Origin of Evil

Chapter 56

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[Name: Godly Idol]

[Type: Divine]

[Rarity: Silver]

[Requirement: None]

[Effects: Upon use, the user will summon the spirit of Angma who shall give you a wish.]

[Remark: This is a very interesting object, able to summon the spirit of a lesser god.]

Dorian's eyes grew wide when he read that last remark. A GOD! A Goddamn God! Whatever lesser part, that was a god!

The item took the form of a mini statue made of gold, and looked very attracting. On the side, Dorian heard Jun say "This… this is an idol!"

Dorian looked at him, and Jun calmed down and said "If you use this item, you will summon the spirit of a god…"

Dorian interrupted him "I know. I will use it, step back." They nodded and walked back. Dorian looked at the statue and grabbed it. He felt a strange power go through his body, and Dorian activated the idol.

The power that coursed through his body suddenly stopped, then started boiling. It ran out of his body and gathered in front of him.

A blue mist started appearing in front of Dorian, and quickly formed a blurry form. It didn't form a clear figure, but was instead more like a blurry shape.

Dorian then heard a voice come from the blue shape "Human… or Angel? Hmm, interesting, you are part angel part human… Why have you summoned me?"

Dorian replied "What are the limits to my wishes?" The god, Angma, replied "Ask, and I will do it if I can."

Dorian nodded and said "I want you to increase my bloodline's density to the max, or its quality." Angma replied "This is impossible, attacking angels would mean my death."

Dorian was surprised, even a god was scared of them. And why did he say that, he didn't ask to attack them. Dorian asked "Why would you attack them? If answering my question takes my wish away, don't."

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Angma replied "It doesn't. To increase your density you need to absorb the bloodline from other angels, and to increase its density you must either do it yourself or absorb the bloodline of a stronger angel."

Dorian nodded and said "Thanks for informing me. Then I want the manual of the Holy Fire Angels. I have Holy Fire Life Essence but I don't have any mean of increasing it."

Angma replied "Indeed, you need this. And I can do it. Are you sure this is what you want?" Dorian nodded, and Angma said "I shall thus grant your wish. Do not resist."

The blue figure lost its form and rushed toward Dorian. He felt uneasy seeing the blue gas heading for him, but he was in front of a god, so he would rather follow what he said.

Dorian did not move and the blue light entered his head through his orifices. But he didn't feel any discomfort, and after a moment he felt he had learned something new.

Angma disappeared and Dorian heard a notification:

[You have learned the Ability: Holy Fire Manual]

Dorian smiled and opened his status, admiring the changes since last time.

[Boring Guy]

[Race: Human]

[Title: Butcher Subtitle: Demon Slayer]

[Bloodline: Low Class Holy Fire Angel]

[HP: 500/500]

[MP: 220/220]

[Strength: 22 (33)]

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[Agility: 21 (33)]

[Vitality: 30 (35)]

[Intelligence: 22]

[Perception: 18 (24)]

[Skill: Kidney Strike, Fade, Force Share, Mind Invasion, Telekinesis, Angel Wings, God's Sight, Low Regeneration, Holy Fire Life Essence]


[Adept Swordsmanship (Level 2/10)]

[Adept Swift Sword]

[Adept Hand to Hand Combat (Level 2/10)]

[Basic Lock-picking (Level 1/10)]

[Adept Dagger Mastery (Level 1/10)]

[Basic Sneak (Level 10/10)]

[Adept Throwing Mastery (Level 1/10)]

[Adept Movement Mastery (Level 1/10)]

[Adept Wind Steps]

[Basic Ice Resistance (Level 7/10)]

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[Adept Fire Resistance (Level 10/10)]

[Adept Holy Resistance (Level 10/10)]

[Basic Runemaster (Level 4/10)]

[Adept Meditation (Level 4/10)]

[Adept Mind Magic (Level 5/10)]

[Adept Holy Fire Manual]

[Condition: -High Demon's Curse: You have been cursed by the High Demon Guntad for killing his subordinate. Because you are unworthy of himself coming to kill you, he will regularly send demon subordinates at your pursuit regardless of the world you are in, except for your home world.

-Dark vulnerability: Because of your bloodline, you suffer 50% more Dark Damage.]

Dorian felt… satisfied, as he looked at his attributes. He had become truly strong. Every time he looked at his status, he felt this pleasant feeling.

Dorian breathed in and said "Tibo, I will carry those two with me. Do you think you can keep up with me?"

Before Tibo could say anything Jun said "You know, having it as a servant allows you to send it into your mind. Just like with the spirits."

Thinking about the spirits, Dorian called them back, and they entered his mind. Using the same sensation, he tried to get Tibo in his mind. And he actually succeeded!

After that, he began looting the corpses around, putting everything inside the Spatial Ring used to store everything he would store. He didn't count how many green items he got, but it would give him a lot of money.

Dorian looked at the two Sadunites and was about to grab hem when he heard footsteps again. He looked and saw Charles and Amanda, with Lucie's body in Charles' arms.

Dorian nodded to Charles, and Amanda began walking toward him. She stopped a meter away from Dorian, but didn't say anything. After a moment, Dorian asked "Did you know about your parents?"

Amanda shook her head and said "I had no idea…" She had obviously cried, her eyes were red. Dorian said "Sorry for your loss."

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Amanda nodded, but didn't move away. Dorian asked "Can I do anything?" Amanda said "I… Can you take me with you?"

Dorian didn't hesitate to answer "No." Amanda looked at him in shock and said "Why?"

Dorian shook his head and said "Think about your father, he already lost his wife, I can't take his daughter away from him too."

Actually, that was bullshit. The real reason Dorian didn't want to take her was because of the possibility of him falling in love with her. The chances were slim, extremely slim, but they still existed.

But in this moment, falling in love would only be a weakness. If anything happens to the Sadunites or Tibo, he would be saddened and maybe grieve a little, but he wouldn't lose control over his emotions, and if needed he could kill them.

But if he fell in love with a girl, he knew that he could be brought to do stupid things in the name of love, and his chances to die would definitely become bigger. So that was a no.

Amanda looked down, and Dorian said "I will live through very dangerous adventures, and you only be a burden. If you get strong enough I may take you."

Amanda looked at the two Sadunites and asked "Are they strong enough?" Dorian smiled and said "They could easily kill you, and are only slightly below your father."

Amanda sighed and said "I will train myself… See you later."

Dorian nodded and said "See you later." Amanda walked back to her father and looking at her back, he was reminded of the woman he left in the cave. If she was able of waking up by herself, then she would live. Or maybe she won't ever wake up.

Dorian looked at two Sadunites and said "Grab my arms as tight as you can." They did as they were told, and then he hugged them against is chest.

They were about to question him when Dorian activated his skill, [Angel Wings]. They looked at the majestic wings, and the two humans on the ground looked in astonishment.

Dorian took off in the sky with no effort, his Strength was big enough to support both Sadunites and not have his speed suffer.

With another flap of his wings, Dorian moved forward at a speed so fast the two on the ground didn't see him anymore.

Flying with his wings, Dorian's agility was of 49. This was already very fast, too fast for people to see him. But there was also the 200% speed buff in a straight line.

So in only one second, Dorian moved from the center of the town, the market, to the ramparts.
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