[Lullaby of Pursuit]

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Having defeated Hitsugiya, I got off the building and headed for point E-22. E-22 is the point I told Chiyaku-san earlier. I’m planning to join her there and have her heal me.

The wound on my flank is deep. If left alone, I will bleed a lot and die. Even if I don’t, at this rate, I’ll be out of commission.

Inshi-san seemed to have been killed right before the battle between me and Hitsugiya ended. That’s why I sent Chiyaku-san to E-22.(TN : Here, the author actually wrote that Inshi died right after Shion’s battle ended, but perhaps it was a typo)

Inshi-san’s ability can restrain a large number of people, in exchange, he cannot move. So I tried to get Chiyaku-san to go to him, but due to her late arrival, he couldn’t be saved and was killed.

However, it is definitely better for me to survive than Inshi-san to survive. Even when I think about the future development, I should heal my wound and return to command.

I strengthen my steps. I didn’t really feel the guilt of letting a companion die in exchange for my own life.

Blood stains was left as I moved forward. And blood was also left on the wall I was leaning on.

I was thinking of stopping the bleeding by strongly suppressing my flank, but it is going to be dangerous.

Seeing the unstoppable blood, I decided to have Chiyaku-san head to me.

“Chiyaku-san, can you come here? It would be great if you can immediately come here from the main street.”

[Roger that.]

Hearing the reply, I nodded to myself.

Although I can hardly grasp the current battle situation, I can feel the atmosphere thanks to the re-deployed sound collection field.

It seems that Anonymous is not in that bad of a position.

For the time being, those who were guarding the entrance of the hideout are safe, so I can conclude that the progress of Nursery Rhymes is not that fast.

The enemy army, which was supposed to be dealt with by Inshi-san and Chiyaku-san, is now being dealt with by other members who weren’t restricted to the hideout. Perhaps Shikkou-san temporarily took the command.

For some reason, there was no reply from her who should have been to me through the income.


Frustrated by the pain in my flank, I slammed my fist against the wall. Doing that only worsen the pain of my wound, but I’m really irritated by this situation.

It made me want to escape.

But that is not possible.

I wonder if I can live alone after leaving Anonymous. It’s impossible.

Concern such as betraying my comrade never crossed my mind.

As I was mocking myself while walking, I suddenly noticed an approaching sound.

It’s quite fast.

It’s almost here. However, I realized that I got plenty of room.

I was avoiding the enemy and heading to Chiyaku-san’s side, but if I keep shedding blood like this, my location would be found out by an ability user of strengthening system, huh.

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Dammit, it would be good if I could use 2 or 3 more Soundshots in this situation.

I lured the enemy to the last minute, then turned around vigorously and fired a Soundshot.

Receiving the fired Soundshot, the strengthening system ability user who seems to be of a canine family was blown backward and is struck against the wall.

Someone from Nursery Rhymes, huh. I don’t know the position of the enemies anymore. I should be able to detect them after the evacuation of the ordinary people is completed, but by that time the generals should have arrive. I won’t make it in time.

“Haa, haa…”

I knew that I had reached the limit of my stamina.

‘Silence World’ and Heartbeatshot used up too much of m stamina. Besides, I got this wound.

It was good that I was able to erase Hitsugiya early, but it was just pure luck.

Is Renga not here yet?

Just when I thought so.


I heard a bursting roar from the sky.

I looked up at the sky immediately, but I couldn’t see Renga from the alley.

I forgot the pain in my flank and hurried to the main street.

When I went out to the main street, I saw Renga circling around high in the sky through the gap between the buildings. Renga shook his head from side to side, looking for me.

I raised my voice toward such Renga.

“Renga! Here!”

Hearing my voice, Renga stopped in the air and turned to me.

The corner of my mouth curled up unintentionally. If Renga come, the war situation will change drastically.

Although still a child, Renga is a mythical beast. It is not a species that humans can deal with.

Besides, it got bigger again while I wasn’t looking after it for a while.

This looks promising.

I wave my hand widely, trying to summon Renga. Then, in the distance, Renga’s huge jaws opened widely toward me.

I can also see the luster of the sharp fangs, that seems would turn a human into a lump of meat once bitten, from this distance.


Something is wrong. When I looked at Renga suspiciously, Renga roared again.


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And a huge fireball was spit out from Renga’s jaws alongside its roar.


A tremendous amount of heat hit me first. The fireball released by Renga scrapes the building and heads for me.

“You’re joking…right oi!”

No matter how I think about it, it is impossible to avoid it from here.

The fireball before my eyes is getting bigger and closer. My body doesn’t move.

I’m dead. When I thought so, suddenly my vision turned red.

“It looks like your pet isn’t disciplined, Shion-kun.”

A calm voice was mixed with the evaporating burning sound.

Before my eyes…no, the thing that surrounded me is a darkish blood membrane.

Looking back, there was Chiyaku-san. Apparently, this membrane that covers me and Senyaku-san seems to be a strong barrier made of her blood.

Chiyaku-san was carrying something like a huge beer server for mobile sales on her shoulder and dropped it on the ground.

