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room, all separated.

Lucie looked at her husband and said "He is asleep. Tell me, what got in your head? Why did you attack Marcus?"

Charles clenched his fists and replied "I'm done with that bastard, we should have killed him long ago." Lucie shook her head and said "We can't, not right now. You know that in his mansion we can't touch him, and even outside its going to be difficult."

Charles sighed and said "I know, but I lost my cool thinking about that bastard… I'm sorry honey, I won't be rash again." Lucie smiled and took his hand and hers, saying "It's alright hubby, at least you managed to get out… How did you do that by the way?"

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Charles smiled and said "I was lucky this time. The kid is stronger than we thought, he actually managed to kill Arteon, and exchanged his head against my freedom."

Lucie's eyebrows rose in surprise, and she said "Looks like we really underestimated, I already thought I had understood his strength…" Charles tilted his head and Lucie explained what happened with the Leaf.

Hearing everything until the end, Charles smiled and said "To think you would send the Leaf to test him. My beautiful scorpion, you really are a scheming one aren't you?"

Lucie rolled her eyes and said "And you're a blockhead. But still, the kid is interesting. Maybe we could teach him a bit if he is convincing…"

Charles smiled and asked "What do you have in mind?" Lucie replied "Let's give him a task. If he can kill the Stingers, then you will give him your manual."

Charles shrugged and said "That's a good idea, I don't feel his Life Essence has any pattern and yet it's so strong… To gain such strength without practicing from a manual is very impressive, so if he gets one he should be able to go far."

Lucie nodded and said "Right, but this task is extremely difficult, even we have been unable to clear the Stingers so far. Honestly I don't see him succeeding."

Charles nodded and remained silent for a couple seconds before saying "I have an idea. I have been fired from my job, so I won't have anything to do in the following days, so maybe I could follow him discreetly, and if he ever needs help I can come out."

But Lucie shook her head and said "Even the Leaf couldn't sneak up on him, I doubt you could do it. And even if he is your friend, he can't be allowed to know the truth for now. But we can help him in other ways…"

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