[Death Gets Dyed in Madness]

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There is no way to bridge the overwhelming difference in our force with the Self-Defense Forces.

Boss who used to lead Anonymous is familiar with the works of evil organizations, so even if we were to systematically move to increase our power, he would close our path of retreat with various means.

Boss who has been promoted to general is very active. He is doing reforms rapidly to eliminate the evil of each city. He does not hesitate to destroy the foundations of the underworld he has built.

Meanwhile, I put together all the problems in the current situation and draw one conclusion.

We who survived Boss’s attack have been wanted and searched to a persistent degree.

We cannot escape from this.

The final blow is that I, knowing Yoiyami-san’s past, impertinently lied in order to control him.

It led me be forced to face Boss, even only in appearance.

But if I do things half-heartedly, I will eventually be cornered by Boss, or might end up losing Yoiyami-san’s trust before that.

I have confirmed it many times, but it is impossible for us to survive in the future without the cooperation of Yoiyami-san.

In any case, our lives will continue to be threatened endlessly if we don’t get rid of Boss.

Therefore, Boss must die.

Even if we, figuratively speaking, killed Boss, we will probably be targeted every day for a while.

However, if we hold our breath patiently, though the hate of the world towards us will not disappear, it should eventually wane.

If Boss no longer exist, most of the people who mind us who will stay quite will disappear. We have no choice but to deal with the remnants each time.

In short.

I’ve decided not to look away from Boss.

Returning to the hideout in New Road, I who have regain my composure, am standing in front of Ohashi who is sitting on the floor. With a knife in hand.

The one who have been assigned as a watch in the room where Ohashi is confined is Roll.

After coming back and telling everyone that the operation had failed, I went to this room immediately, Utsusemi-san and Sen also gathered in the room.

Ohashi purses her lips tightly and looked up at me with little moist but hostile eyes.

“You gonna kill her?” In the end, Utsusemi-san, who re-copied my ability, has returned to his annoying personality.

“……” (Shion)

“If you gonna kill her, better let Sen do it. We don’t know who her ability is targeting now after all, no?” (Utsusemi)

“No, no, I also don’t want to get hurt if possible, ‘kay?” (Sen)

Revenge Note. Certainly, it is not an ability that worth fearing for the immortal Sen.

But that wasn’t what I was thinking about.

I’m sure I made the wrong choice.

Ohashi is no longer useful. That’s okay.

I ended up losing my composure in the earlier call with Tsurugi.

Though I said I’ve calmed down now, I’m still full of anger toward him.

….But the idea of asking Tsurugi for cooperation came from Yoiyami-san.

If I were to take Yoiyami-san’s mood into consideration, I should have made endless concessions and asked for Tsurugi’s cooperation even if I had to promise that we wouldn’t take any means that would go against his intention.

In that case, I had to have Tsurugi and Yumesaki Aika to match our story to lie to Yoiyami-san, however.

Anyway, in order to have Yoiyami-san on our side, I must respect his will as much as possible.

However, due to my circumstance, the plan to cooperate with Tsurugi ended in failure.

Yoiyami-san is trying to get a foothold in Observer’s case from Tsurugi and Yumesaki Aika.

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I have to control the situation while Yoiyami-san is on our side.

……The words I said at the end of the call, ‘No, I will kill her.’

Tsurugi probably wouldn’t leave things just like this.

I was overwhelmed by anger and destroyed the phone, but I remembered the phone number sent to the short mail.

Wouldn’t I still make it if I call him now?

That said, I don’t have the confidence to hold back if he were to take that attitude like he had attained enlightenment again.

Silence for tens of seconds.

The eyes of four people – including Ohashi – are gathered on me. Yoiyami is quiet in his room.

I wonder why. Why is the situation moving with me at the center?

Is it because I’m the one who is striving to live the most?

“I won’t kill her,” I make a decision for the time being.

There is no merit in killing Ohashi. There are demerits though.

And she probably wouldn’t make any strange resistance at this late hour.

I feel the contact with Tsurugi ended in failure was because he had predicted this development, but Ohashi herself has understand that it is more likely she will reach Tsurugi by staying with us rather than being cooped up in Slaceid. On top of that, the risk of ‘death’ must have entered her mind.

“The heck, she’s just a hindrance.” (Utsusemi)

“He’s right. This girl is more less an enemy, no? It’s best to kill her when she no longer has any use.” (Sen)

“I also think we shouldn’t kill her.” (Roll)

While Sora and Sen criticized me in quick succession, only Roll agreed with me for some reason, so I glance at her.

“……” (Shion)

“Hitomi isn’t on the Self-Defense Forces’ side, but is going to follow us unconditionally because of Midou Tsurugi, so isn’t she a rather valuable ally instead?” (Roll)

That’s certainly true, but that doesn’t mean she has no intention to take revenge against us who killed Rin and messed up her hometown.

