Origin of Evil

Chapter 64

Once they were done with Kevin, and had received every information they needed, Gurek and Erendur spread a green gas all over the room, and it slowly spread inside the tunnel. After a moment Erendur said \"No trace of any enemy in the room, nor in the first 200 meters in the tunnel.\"

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Dorian nodded and asked \"You have no use for him, or his spirit, or his body?\" They looked at him weirdly again but all shook their heads.

Dorian turned toward Kevin and said \"Let's have some fun then.\" Dorian entered inside Kevin's mind.

There, the three suns were hovering in the sky, they light darker than earlier. Dorian had found a use for absorbing the suns in Kevin's mind. Absorbing one allowed him to enhance his Mind Palace, changing it from a mere foundation to a foundation with the start of walls.

This time, it was even easier for Dorian to trap the suns in because of their lack of power, and Kevin's broken mind. The suns disappeared one by one, until they were all absorbed. Kevin had now become a vegetable, his mind literally broken.

Still, he had some user for the broken mind, as it still housed Kevin's spirit, which should originally be quite strong due to him being a Level 4 Mage. Exiting Kevin's mind, Dorian broke his neck, killing him.

Pushing his senses to the max, Dorian saw a faint transparent being leave Kevin's body. Dorian quickly entered the meditation state and attacked the spirit. He successfully entered its own mind. Actually, it was the same as Kevin's physical body, and thus was as weak.

Moreover, Kevin had lost his intelligence, so he was unable to defend himself. All the spirit could do was try to resist, but even that was for naught.

Dorian smashed Kevin's consciousness on the ground, and started writing a contract. Kevin's spirit seemed to know what this was, as he began struggling. But Dorian didn't let him go and once he was finished with the contract, he branded it on Kevin's forehead, making it his slave.

Dorian exited Kevin's spirit and looked at it. Now that he was his, Dorian was able to see him much clearer. Dorian commanded it to enter his mind, and Kevin followed the order.

Finally done, Dorian was now able to start looting the body. But something felt wrong, the room was too silent. He looked around, but they were still here. Though, they were all ogling him.

Dorian asked \"What's up folk?\" That seemed to break them from their stunned state, and Jun said \"Dorian… Do you understand what you just did?\"

Dorian shrugged while returning to his loot and said \"I did what you taught me?\" Jun asked \"You did the same thing with the spirits of hell?\"

Gurek intervened \"Spirits from hell?\" Jun looked at him and said \"Back in the Dark City, Dorian touched a cursed item and a demon sent his spirits to attack Dorian. We taught him how to change the ownership of the contract to make them his.\"

He then turned back toward Dorian and asked \"How did you do the same thing, there was a contract inside his mind?\"

Dorian shook his head and said \"No, I just wrote it myself. Is there a problem?\" Jun sneered \"A problem? Truly, you are blessed with ignorance. Jok'ii, you are more knowledgeable than me about this subject, you should explain to him.\"

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Meanwhile, Dorian was finding a few equipments on Kevin. Honestly, he didn't have much, he certainly expected this to be an easy mission. He didn't have a Spatial Ring, and only a meager amount of food on him.

For his equipment, both his robe and his shoes were green rank. He had a third equipment though, another ring, and this one was blue.

Dorian searched one more time through the entire body to make sure he wouldn't miss anything while Jok'ii began explaining \"As you know, living beings are categorized in Levels in this dimension, and most beings are split into either Mage or Knight. But there are sub classes, for example assassins, warriors, monks… There is no true classification for this, but anyone can be put into one of those categories.\"

Dorian got up from the ground and walked toward the severed fingers, more precisely toward the one with the ring on it. Jok'ii continued \"For mages, there exists a special class, known as Spirit Lord. They are very rare, because not many can become one.\"

Dorian lowered himself to pick up the ring and said \"Let me guess, I am a Spirit Lord. Their specialty is enslaving spirits. Then tell me, are all demons Spirit Lords, or was I lucky to kill one.\"

Jok'ii replied \"You are right. As for demons, the one you killed wasn't a Spirit Lord, but the demon he served was a Spirit Lord. That's another point for Spirits Lords, they are able to gift spirits to others.\"

Dorian nodded and asked \"Are Spirit Lords strong? Is there any limit to them? What about the spirits, do all being have a spirit?\"

While he said that, he looked at the ring's description.

