Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain 334

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They looked at each other, faces full of dissatisfaction. “What’s their intention? Making us receive him with so much attention, yet completely ignoring us when he arrives.”

Li Zhi was especially unhappy. She coldly said, “Isn’t he from an orphanage? He probably doesn’t understand what manners are.”

The third was leaning into the sofa weakly and said, “He went to the Zhongs early on and didn’t stay in the orphanage for that long.”

“But why did he bring Zhong Yuhuan here?” Li Zhi frowned.

“Who knows?”

Li Zhi looked upstairs with jealousy. “… How lucky of him.”

“He was born in the upper circles, interacting with only politicians and big businessmen.”

The third continued to refute, “Zhong Yuhuan’s cousin is really powerful back in China, and his peers are the same. They are all figures like Chen Mingye.”

The eighth interrupted, “Their classmates from abroad are probably extraordinary too.”

Li Zhi gritted her teeth. “So does that mean that he’s very powerful?”

“Who knows? Let’s watch and see.”

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This ‘watch and see’ turned into a waiting period of about half a month.

Li Jinyuan didn’t stay in the Li’s place but would bring Zhong Yuhuan over with him every day for meals.

When Li Yong was in good spirits, he would go downstairs to eat with Li Jinyuan and Zhong Yuhuan sitting on either side of him. This made everyone else extremely jealous.

With this disruption, everyone in the Li family was very unhappy.

They originally thought that he was just some country kid. Even if he was a celebrity, what did that short time count for? But it turned out that this country kid was even more arrogant than them. Li Jinyuan completely disregarded them. In no time at all, he was able to accompany Assistant Dong to the Jinghua Group and take care of the company business. They couldn’t bear it any longer.

Li Yong’s other children gathered together to discuss him.

“Li Jinyuan has a rival. Why don’t we start with him?”


“Huo Chengming.”

“Fuck, they have a bad relationship?”

“Not just bad. They came from the same orphanage and seemed to fight over everything. Then, they started to fight over their sister after being adopted. Now that they’re grown up, they began to try and beat the other in order to win Zhong Yuhuan’s hand in marriage and have now gotten a result. Both of them dislike the other. I heard from a small star in China that Huo Chengming almost killed Li Jinyuan out of anger in Turkey.”

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“Really! These two are really petty. Whenever one of their posts is shared by Zhong Yuhuan, the other person immediately picks a fight. Reporters have even caught them fighting in the streets a bunch of times…”

“Then let’s go find Huo Chengming!”

“Huo Chengming’s methods are a bit severe… Is that okay?”

“It’d be bad if he’s not severe. The best outcome would be if he kills Li Jinyuan. We’re willing to shoulder the blame. He just has to do it, and it would be of no harm to Zhong Yuhuan at all. How could he be unwilling?”

They discussed it again and finally unanimously agreed to find Huo Chengming.

When Huo Chengming got the call, he had his legs crossed, sitting at the coffee table playing cards.

With him were Zhong Yuhuan and Li Jinyuan.

Zhong Yuhuan and Li Jinyuan may have gone to the Li family together, but Huo Chengming didn’t fall behind.

The day he arrived in Shicheng, he first bought a house and instructed people to tidy it up, just waiting for Zhong Yuhuan to move in.

Those useless idiots in the Li family were completely clueless that Huo Chengming was already in Shicheng.

Zhong Yuhuan was on a roll in the card game, continuously sticking pieces of paper onto Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming’s faces.

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Whoever lost had to have pieces of paper stuck onto them.

Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming were about to be turned into zombies by her.

Hearing a phone ring, Zhong Yuhuan took a glance, then tossed it to Huo Chengming, “… An unknown number.”

After the phone rang three times, Huo Chengming tossed away the cards in his hand. “I lost.”

Zhong Yuhuan happily stuck another piece of paper onto him.

Only then did Huo Chengming pick up.

The phone call was very short; he hung up without saying much.

Zhong Yuhuan took the time to ask, “What was that all about?”

Huo Chengming glanced at Li Jinyuan with a subtle look. “… Someone asked me to kill Li Jinyuan.”

Zhong Yuhuan: “…”

Li Jinyuan: “…”

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“… Which family did this idiot come from?” Zhong Yuhuan asked.

“The Lis.”

“… Makes sense. They probably do want to do me off,” Li Jinyuan remarked.

Zhong Yuhuan threw down the cards in her hands. “Are they paying you?”

Huo Chengming laughed, instantly understanding Zhong Yuhuan’s intentions. “Yes.”

“I want to buy an art gallery.”


“For my birthday party this year, I want to invite eight fresh meats…”

“… No,” Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan almost simultaneously vetoed her with dark faces.

“I don’t have any other meanings.”

Note: 1 more chapters to go!

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