Origin of Evil

Chapter 20

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Dorian didn't stay much longer in Charles' house after that conversation, and instead went outside to test his abilities. But first he checked his new mission, to see what had changed exactly.

[Mission Content: The Red Scorpion Gang had been plaguing this city for too long and must be removed. You can choose how to do it, as long as the job is done. Rewards are now fixed, but extra rewards are still available.]

As he looked over it, Dorian couldn't help but wonder whether the earlier period was a test. It shouldn't, because this change of mission only happened after he saved Charles, which wasn't a fixed event.

Hadn't he been able to save Charles, would he have his mission changed? And about that part saying that his rewards were fixed, are they based on what he did so far or it doesn't matter?

Dorian shook his head in frustration, for now the only thing he knew was that he had to destroy the Red Scorpion Gang, and that he would still receive an ability book every ten gang members he killed.

After walking some distance, Dorian hid behind a rather large house, and while cursing about the fact there weren't dark alleys he learned his new skill and ability. But he also received a notification saying he had gained an attribute point in Vitality, Intelligence and Perception.

Dorian decided to open his status as it had been quite some time:

[Boring Guy]

[Race: Human]

[Title: Butcher]

[HP: 160/160]

[MP: 130/130]

[Strength: 21]

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[Agility: 15 (18)]

[Vitality: 16]

[Intelligence: 13]

[Perception: 20]

[Skill: Kidney Strike, Fade, Force Share]


[Basic Swordsmanship (Level 3/10)]

[Basic Hand to Hand Combat (Level 5/10)]

[Basic Dagger Mastery (Level 10/10)]

[Basic Sneak (Level 8/10)]

[Basic Throwing Mastery (Level 5/10)]

[Basic Movement Mastery (Level 7/10)]

[Basic Ice Resistance (Level 2/10)]

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[Basic Fire Resistance (Level 1/10)]

[Basic Runemaster (Level 1/10)]

[Adept Meditation (Level 1/10)]

[Condition: -Hypothermia: Cold energy has infiltrated your body. Agility dropped by 3. If left untreated, the drop of attributes will worsen with time.]

[Equipment: …]

Dorian smiled as he looked at his stats. Comparing to the first time he arrived in this world, he had become multiple times stronger. He also felt something special, about his stats.

His Strength and his Perception, he could feel that they had somehow changed… As if the gap between 19 and 20 wasn't just a point difference. Back when his Strength passed the 20 points threshold, he hadn't felt anything, but Perception was attributed to senses so he guessed it was the reason for this change.

Another guess he took, was that this 20 points threshold was probably the difference between the strongest human and the weakest superhuman, which was huge.

Dorian didn't close his status page but looked at his new skill instead, he still didn't know what it did.

[Force Share: As the name implies, you are able to transfer the strength you put on one part of you body to another. 10 MP for every Force Share.]

Even looking at the description, Dorian wasn't really sure he understood what it did, and what better way to try it than on enemies?

So like that Dorian set off, looking for comrades to play with.

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He expected to take a long time to locate them, but he was stumped for words when he discovered a new capability that came with the enhancement of attributes.

As he was walking between houses, in a 'street', well mostly a road sandwiched between rows of houses stuck so tight that they looked glued together, he felt a special tingling.

It was unlike anything he had ever felt before, it was like a feeling that told him that behind that row of houses, there was danger.

He had already unlocked the ability to sense danger quite some time ago, but this was different. Before he could only perceive 'active' danger, but now he could feel 'passive danger'.

An example would be that before he could only feel the danger of a dagger flying toward him, while now he can feel the potential danger from the person capable of throwing that dagger.

As he felt his senses tingle, Dorian, uncaring for people's judgment, simply used his powerful attributes and jumped on top of the three meters tall house and looked at the source of the danger.

For once, he didn't see a group of gangsters, but a lone one, sitting against a small fence, clung with a civil.

The two were in the middle of what seemed to be a sweet conversation:

The boy said "Celina, what did your father say?"

The girl was making circles on the boys chest as she said "I didn't talk to him yet…" The boy sighed and replied "You know you can't escape it any longer, we already agreed we would tell him instead of him learning by himself."

The girl shook her head and said "You know him, he will be a pain and lock me at home. I don't understand why he doesn't want me to be in a relationship with a boy, it's not like I'm promised to someone."

The boy kissed her forehead and said "You're as stubborn as he is, why don't you let me say it?" The girl shook her head and replied "You know who he is… I fear he may overreact, and harm you. No, I need to tell him myself, so that he gets time to think about it."

The boy smiled and said "You're worrying too much, even though he is an upper echelon in your gang, he won't just beat me because I asked for your hand will he?"

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The girl sighed "I don't know, he is a control freak." The boy looked pensive for a second before asking "Why are you staying in the gang?"

The girl frowned and asked "What do you mean?"

The boy replied "The Butcher." The girl scoffed and said "I'm not afraid of him, all he can do is attack the good for nothings sneakily."

The boy was about to talk when he felt a pain in the neck, and blacked out.

The girl suddenly saw the bottom of a dark red robe next to hair, and as she looked up she felt her breath stop.

A hand slowly came over to her neck, before it grabbed it, and lifted her off the ground, her face opposite a white mask. But all she could see, were those eyes. Those chilling, cold eyes.

Dorian asked "Your father… Who is he?" Suddenly being remembered about her father seemed to refill the girl with some courage as she replied with a choked voice "Don't… you dare… hurt me you… mongrel. My father is… a Stinger!"

Dorian nodded and asked "Which one?" The girl replied "The… one who will… tear you apart." Just as she finished her sentence, she felt pain overcome her senses.
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She looked down and saw that one of her fingers was bended in a weird way. She tried to cry out in pain but the palm on her neck had tightened so much she couldn't make a sound.

After suffocating her for five seconds, Dorian released her neck. The fall woke her up from her drowsiness. When she fell, she wanted to cry out in pain but held herself, as she felt that if she did, she wouldn't end well.

She then heard the same cold voice ask "Your father… Which Stinger is he?" The girl said this time "You fool… You don't know the power they have. But if you want to die… He is the 7th Stinger."

Dorian nodded and looked at the agonizing girl. He lowered himself to her level and said "Don't you fear death?"

The girl's face changed but she tried to hide it and said "I'm not afraid of cowards like you!" Dorian looked at her, intrigued.

He got up and grabbed the boy he had knocked out and threw him on the ground, in front of the girl and said "Then do you fear his death?"

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