The reason I’m not killing her is because I thought I should try to negotiate with Tsurugi again.

I’m not going to compare my life with my momentary emotions.

Pride and something of the sort are the shackles that held you from making the best choice.

Even if we’re not going to act together with Tsurugi, it’s better to let each other know of each other’s movements at least.

At that time, Observer said it.

That Tsurugi and I are the ones who can kill Boss.

“Ohashi,” I call the name of my former classmate after putting away the knife.

“What…” (Ohashi)

“Tell us about Tsurugi’s ability.” (Shion)

“……It’s not an ability that you can handle even if you hear about it, though.” (Ohashi)

I already knew that after confronting it several times.

I just want to know the trick of that power that can even negate Boss’ ability.

If he isn’t hostile to me anymore, we probably wouldn’t be fighting in the future.

I don’t want meaningless fight either. It’s hard to swallow, but I think it’s convenient at this time.

“Just say it,” I say, once again flashing the knife to her.

“……Denial of interference (Master Cancel), ability to deny any interference.” (Ohashi)

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“I see.” (Shion)

It is an ability that can counter Boss head-on.

It would be good if that power only used for eradicating Boss.

“Is slipping through walls also one of the applications of that ability?” (Shion)

“……Un.” (Ohashi)

“To think she sell out the ability of her friend, isn’t she quite a thrash!” Sen stamps her foot with a *bam*.

It can’t be helped since she is threatened though, I think. Sen, who belonged to Nursery Rhymes, has a strong sense of companionship.

It seems that Sen’s words pierce unexpectedly deep; tears begin to accumulate in Ohashi’s eyes.

Ohashi then close her lips tightly, making no sign of opening her mouth.

“Haha, it’s because you say something unnecessary.” (Utsusemi)

“But, you know…” (Sen)

I want to hear a little more about Tsurugi’s ability, but knowing that much is enough.

If he denies any interference, my Distortion Sound may also be repelled.

However, this made it clear how to defeat him.

Make him use the ability to the limit.

Any ability user needs physical strength and mental strength to use their ability. And when they reach their limit, they become unable to use their ability.

Well, the opportunity for me to need such a means has already disappeared.

However, the emotions hidden in my heart is…

An indescribable feeling of wanting to touch Tsurugi’s reverse scale.

I glance at Ohashi and head for Yoiyami-san.


A few hours ago, when Shion and Yoiyami headed for Negwave to make contact with Midou Tsurugi, Roll was in charge of watching Ohashi Hitomi in a room in the hideout.

Ohashi Hitomi’s ability, Revenge Note, was very good in one-on-one individual battle, but the potential difference allows Roll to incapacitate her without harming her.

Hitomi herself had no intention of resisting this lawless group until she could get in touch with Tsurugi.

Yes, at least their intention aligned.

Hitomi was longing to meet Tsurugi so much that she even accepted the risk of death.

She planned to escape if things went wrong, but Hitomi realized her helplessness.

Her little self-confidence cultivated by placing herself in the bizarre position of the student special forces shattered in front of the bunch of Anonymous, including Shion.

Her difference in ability with Sen and Roll as well as Utsusemi was clear even without a fight. She had enough experience to understand that.

Any resistance was futile. Hitomi felt the professionality of those who had survived in the underworld from Roll and the others who had shown no sign of carelessness while on the watch.

It was this kind of enemies that Tsurugi was fighting.

But Hitomi found another opening to protect herself.

What she saw in her line of sight was the figure of Roll crouching in the corner of the room.

Hitomi had no way of knowing what was on her mind, but she was the girl who hid in the school as a transfer student and acted with Shion.

In a little while she had not seen her, her atmosphere had changed extremely.

Her long hair was cut to shoulder-length, and while appearance-wise she was not at all inferior to Hitomi, there was no longer the beast-like spirit that contrasted her physical appearance dwelled in her.

To put it bluntly, she was worn out.

However, Hitomi felt there was a situation that couldn’t be described in just few words from her former friend, Kamiya Kazato and this Roll.

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“Roll-chan,” Hitomi called out to her, sitting on the tattered wooden chair, and hanging her head down.

The voice echoed well in the room, and Roll lifted her head a little and looked at Hitomi, but she didn’t reply.

“Let’s talk about Kamiya-kun.” (Ohashi)

“……About Shion?” (Roll)

When that name came out, Roll compulsorily reacted. It wasn’t unnatural for Hitomi to want to know about Kamiya Kazato who had changed suddenly considering the circumstances.

But Hitomi had seen through Roll’s dependance on her love from her gaze that was directed to none other than Shion.

Until now, Hitomi had come into contact with various romances at school.

In that sense, Hitomi was also professional. There were certainly things that could only be cultivated among students.

Roll who had changed after losing her position and pride as a member of Anonymous had become an innocent maiden confused by puberty.

