
Chapter 1

One day in June, late at night, Huangxian High School --outside the security room.

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"Bro, please make the call for me, I'm really in a hurry." The girl, who was eighteen or nineteen, with a delicate appearance and an eager expression, requested. The security guard who focused on the TV didn't care to look back as he refused,

"It's eleven o'clock, and the dormitory is closed. You can come back tomorrow."

Hearing his reply, the girl became anxious and continued to plead, "Bro, it won't work. It will be too late tomorrow. Please do me a favor, make the call, will you?"

"Why should I help you?" The security guard turned his head and looked at the girl with a smile. Seeing the guard's wretched smile, the girl timidly picked up the plastic bag on the ground, turned and walked away. The security guard stuck his head out of a window, stretched his neck and stared at the girl's back, his eyes filthy coveted.

Not long after, the security guard turned his gaze back to the TV, a girl's shout came from outside the west wall of the school,

"Wu Zhongyuan, Wu Zhongyuan..."

The night was silent, and the girl shouted so loud that her voice traveled far.

"Hey, hey, yelling in the middle of the night, where are your manners?" The security guard heard the shouts, eagerly took a rubber stick and ran out to drive her away.

"Don't get any closer, GET!" Seeing the security guard getting closer, the girl could only run further as she continued to shout, "Wu Zhongyuan, something happened at home, come out NOW." The girl ran fastly as the security guard chased after her.

How could a woman outrun a man? Even before she could escape, the security guard caught up with the girl and took advantage of the opportunity to grope her,

"Don't shout. It will affect the rest of the students..."

"Let me go! what are you doing?" The girl was embarrassed and angry,  struggling to get away from the man.

It's a rare opportunity to call the groping a " security procedure",

After all, it was part of his job, so he won't let this chance slip out,  and the security guard crawled his hands all over her body. The girl was anxious and angry, shouting louder as she struggled to move away.

After a few shouts, the girl stopped, looking at the men's side. Noticing something was different, the security guard also turned his head, but when he did, he found a fist flying toward him.

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Before he could react, a direct blow hit his face. The punch was from a seventeen- or eighteen-year-old boy who was not so tall and looked very thin. After knocking the security guard down, he ignored the lewd man and walked quickly toward the girl,

"Huang Ping, what happened?"

"It's the forced eviction. That Thing!" Huang Ping wiped the sweat with her hands, "You two never returned to sign the paper, delaying other people's construction schedule, and now, the group of the investors of the new resort reported you." 1

"We didn't break the law, then why did they report us?" Wu Zhongyuan asked. At this time, the security guard who got beaten had come to his senses. Seeing the nosebleeds, he was so angry that he covered his face with one hand and held a stick with the other, and rushed up to thrash them. Even before he could get any closer, Wu Zhongyuan raised his right foot and kicked the guard down again,

"Get out of the way." The security guard was beaten, bleeding, and had no strength, so he didn't dare to continue to fight back. He panickingly got up and retreated further away, but he was cowardly and didn't keep his mouth shut as he ran. "I knew your name. Your name is Wu Zhongyuan, isn't it? You just wait!"

"HA, so proud to be a pervert, jerk."  The boy snorted and turned to face the girl.

"Ping, on what basis did the investors report us?"

"I will call the police." The security guard shouted from a distance.

Wu Zhongyuan ignored him and looked at Huang Ping as he waited for her reply.

Huang Ping raised her hand to wipe the sweat and began to explain.

"I don't know how those people found out that your Taoist master was buried there, but they reported it. When I went out for a walk in the village in the evening, I saw an excavator at the foot of the mountain. So I went and asked the driver. He said it was sent by the town's authorities to dig out the grave in the mountain and cremate the body at dawn."

As soon as Huang Ping finished speaking, Wu Zhongyuan gasped, "Really?"

Huang Ping nodded, "Yes. It's what the driver said, and they also found out that you haven't moved out since your master's grave is next to your house. This time, they wanted to go straight to the point, dug the grave, so you will leave the mountain since there is nothing left for you to hold on to."

Wu Zhongyuan looked up at the sky and then stated, "Okay, thank you, you go back home quickly. I will go back to the village to see what I can do."

"It's late. The bus service might have stopped," Huang Ping put down the plastic bag in her hand, took out a hundred yuan bill from her purse then handed it to Wu Zhongyuan, "This is for you. Take a taxi back, it's more than a hundred miles away. I know this money may not be enough, but it is impossible to return to the town at this late hour."

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"No, I have money." Wu Zhongyuan waved his hand, turned and walked away, "Come, I will walk you to a place with street lights." Huang Ping picked up the plastic bag, quickly walked to catch up with Wu Zhongyuan, and handed the hundred dollar bill to him,

"You can take it."

"No, I really don't need it," Wu Zhongyuan declined as he had a glimpse at the school, then he turned his way and continued to move forward.

"Don't you need to ask for leave?" Huang Ping asked.

"It's so late. Whom should I report  to?" Wu Zhongyuan shook his head.

"Okay." Huang Ping agreed as she followed him.

"The street lights will go out at twelve pm. Don't look for a public phone outside. It's not safe. Go back to the factory and borrow someone else's phone to call him." Wu Zhongyuan urged.

"Okay." Huang Ping agreed again.

"How is your father's illness?" Wu Zhongyuan casually asked.

"It's the same old problem, and he remains the same." Huang Ping replied.

