[Death Ability]

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The next morning, the news of me causing an uproar in Slaceid is reported on TV.

In the news is featured the casualties of two lieutenant generals, major generals and several others, and also the destruction of the city; moreover, the commentator makes a conjecture about my purpose as he pleased.

And the kidnapping of Ohashi is not reported.

But that’s not a problem. The minimum conditions have been cleared. All is fine as long as Tsurugi see this news. If it’s him who is in the same situation as us, he would immediately see through our purpose.

“Everything is as planned, huh.”

Utsusemi-san who is standing right in front of the TV suddenly turns off the CRT and says so. Looking grumpy.

That’s right. The operation went well.

“But,” Utsusemi-san continues,

“What I don’t understand is, why was Shion the only one allowed to run wild.”

He sighs deeply.

Utsusemi-san seems to be dissatisfied with the fact that I was the only one got to fight yesterday. However, even if Utsusemi-san was there, he would not have been able to fight as he pleased.

Tsurugi might be familiar with the members of the Self-Defense Forces stationed at Slaceid, so considering that, I didn’t kill anyone yesterday.

In order to make the uproar bigger, I also dealt a bit of damage to the general public, but since I had to make it clear that only the members the Self-Defense Forces becoming victim, I only destroyed some buildings.

I don’t understand why we have to be so careful in dealing with Tsurugi, but if I take careless actions, Yoiyami-san will be displeased.

I ignore Utsusemi-san and turn my eyes to Yoiyami-san who is leaning his back against the wall.

“Is Yoiyami-san’s ‘Darkness Void’ truly able to block radio waves?”

“Ahh. Except me, interference from inside or outside is impossible.”

‘Darkness Void’.

Yoiyami-san can stow away some things inside the darkness; you can call it his personal space.

And now, Ohashi’s phone is in it.

If it is taken out, it will be traced, and we can’t destroy it either.

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Because Ohashi’s phone is the sole thread that connects us with Tsurugi.

“Yoiyami-san’s ability really can do anything…”

Roll standing next to me says with a bitter smile.

Certainly – so Sen continues with a strained laugh, but in terms of performance, I envy Sen’s ability.

No matter how strong Yoiyami-san is, it does not mean that he is immortal.

Putting that aside, it seems that Ohashi has called Tsurugi many times after he disappeared, but the call didn’t get connected.

With Tsurugi being himself, he might have destroyed his phone for fear of it being traced, but even if he didn’t, he wouldn’t answer the phone because he wouldn’t involve Ohashi.

But now it’s different.

If he understands for what I went to Slaceid now after a long time, I’m sure he will make a contact.

Of course, the contact point is Ohashi’s phone.

Tsurugi had memorized Ohashi’s and Rin’s phone number. Thinking about it now, that might have been an obligation as a student special force.

Therefore, even if Tsurugi has destroyed his phone, he can still contact Ohashi.

Although he may have already contacted her, we can’t take the phone out of the ‘Darkness Void’ right now.

If this location is exposed, Boss will naturally notice that we have Yoiyami-san hide it, and if that happens, though he wouldn’t immediately dispatch the Self-Defense Forces, he would devise countermeasures.

Boss knows that Yoiyami-san can no longer kill people. Not being able to kill people is an overwhelming weakness. There would be nothing we could do if Boss strikes that weak spot from now on.

Well, I can’t say unconditionally that the current Yoiyami-san is still like that, but it would be better to hide the weapon that is Yoiyami-san.

Currently, the enemy who has notice our side’s intention in kidnapping Ohashi should be preparing to catch us and Tsurugi and the same time.

It is an opportunity for the enemy as well that we are trying to contact Tsurugi by such a means.

And there’s no one other than Boss who has a problem with Tsurugi and us who survived.

Even if Tsurugi make a contact and we decide to have a talk, we would have to meet somewhere in the end.

How to hide that from the enemy. That is important.

