
Chapter 11

Wu Zhongyuan nodded at President Wang's judgment which was similar to his Master's diagnosis, but more detailed. But, the lack of enough clues made it hard to sort it out clearly. 

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"Why are you asking this?" President Wang asked. Wu Zhongyuan glanced at President Wang but did not answer, not because he intended to hide it, but because he did not know where to start. 

When he did not hear any reply from Wu Zhongyuan,  Presiden Wang spoke again. 

"Last time, I examined it and found tissue leftover from your lungs." 

Wu Zhongyuan still kept quiet since he doesn't want to answer because of the driver who was also present with them.

It is not convenient for the two to discuss too much in the car. 

Not long after, the car arrived at a compound of an old building with many signs hanging on the door. There were animal research institutes, botanical research institutes, and some other research departments. Not only did the building look old outside, but the facilities inside were also very old.  There was no elevator in the seven-story building, the corridors were very dark, and some rooms still had wooden doors.

President Wang casually began to speak when Wu Zhongyuan looked around with a frown. 

"People who do scientific research don't care much about their working environment. They care about scientific research equipment, which is relatively advanced in China." 

The most influential people in the city were not the mayor but the police chief and the hospital's director.

Everyone knew why they were welcome everywhere.

As soon as President Wang arrived, the person in charge of the institute immediately welcomed them, arranged for expert personnel to test the samples, and then accompanied them to have tea in his office while waiting for the results.  

Wu Zhongyuan sat in the corner playing with the mobile phone that Lin Qingming had given him.

After waiting for nearly an hour,  President Wang looked at his watch. Seeing this,  the person in charge of the research institute wisely picked up the phone and called the experts, urging them to speed up the process. However, even after waiting for another long hour, the inspection report didn't come out, so the person in charge left his office to urge it in person.

The office of the person in charge and the inspection department was on the same floor, but still, the head of the research institute did not return after ten minutes. In the end, President Wang, who couldn't sit still, got up to check what happened. At that moment, the person in charge returned with some paper in his hands. Although he hasn't seen the report yet, Wu Zhongyuan knew that the test results must be unexpected, because the person in charge looked puzzled. 

The person in charge sat down and then handed the report to President Wang.

"President Wang, where did these samples come from?"

"Is there any problem?" President Wang casually asked.

"There is a problem," the person in charge nodded sternly.

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"This sample was woven from hemp fiber. By analyzing and comparing the hemp fiber, we found that the material used in the sample did not belong to the five common cotton and hemp plants in modern times."

Hearing this, President Wang turned his eyes to the inspection report and again looked up at the person in charge.

The person in charge added, "However, we have encountered similar materials before, and it was a test sample sent by the Archaeological Institute. This was a plant called hemp, which appeared in the same period as flax, probably because of the climate. This plant disappeared thousands of years ago, and the samples that are visible now were all the remains of grave goods found by archaeology." 

President Wang hid his astonishment and nodded calmly, surprising the person in charge, a little bit. 

"I think this fabric  is not preserved until now, because once the funeral objects were unearthed, they will quickly oxidize and decay, and it is impossible to remain so intact."

"Has it been done before-" Before President Wang could finish his words, the person in charge interrupted him, 

"Yes, we did the carbon 14 test. That's why there was a delay in obtaining the results." 

"What's the result?" As soon as President Wang asked, The person in charge's face turned into a very strange expression, and he hesitated for a moment to speak. 

"Not more than twenty years." 

"Are you sure?" President Wang asked. 

"Yes," the person in charge nodded in agreement. 

"In addition to the main material, the fabric had traces of woody plant fibers. The initial identification should be white sandalwood. The carbon 14 test results of the two materials differ by more than 200 years."

President Wang doesn't quite understand what he just heard. 

"Why is there such a big difference?" 

"The growth time of the two kinds of plants is different, and the dating is not for the fabric, but the material itself." The person in charge explains. 

"Okay, Thank you for your time, Director Zhou." President Wang said and stood up. 

"President Wang, where did the samples for inspection come from?" the person in charge asked after him. 

"I'm not too sure, but a friend entrusted me." President Wang said as he walked out of the office. However, instead of going downstairs, he walked toward the laboratory to retrieve the patch. 

Then three of the same went downstairs.

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"President Wang, can I keep a part of the sample sent for inspection?" The person in charge discusses, to be precise, asking for it. 

"I'll ask my friends for more information." 

However, instead of agreeing with it President Wang responded with another question. 

"Are you sure this hemp plant is already extinct?"

"Not only the millet has become extinct, but I have never seen the weaving technique used in the fabric itself." The person in charge explained. 

President Wang thanked them before getting inside the car and returned with Wu Zhongyuan. On the way back, neither of them spoke. 

President Wang kept his eyes closed, and Wu Zhongyuan kept frowning. 

Once they got back to the hospital, President Wang handed the report to Wu Zhongyuan. 

"I have something to do. Yang will accompany you to the school to pick up your luggage. I will see you later." 

"Okay." Wu Zhongyuan returned the report while President Wang accepted it with a smile.  He then opened the door and walked away. 

Being a resident student who doesn't have much stuff, he only had to take one trip back and forth. 

He doesn't know if it was because of the large number of rooms in the hospital, or because President Wang arranged it for him, Section Chief Gao, who is in charge of logistics, arranged a staff dormitory for him. 

It had one bedroom and one living room, an air conditioner, refrigerator, separate toilet, and kitchen utensils for cooking, literally everything.