[Name: Gatherer]

[Type: Ring]

[Rarity: Blue]

[Defense: D]

[Requirement: None]

[Effect: +5 Intelligence]

[Focus: For 60 seconds you will be able to draw mana 50% faster.]

[Durability: 468/500]

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[Remark: This ring was recently manufactured as a reward. Too bad its owner became careless.]

Looking at the ring, Dorian finally understood how Kevin was able to launch so many powerful spells so quickly.

Jok'ii on his side said \"Spirit Lords are walking armies. Although there is a limit to the number of spirits your mind can house, the limit is quite high and will become higher with your mana. The strongest Spirit Lord to ever exist was said to be able to unleash millions of spirits.\"

Dorian slipped the ring on and asked \"That's how Spirit Lords fight? With numbers?\" Jok'ii shook his head \"No only. There are two main paths for Spirit Lords. One is quantity, absorbing as many spirits as possible. The other is quality, taking only a few spirits in and making them absorb the spirits of others.\"

Dorian said \"They are quite weak. I will need to get many other spirits for it to become useful.\" He then opened his status.

[Boring Guy]

[Race: Human/Angel]

[Title: Butcher Subtitle: Demon Slayer]

[Bloodline: Low Class Holy Fire Angel]

[HP: 500/500]

[MP: 220/220]

[Strength: 22 (33)]

[Agility: 22 (34)]

[Vitality: 30 (35)]

[Intelligence: 28 (33)]

[Perception: 18 (24)]

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[Skill: Kidney Strike, Fade, Force Share, Mind Invasion, Telekinesis, Angel Wings, God's Sight, Low Regeneration, Holy Fire Life Essence]


[Adept Swordsmanship (Level 2/10)]

[Adept Swift Sword]

[Adept Hand to Hand Combat (Level 2/10)]

[Basic Lock-picking (Level 1/10)]

[Basic Tracking (Level 1/10)]

[Adept Dagger Mastery (Level 1/10)]

[Adept Sneak (Level 1/10)]

[Adept Throwing Mastery (Level 1/10)]

[Adept Movement Mastery (Level 1/10)]

[Adept Wind Steps]

[Basic Ice Resistance (Level 7/10)]

[Adept Fire Resistance (Level 10/10)]

[Adept Holy Resistance (Level 10/10)]

[Basic Runemaster (Level 4/10)]

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[Adept Meditation (Level 6/10)]

[Adept Mind Magic (Level 9/10)]

[Adept Holy Fire Manual]

[Condition: -High Demon's Curse: You have been cursed by the High Demon Guntad for killing his subordinate. Because you are unworthy of himself coming to kill you, he will regularly send demon subordinates at your pursuit regardless of the world you are in, except for your home world.

-Dark vulnerability: Because of your bloodline, you suffer 50% more Dark Damage.]

[Equipment: …]

Sub Skills:

[Hurt: Deal 10% more damage to characters.]

[Agile: Perfects your balance and make you 10%]

[Tenacious: Any negative status effect is lessened by 10%, with some chance of negating lesser ones.]

[Efficient: All spells are upgraded by 10%.]

From this encounter, Dorian was able to find a few things, interesting things. First, absorbing the mind of others was useful, but he would need to either absorb a lot of minds, or a much more powerful one to advance.

Dorian's mind magic had gone from level 7 to level 9 despite having absorbed the mind of someone much stronger. After all, Dorian's Intelligence was at 26 before this fight.

As for Kevin, he was a Level 4, and was able to fight to a tie against Gurek and Erendur fighting together. Even counting the skill from his ring, he must have a much higher Intelligence attribute, he was probably in the 70's.

There was a gap of around 50 in Intelligence, and he only advanced by two levels. He only gained two in Intelligence despite the difference.

And there was another thing, about the Exploration Mode.

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