[Lullaby of Flame]

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Approximately 100m above the sky. A Self-Defense Force General and a mythical class demon beast fought a fierce aerial battle, smearing cracks over the surrounding high-rise buildings.

The exchange of high fire power attacks that occasionally shave a corner of the buildings had caused damage that surpassed those of the battlefront on the ground.

The ability of Ichinose Soraha, ‘Last Stop – Sky High’ was a psychokinesis type of the manipulation system ability that could freely manipulate objects, taking them from the ground and rising them to the air.

It was said that with this ability, only a few that could stand on par with Ichinose in aerial battle.

He took the position of a general of the Self-Defense Force, and now his ability had become well-known, but before then, his ability was wielded in rage, burying countless evils.

Thus, Ichinose Soraha was eventually called,

The King of the Sky.

However, even with that ability, the battle with the mythical class Fafnir, Renga was prolonged.

The higher his altitude was from the ground, the higher the effectiveness of his ability. But Renga didn’t follow Ichinose who tried to fly higher into the sky.

Even for Renga, fighting at a higher place would allow it to fully demonstrate its speed and attack power, but the fact that it avoided it perhaps due to the battle sense of the mythical class demon beast.

Anyway, at about 100m above the sky, it was impossible to handle the driving force of the mythical class even though it was still am infant. Thus, Ichinose was struggling.

He also occasionally failed to ward off the fireballs fired by Renga to the sky, causing damages to the ground.

However, the battle that had been going on for a while was about to end in an unexpected way.

Renga’s distinct intent to kill Ichinose disappeared.

Seeing Renga that suddenly stopped attacking and act weirdly, Ichinose also stopped attacking reflexively. The rubbles of the buildings, cars, telephone poles and the others that was manipulated by Ichinose also stopped in the air.

“Kyurururururu!! Kyuuurururu!!”

Renga raised such a cry, unlike the bursting roar that it had been raised earlier. Then Renga ignored Ichinose and began to turn around and descend to the city.

(Why was it change suddenly…?)

Ichinose thought about pursuing, but as long as Renga are no longer harmful, pursuing it too far will only cause further damage. At this altitude, he couldn’t get the firepower to kill Renga in a single blow.

It’s better if he doesn’t have to fight it.

He decided to watch the situation while chasing after Renga.

At that time, a radio entered the income attached to Ichinose’s ear.

[Nursery Rhymes are retreating…!]

Ichinose doubted its content.

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He believed that Anonymous was in disadvantageous position. They even sent this Fafnir that might not have been tamed to the battlefield, so he surmised that they were at their wit’s end.

Seeing the number of Anonymous executives, this is a surprise attack of the Nursery Rhymes side.

Therefore, his priority was the rescue of the civilians, followed by the annihilation of Anonymous, and finally the annihilation of Nursery Rhymes.

Ichinose was entrusted to deal with the mythical class Fafnir due to the damages it caused to the city, but he was believed that Tenjoumine who was commanding on the ground would make the same judgement as himself. However, the battle situation seems to be complicated.

At that time, a woman was reflected in Ichinose’s field of view.

The woman slowly let out a big sigh while looking at Ichinose from the roof of a building with dull eyes.

(She is… Anonymous’ executive, Tameiki…!)


On the other hand, on the ground, in the E district, the battle between Chiyaku and Tenjoumine continued.

Both were uninjured. But Tenjoumine was breathing violently, out of breath, and for Chiyaku, her blood that was floating in air had been reduced to 1 liter. And her white coat was also tattered.

“Hah…! Hah…!”

“You really have gotten old, Tenjou.”

“You too…! Senjiya…! Hah hah…! You can’t defeat an old man even after using that much blood!”

Innumerable blood spears flew to Tenjoumine.

Tenjoumine leapt far and high; although he avoided them, the blood spears pursued him.


Tenjoumine waved his hand greatly, scraping away the blood spear that was approaching in front of him to the sky.

And he landed.

“Hah… hah…”

Chiyaku divided the blood she used for attack and defense into multiple parts and wrapped them around her body.

Although he was old, Tenjoumine was a general of the Self-Defense Force. He wasn’t an opponent who could be looked down upon by Chiyaku who had been away from the battlefield for a while.

If Chiyaku had been able to exert her power at her peak, the match would have been settled quickly. No, perhaps that was also true for Tenjoumine.

Because of the range, Chiyaku was currently pushing.

Tenjoumine’s ability was not as sharp as it used to be.

‘Spatial Create’. That ability had become something that the old Tenjoumine could no longer use.

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[The forces of Nursery Rhymes are retreating…!]

Suddenly, such a comm of a radio came from Tenjoumine’s chest.



Silence descent between the two.

Both sides went back and took a distance for thinking.

(…Why is Nursery Rhymes retreating now?)