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I look at Ohashi sitting in the corner of the room. She has her arms tied behind her so that she can’t make a resistance.

I walk up to Ohashi and cut the rope tied on her back with a knife.

“Hey, wouldn’t that be dangerous?” Sen says seeing me releasing Ohashi’s restraint.

“It’s fine.”

Ohashi is harmless until she meets Tsurugi.

Besides, I don’t know what kind of ability Ohashi has, but she doesn’t look strong.

I’m sure she won’t be able to harm any of the members here.

But it’s a perfect time. Let’s ask what her ability is just in case.

“What is your ability, Ohashi?”

“I… can’t say that.”

To think she would refuse to answer in this situation.

When I’m surprised, Utsusemi-san grabs my shoulder from behind.

“Leave it to me. I’ll know if I copy it.”

“Ahh, certainly.”

Since he can copy Sound Control (Dominant) at any time, it’s like he has a free copy frame.

Utsusemi-san said a while ago that he also read to some extent what an ability is at the same time he copies it. That’s why it can be used in this way, huh. I’m a little impressed.

After I moved out of the way, Utsusemi-san comes forward and put his hand on Ohashi’s head.


Utsusemi-san opens his eyes a little widely.

The atmosphere cladding him has changed.

It seems that his personality has reversed after using his own ability.

I ask such him,

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“How is it?”

“How should I put it, it is an unusual ability. This is more or less of the manipulation system, I guess?”

While speaking, Utsusemi-san put his hand on my shoulder.

Then he immediately lowers his hand and says,

“Try hitting me for a bit.”


Being told so, I throw a punch into Utsusemi-san’s left cheek.

Then, an impact is transmitted to my left cheek with a *smack*. Feeling pain, I’m taken aback.

“It hurts…”

“Hahaha. That’s how it is.”

When I look at Utsusemi-san while rubbing me cheek, I see his left cheek is also a little red.

“Ability to inflict the received damage back to the opponent…?”

“That seems to be the case. Sen, try hitting me this time.”

Utsusemi-san ask the nearby Sen for verification this time.

“Ehh… well, okay.”

Sen who has seen the result slaps Utsusemi-san’s cheek lightly.

However, the damage didn’t seem to be returned to Sen this time.


Sen who is expecting the damage tilts her head.

“I see, I see. So, this is a restricted manipulation system ability that can only pick one person as a target. It can only inflict back the same damage from an attack received from the selected target. Is that correct?”

Ohashi who is looking and getting taken aback at our verification nods as though she has expected Utsusemi-san’s question.

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That’s the well-informed Utsusemi-san for you.

“I like it. It is a pretty good ability. If I may ask, what is its name?”

Utsusemi-san hits Ohashi’s shoulder, completely in good mood.

As for Ohashi, she mutters with a stern look

“…Revenge Note.”

Revenge Note, huh…… What a nasty ability.

However, checking it was the correct choice. This ability can be a threat normally. No matter how superior you are, if she has resolved to die, you might end up dying as well.

“Rather than that, is it okay for you to be messing around?”

Roll says from the side.

That’s right. I don’t have time to get excited by Ohashi’s ability.

“You’re right. Then Yoiyami-san and I will leave the city and make a contact with Tsurugi now. Everyone else will be waiting here.”

“I want to go as well.”

“No can do. It can’t be helped, no? It’s a different story if you copied a teleportation ability though.”

“It is easy for you to say that. Teleportation ability is not a common ability, you know.”

“I know that.”

I don’t have time to care about Utsusemi-san. While we argued, Yoiyami-san already walked toward the exit of the room.

When I try to chase after him, Roll pull my sleeve and hold me back.

“What is it, Roll?”

“Be careful, okay… Shion.”

As I frown and wonder what she is doing, Roll says so with some tears in her eyes.

I feel irritated at this meek Roll.

“Ahh,” I nod lightly and shake off Roll’s hand, then I follow after Yoiyami-san.

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