The server that Chiyaku-san carried easily seemed to be heavier than I expected, when it was lowered to the ground, it gives me a feel of its unexpected weight and thickness.

Renga’s roar can be heard from outside the blood membrane. It continues it fireball attack, and the temperature inside the membrane is gradually rising.

While I couldn’t make sense of things, for the time being, I decided to say my gratitude to Chiyaku-san.

“…Chiyaku-san, thank you for saving me.”

“Ahh, show me your wound.”

In order to show the wound to Chiyaku-san, I removed my hand from the wound I was holding. Then slowly crouch down on the spot.

Kneeling on one knee beside me, Chiyaku-san put her hand on my wound.

Her ability, Accel Heal, was activated, and my wound was filled with heat.

“Let’s have you recover until you can run. I can’t make this barrier anymore. Do you want a blood transfusion?”


A roaring sound that echoes outside.

Another ability of Chiyaku-san is the ability to freely manipulate blood. Seeing as it can create a barrier that can withstand Renga’s fireballs, it is a fairly powerful ability.

The attack of Midou Ryuusui was also defended with this; its defensive capability is excellent.

However, at that time, she bent over to narrow the area to defend, but this time she’s boldly making a large wall. The amount of blood used should be large.

“Leaving that aside, isn’t that the mythical beast that Shion-kun has tamed? Why is attacking you?” Chiyaku-san said.

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“That is the case, but… I don’t know.” What happened to Renga? To think that it would attack me.

Is it angry because I didn’t meet it for a long while…?

No, Renga is smart. No matter how angry it is, it wouldn’t attack me.

What happened while I was away?

I asked Roll and Desuko-san to take care of it, and Cuff-san should have been watching it.

Wait… It’s Desuko-san.

With her ability, I think she could brainwash Renga.

Renga looks strange. Usually, Renga would play attack me, but this is clearly a ‘hostile’ attack.

After all, even though it is still a child, it is impossible that it would attack me, its parent, like this.

However, if it is brainwashed …

Have not yet understood human language, the only one who can communicate with Renga is Desuko-san. Desuko-san often went to Renga’s place. It is also Desuko-san who named it Renga. It is not strange that it was brainwashed.

Byakurei-san and Shikkou-san said that there’s no way that Desuko-san was the traitor, but she is suspicious after all.

“Chiyaku-san. How long will this barrier last?”

“It’s going to collapse if it takes a few more shots. That thing has a ridiculous firepower. Even though I used 2 liters of blood.”

Chiyaku-san answered while continuing to heal me. I wonder if she wants to heal me until the last minute.

Although we shouldn’t have enough time, Chiyaku-san was quite relaxed.

For some reason, thanks to that, I also became relieved, but I wonder if it’s okay.

“Are you okay using so much blood? Are you not…”

“No, I’m fine. There is a server there anyway.”

Chiyaku-san pointed to the server she was carrying a while ago. I turn my eyes to that.

“My blood is stored in it. My blood is preserved in the hideout, but it took a long time to thaw it, so I was late.”

“I see…”

So that’s why Chiyaku-san didn’t attend the meeting.

But she sure is amazing. She can manipulate blood previously extracted blood, huh.

“I think I can run now. Let’s shake off Renga at once. This situation is unsettling.”


When Chiyaku-san said so, the surrounding blood wall liquefied and fell to the ground.

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Burning scenery unfolded before my eyes, and a new fireball approached.

I hurriedly stood up and started running.

Carrying the server, Chiyaku-san also ran out. At the same time, a large amount of blood spouts from the spout of the server carried by Chiyaku-san, creating a huge wall to protect me and herself.

It hid Renga’s figure, but prevented the fireball.

“Let’s keep going like this and escape.”

I wonder if we can shake off Renga.

I remembered that it couldn’t be shaken off with Tameiki-san’s motorcycle.

Renga also has a sharp sense of smell.

I thought while running.

Anyway, the existence of Renga works against us. We can’t avoid Renga’s attack all the time, and if there’s no indication that it will return to its original state…

“Chiyaku-san can you win if you fight against Renga…?”

“I don’t know. Even though it’s a mythical class, it is still a child, I think I can put out enough firepower if it’s only to kill it. I also got the blood server.”

Having a conversation while running, I decided.

“I will be the decoy. Chiyaku-san, please take the chance to exterminate Renga.”

To begin with, I almost have no bond with Renga. I just happened to be there when it was born, and I don’t hold much feelings for it.

Therefore, it is better to kill it if it gets in the way now.

The story would be different if I could make Renga target other people, but seeing the situation, it doesn’t seem to be possible.

“Although you said you’re going to be the decoy, the attack range of that fireball is wide. Can you escape? You can impose it on me without being reserved you know. Shion is the commander, right?”

“…Then, I’m counting on you.”

Immediately after I said that, a sound appeared in the skies diagonally behind me.

Looking back, there are several people in white military uniforms just above the formed blood wall.

I understood from the atmosphere. They are the reinforcements of the SDF including the two generals.

And I saw Tsurugi among them.


I stopped involuntarily.

Ahh, it’s hopeless. In this situation, I think it’s better to withdraw. We have no chance to win.

At this rate, we will be annihilated.

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