[Unleashed Evil]

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I call Boss while chasing the man.

The distance with him is about 20 meters, huh? At this distance he won’t notice anything.

Since I turned on my ability, I wouldn’t lose sight of him.

“It’s me.”

I heard Boss’ voice from the device, then I stopped at once.

Meanwhile, the man goes down the escalator. While I followed the sound, I replied to Boss.

“It’s Shion.”

“What happened?”

“I found a guy from Nursery Rhyme.”

“What? Where is it?”

“Central shopping mall.”

“Is that man the only enemy?”

“Yes. He’s alone for now.”

“Okay. I’ll send reinforcement right away. Keep following and don’t lose sight of him.
Make sure that you can answer the call at anytime.”

“I understand.”

After confirming that the call was hung up, I proceeded again.

When I used the escalator to get down to the first floor, the man was just around the corner.

Is he going to the exit?

I thought so while chasing him, then the man went into the toilet.

The man is alone in the toilet. I went into the clothing shop diagonally across the toilet entrance so I can still get a clear view.

Then, the man came out while holding a phone.

“The preparation is done.”

After he said that, the man started walking in the direction in which he hung up the phone.

Preparation, he said. That means, he set something in the toilet.

First, I have to confirm it. For following him, sound alone is enough.

After the man is out of sight, I ran into the toilet.

I surveyed the inside of the toilet. At first glance, it didn’t look strange, but when I opened the toilet cleaning bag, there was a black bag in it.

When the man entered the toilet, he didn’t brought a bag, but his ability is to pull out something out of nowhere, and he can also store things in it.

It’s very likely that it belongs to him.

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I opened the bag without hesitation and there was a mysterious black lump inside. It’s about the size of two fists.

What’s this……

I hesitate to touch it. It won’t be a joke if it explodes.

What should I do about this? I have to chase that man after all, but it feels bad to leave this thing alone.

No, what about using the SDF?

If it’s the SDF who are stationed in the department store, they should be able to handle it if I tell them that there is a suspicious thing inside the toilet.

I don’t think the black bag was put only in this toilet.

First of all, should I report it to Boss?

I picked up the device again and called Boss.

“What happened?”

Boss immediately picked it up.

I explained the situation to Boss and ask for a decision. I also proposed the idea of using the SDF.

“I’ve sent Kemuri and the others there. And I’ll leave it Kemuri to make the decision there as he’ll be the one on site.”


“And, you can’t move as Anonymous right now. When Kemuri comes, pass the baton to him and withdraw.”

“I understand.”

Then the call was hung up.

I have to keep an eye on that guy until Kemuri and the others come.

Boss said I couldn’t act as Anonymous, it should be because I’m in school uniform now, and if I showed strange movements, I might get caught.

Well, I don’t want to fight a guy like that, so it’s convenient.

I followed the man and went up the escalator.

The man’s sound stopped at the food court I was at before. Apparently he joined up with other member.

From his voice, it’s probably him. The boy who I failed to kill at that time. His name is…… if I remember correctly it’s Sady.

Because I wore a mask at the time we fought before, he shouldn’t be able to recognize me even if he saw my face.

When I arrived at the food court on the 3rd floor, the ringtone of the email rang from my private cell phone.

I picked up my cell phone and open the email.

It was from Tsurugi.

The content was “We are in the clothes shop opposite to the food court we were in just before”.

When I turned around, there were Tsurugi as well as Ohashi and Rin who were holding some clothes.

Those guys……, So you go back and enter that store?

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Even though I thought that since I walked to opposite way from them, this side will be fine.

This makes it a little difficult to move.

I frowned, then the device from the organization vibrates this time.

There’s a call.

When I looked at the screen, it was Kemuri-san.

I got on the down escalator and picked up the call.

“Hello, it’s Shion.”

“We’ve arrived. Please explain the situation.”

I explained the situation to Kemuri-san who asked that as soon as he speaks.

Kemuri-san seems to have brought Hiya-san and Face Punch-san(顔面パンチさん).

Why is it those two? Well, from here on, it’s the work of Kemuri-san and the others, so it’s unrelated to me.

Thinking so, I went back to Tsurugi and the others.

“You took so long in the toilet.”

“Aah, because it’s a big one.”


I don’t know what the two from Nursery Rhyme are trying to do, but I know they are up to something.

In other words, there is nothing good by being near them.

