[Jet Black Evil]

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A high-pitched, terrifying roar echoed around.

We are running at full speed.

“Run awaaaay!”

Fafnir. I’ve never seen it, but I had heard of its name.

A demon beast that ranks higher even among the myth class.

Maybe because it was a newborn baby, I didn’t feel that it was a dangerous demon beast, but from the reaction of the Hakunetsu-san and co, even I won’t be able to make a dent to it.

Looking back while running, Fafnir got out from it’s egg shell and was following us.

“Oi, what’s with that, it’s following us! Do something Hakunetsu!”

“Don’t say something crazy! Even though it’s a baby, it is still the myth class Fafnir! We can’t do anything to it with just us!”

“Then what are we going to do with this?”

“Should we split apart!?”

Face Punch-san turns his eyes at the same time as he said so.

I was wondering if there was something behind us, so I look back. Then there was Fafnir, who was running with it’s big mouth open.

“It’ bad! Breath is coming! Hakunetsu!”

“I know!”

Suddenly, Hakunetsu-san turned around and scattered the hell fire that was released from Fafnir’s mouth.

“What a flame!”

“Are you okay? Hakunetsu-san!”

“I’m fine! Run!”

When I was told to run, Face Punch-sanーwho was running in frontーsays.

“Oh yeah, how about Hiya!”

“She can’t fight in her condition!”

“Tsk! Useless!”

“She is in a critical condition! If we escape, we have to retrieve her!”

Hakunetsu-san catches up from behind.

Fafnir is flapping it’s wet wings and running towards us with a tottering gait.

It seems that it can’t just run as soon as it get out of it’s egg.

“Then I’m going to retrieve her! Hakunetsu and Shion escape through other route!
And tell me where Hiya is!”

“Near Exit 23 on the first floor!”

“Isn’t that in the opposite direction!?”

“By the way, which of us will attracts Fafnir?!”


Face Punch-san suddenly brakes and heads for Fafnir.

Then screamed.

“Whoever it will follows!”

Face Punch-san slides down through Fafnir’s feet, then keeps running to the opposite direction from here.

However, Fafnir doesn’t pay attention to Face Punch-san and keep coming straight here.

It’s tottering feet gradually stepped on the ground firmly, and it seemed that it’s wings gradually dried as well.

“F*ck! It’s a miss!
We’ll escape, Shion-kun!”

You’re kidding…!

We increase our running speed.

However, Fafnir’s speed is also increasing steadily, and our distance eventually became closer.

“Shion-kun! Hold on!”

“O-, okay!”

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I firmly grasped Hakunetsu-san’s outstretched arm, and replied.

Then, Hakunetsu-san puts his foot on the handrail of the atrium and jumps down to the first floor.

When I landed with a flame cushion softly, I started running again after Hakunetsu-san.

Fafnir also followed us and jumped down to the first floor.

We turn on corner leading to the exit and continue running.

In front, I can see the exit blocked by rubble.

“Let’s destroy the rubble at the exit and go out!”


When I answered, Hakunetsu-san clad his body in flames and rushed to the rubble.

The rubble was scattered by Hakunetsu-san, and although the foothold is bad, we can make our way somehow.

I and Hakunetsu-san slip into it and escaped outside the shopping mall.

Fresh outside air. I haven’t been in the shopping mall for such a long time, but the air feels very good.

However, we had no time to stop and take a deep breath.

Because, we are running into the Self Defense Forces’ squad who came to the department store as rescue.

The man in front is the corporal who is wearing an eagle badge.

“Anonymous…! As expected, it was your doing!”

“Tsk! It’s too late rush in now, useless!”

Hakunetsu-san stopped and pointed at the Self Defense Forces’ squad and said so.

Fafnir is still chasing us.

Yeah, if we use the Self Defense Forces as decoy, we can throw off Fafnir, right?

Or rather, it is better to let the Self Defense Force take care of that.

Hal was defeated anyway, and it is not necessary for Anonymous to deal with Fafnir.

I wondered if Hakunetsu-san thought the same thing, our eyes met.

“Fafnir is still coming here, right?”

Hakunetsu-san said, looking back a little.

