[The Flow’s Judgement]

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“Thank you for saving me last time.”

I and Rin were walking along the river bank opposite the elementary school we used to go to.

Sunlight is pouring from above.


I continued walking silently for a while.

A nostalgic landscape, I often ran along this river bank with Rin and Tsurugi.

“When I was saved by Kazato, I remembered our childhood somehow.”


“Do you remember that Tsurugi was bullied?”

Rin kicked a rock under her feet and said.


Speaking of which, that was the case.

“It was you who always protect the bullied Tsurugi.”

I can’t think of him being bullied now though.

“When I became the target of bullying too, it was you who protected me.
That’s why at that time, the little Kazato was injured.”

“Was there such a thing?”

“There was.
But Kazato has changed. In the past, you were more energetic, and how do I say it…you were amazing.”

“Well, that’s how everyone was like when they were little right. Or rather, I was like that huh.”

“Yup. …After all, the reason that Kazato changed was because your ability did not manifested right.
You might get angry if I say it like this though.”


Certainly I’m angry.

ーHe wasn’t even aware that he changed that muchーshe selfishly thought like that after all.

“Kazato, have a strong sense of justice, and wasn’t you longing for the Self-Defense Forces all this time.”

It’s normal for a child to longed for various things right.

Moreover, if I really don’t have ability, I wouldn’t have wanted to join the Self-Defense Forces now after such a long time.

No, I’m not sure.

The only feeling I have for the Self Defense Force right now is “hostility,” so it may seem like that.

“Tsurugi has been waiting the whole time.”

Rin continues.

I ask back.

“For whom?”

“Isn’t it obviously for you, Kazato.”

Rin’s tone got a little stronger.

“Leaving you who have have a strong admiration for ability, I and Tsurugi manifested ahead.”

Catching up with the rock she kicked, Rin kicks it again.

“But, when we were children, we hid our ability because we knew that Kazato would be shocked.
Then, it just continues on since then…”

“Is that so.”

“A long time ago, Tsurugi had said it right. “I want to join the Self Defense Force with Kazato. I want us to protect the city together.”

“Is that so…”

“Even now, he still thinks like that the whole time.”

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“…so what?”

What do you mean to say after telling me that at this point of time.

You want me to know Tsurugi’s feeling?

That kind of thing…won’t come true anymore right…

“…Did Rin come to persuade me?
To make me take that skill development.”

I said something unnecessary again.

“No…! It’s not like that, I…”

“I’m sorry… You just don’t want me to think badly of Tsurugi right.
I know. I also didn’t mean to say that.”

“Yeah… I don’t want Kazato and Tsurugi to break up their friendship…”

It became silent again for a while.

Rin seems desperately looking for something to say.

I was staring at the end of the road along the river bank

Some long bangs come into my view.

Going straight after climbing the stairs, then we’ll arrive at my house.

I saw Rin walking a little behind and said,

“I’m going home. Well, yours is this way too, but you’re going back to where Tsurugi is, right?”


“Well then.”

When I tried to climb the stairs on the bank, I was stopped by Rin.



“Sorry…it’s nothing after all.”

“What is it…”

I was curious, but without continuing to listen, I started climbing the stairs.

Then, I suddenly remembered something and stopped my legs again.

Rin was looking up at me from below.

“By the way, I was hiding something from you too.”


“I, used to love you until middle school y’know.”

Since Rin liked Tsurugi, so I quickly gave up.

“Then, see you at school. And please tell Tsurugi and co that I’m sorry.”

I climb the stairs again.

Rin stood stunned.

Why did I bother telling her that I liked her huh?

I don’t know, but maybe I was just getting a little payback.


Anonymous headquarters.

I was heading to Roll’s room.

First, I wanted to report to Roll about what happened before.

Thinking carefully, I was moving emotionally a while ago, but that was a chance to infiltrate the Self Defense Force.

