War Arises

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Each minister gave their own opinions. Someone said to send people to inquire about the situation first, so as not to create a misunderstanding. But there was a radical person who said to dispatch the troops directly to hold the lines! Let them see!

Of course, the state affairs sought stability, so the former was certainly more reliable.

And at this moment, an extremely urgent letter was sent breaking the deadlock.

“Report, Yue Country’s dispatch!”

“Hand it in!”

That travel-worn person passed on the letter. There was only one sentence on it: “Wei Country marched through Zhao Country, intending to attack Mo.”

If it was before, everyone could still feel safe, thinking that Zhao and Yan’s war wouldn’t come through. But right now, they could already smell the conspiracy!

Zhao, Yue, and Yan all had moved. Even if Yue Country was neutral, the other two were too far apart, but who knew they didn’t have clandestine support?

This situation was extremely disadvantageous to Mo Country! This was because Mo Country seized all the treasure?

The ministers buzzed about with discussion. Mo Linyuan thought this matter couldn’t be discussed in the courtroom anymore; he asked some people to go to the imperial study, and then announced the dismissal of the imperial court session.

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After Mo Linyuan left, this matter made a lot of people uneasy. Could this lead to war?

Mo Country was not afraid of anyone, but a group assault was rather strenuous.

This matter very quickly reached Ye Mu. Ye Mu was feeling strange that Mo Linyuan was in the morning court for so long when she heard this major news.

“Siege?” Ye Mu asked a young maid at one side.

That person nodded. “Yes, everyone has been talking about this! Said the other six countries want to lay siege on Mo Country. They secretly have a pact; furthermore, there’s a middle man.”

Ye Mu thought of the underdeveloped communications of this era. If there really were an agreed siege, that agreement must have been made several months ago, but Mo Country obtained the treasure which sped up the process of this argument.

For some reason, she suddenly thought of the wedding day, the man with a half smile she saw when she looked out the palanquin.

“What do we do now? Everyone is saying if they should give out the treasure, they all think it’s because of the treasure.”

Ye Mu shook her head. “The treasure is merely a triggering factor. This matter has definitely been premeditated since long before.”

She felt uneasy. According to the history book, it should be Mo Linyuan who wiped out the other countries alone, and not other countries attacking Mo Country.

“This can’t do. His Majesty is currently in the imperial study, right?”

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The palace maid nodded, and then Ye Mu was gone.

“Your Majesty, this official thinks this matter arose because of the treasure. What if we divide the treasure to avoid the calamity?” someone couldn’t help but ask.

Another person then echoed, “Yeah, it’s such a big treasure, it’s not surprising people get jealous. We can divide it only with Yue Country and Zhao Country. After all, the treasure is in the borders of these three countries. We naturally don’t have to share it with others, maybe it’ll arouse their internal conflict. “

However, Prime Minister Wen had a dissenting opinion. “If the treasure is given out, no matter how much it’s given out, are you certain the other party won’t suspect it too little after receiving it? A person’s greed is endless. When the time comes, they will only think Mo Country has swallowed the bigger end, and hate Mo Country more.”

Someone stepped forward and said, “Prime Minister is right. This official thinks we can win over Yue Country. By then it will be two against three, so we might have odds of success.”

“What if the far Li Country and Yuan Country also secretly support them? Then we’ll be two against five. Although Yue Country is an ally, they are unlikely to know the danger and implicate themself.”

Everyone immediately fell silent. If it really was an attack of the five countries besides Yue Country this time, then even if Mo Country’s power was strong, it would still be very difficult!

“It’s all good if we can pull in another helping hand!”

Someone suddenly spoke, but no one responded to him. Not to mention pulling in a country, as long as those two far countries were neutral like Yue Country, Mo Country would not be very worried.

Only Mo Linyuan narrowed his eyes, as if he had thought of a way.

And at this time, Zhao Country’s letter arrived.

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Mo Linyuan turned frigid. This was a letter from Zhao Country’s monarch. It was delivered by Zhao Country’s spy in Mo Country and was directly handed over here. That person from Zhao Country who was hiding in Mo Country had been captured, but nothing was said. It seemed to be a death soldier*.

*death soldier - a warrior, soldier or the like who sacrifices themself for a purpose.

Mo Linyuan opened the letter. After seeing the contents on it, a murderous look gradually appeared in his eyes!

“How outrageous!”

After Mo Linyuan read it, he threw the letter on the ground. When Prime Minister Wen saw this, he stepped forward to read the letter.

It turned out, on the letter, Zhao Country said that as long as Mo Country was willing to surrender all the treasure, divide it equally with the other six countries, this war could be avoided. Otherwise, the allied forces would soon barge in Mo Country. Even if Mo Country’s strength was tyrannical, it was absolutely no match to several countries combined!

Surrendering all the treasure—this was simply ridiculous. Forget about whether the other party would keep their promise or not after handing it over first. What if the other party was not genuine and said Mo Country still had private stash and still wanted to attack Mo Country? Then Mo Country would be more vulnerable.

And the possibility of the other party not keeping their promise was very big. After all, if Mo Country really surrendered the treasure and suffered such a big loss, even if they quitted, Mo Country wouldn’t stand still.

Mo Country’s power itself was more powerful than any other country. This time, they definitely were determined to bring Mo Country down. This letter merely was to confuse Mo Country’s decision.

After everyone saw it they also felt furious.

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“This treasure can’t be handed over. The other party definitely won’t reconcile!”

There was also someone who felt safe. “They came all the way only for wealth. Maybe we really can throw away wealth to avoid calamity.”

Prime Minister swept a glance at those people, and said to Mo Linyuan, “This official thinks someone is behind this matter. Otherwise, the several countries are like loose sand and impossible to unite. If we can find this person, behead him, and send lobbyists to persuade the other countries—this coalition may seem firm, but it may crumble in an instant.”

Mo Linyuan said, “This sovereign thinks Prime Minister is right!”

He narrowed his eyes. “There must be a middle man. Send all the secret force to find this person. Since this person wants a better arrangement, he’s definitely in Mo Country right now, in this sovereign’s city!”

The moment they heard there was a fearful enemy that might be hiding in the capital, all the ministers felt uneasy, all of them felt overwhelming pressure.

The prime minister said, “Your Majesty, please be at ease, this official will personally take charge of this matter and will put all efforts in catching that person as soon as possible!”

There was still no result after discussing this matter until the end, and Ye Mu came right at this moment.

“Why have you come?” Mo Linyuan waved his hand, letting everyone go first. Although he didn’t keep Ye Mu in the dark, he didn’t want her to worry.

Ye Mu frowned. “Such a serious problem, I naturally had to come. What you were discussing, I heard it all. Can I help with anything?”

Mo Linyuan said, “You just have to stay safe, that will be most helpful to me.”

Because he felt, if they wanted to threaten him, Ye Mu would be the best choice.

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