“Yes, it is still coming.”

“Okay, let’s rub the target on the SDF”.

At the same time as I nodded for the expected proposal, the Colonel in front of the squad issued an attack order.

“Attack! The medic squad should rush into the department store!”

Self-Defense Forces are attacking all at once.

I thoughtーShould I wipe them out with a Soundshoot?ー, but it would be bad if they are wiped out.

“Shion-kun! Hold on to me!”

Immediately after I was told so, I clung to Hakunetsu-san’s waist.

Then, flames gushes from Hakunetsu-san’s legs.


The heat of the flames that erupted like a burner is also transmitted to me.

“We’re flyiing!”

Then, Hakunetsu-san soared into the sky with the momentum of the erupting flames.

We immediately flew over the SDF, and landed on the other side with a *bon*.

Looking back, the figure of Fafnir appeared at the exit.

It’s mouth is dirty with blood. Perhaps the invading Self Defense Forces medic squad was killed.

Fafnir roared again after kicking the pile of rubble and stepping outside.


The people of the Self-Defense Force who were trying to change direction to pursue us noticed the existence of Fafnir by the roar.

“What is that…!”

“Shion-kun! Run!”

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Without replying I immediately move my feet with all my might.

I ran for a while and entered the back alley of the lined up buildings, Hakunetsu-san grabbed my shoulder and says.

“Hah, hah, I’ll pick up the car. Shion-kun, wait here.”

His hot breath is ragged.

“I-, understand.”

I replied with my hands on my knees and raising and lowering my shoulders.

Hakunetsu-san gets away from me and runs to somewhere.


I put my back on the wall and slipped down as it was.

Finally free.

So tired. Even though it stopped bleeding, my shoulders still hurt, and the joints of my body are screaming.

From there, there is a fierce sound of battle.

However, it is some distance away. And no one is approaching here.

I want to turn off my ability, but let’s leave it on just in case.

Nevertheless, I was really tired.

I tried to hold my breath again, then I stopped breathing.

Danger is approaching. Fast…!

I cut off the sound. Stand up, put my back on the wall and swallowed my breath.

I tried to look into the road from the shadow of the back alley.


A roar. Before my eyes…Fafnir glides past.

I follow it with my eyes.

Fafnir spread it’s wings, dig it’s claws into the road, then braked and stopped suddenly.

It then flipped around and turned in my direction.

Obviously, our eyes met.

This is strange…

I-I’m being aimed at!?


Fafnir is coming and attacks.

I reflexively jumped back and leaned backward.

The scraped off building wall. There was Fafnir’s face in front of my eyes.

The narrowness of the back alley prevented it’s advance, and the fangs of Fafnir couldn’t reach me.


The moaning of Fafnir.

I stood up slowly and went back.

I can see that Fafnir is trying to get close to me as big cracks enters the concrete wall.

Dangerous, at this rate the building will collapse…!

What’s with that power!

Moreover, if it release a Breath here, I’ll be done…!

I watched Fafnir, and retreated a few steps, and after a certain distance, I turned my back and started running at once.

Fafnir, looking at it, gave up on entering the back alley, put out his face and went out to the road side.

I managed to escape from Fafnir by running in the back alley, but he followed me from above.

The flying sound that is always following about, resounded from tens of meters above.

Are the wings dry already and ready to fly?

But how can it find my position? The sounds is turned off properly.

Is it smell?

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Certainly I was bleeding. With this, it is unavoidable that my position was found out…

Hearing the sounds around, it seems that the evacuation of the residents has been completed and no one is out.

Can’t I change it’s target?

I can’t hang out in the back alley forever.

But if I comes out now, I’ll probably be Fafnir’s prey.

If I knew it would be like this, I should have just let it taste my Soundshoot at the beginning…

Should I wait for Hakunetsu-san to return?

There is no device to send a rescue request.

I wonder if Kemuri-san does the clean up properly.

Since I put my school uniform in my suitcase, there is a possibility that I will be revealed if someone find that.

He should have taken that into account, right…

No, rather than that, how to throw off the Fafnir now.

For some reason it’s not attacking now, but I don’t know when it will.

