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Soft, ice-cold eyelids opened, and Ye Mu found beneath the favored concubine’s eyelids, a white pearl was hidden on one side!

She took out the thing that looked similar to a pearl. As her finger rubbed it, the white surface fell, revealing black-colored medicine inside.

At that moment, Ye Mu nearly cried tears of joy!

She held the medicine between her fingers, knelt down and gave the favored concubine three loud kowtows. Then, she ate the medicine.

At this moment, she was rather nervous because she wasn't sure if this antidote of over two hundred years still worked, but slowly, she felt her limbs regaining their strength. The poison was disappearing quickly!

This antidote was real!

Ye Mu didn't dare to stay. She held the antidote tightly in her palm, running outside. She ran at lightning speed, even in the deep pit, she didn't slow down her speed, directly stepping on the snakes!

Because she was so thrilled, she was bitten by the five poisonous creatures, but she nearly didn't feel any pain. She only knew that she found the antidote! Mo Linyuan could be saved!

The corners of Mo Linyuan's mouth endlessly spilled with blood.

This was the sign of poison attacking the heart, and at this time, Ye Mu had no signs of coming out. Ye Xiaolang looked at Mo Linyuan's face that kept floating with death qi every second. He heaved a sigh in his heart.

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"Aji, do you really want to leave and abandon xiaojie?"

He was rather indignant as he said, "You're really overbearing. When you seized xiaojie, drove me away, and didn't allow xiaojie to see me, I could see you're treating her very well and didn't argue with you. But look at yourself now, hanging between life and death, with xiaojie risking her life for you! If I knew it would be like this earlier, I would take xiaojie with me, her life maybe will be happier."

Seeing Mo Linyuan not refuting him, Ye Xiaolang became angrier.

"You clearly promised to marry her, but right now you're lying here. After you snatched away her heart, you want to leave her? Then you're really not a man."

The imperial physicians on the side were about to cry. His Majesty was about to die, what was the use of saying these?

Ye Xiaolang also knew it was useless. Looking at his decreasing life qi, he knew it couldn't be suspended any longer.

He said to the physicians at the side.

"If I remember correctly, you all know the acupuncture skill to briefly recover consciousness before dying?"

The physicians were dazed. One of them plopped down to their knees.

"General Ye, let's not trouble His Majesty anymore, okay? His Majesty is already very miserable, let's let him go quietly!"

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The other physicians also couldn't bear to see. At this moment, there were only them in the tent, the people outside still didn't know what had happened. Once the news of Mo Linyuan's death was heard by them, who knew how much panic it would bring.

Ye Xiaolang asked, muttering, "How long has xiaojie been down?"

One of them replied, "About one shichen."

Ye Xiaolang counted the distance. One shichen. If Ye Mu was fast enough, she should arrive anytime soon now, provided that she successfully found the antidote.

So Ye Xiaolang made a quick decision.

"Perform acupuncture on His Majesty now, I'll bear all the consequences!"

"These" imperial physicians shared a helpless look. The oldest of them all clenched his teeth and firmly said.

"Alright! Let this servant do it, to buy the last bit of time for Ye-xiaojie!"

With this said, he lined up the acupuncture bag in his hands, and then took out the needle and did the acupuncture, stimulating Mo Linyuan's nerves.

Very soon, Mo Linyuan's breathing became more intense, but this was not enough. They wanted Mo Linyuan to regain consciousness!

This exhausted Mo Linyuan's final strength, but right now, he was dying, they couldn't mind it much!

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After more than ten needles were in, Mo Linyuan suddenly deeply inhaled!

And underground, Ye Mu tripped. She got up and ran madly without any hesitation, but she didn't expect, at this moment, she met that enormous dark red snake!

The python blocked her path, it didn't retreat from the fragrance on her. Instead, it fixed its gaze on her, looking as though it was starving.

This time, Ye Mu had no more strength to fight with it.

Even if she could fight past it, Mo Linyuan couldn't wait. If she got entangled in a fight with this snake, Mo Linyuan would surely die!

At that moment, Ye Mu's heart was in despair. She looked at the python before her, which she didn’t know how many years it had lived for it to grow so big, and looked at its eyes that laid bare its desire to devour its meal.

In the end, she released a long breath!

She walked toward the snake. That snake looked as if it didn't expect Ye Mu to not be afraid of it and also didn't hide.

It weirdly looked at her, as if thinking where to sink down its mouth. It was very hungry, and although the person before her had the sweet smell it loathed, it could coerce itself to eat.

Who would have known, Ye Mu actually walked up right before itt!

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The snake raised its head high looking at her, ready to attack at any time, but saw Ye Mu extending her hand.

"I know you won't be full after eating one hand, but right now, I can only give you this to eat. There's someone that I must save! I must live. I can actually fight you right now, but I really don't have time anymore."

Sorrow appeared in Ye Mu’s face, but her hand lifted up before the snake's face!

"I'm only giving you one hand. After you've eaten, let me leave. Inside the cave, there are still dead bodies. You can eat them, okay?"

If other people were here, they would definitely think Ye Mu had gone insane. She was actually talking with a snake—trading with a snake. Snakes were cold-blooded animals, how could it only eat one of Ye Mu's hands?

The next second, the snake opened its mouth widely, and bit Ye Mu's hand in a mouthful!

Its poisonous fangs instantly sunk into Ye Mu's arm. Just like Ye Mu guessed, even the snake was different in this cave. Not only did it have long, sharp teeth, but also densely packed teeth. As long as it was willing, it could bite off Ye Mu's arm and directly swallow it down!

Ye Mu cried out in pain, but didn't dodge!

Eat, just eat, there was still some poison that had not cleared in her body. After all, the green color on her hands had not completely disappeared. As long as this snake ate it, even if it didn't die, it wouldn't be able to chase after her.

But at this particular moment, the snake looked at her with ice-cold snake eyes. It looked at her determined expression that wasn't afraid to die, looked at her almost indifferent face. Unexpectedly, the snake released Ye Mu's hand!

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