She was originally fond of Shion as an opposite sex, but when she was in Anonymous, Roll had a pride and was not willing to be swept by emotions.

But by losing her parasitic plant, that was the organization, her restrained emotions exploded out along with her weaknesses.

As a result, it was only natural for her heart to shift to the one she loved.

In addition, Roll’s special upbringing had spurred her dependance.

“Un.” (Ohashi)

Even if she had found such a weak point, her current position requires her careful choice of words.

“I was wondering… why did he change that much?” (Ohashi)

“To live,” Such a line leaked out of her Roll’s mouth without hesitation.

Hitomi thought about changing the topic at those words that were mixed with anger.

Then she skipped the conversation course and cut to the heart of the matter.

“…Roll-chan loves Kamiya-kun, right?” (Ohashi)

Is it that noticeable?

Roll didn’t show it on her face, but she got embarrassed inwardly.

At the same time, Roll sensed the aim of Hitomi at the sudden change in topic.

She didn’t care.

But – she thought. This time she remembered her craving while sitting deep in the wooden chair and hanging her head down.

Utsusemi, Yoiyami, and Sen. None of them were suitable people to talk about something like that.

No, from the time when the organization called Anonymous was functioning, it was only Shido and Shikkou that she could talk about such things with. Those two no longer existed.

Then, wasn’t Hitomi perfect as a partner to let out the emotions hidden in herself?

Even if it was just Hitomi’s scheme.

Oddly, the girl named Ohashi Hitomi had come to this place as a result of her struggle in love.

“Well,” Roll gave an ambiguous reply after a long pause.

She was quick to bite on Hitomi’s bait.

“Why do you love him?” (Ohashi)

“I don’t know. Lots of things happened…” (Roll)

She should have thought of him as someone she must protect, but before she knew it, it had turned into love.

“What about Hitomi?” Instead of just telling her story, Roll tossed the topic back to Hitomi.

Once she spoke, things would go according to Hitomi’s aim, but it didn’t matter anymore.

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With Roll on her side, Hitomi’s survival rate didn’t change even a bit.

Hitomi didn’t understand that. She couldn’t.

A person named Kamiya Kazato who had changed suddenly, Utsusemi, Yoiyami, and Sen. The current Roll didn’t have the influence that could affect them.

“Why did I come to like Tsurugi, you ask?” (Ohashi)

“Yes.” (Roll)

“Nothing special, I think. I’ve had a long relationship with him, so a lot of things happened between us as well. But Tsurugi loved Rin, you know.” (Ohashi)

“Hmm… Rin also loved Tsurugi, right? Was there room for Hitomi to barge in even thought they had feelings for each other?” (Roll)

“I think it’s because Kamiya-kun used to love Rin… Tsurugi covered his own feelings.” (Ohashi)

“……So Shion loved Rin.” (Roll)

“That’s just my guess, okay. Besides, it’s an old story. Though I’m sure Tsurugi guessed so as well. That’s why I imposed my love on him.” (Ohashi)

“Hitomi sure has it hard.” (Roll)

Roll couldn’t say that she was a coward.

As someone who had the same troubles, she could understand Hitomi’s feelings painfully well.

“That’s why I can’t forgive Kamiya-kun for killing Rin.” (Ohashi)

“Shion killed Rin…?” (Roll)

The fact was new to Roll.

“…You don’t know?” (Ohashi)

“Yes, absolutely. This is the first I heard it.” (Roll)

“……Is that so.” (Ohashi)

Was it just a trivial event for Shion? Or was it something he doesn’t want anyone to touch?

It was difficult for Hitomi to understand, but Roll understood Shion.

He was forced. He had to choose to cut her down. At the same time, he undoubtedly had to draw the line.

“You’ve created an enemy that you’ll never be able to match, haven’t you?” (Ohashi)

Hitomi exposed her imprudence thought without hiding it. If she didn’t show her dirty side, she wouldn’t be able to start a deep conversation.

“I’m fine even with that. It’s not like I wished to be tied together with Shion. I just… don’t want Shion to die.” (Roll)

“That’s not different, Roll-chan.” (Ohashi)

“Why?” (Roll)

“Because you want to be by his side after all.” (Ohashi)

“Well, you’re right.” (Roll)

Her chest tightened again and again.

She would to do anything if it was for Shion.

“If so, that means Roll-chan has been able to make a distinction between reason and instinct. I think Kamiya-kun and Roll-chan are well-matched. You have to be more offensive.” (Ohashi)

“I-is that so?” (Roll)

Roll was not stupid. Hitomi’s words sounded as though she wanted her to be more offensive in pursuing Shion.

However, Roll got a mysterious sense of security from the person who just seemingly supporting her love.

The heart of a maiden in love is easy to lead around.

While experiencing that first-hand, Roll went into went into a feverish conversation with Hitomi.

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