After settling down, Wu Zhongyuan doesn't go back to meet President Wang. He knew that if President Wang finished his affairs, he would come looking for him. It is also possible that President Wang has nothing urgent to deal with at all, just like him, he wants to be alone and sort out the complicated and fragmented clues.

After being busy all day, Wu Zhongyuan was tired. Just as he was about to lie down to sleep, he heard a knock on door. When he opened the door, he saw a man in his thirties holding a bag of rice and a bucket of oil in his hands. Without waiting for him to speak, the person introduced himself. 

'Hello little brother, my name is Huang Lin. I am from the logistics department of the hospital, if there is anything I can help with, feel free to ask.' 

After that, he placed down the things and left. Wu Zhongyuan didn't understand what was going on for a while.  When he regained his senses, he chased after him with that stuff, but the person was nowhere to be seen. 

He returned to the room, but as soon as he closed the door, there was a knock on the door again. 

When he opened  the door, there was a young man, 

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"My name is Jiang Yanwen, I'm in charge of the cafeteria. This is your meal card. You've already paid for it. Keep these two cigarettes for you."

"What are these for? Besides, I don't smoke." Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly refused. He tried to return the things but the person left his things and went away. 

With the lessons learned, Wu Zhongyuan would not dare to open the door if someone knocked again. All these for the sake of President Wang.

President Wang personally arranged his room and even made his car a private shuttle for the young man. No doubt others would misunderstand the relationship between them.

In the evening, two women carrying things knocked on the door, but Wu Zhongyuan dared not to open it. 

Wu Zhongyuan even heard them muttering, 

"It's not a mistake. It must be true. I heard that the samples sent to the province for the paternity test were brought back, without leaving any traces behind.  And the test report was never shown to others. If it wasn't for his son, how could he be so cautious?"

Hearing those gossip, Wu Zhongyuan got so angry but he held back his temper and did not go after them to scold them. No wonder so many people came to visit him to be "good neighbors ". It turns out that everyone believes he is the illegitimate son of President Wang. 

Hearing all these, Wu Zhongyuan thought of leaving without giving any more chances for this gossip to grow bigger.   President Wang kept many details hidden from outsiders, to keep him safe,  and it was reasonable for them to speculate randomly. 

But when he thought again, he felt that it would be like a guilty conscience if he decides to leave. Since he is not the subject of the gossip, in reality, he feared no evil, so he decided to stay. 

After eight o'clock in the evening, the security captain came and gave Wu Zhongyuan a uniform. He didn't force the young man to wear the uniform when Wu Zhongyuan hesitated to wear it. So the captain gave him a "dispatch" armband and showed him around to familiarize the work environment. 

The hospital is a Grade III A hospital with advanced and complete medical equipment. Many people came to see the doctors and most of them came by car. Wu Zhongyuan's job was to direct these vehicles to the corresponding parking spaces and to ensure that the ambulance's parking space is free and the entry route is unobstructed.

The working hours are from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm every day. As for the salary, the security captain did not know, so he didn't mention it since it was something that Section Chief Gao of logistics had to decide. When the security captain and Wu Zhongyuan walked around the workplace, President Wang came over from a distance. 

Watching him, the security captain said hello to President Wang and left with interest.

"How is it?" President Wang asked as he came closer.  

"Very good, thank you, President Wang." Wu Zhongyuan sincerely thanked him. 

"Let's go out for a walk." President Wang walked towards the door of the hospital and Wu Zhongyuan followed. 

"Zhongyuan, what do you think of this matter?" 

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As soon as Wu Zhongyuan heard it, he knew that President Wang was referring to his own background, but he didn't know how to answer. So President Wang continued, 

"I didn't hide the results of various tests from you. I believe that you should already have a judgment in your heart." 

Hearing it, Wu Zhongyuan still did not speak.

President Wang moved towards the steps in front of the library and sat down, 

"Tell me what you think." 

"Then how about you?" Wu Zhongyuan asked and President Wang smiled before rebutting. 

"Is there something you haven't told me?"  

"What do you mean?" Wu Zhongyuan asked. 

President Wang replied.  "This afternoon, I spoke with a few old classmates engaged in scientific research and asked them some questions about physics. Your situation has a reasonable explanation, but it is still somewhat unclear. " President Wang continued when Wu Zhongyuan remained silent. 

"You were probably taken  the wrong way, and someone went the wrong way with you."  When the word " physics" was spoken by President Wang, Wu Zhongyuan already knew what his judgment was.

"The person who came with me is dead." 

President Wang doesn't seem to be surprised by such an answer, nodded and said.

"The existence of wormholes has been fully demonstrated theoretically by famous physicists such as Einstein and Hawking, but so far there has been no real evidence, at least not publicly documented."

"You suspect that I don't belong here?" Wu Zhongyuan asked a question to which President Wang nodded.

"Mr Hu Shi once said that those who do research should make bold assumptions and carefully verify them. At present, apart from the time distortion caused by the wormhole, there is no other reason to explain the abnormality of your blood and the ancient tattoos on your body."  President Wang took out the patch from his pocket and said.

"And this. This solid evidence was identified through scientific methods."  

"If I don't belong here, where do I belong?" Wu Zhongyuan was at a loss. He knew about the black hole theory proposed by Einstein and Hawking, but he never thought that such a thing would happen to him. President Wang looked at the patch in his hand.

"It is difficult to determine the exact age of this species of millet and hemp, but there were no funerary clothing of this material in the tomb excavations of the Xia and Shang periods." 

"What do you mean?" Wu Zhongyuan followed up with another question.

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