However, I don’t want to participate in that skill development and it is too dangerous to infiltrate the Self Defense Force.


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Since Boss may tell me to just go, so maybe it’ll better if I keep it quiet from Roll as well.

Even if it’s for mission, my pride won’t allow me to ask them to let me accept that ability development at this late after all.

My legs were stopped.

“Should I return after all?”

I have no plans with Roll anymore today.

It’s better to go home and relax.

When I thought so,

“Ahー! It’s Shion-kun!”

In the corridor, I was suddenly called from behind, then I looked back.

It was Shikkou-san[1] who was there.

“Shikkou-san. It’s been a while.”

When Shikkou-san walked here, he taps on my shoulder.

“It’s been a while! I heard from Roll that Shion-kun is going out to play, but what are you doing here?”

“There’s a bit of change to our plan, so my appointment with my friend was cancelled.”

“Ahー, I see! That means you are free now, aren’t you?”

“Hmm. Well, that’s right.”

I said so, then Shikkou-san flipped through the documents he had in his hand, stopped his eyes at a certain place, and then returned his gaze to me again.

“Then…, can you help me a bit?
A lot of work was accumulated in the previous case see~. I want to process it, but there are not enough help~.”


I’m on vacation right now.

Even though it was called a vacation, I was so busy taking care of Renga that I couldn’t rest properly, so I was thinking of going home and relaxing.

I haven’t even healed my shoulder injury.

“Mm. It seems you don’t want to. Come to think of it, Shion-kun is on vacation now huh.
Ah~, I’m in trouble~. This is Boss’ fault for giving the vacation arbitrarily. I really want him to process the mission himself.
It’ll easy if Kemuri is here, but he’s also on vacation riight~. I don’t really want to depend on the people at the branch as much as possible, haa~…”

Shikkou-san sighed again and again.

Every time he sigh, his bitter face approaches me.

“Aah~, it can’t be helped.”

Let’s ask Roll.

If she said yes, there’ll be one less mission for me to handle, right.

“I’m going to Roll’s place for a sec.”

“Ah, sorry. Roll was dragged by Desuko to do another mission.
That’s why Shion-kun will partner up with other people in this mission. Let’s see who is available now…”


“You don’t want to if it’s not with Roll? Then, I’ll increase the reward. How about plus B?”

“No, it’s not about money…”

No matter how much reward I get, I can’t use it anyway.

If I have to go, then it’ll better if it’s with Roll.

Tameiki-san isn’t available.

Shikkou-san. It’ll be impossible if I decline now, right.

He’s already eager to give me a mission.

“Haa~, who’s available now?”

“Riight~. Only the members on vacation are here now, so umm~, wait a minute, okaay~.”

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Shikkou-san takes out his mobile device and scrolls the screen.

“Hikisaki, Inshi, Muhannou, Lily… Hmm, I don’t think there is a person who seems to fit with Shion-kun.
Well, the people who were left are the people who I can’t ask though.”

Only people who don’t really want to work together, huh.

I met them only once or twice, but everyone left a bad first impression.

“How about Hakunetsu-san and Kuroinu-san?”

“The white and black combination, huh. Those people are probably already going on a mission…hm? But now that you mention it, I haven’t seen them…”

“What happened?”

“Please wait a moment…”

Shikkou-san operates his device for a while, then flipped over the documents in his hand, and quickly read it.

Wrinkles gradually formed between his eyebrows, and after reading all the documents, he shouted, “Ahhーーー!”

“What happened…?”

“T-H-O-S-E G-U-Y-S! They switched the mission log and skipping again!
Shion-kun, let’s go!”

Shikkou-san grab my hand and pull it strongly.

Turning down the hallway and moving up two levels through the elevator, I was taken to a certain room.


It’s the room of Hakunetsu-san and Kuroinu-san.

Shikkou-san leaned on the door and tried to hear the sound inside.

Unfortunately, I don’t think Shikkou-san can hear the sound from this room.