"What about your silly symptoms brother? Has he been in trouble recently?" Wu Zhongyuan asked again.

Hearing his question Huang Ping's mood went even lower,

"He was not. But a few days ago, someone pushed him into the pond in the west of the village, and he almost drowned to death. When I asked him who did it, he couldn't tell. My father was afraid that he would run away and cause an accident. So, dad tied him to the grinding plate."

"That won't solve anything," Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, and then asked again, "By the way, how are you and my brother lately?"

"It's still like that," Huang Ping sighed,

"Qingming went to highschool. I haven't graduated from elementary school yet, so we don't talk that often."

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"He didn't talk much." Wu Zhongyuan was relieved, Huang Ping was beautiful, and kind. It's a pity that her family is poor, has less time to study, and has no chance of higher education. Although she likes his senior brother Lin Qingming and that guy has always looked down on her.

Huang Ping lowered her head and said nothing. A few minutes later, at the intersection, Wu Zhongyuan decided to continue to go south, and Huang Ping was going to turn east.

"I have pancakes here. Take some with you." Huang Ping lifted the plastic bag in her right hand and offered.

"No, I'm not hungry, you go back home quickly." Wu Zhongyuan waved at Huang Ping and ran to the south.

Half an hour later, Wu Zhongyuan arrived in the south of Decheng and sat down on the side of the road. He had no money and could not get a taxi, so he could only hitch hike.

After a while, a truck carrying muck came near him. Looking around, there was no one but him. Wu Zhongyuan ran a few steps, jumped and landed on top of the truck,

He found a place on the muck and sat down.

The carriage of this truck is more than three meters high, and he did all these stunts while it's still moving- what he did is naturally impossible for ordinary people, and the reason why Wu Zhongyuan can do it is that he knows kung fu.

When it comes to kung fu, we have to start with the master,

His master was originally a non-sect Taoist priest. When he got older and could no longer travel from town to town, he settled down in Huangjia Village.

Wu Zhongyuan, who turned eighteen this year, and his senior brother Lin Qingming is three years older than him,  were orphans adopted by their master in his later years. When the master was alive, the three of them lived on the mountain on the east of the village.

The abandoned old house that used to be a water pumping station long ago, was bought by the Master as a residence.

Although the Master was a Taoist priest, he rarely wore Taoist robes, and none of the town residents knew that he was a Taoist priest. He was also very low-key in his daily life. Master knew two styles of kung fu, hard kung fu and light kung fu.

The Master taught every skill he knew to Wu Zhongyuan and his brother.

These two types of kung fu are similar to what the world already knew.

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Hard kung fu means circulating inner energy of a person by enduring extreme exercise, enlarging the force one can excel.  And the myth of blocking sword and bullet hits? That's impossible!

As the name suggests, light kung fu -Qinggong is a way of circulating inner energy to lighten one's body. The person can jump high over the eaves and walls, but everything has its limitations. Even if you practice Qinggong to the extreme, you will fall to your death if you jump from the top of a high building. The kung fu they learned is not mysterious or secret, but the Master sternly admonished the two brothers not to reveal their kung fu at will.

Once revealing their kung fu at will, it could easily bring disaster to them. Besides these two kung fu styles, Master also knew how to draw talismans and do feng shui, but these two haven't taught them. The two brothers were very interested in these, and they once pestered the Master to ask for advice, but the Master firmly refused to teach them.

And the reason, Master only said that these are all feudal superstitions, and it is enough for them to learn martial arts to strengthen one's health Well, quoting that feudal superstitions can never be learned,

Five years ago, the Master died.

Before he died, he chose the spot for his grave not so far from the house. Master always obeyed the human law before his death. After death, he had to be cremated, but instead he secretly built a coffin and asked the two brothers to bury him in secret.

Since he exercised Tao cultivation for a lifetime, no matter what, he had to leave a whole corpse in the ground. Wu Zhongyuan thought about this back on top of the truck.

There are state laws that strictly instruct people to follow cremation by the law, and every citizen must abide by them. Now, this matter has been exposed and is being watched by the authorities, it's hopeless to fight the system. But the Master had poured his heart brought up two of them, and the old man's last wish must be fulfilled by them no matter what.

He cannot let the Master die without fulfilling his wish.

After thinking about it, the only feasible way was to rebury the Master somewhere else in secret.

Although, it is disrespectful to dig the coffin out from the ground, it is better than axing the coffin and burning the corpse. Halfway through, the muck truck turned, Wu Zhongyuan jumped out of the truck, and waited for minutes from the side of the road until another large truck came. Nine out of ten large trucks on the road at night were overloaded and could not run fast, so he jumped up and took another ride and another until he reached the town.

It was already four o'clock when he arrived, since there was no car to take and he had to run.

When he returned to the village around five o'clock, he found an excavator parked under the east hill.

Looking around and found there was no one around, he jumped into the excavator, unscrewed the fuel tank cap, took a few grains of sand from the ground and sprinkled it in, then screwed the cap back on. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something, went back into the excavator again, and wiped the cover with his sleeve.

If this big guy breaks down, it will cost a lot of money to repair it. He can't afford to pay, so he should not leave any fingerprints.

After all this, he went up the mountain. At first, he wanted to get into his home. But after thinking about it, he dropped the idea. He picked a few apricots behind the house and hid in the woods.

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