(Is it because of Shion and the others? No, even so, it is strange that they are retreating now.)

After glaring at each other for tens of seconds, their respective thoughts overlapped.

(…In any case, I have to defeat this woman first)

(It seems better to get rid of this guy earlier.)



Roll, Byakurei-san, Boss and I, the four of us are currently walking down the hideout’s corridor toward the ground. I’m carrying Byakurei-san whose thighs have been injured on my back.

“What is?” I asked Boss who muttered that, and the eyes of the three people gathered on Boss’ mask.

“Look at the dead bodies. I don’t think that Desuko killed them all. The scars on the dead bodies are strange too. Most are stabs, but there are also corpses that seem to have been beaten to death.”

Matching Boss who stopped, Roll and I also stopped.

“…Isn’t it because everyone was off guard because they didn’t think that Desuko-san was an enemy?”

Isn’t there enough time if that’s the case?

“That’s not the case. I don’t think Desuko had enough time to kill this number of people.”

“That’s right.”

In the first place, it is unlikely that everyone was killed without any resistance until the end when this number of people was killed.

Roll crouched and touched some corpses.

“If you look closely, there are only dead bodies that have been killed for quite some time around here…”

“It wasn’t Desuko, huh.”

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In other words, there was someone who had infiltrated the hideout other than Desuko-san. They were also faster than Desuko-san, and without being noticed by anyone. I don’t how many they are though.

“Well, one or two small fries meant nothing.” Boss said.

Certainly, with these members… rather, as long as Boss is around, I’m not afraid of anyone coming, but I’m getting a sense of discomfort…

Come to think of it, the communication with Shikkou-san was cut off immediately after I killed Hitsugiya. Since I just noticed it by that point, there is a possibility that Shikkou-san was killed earlier.

However, in that case, I don’t know the timing of the enemy’s infiltration. Desuko-san probably infiltrated after I cut off the field of sound collection to fight Hitsugiya.

In that case, it means that there was an enemy infiltrating while I still collecting sounds. That is impossible.

“Please wait a minute.”

Saying that, I try to expand the field of sound collection to the entire hideout. The structure of the hideout is complicated so the accuracy is considerably reduced, but if I take my time, I should find if there are people or not.

After a while, the detection inside the hideout ends.

“There’s no one. Even a single person.”

Strange. Did she kill all the people in this hideout that spans many underground layers…? How?

“Well, isn’t it okaaay? We no longer need this hideout anyway, so if we quickly disperse the enemies above and withdraw—”

Right as Byakurei-san was saying that, my device vibrated. It was an incoming call from Kemuri-san.

I picked up the call on speaker mode.


[Shion? What happened there?]

“We somehow did it after Boss join us. There were various things, but I will leave the explanation for later…”

[Is that so. So that’s why the forces of Nursery Rhymes and the ‘Assocations’ began to withdraw. Now is the right time for us to withdraw as well.]


Nursery Rhymes and the ‘Association’ withdrew?

[What’s wrong?]

That is… on whose command was it?

Desuko-san shouldn’t have time to issue such a command.

Suddenly, an explosion sounded from the other side of the phone.

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The vibration was transmitted to the hideout, and sands fell from the ceiling.

“What happened there?”

[…The second evacuation shelter was blown up. There should be a considerable number of people died.]

You’re kidding, right? What the heck is going on?

“Kemuri, tell the personnel on the ground to withdrew. We’ll meet up at the Derrida branch.” Boss said so and started walking. Following him, we also started walking.

[Roger that.]

“We no longer have any business in this city. Whatever they do now is futile.”

Immediately after, an explosion sounded behind Kemuri-san, and the inside of the hideout shook.

The explosion sound resounded continuously.

[This time the Second Central Building was blown up. The hell, the buildings in the center of the city are being blown up one after another.]


“Is it another scenario prepared by Desuko? It seems that she wanted to kill people even if she died.”

We got on the elevator and headed to the surface.

The elevator made a rattling noise and eventually reached the surface, stopping at the usual cafe.

Separated far away from the center of the city, the café is not affected by the explosions.

We looked at the rising smoke and the continuous explosions from a distance.

“Aren’t the members in that area in danger…?” Immediately after Roll said so, the rising smoke scattered in all directions, and flames swirled in it.

It’s a little different from an explosion. I squint and take a closer look at it.

The flame spreads spirally to the sky, and eventually it forms a twin wing shape.

What emerged from the smoke was a giant phoenix.


A high-pitched cry echoes around the city.

I immediately understand that it is Sen. At the same time, the haze that was stuck in my head cleared up.

Sen was in the hideout since the beginning. I don’t know when, but she has regained her memory and worked with Desuko-san, huh.

“It’s much bigger than when I saw it before…”

“It grew up upon death, huh. This is troublesome.”

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