[Darkness in the Mirror]

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Metropolis, New Road.

The influence of evil organizations such as ‘Association’ is strong in this city, and the hands of the SDF are tied here.

Although this city is prosperous, killings and conflicts between organizations occur relatively openly.

It seems that the reason why Yoiyami-san settled in this city was because of the ease of living here. The fact that there is no branch of Anonymous here perhaps played a big factor as well.

“How far are we from the 33rd floor?”

I put on a pair of gloves.

Then, after checking the grip of the grappling gun, I looked back at Yoiyami-san standing behind me.

“About 20m.”

I look down from the 40-story building again.

The ground is so far away. The lights of the cars passing by flickers back and forth.

The night view from this skyscraper is the best.

“Are you sure?” I said over the fence. Yoiyami-san doesn’t answer.

“It’s pretty important y’know. I wish I had investigated it.”

“That’s your expertise. Still, it’s enough if you know the number of the floors, right?”

Request normally involves the process of gathering information over time before killing the target. However, I didn’t have time to do such a thing in this short period of winter vacation.

That’s why Yoiyami-san hires some skilled informants to handle the tasks in a short period of time. Yoiyami-san takes care of the information gathering part, and I just hunt the target.

Because most of the rewards are used for information gathering and the like, I don’t have that much share.

In the first place, I don’t need the left-over money, so Yoiyami-san and I would occasionally go out for a luxurious meal.

“That is the case, right?”

I was just complaining for the sake of it.

At first, I couldn’t think of it, but now we’re close enough to have a banter.

I don’t think we’ve become friend or such, but I think we are getting used to each other. Sometimes, I stepped on a landmine and got hit though.

In short, the last two weeks of working earnestly with Yoiyami-san on the request made our bond thicker.

I grab the fence on the roof and shake it a little. It seems okay, so I took a step forward. But I heard a voice saying ‘Wait’, and I looked back again.

“What is it?”

“Give me a rundown of the target.”

“Yes.” I let out a sigh. I wanted to follow the ‘yes’ I just said with another ‘yes’, but I endured it. (TN : Yes, yes – can be interpreted as ‘yeah whatever’)

“The target is Seg Carter, an executive of the Mara family. His characteristics are; he has a chain piercing that connected from his ears to his lips. Green hair. Height 177 cm, weight 66 kg. His ability is of the manipulation system; he can control electricity to some extent, but don’t looked down on it, he can stun the person who he touched. His relationship with the client is…”

“Okay. That’s enough.”

Yoiyami-san interrupted my words and gave me a sign to go.

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Seeing that, I jumped off the roof of the 40-story building.

I made a big jump forward and started falling immediately. I turned my body, open my hands and feet and take full advantage of the air resistance.

While falling, I check the number of the floors, aimed the grappling gun toward the fence on the roof and pushed the button of the grappling gun. The vigorously fired wire wrapped around the rooftop fence, and the weight at its tip fixed the wire.

I hold on to the grappling gun and proceeded toward the wall of the building with the fence as the fulcrum.

After drawing a short reverse arch in the air, I kicked the window glass of the building and got inside. I naturally silenced the sound and landed silently. I immediately looked at the surrounding and found that I was at the aisle by the window.

No one noticed my infiltration.

I stood up and listened to the sounds.

Currently, there are only three people on this floor. It is natural because I deliberately infiltrate at the time when there are no people.

And one of the three is the target.

My current outfit is hooded black jacket and slacks that Yoiyami-san used to wear in the past. And a muffler that hides the lower part of my face.

The hood and muffler are less reliable than the mask. I can only hide half of my face.

Well, the person who saw my face basically dies, so it’s okay to say that there is no problem.

That said, I shouldn’t kill someone other than the target to avoid incurring someone’s enmity if possible.

Therefore, I try to hide my face as I possibly could.

I walked down the corridor and looked over the rooms.

The three people each seemed to be in different rooms, so it was convenient.

I take out a phone from my pocket and call Seg Carter.

His phone number was procured by Yoiyami-san. This phone is also something newly prepared by Yoiyami-san.

I stop at once.

I didn’t hold the phone to my ears, but listen to the surrounding sound.

Then, a light ringtone flowed out of one room.

He’s there, huh.

I hung up before he picked up and quickly headed to the room where I heard the ringtone.

Then I gently opened the door of the room and entered.

Seg Carter noticed me as I entered the room and said,

“Who are you?”

I answered that question by locking the door.

Seg Carter’s expression froze.

“P-please wait…! I have a daughter…”

Before he finished saying what he wanted to say, I fired a Soundshoot.

The fired Soundshoot directly hits him and he is slammed against the wall behind him.

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Of course, it happened silently.

I walked up to Seg Carter, who still had some breath left, and stabbed a knife into his throat and ended him.

“A life that worth 5 million, huh.” I muttered.

For a killer, the value of human life is about 3 to 6 million.

“It sure is not cheap.”

I think the frequency I speak to myself has increased. No one can hear it; they can’t hear it. In fact, the voice is only for me to hear.

