The Life Journey on the Mural

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She walked all the way forward. All the poisonous worms dispersed back to make a path, just like servants, politely escorting her.

After Ye Mu bypassed these worms, she hurried in. The porcelain bottle she was gripping seemed to have answered her wish, her eyes becoming even brighter as she headed straight to the treasure!

She met many snakes, worms and rats on the way, which really made her scalp tingle! Ye Mu did her best not to look at them, but sometimes she met lumps of worms.

Figures of white-fleshed worms were occasionally seen in the center of those lumps, but instantly, the previous nematodes, in addition to looking more like small snakes now, had two heads. It made one's scalp tingle!

With this growth development, if these things were released, they would definitely bring a disaster. Ye Mu felt a chill in her heart, but didn't look for long and continued rushing forward.

Finally, she arrived at that enormous cave pit.

This time, she couldn't use the same method as before, using qing gong to leap over. She must walk step by step, and currently, there were still many of the five poisonous creatures gathering in the pit. Not all of them had left.

Ye Mu took a deep breath, and then jumped down. It was only two meters high, it wasn't much to her. What made her scalp tingle was, after jumping down, she noticed that besides the snakes, worms and rats, there were also five small poisonous creatures that were just born not for long. Those that had grown up dispersed back when they smelled the fragrance on her.

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But the small ones crawled very slowly, so in her every step, she walked on countless corpses of small worms.

The "crunch crunch" noise under her feet was never ending. Ye Mu really wanted to walk a little faster, but at this moment, she walked slowly, because the creatures beside her needed time to crawl back. If her carelessness made her step on the grown poisonous snakes, its reflex would be to bite her. If so, she would most likely die here.

So in the darkness of the underground and in the deep cave pit, there was only a little light walking slowly. Endless poisonous creatures were all around, and they slowly stepped aside to give way, letting the small, young girl pass through.

Finally, Ye Mu passed through!

When she climbed up the pit, she didn't have time to shake off the small worms on her body, and immediately ran toward the treasure.

The place of the treasure was still brightly lit. There were white nematodes crawling past on the ground from time to time, but after smelling the fragrance on Ye Mu, they didn't go near anymore, making her release a big sigh of relief!

If there was an antidote, the antidote would definitely be here. She needed to carefully, carefully look for it!

Ye Mu first found that woman's corpse, where the porcelain bottle was found. Maybe the antidote was with her!

But the woman's body had shrivelled down, the skin loosely covering the bones, her face completely deformed!

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Ye Mu didn't look for a long time and directly searched her body, her face streaming with sweat.

But there was nothing on her body. Besides that porcelain bottle, there wasn't any pouch that could hold materials. The cold sweat on Ye Mu's head increased. In the end, there was no other way, she could only go to a different place to search!

All around were treasures, seeming to flash with golden lights, and the luminous pearls here were honestly too many. Under the gold reflections, the whole treasure was utterly bright, but this didn't help Ye Mu. Instead, her eyes seemed to almost be blinded by these shiny objects!

Where is it? Where is a similar medicine bottle?!

Under her unbridled search, she finally found an object similar to a medical kit. Just that, because a long time had passed, the medicine inside lost its properties. She lightly touched it, and it immediately turned into a pile of powder. At this moment, Ye Mu's heart was in despair! Shouldn't there be an antidote?!

Normally, the perpetrator of the poison wouldn't leave an antidote. After all, who would be kind to a treasure robber?

But Ye Mu still hoped that there would be. If, what if the one who came in was the empire's imperial orphan? Would they also be killed with poison with no exception?

But finding it nowhere made Ye Mu break down! She suddenly waved furiously, and the countless gold, silver and jewelries collapsed to the side. It was all treasure in these chests, there was no medicine, not even one!

Ye Mu pulled at her own hair, forcing herself to calm down. She had always been calm, her temperament had long been polished, she shouldn't be irrational from anger!

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Calm down, calm down, there must be something she had overlooked.

She would think of Mo Linyuan's words before. Did he say the predecessors' wishes could be expressed in the mural?

Ye Mu looked at the beautiful murals all around, each painting exquisite, depicting different scenes.

She scrutinized the paintings one by one, from the discovery of the favored concubine to the dedication to the emperor. Then, she slowly worked her charms and finesse, fully fascinating the emperor.

Everyone who dared to hinder her was killed by her, and they were all killed by worms and snakes. Allegedly, she had an unusually sweet smell, and all of the poisonous creatures listened to her words.

And then the scene changed, and even the emperor was trampled under her feet.

The emperor was madly in love with her, wanting to be with her in life and death. But the favored concubine was not willing, so the emperor built two tombs, one piled up with countless gold, silver and jewelries; another could be further away, looking at her from an elevated distance.

Ye Mu saw this and felt this was only a romantic story, there was nothing useful.

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She ran up to another wall, pushing away the small gold and silver people that were in the way, before she continued observing.

Turns out, the reason why the favored concubine was heartless to the emperor was because she had another person in her heart.

So after she entered the palace, she took advantage of the emperor's passion toward her to start a rebellion. This was to impose a superfluous accusation on the emperor, making other people sagacious.

And that emperor was indeed fatuous, daring to be reckless for her. Regrettably, the empire started to have frequent wars, with rebels everywhere. If this continued, it was only a matter of time before the emperor was overthrown.

The favored concubine who served her purpose wanted to leave before the palace was attacked, because the rebels wouldn't let her off as she had committed many grave crimes. So, she looked for that dear person of hers.

She had done everything he wanted, he should also give the happiness she wished for as promised.

Who would have thought, the other party actually wanted to kill her!

In the end, the emperor found out something was wrong and brought people to save her, saving her life by a hair's breadth. But unfortunately, she was still injured, and her life would end soon.

On one side was an incapable ruler willing to pay everything for her, and on the other was her "beloved" that schemed in every possible way. Before the favored concubine died, she dug out her own eyes, saying that she had been blind all her life. And after her death, the incapable ruler stood his ground and buried her, in the end secretly burying her here.

And then, there was nothing else. Ye Mu  looked through the murals several times, and didn't find the message she wanted! What about the antidote? Where is the antidote?

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