[Dream of Rage]

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Having changed into plain clothes, Tsurugi walked around the city for about an hour, but in the end, he realized that he had nothing to do, so he changed into his uniform and returned to the facility again.

Because of his position, Tsurugi was often dispatched to Saint Celia, so he didn’t find looking around the city to be enjoyable anymore. Perhaps it was also because he had emotional problems.

Tsurugi was sitting on a chair in the waiting room and reading a newspaper.

The article that was extensively reported was, as expected, about the recent incident at Slaceid.

A large-scale conflict between Anonymous and Nursery Rhymes.

The city center was almost destroyed. It was a major incident in which the death toll of civilians and the Self-Defense Forces exceeded 50,000.

This incident was reported worldwide, and the public perception that the Self-Defense Forces were incompetent and the public’s dislike of evil organizations such as Anonymous and Nursery Rhymes became more widespread.


After reading the bland apology comments of the famous generals, a sound of clicking tongue came out of Tsurugi’s mouth.

Certainly, there was no room for excuse for the fact that Anonymous’ hideout was located in the underground of Slaceid. However, there was no doubt that private companies were involved in maintaining Anonymous’ organizational function.

Tsurugi hit the wall in anger.

“Dammit! We are also risking our lives on the fronts…!”

Having thrown the newspaper onto the table where it was placed, he sat deep in the chair.

His eyes stopped at a coffee maker, so he stood up and headed there.

Then, at that time, a woman scream echoed in the facility. Rather than a scream, it sounded more like a cry.

Is this the voice of that girl…? Something must have happened.

Having thought so, Tsurugi left the waiting room, and faced toward the direction of the scream. The scream came from the back of the door where Aika and Kamei had disappeared earlier.

Tsurugi rushed out and immediately twisted the doorknob. But it’s locked.

Why is it locked?

Tsurugi wondered, but he had no time to think about it. Using his ability, he ‘rejected’ the door.

With a *su*, Tsurugi’s body slipped through the door, and he came out into a corridor leading to several rooms.

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He stopped in place for a moment, looking for the direction of where the scream came from. He didn’t know where the horrific scream came from because it echoed throughout the corridor.

He decided to search for the room one by one.

After opening one door after another, Tsurugi finally found the room where Kamei and Aika was in.

Sure enough, the scream was that of Aika, she was naked and restrained in bed; while shedding tears, she tried to move her flesh-colored limbs that were tied with bands.

Seeing Tsurugi who came into the room, Kamei looked surprised.

“What are you doing!”

Being grabbed by the scruff by Tsurugi who raised a bellow, Kamei screamed *Eek*. However, his scream was drowned out by Aika’s cry that still continues.

“L-Lieutenant General Midou… T-this is an examination of the maximum reach of the brain waves and of each nervous system…!”

“…This is an examination, you say?”

“Y-yes… This is an everyday thing.”

Tsurugi frowned.

When he turned his eyes to Aika, she was screaming and breathing intermittently while shedding tears from her wide-open eyes.

She went through this kind of torture every day?

Tsurugi looked around at the men in white coats who gathered from the other rooms after getting wind of the disturbance, and then returned to Kamei.

“Why does she need to be naked?”

“It’s for drug administration and to attach the electrical pads…”

Looking at her body, a number of electrical pads were attached. And there was an IV drip stuck in her arm. When Tsurugi turned his gaze to the IV bag, there was the word ‘HSC’ written there.

Tsurugi’s eyes opened widely.

“HSC… Don’t tell me, is it that emotion-suppressing drug…?”

HSC. Tsurugi remembered the name of that illegal drug.

HSC is a psychotropic drug that can almost definitely suppress emotional waves. He heard that it was mainly used by professional killers.

“Y-yes. That’s right… Haven’t you been informed about it?”

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“No way… That’s illegal…!”

“However, we received a special permission…”

“Release Yumesaki Aika right now.”

“W-what are you talking about!? Aika-chan is still in the middle of examination…”

“How can you call this an examination! Ridiculous!”