Maybe it’s waiting for me to get out of the back alley.

Surely. It can’t eat me if I was burnt from it’s Breath after all…

Shit, do it wants to eat me that much?

What to do…, me.

“Shion, can you hear me?”

Suddenly, I heard such voice from the back alley.

“T-, that voice is, Tameiki-san…?”

I send back my voice.

“Yes. Keep running as you are now.”

Tameiki-san, you came to help me, huh…!

“I understand!”

I happily break into a run to where I heard her voice from.

When I ran through the back alley, there was Tameiki-san who rode on a black motorcycle.


“Get on quickly. That guy is coming.”


I rode behind Tameiki-san, then hold on to her.


I turn around, and see Fafnir flying here.

“Tameiki-san! It’s coming!”

“Stuck more tightly and hold on to me. You’ll be thrown off y’know.”

“I-, I understand.”

When I hold her tightly as I was told, a booming engine sound rang and the bike take off vigorously.

Tameiki-san immediately turns around the building in front of her and leads Fafnir by it’s nose.

It makes a curve to the ground, but it doesn’t fall down, probably because it can controls gravity.

And the motorcycle blasted through the city at abnormal speed.


Even so, Fafnir was faster.

Appearing everywhere we goes, it chase after the motorcycle.

Fafnir was swung around because we made tight turns.

“Tameiki-san! Can’t you beat that?!”

“It’s possible, but it’s going to cause a lot of damage to the city. I don’t want to lose the function of this town as our hideout. It’s better to throw it off and let the Self Defense Force clean it up.”

So that’s it.

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“Or rather, Tameiki-san! If you were at the headquarters, why didn’t you join this mission from the beginning!”

“I was holding down the SDF’s mid ranks so they couldn’t get into the department store. So I couldn’t go there.”

In this mission, Tameiki-san was also moving, huh…!

I see, this is the reason why the Self Defense Force arrived so late.

Certainly, if the Self Defense Force intervenes and it becomes a three-way battle, the mission of Kemuri-san and co will be difficult.

So Boss thought that far, huh.

“…hold on more strongly. You will fall.”

As I was told, I clung to Tameiki-san even more strongly.

Of course, I couldn’t afford to sniff Tameiki-san’s scent.

Immediately after that, my body shook suddenly, and my view shifted to the side.

I was wondering what was happening and looking at the passing scenery, and the motorcycle was running on the wall of the building somehow.

However, Fafnir is still following.

Breaths that it occasionally were aimed at the motorcycle, but Tameiki-san also dodge those.

“Shion, what did you do to that Fafnir? No matter how you look at it, it’s too persistent.”

“No, nothing…”

“In the first place, where did that come from?”

“When I killed the guy named Hal, a huge rock appeared and I thoughtーwhat is it?ーand it’s actually an egg of Fafnir, and when I approached it, it hatched.”

“So that’s it.”

Replying to this, Tameiki-san suddenly stopped the bike with a brake turn.

“W-what are you doing! It’s coming!”




When birds hatch, they identify the first thing they saw as their parents, like that?

“Maybe that baby Fafnir thought that Shion is it’s parent, so it is following you.”


“There is no hostility from it.”

But there is no definite proof. I feel like I should run away.

However, Tameiki-san don’t want to ran away, it’s bad, it’s already coming close…!


Fafnir, who came in with great force, stopped in front of me while roaring.

The wind pressure made me closed my eyes and took a few steps backs.


When I opened my eyes, there was a Fafnir with a body that was several times as large as me, although it was a baby.

It’s black eyes are staring at me.


Fafnir tilted it’s head and squealed.

Then, it lowered it’s neck to me and licked my body.

I unintentionally dropped on my butts and looked up at Fafnir with a stunned look.

My body is slimy and sticky.

“Really…, does it thought of you as it’s parent…?”

“It looks like it.”

Relief, confusion, and various emotions mixed together, but for the time being, I let out a long sigh.

“You got a good pet in your hand. Shion, it’s a big achievement.”

“Ha ha ha…”

I thought that Tameiki-san’s words are said out of the spur of the moment, then I laughed while powerlessly fell on the spot.

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