Since the Hakunetsu-san and co did the interior work on their own, this room is soundproof.

I turned on my ability for a moment and listened to the sound inside.

From the inside, I can hear some noisy sounds…

I wonder if they’re playing music with a roaring sound.

“I can’t hear anything. Shion-kun, how about you?”

Excuse me, Hakunetsu-san and Kuroinu-san. This is not a betrayal.

“…I do.”

Listening to my words, Shikkou-san twisted the doorknob without hesitation.

However, it does not open.

“Looks like the door is locked, right.”

“Fufufu, Shion-kun. What do you think this is?”

Saying that, the thing that Shikkou-san took out of his pocket was the one that he showed off when he quarreled with Roll before.

Yes, it is a master key.

I see, it can be opened with this, huh.

Shikkou-san inserted the master key into the lock and opened the door.


I also followed Shikkou-san who was barging into the room.

Shikkou-san then opened the heavy-looking door in the living room.

At that moment, the roaring sounds was released.

In the room, there were Hakunetsu-san who strummed the guitar connected to the amplifier and Kuroinu-san, the bass player.

Dripping sweat, fervently.

They are completely in their own world.

I looked at Shikkou-san who stood still, then I silently erased the music of Hakunetsu-san and co.

The sound doesn’t resonate due to my ability.

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Finally, Hakunetsu-san and co became taken aback.

They stopped and looked at Shikkou-san next to me.

“Geー, Shikkou!”

Kuroinu-san took a step back after seeing Shikkou-san.

“You guys…, I wonder what are you doing?”

Shikkou-san said.

“S-Shikkou-kun. No, this is… That’s right, this is like something to raise our morale before mission, right?”

“Then, what’s with the switched mission log?”

“That is…”

“Guilty. You are going to work on a mission with Shion-kun from now on, so be prepared. Your limit 5 minutes.”

“Oh…”(TN : They said it in english here, like Oh)


This is the room of Hakunetsu-san and co.

I, Hakunetsu-san, and Kuroinu-san are sitting around the round table in the middle of the room.

“The mission this time is a transaction. We will go to Moon Road to sell equipments to our frequent customer, the Mafia.
Apparently the appointment was at 11:00 pm.
Honestly, I don’t feel like driving, but I’ll just hold on. Even though they are frequent customer, they have a strong temper. They are hard. They’ve been through enough fighting after all.”

Kuroinu-san said, looking over the documents.

Hakunetsu-san exhaled smoke of cigarette. Kuroinu-san is wearing a suit, but Hakunetsu-san is only wearing a plain clothes.

I was told that I don’t need to change clothes as well.

“Now I understand how thankful we should to Kemuri for always doing this kind of work.”

Hakunetsu-san said earnestly.

“Do we have to carry the equipment in this mission?”

I ask Kuroinu-san a question.

“No, that’s not our job. Our job is to make the transaction. I think the Shimichi’s side will do the delivery of money and goods.”

“Is that so.”

“Then let’s end the meeting. Let’s gather at 5 pm. The secret word is “Live”.”

Saying that, Kuroinu-san stood up.

I watch the time on the device. It’s still 2 pm, but if it’s Moon Road, won’t we barely be able to make it even if we leave at 5 pm?

“Why don’t we go now?”

I asked Hakunetsu-san who is next to me.

“I would like to go now if I can, but it’s time for me to study.”

“What about studying?”

“If we don’t have knowledge of what we sell, we wouldn’t be able to make the transaction successful, right?”

“Aah, I see.”

“During that time, Kuroinu will organize the information. Shion-kun…well, you can just hang around.”

I can just hang around, huh.

Somehow, I’m sorry. Having said that, there is no work I can do anyway, right…

Huh? Then why am I going?

“…am I necessary for this mission?”

I asked frankly.

Then, Hakunetsu-san said with good grace.

“Of course! You can’t be slacking alone y’know.”

Well said.

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