Tsurugi pushed Kamei away and proceeded to Aika. Then he removed the bands that held her body in place and the electrical pads that were attached to her.

When the electrical pads were peeled off, her scream gradually subsided, and eventually she fainted. Tsurugi covered such Aika with an inspection garment that was folded nearby and then carried her on his shoulder.

“Lieutenant General Midou, without Aika-chan, we cannot make a leap forward in ability development!”

Tsurugi frowned at the words – ability development.

He hadn’t figured out what kind of existence Aika was, but he was convinced that she was sacrificed under the advancement of ability development.

This was not something that he could overlook, no matter how much of an annoying existence Aika was to him.

“So what? Supressing her emotions and doing such torture-like things to her… It’s too inhumane!”

“Enough! Tsurugi!”

Tsurugi was familiar with that intimidating air. When he looked back, there stood someone with a four-star badge as he expected.

“…General Kisaragi.”

Tsurugi speculated that he came in through the door on the other side.

Someone in this room must have contacted the center, so General Kisaragi rushed to this place.

“Did you know about this?”

“Of course. I was the one who gave you the instruction after all.”

“…Such a thing is unforgivable.”

“With the pain of one person, we can save a lot of people. Do you not understand that?”

“Even so… That’s just following orders without thinking, right?”

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Saving the majority with the sacrifice of the minority. Tsurugi didn’t like this principle of the Self-Defense Forces.

“Following orders without thinking you say? You knew what the girl was in the first place, right!?”

*Crack* A flash of lightning ran around General Kisaragi.

Tsurugi didn’t withdraw. He replied while staring at General Kisaragi,

“You didn’t tell me.”

“Is that so? Then, let me tell you…

That girl is a human formed by the collection of blood and flesh of ability users… a hybrid born from Anonymous’ extremely foul human experimentation! And she holds a powerful power!”


Tsurugi was speechless.

He turned his eyes to Aika who he was carrying on his shoulder, but the fair-skinned girl looked like a normal human being.

A Hybrid – in other words, she is an artificially created human, huh.

However, the fact they need to restrict her emotion means that she also has a will.

And if she was just made, this girl is not guilty.

Tsurugi immediately formed his decision.

“Is that the reason why this girl has to go through such a thing?”

“It became the reason for us to make her a research subject.”

Hearing that, Tsurugi kept silent for a while.

He didn’t feel like saying anything. But he didn’t want to end the talk here.

“General Kisaragi, didn’t you hide it because you knew I wouldn’t consent to this? And because you knew that the current me have no concern to anything related to this girl, you entrust her escort to me with the excuse of to be my shackle, right?”

General Kisaragi’s eyebrows moved with a twitch.

“It’s right on the mark, huh.”

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“Then, Tsurugi, do you know why this girl is here? Not in the Anonymous, but in the Self-Defense Forces.”

“I don’t know.”

“It was because five years ago, your father, Ryuusui, rescued her from them. Do you understand what this means?”

“Rescued…? It doesn’t matter what it means! And if we’re doing such a thing, aren’t we the same as the Anonymous!?”

“We are the same as Anonymous you say? We are different, Tsurugi!”

“What’s the difference!?”

“They are doing it for evil purpose, while we are doing it for justice… Our purpose is different!

In the first place, if we are talking about this research, we have obtained the consent of the person herself.”

“Do you made her agree by suppressing her emotion? Don’t joke around!”


General Kisaragi shifts his gaze to the bed where Aika was lying earlier. Seeing the letters on the IV bag that had been thrown there, he clicked his tongue.

“I don’t know where is the justice in this!”

“For sure… You who are thinking of revenge can’t understand what justice is! You are someone who are blind to his own shortcoming and can only talk self-righteously!”


“Tsurugi, you don’t seem to have the power to discern things like your father does.”

*Crack, Crack* The flash of light bursting around General Kisaragi gradually increased.

“Aika Yumesaki must continue the examination. Hand her to Kamei.”

“…I don’t want to.”



The bed next to the Tsurugi burst open.

“I will use force but, you don’t mind, right?”

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