[Dream of the Beginning]

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SDF, Slaceid mid-highway branch.

Midou Tsurugi got out of the first aid room with an unsteady gait. The groaning of injured troops could be heard through the gap of the closing door. There were few medical teams left in the branch, so the treatment couldn’t make it in time.

He stayed and leaned against the wall as if he was about to collapse.

Two days have passed since the case of Slaceid. In Slaceid, most of the center of the city was burned out, causing countless casualties.

Reconstruction and rescue personnel were dispatched from various places to Slaceid, and Tsurugi was forcibly repatriated to the mid-highway branch.

He was given another task.

A woman rushed to Tsurugi leaning against the wall while holding his forehead. It was Ohashi Hitomi, his classmate and fellow member of the special force.

“Tsurugi… are you okay…?”

“Don’t touch me.” Tsurugi said before Hitomi’s extended hand touched his shoulder.

Hitomi’s hand trembled and stopped, then she slowly pulled her hand.


Hitomi’s dejected voice made Tsurugi came back to himself suddenly.

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“Sorry… That’s not what I meant, Hitomi. I just want to be alone for now…”

“Uun. I understand… I understand, but…”

The tears that had been held back in her eyes ran down her cheeks. She turned on her heels and left in the opposite direction of Tsurugi.

Following the death of his father, Midou Ryuusui, was the death of an irreplaceable existence called Furuya Rin. And the fact that Shion who killed Rin was his best friend, Kazato.

The conflict in Slaceid. The collapse of the city.

They overlapped, and Tsurugi’s heart was already tattered. Hitomi who left while wiping her tears was also holding herself back.

However, Hitomi knew that Tsurugi who witnessed the death of his father, the death of Rin, and the emotionless gaze of that Kazato was more hurt than herself.

The hatred of losing his place to go was swelling inside Tsurugi.

“Kazato… why…”

With the wall as a support, he carried his heavy body to the room arranged for him. He greeted back the people who he passed by curtly.

The room arranged for Tsurugi was on the first floor of the women’s barracks.

Having entered the room, Tsurugi sank into the bed.

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Regardless of his psychological situation, another job will start tomorrow.

Now, the SDF was by no means in a situation where they have leeway either.



Tsurugi suddenly turned around in response to the voice that abruptly appeared.

There stood a girl, about 15 years old. She had straight, glossy black hair that stretched to her waist, and her height was about one head shorter than Tsurugi.

She was wearing something like an inspection garment, and countless gauze was sticked on her both arms. She was a girl who had a fair face and gave off a sense of translucence.

“Who… are you…?” Tsurugi stared at the girl with suspicion.

(Where did she come from? No, was she already here since the beginning?)

“My name is Yumesaki Aika.”

Hearing the name, Tsurugi opened his eyes widely.

Yumesaki Aika. A girl who was once escorted by his father, Midou Ryuusui, at the center of Saint Celia.

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And… Tsurugi also knew that she was an important existence called ‘Singularity’.

Tsurugi didn’t know what ‘Singularity’ actually meant, but he understood that since she even had his father who was a general at that time as an escort in Saint Celia, a city that could be called a stronghold, she, Yumesaki Aika, must had some sort of special ability.

“Yumesaki Aika you said…? Why are you here…? Your escort?”

“You are the escort. Your fa-… Tsurugi-san, you were chosen as the successor of Midou Ryuusui. I will be living together with you from today.”

Tsurugi remembered about the special important mission that was mentioned from above not long ago. He hadn’t heard the detail, but he never thought that the mission was to escort Yumesaki Aika.

Tsurugi frowned. Being Yumesaki Aika’s escort was like a shackle for the current him. If the escort made him unable to move, he wouldn’t be able to pay back the grudge of his father, and he wouldn’t be able to get involved with Kazato who he hadn’t come to terms with inside him either.

In the past, when his father was escorting Yumesaki Aika, his father only came back home once a month.

In other words, as Yumesaki Aika’s escort, he had to constantly attending her. He was practically stuck indoor and became her playmate.

Tsurugi remembered that he had some jealousy for Yumesaki Aika at that time.

“I haven’t heard about that… Did you get here alone? This branch has just been attacked. There aren’t many people left here now.”

“The reason I am here is because it has been decided that the surrounding vicinity here is safe since the Anonymous has just withdrawn from Slaceid. I didn’t come here alone you know.”

“…Is that so. But I haven’t been given the direct mission yet. Even though you came now, I have no obligation to escort you. I’ll bring you back. Where did you come from? Control ward? Research building?”

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I want to be alone now. With that in mind, Tsurugi tried to push Aika away.

In fact, he approached her, roughly grabbed her hand, and tried to take her outside.

“Kisaragi-san has already told me to act with Tsurugi-san.”


Tsurugi’s movement stopped suddenly.

“But it’s already night. I haven’t heard the details yet, so come back for now.

Or do you want to sleep and eat together with me in this small single room? And our age is not even that far apart either.”

“I heard you are used to it. I don’t mind either.”

The girl’s stubborn attitude made Tsurugi irritated and he took a breath.

“…Okay. Suit yourself…”

Tsurugi let go of her hand and sat down on the bed again. Then he put both of his elbows on both of his knees to prop up his head.

“Yes. Please take care of me.”

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