Our Binding Love: My Gentle Tyrant Chapter 363

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Calamitous Beauty

As if seeing her bewilderment, Ye Xiaolang laughed heartily. He said, "The reason is simple! When I was young, I was raised by a wolf, hence a wolf child. I understand all the rules of the animal, I naturally know how to make them scared!"

Hearing this, Ye Mu felt Ye Xiaolang was very cool! While the people around pitched the camp and reported to Mo Linyuan, Ye Mu tugged Ye Xiaolang to one side and whispered.

"Have you been well all these years? Did Mo Linyuan bully you?"

Ye Xiaolang touched his nose. "It doesn't count as bullying, he just simply doesn't treat me as a human, always at his immediate disposal. I want to come back and see you, but I don't have much time because of the training."

When Ye Mu listened, an understanding expression instantly dawned on her. "No wonder, every time I bring you up, he always says you're busy. He's bullied you to work too much!"

But Ye Xiaolang did not mind. "It's alright, I'm rather comfortable in the army. I'm already a major general now, and now that I'm called back to the capital, if there's a war in the future, I'm unlikely to be assigned to a post outside."

Ye Mu humphed. "I also won't let him assign you outside the capital again!"

The two talked in whispers on one side, making Mo Linyuan by the bonfire upset. Indeed, he should not have let Ye Xiaolang come back, he was too good at snatching attention. Once he appeared, Xiao Mu-er didn't even glance at him.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?" Wen Feng who had hurried back said, "Do you think this arrangement is proper for tomorrow?"

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Depressed, Mo Linyuan nodded. "Alright, go with your plan."

He paused, and pointed to Ye Xiaolang. "Also, call Ye Xiaolang to come and listen, we'll not have him stay above tomorrow, he'll follow us to go down. Wen Feng, you stay up."


After that, Ye Xiaolang and Ye Mu who were happily chatting were inexplicably brought over.

Ye Mu wanted to join in, but Mo Linyuan coaxed her, "You go rest first."

Ye Mu said, "You all are not sleeping, why do I need to rest?"

Mo Linyuan reasoned, "You're the strongest, you'll definitely be using a lot of strength tomorrow, so tonight you must save your energy."

As Mo Linyuan said this, Ye Mu acted cute, pouting. When she saw that the tent on one side had been set up, she reluctantly said, "Then you should rest early too, when the discussion is done, remember to tell me the plan tomorrow."

"En." Mo Linyuan gently looked at her. "Go ahead and rest."

Sitting among the crowd, Ye Xiaolang saw the way Mo Linyuan treated Ye Mu so affectionately. Although he knew it already, he was still slightly speechless. Who would have thought the slave boy before would actually end up being Mo Country's emperor? Who would have thought, the man who seemed to be very calculating since childhood, would be so gentle toward a woman?

Having thought of something, Ye Xiaolang lightly smiled, it seems Aji will be henpecked!

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After Ye Mu went to sleep, the men went to sit and continued discussing. Because Ye Xiaolang brought over two thousand people, their strength now was enough, so somebody suggested.

"What if it's like this, we divide into three directions, one to find the main entrance and go down from there. Another group will directly use a tool to dig a hole and go down to open another path. And the other group will wait outside."

Another person suggested, "At that time, each of our group brings along a rope and a bell. For every some distance, hammer a wooden peg, tie the bell on the rope so we don’t lose our tracks, so we won’t get lost!"

"That's right, if something wrong happens then, we still can pull the rope, request help from the people outside."

Everyone drew on suggestions together, preparing for the next underground treasure.

In the end, they only went to rest after they finished discussing their strategy. The next morning, everyone woke up very early, and started their operation.

They first found the main entrance halfway up the mountain, and then sent a group of people to go in.

Meanwhile, Ye Mu and Mo Linyuan planned to open a way in by themselves.

They walked to the place where the poisonous gas emitted before and dug. Indeed, not long after digging, a secret path appeared. Ye Mu first threw a pheasant down. Seeing that it was still alive when it was brought back up, she guessed that it was no longer poisonous below.

Then, she also threw a fire down to distinguish the air speed according to the direction of the fire. After finding that there was no problem, they went down.

Now that the treasure was right before their eyes, everyone was excited. But there was the lesson learned from the Bright King Map, Ye Mu felt the City Boundary Map's treasure was also not easy.

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Before going down, Mo Linyuan tied a red rope between him and Ye Mu.

"No matter what happens, we will not leave each other, understand?"

Ye Mu smiled, nodding. "I know. It's only some ancient mechanism. That Bright King Map's imperial tomb did not make me stranded, much less here?"

Only then did Mo Linyuan nod. Currently, he wore black clothes, his hair simply tied up high. He first jumped down before carrying Ye Mu down.

With Ye Mu's skill, why would she need someone to carry her? So imperceptibly, it was a moment's show of affection to abuse single dogs*.

*CN slang for single people

Their group of people was not many, only ten. The group led by Ye Xiaolang, on the other hand, had even more people, reaching over a hundred. This was Ye Mu's decision after much consideration. The underground was cramped, so more people were not necessarily better, hence they decided to travel in simple clothings.

After going down, the two people resolutely walked downward.

This corridor was built extremely simple, it looked the same as an air vent, short and small.

After passing through this corridor, Ye Mu noticed they had arrived in the first stone room.

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This stone room had many piled up bones, looking like the emperor's tomb. The craftsmen here were also killed being witnesses.

Because there was no map, no path to follow, they decisively kept walking downward. After walking toward another section, they could see a mural, the ground below them was also paved with slabstone.

At this moment, Mo Linyuan was looking at the mural, and the people that followed them were busy hammering a wooden peg and tying the red thread, hanging a golden bell above.

It was easy to get lost underground, doing this may ensure this kind of situation to not happen. Ye Mu saw that Mo Linyuan had been looking at the mural for a long time, so she moved closer and asked, "What's the matter?"

She raised her head to look at the mural. "Is there something interesting in this mural?"

Mo Linyuan said in a deep voice, "Murals in general are a message the workers here want to relay to the outside. For instance, the place where Mo Country's ancestor was buried. On that tomb's mural, the drawing showed him killing everywhere, pacifying the rebellion, establishing Mo Country's image. There is also his wedding, congratulated from all sides. His major birthdays*, and other major events."

*大寿 - birthdays for an older person on the tenth/marking a  new decade, typically over 50yo, e.g. 60th birthday, 70th, 80th, etc.

"But it's the treasure here, nothing should be drawn right?" Ye Mu asked, feeling odd.

Mo Linyuan said, "That's why I feel strange because this mural which obviously paints this place buried a woman."


Mo Linyuan nodded. "If I'm not wrong, the one buried here is most likely the favored concubine of the last dynasty's emperor. They say, the empire perished because of her, and she was known by people as a femme fatale, an evil spirit that causes world chaos."

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