I used to think that monologue was something you do so that others can hear it, but in fact, when you don’t have to worry about anyone hears it, it’s not bad to try to grumble as you please.

Still, I seemed to be addicted to this environment.

A Mafia executive, a hoodlum, or a millionaire who incur a civilian’s grudge.

People who usually use their influence are helplessly killed by me.

I am strong. This kind of environment is the best.

I gaze at the palm of my hand and curved the corner of my mouth.

“I’m finished.”

I left the room and reported to Yoiyami-san that the request was completed.


“60 point.”

Even though I thought that I was able to do it perfectly, hearing that I got a lower score that I expected, I frowned. It’s as usual though.

Yoiyami-san and I, who completed the requests I took today in one day, were currently waiting for the menu we ordered at the family restaurant near the ‘Association’.


Today’s day score is 60 point. I asked the reason for that.

“First of all, you were slow.”


Slow? He said that I was still slow? Even though I done it that quickly.

Isn’t it just that Yoiyami-san asks for too much?

“Thus, minus 10 point.”

“That just reduce the points by 10, huh. Then, what about the remaining 30 point?”

“That’s… a sense of tension.”

“Sense of tension…?”

“No, in your case, it should be called cowardice, huh.”


“That’s right. You are losing it.”

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“Isn’t that good? I think that cowardice is unnecessary for battle.”

“That’s not the case. Before you came here, cowardice should have been your only strength.”

“Isn’t that also the thing that shackle me at the same time?”

“Ahh, that’s why you’re too extreme. Balance is important.”

This person sure says unreasonable things.

He meant that this time, I have to regain my cowardice, right?

That’s already impossible now, isn’t it?

“Be moderately scared.”

“Isn’t it a little late for that? It’s unreasonable to be moderately scared in the first place. The not scary thing is not scary.”

On the contrary, the scary thing is scary.

But now that I think about it, I think that the things that I’m not afraid of has increased.

Did I feel confident just because I was hunting only weak targets?

I don’t know what Yoiyami-san wants me to do.

“The reason I leave you to your own devices is to remind you of fear.”

“Lies. Yoiyami-san just wanted me to be beaten half-dead right?”

“No, you don’t afraid of me after all. At any rate don’t make light of killing.

Well, that’s the case though.”

Yoiyami-san laughed a little self-deprecatingly, so I laughed too.

However, the words that followed made me stiffened.

“That’s why I called a helper.”

“…Who is it?”

“Look behind you.”

At same time Yoiyami-san said that, there was a sound of the family restaurant door opening.

“Welcome,” said the employee.

Looking back, the face I saw two weeks ago was heading this way.

His name is Hitsugiya Banri. He came to our table with his hands in his pocket.

“Seems like you guys are being flashy. The guys at the ‘Association’ were angry were because you two took the job one after another.”

“Is that so?”

“You also get a little stronger, aren’t you?” Hitsugiya turned to me this time and said so.


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I didn’t answer because I wasn’t confident that I became stronger.

Another thing, I was overwhelmed by the fact that Yoiyami-san called Hitsugiya.

Hitsugiya Banri, I wonder if this person is ridiculously strong too.

“So, what do you want to ask, Yoiyami?”

“I want you to spar with this guy for a little bit.”

Yoiyami-san pointed to me and said.

I involuntarily shouted “Haa”

“If that’s the case, call somebody else. He’ll die y’know? I don’t know what you are thinking, but I’m not fit to be a training partner, I’m not good at holding back.”

“I don’t mind.” When Yoiyami-san said so, Hitsugiya made a complicated face. My face distorted.

“Hmm. Don’t tell me, you think that this brat can be my match?”

“That’s not the case. Please give him a good beating as much as you like.”

“I wonder~.”

Hitsugiya bent his hips and brought his face closer to me.

He looked at my whole body as if licking it, then he sat next to me because the food was brought in from behind him.

“Well, alright.” Hitsugiya points his index finger at Yoiyami-san and said.

“You sure looked very dissasstified.”

‘I’ll pay you’ added Yoiyami-san.

“I don’t like being belittled by the world famous Yoiyami-sama, you know.”

Hitsugiya said that jokingly but, I felt that it was somewhat true.

In the first place, when he said – to be my match-, is that mean that we’re going to fight?

“Perhaps you’re the one who are belittling y’know. This guy will eventually surpass you in the field of assassination. If it’s guerilla warfare, there is no one can beat Shion.”

Then, Hitsugiya looked at my face at once. He has a surprised face. Then a brief silence.

“Yoiyami, are you serious?”


“Oi oi, you sure really rate him highly. If you’re only being an idiot master, it won’t be something that can be laughed at y’know?”

Yoiyami-san’s expression was very serious.

No, it’s his usual expression, but he doesn’t seem to be joking.

I also didn’t think that he rates me that highly, so I became a little shy and decided to look out the window.

“You should understand if you do it. I know that Shion can’t beat you.

But Hitsugiya, you will surely be interested in Shion.”

Yoiyami-san said so and started eating.

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