I saw Sady eating ice cream at the table in the food court, and the man sitting while in thought.

There is no sign of movement.

Though I would like to evacuate from here now……

How can I get these guys to leave the department store?

Ohashi and Rin are crazy about choosing clothes that suits Tsurugi.

In the worst case, I can get out by myself.

To begin with, I think it’s wrong to worry about Tsurugi who is stronger than me.

Without me, it might be easier for them to move when something happens.


A sudden scream stopped my thoughts.

Tsurugi who is in front of me looked behind me, then his eyes widened.

Ohashi and Rin are also frozen while still holding clothes.

When I looked back in fear, the scream subsided for a moment, then it quickly spread to the surroundings.

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The situation was like this.

The two at the food court killed a couple sitting next to them.

Then the tall man spread his arms and raised his voice. There is a katana in of his hands which I don’t know from where he takes it out.

“From now on, we’ll kill every person in this building!! You guys should do your best to escapeー!!”


The people at the food court screamed and rushed out like an avalanche.

But, an explosion occurred inside the crowd.

The crowd scattered as lumps of meat. A lot of blood adhered to the wall, and a piece of meat flew towards us.


Until now……, how many people have died……?

They proceeded to end those injured people who survived the explosion, and ran after the people who escaped.

It’s like they were hunting, and their expression showed that they are enjoying it.

Nursery Rhyme……, I often heard that killing itself is their purpose to act, but is this also the case?

“Let’s escape Kazuto! Rin! Hitomi!”

With such words from Tsurugi, I became relieved.

The distance between those guys and us is not that far. Because they are targeting the surrounding people, it’s only a matter of time before the target moves to us.

Tsurugi started to run with Ohashi and Rin in the lead. Tsurugi is in the rear.

If those guys’ attack flies here, I think they are going to defend against it using their ability.

Thank you.

If Tsurugi who is the lieutenant general of the SDF watch our back, I think we can safely escape.

I pretend that I don’t know about Tsurugi’s ability and just run away.

When I thought so and tried to get on the escalator, explosion sounded from the opposite side.

Thinking about what it was, I focused on the sound from there. Then, I heard a cry “The escalator exploded!”.

Surprised, I pulled Rin and Ohashi’s hands who are trying to get on the escalator, and says “Let’s escape from there!”.

Their faces looked as if asking ‘what are you saying’ in confusion, but they changed their direction after seeing the approaching disastrous scene behind them.

Immediately after we left, the escalator we were about to get on exploded.

The faces of Rin and Ohashi who looks back while running were pale.

“Hahaha!! There are bombs planted on the way out y’knowー!!”

The man shouted so in the back.

So it was a bomb after all? The bombs are also planted at the exit.

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The exit may have been blocked by the explosion.

Rather, it may be calculated that way.

I turned around while running.

Although there were some ordinary people who recklessly challenged those guys, their courage ended in vain.

The Self Defense Force, who rushed to them, are also killed.

“Don’t turn around!”

Tsurugi said that, so I face forward and continue to run.

However, there is no way to escape.

Escalator, elevator, and stairs were all destroyed.

The people who has floating ability and the people of strengthening system can jump off, but it’s impossible for us.

It may be possible for Tsurugi. But it is impossible for me.

I didn’t bring a grappling gun either, and even if I jumped off, the 3rd floor is too high.

What are Kemuri-san and the others doing?

Even though it would be much easier to evacuate if they could keep those guys under control.

“Dangerous! Come over here!”

At the same time as Tsurugi shouted, someone jumped up from the lower floor to the front of me.

Wearing a jet black suit and a mask that symbolizes Anonymous.

It’s Kemuri-san.

And the ones who were following him jumping up from the lower floor are Face Punch-san and Hiya-san.


Tsurugi muttered from behind.

Ohashi and Rin instantly slowed their running speed and seemed about to stop, but I shouted “Don’t stop!” from behind, then they ignored Kemuri-san and the others and went through them.

Passing by, I didn’t miss the words that whispered by Kemuri-san.

“Exit 23”

I see.

It means, we have to escape from there. Perhaps he had dealt with the bomb in advance to secure a way out.

I ran while glancing back at Kemuri-san and the others.

At that time, the man shouted in the back again.

“I’ve been waiting! Anonymous!
Demon beasts! Feeding time!”

Then, a large number of demon beasts were unleashed from him.

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