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Yan’s monarch then calmed down. He also felt this situation was strange. How could there be such amazing animals running amok and could initiate fire?

At this moment, someone suddenly cried, “Your Majesty! A special envoy from Yue Country requests an audience!”

Everyone was surprised. Isn’t Yue Country attacking Wei Country right now? How do they have the time to send someone to come to Yan Country?

But Yan’s monarch glanced at the token. Seeing it was indeed Yue’s monarch’s jade tablet, he called the person in.

Who knew, the one who came was only one person, moreover was a petite youth.

“You wanted to see this sovereign?”

In the courtroom, all of the officials stared at the person who came in, expressions quite bad. If not for Yue Country’s sudden turncoat, not lending their route anymore, it wouldn’t be possible to have today’s difficult situation.

Ye Mu calmly faced everyone’s gazes, and arrived in the middle of the audience hall!

“That’s right. This foreign official came to represent Yue Country for an audience with Yan’s monarch.”

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Yan’s monarch was a thin middle-aged man. Seeing Ye Mu was only one person, he felt rather strange but didn’t question much. He only said, “What do you want to say?”

Ye Mu raised her head to look straight at his eyes. “This foreign official only has one thing to say. Your Majesty, please listen. Your Majesty, your country is about to be destroyed!”

Ye Mu’s words made everyone in the courtroom turn icy. Before Yan’s monarch could respond, someone by his side hurriedly said, “Guards! Kill this liar!”

Ye Mu didn’t move even when the guards ran toward her. She stared at Yan’s monarch. On the thin and small face was a look of confidence!

Sure enough, when those guards were about to touch Ye Mu, Yan’s monarch shouted, “What do you mean? You better speak clearly, otherwise, this sovereign will not show mercy!”

Ye Mu smiled. “Please let these guards move back a little.”

Yan’s monarch consented, and then Ye Mu, surrounded by the guards and swords, spoke calmly, “Your Majesty, this foreign official came from Yue Country. Wei Country first spoke with good intentions. After borrowing Yue’s route and attacking Mo Country, Yue Country will benefit from it. But do you know why Yue Country defected?”

An official couldn’t help but say, “Yue Country is treacherous. Isn’t it better to say it straight?”

Ye Mu said, “Treacherous is of course not correct, but what if the other party schemed in advance? At that time, our monarch has already agreed to lend the route, but who knew someone from Wei Country wasn’t careful after drinking and said the truth? Said that after destroying Mo Country, they’ll attack Yue Country. Our monarch then understood, even though he’d help, he’d become the other’s meat, so how could we not defect?”

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Everyone didn’t expect there would be such a reason. They had thought Yue Country and Mo Country had long joined hands and waited to trap Wei Country. Turns out, Wei Country was the first to have this idea.

Yan’s monarch stroked his beard. “Even if you’re speaking the truth, how is this related to my country?”

Ye Mu looked at him. She revealed a rather wicked smile. “Your Majesty, you can think again, the same for the five countries’ alliance. How did you not know Wei Country’s plan? This means that person who instigated the five countries’ alliance spoke differently to every country.”

Her words inexplicably made Yan’s monarch shocked. The other officials discussed among themselves, and Yan’s monarch gravely asked them to be quiet. He looked at Ye Mu. “Continue!”

Ye Mu smiled. “Maybe that person told Wei Country: you borrow Yue’s route, and after destroying Mo Country, not only can you seize Mo’s territory, you can turn around and attack Yue Country from multiple sides, obtaining Yue’s territory. So Wei’s monarch was then desperate and had the plan of borrowing the route.

“And maybe, that person told Yuan Country: Wei Country is about to borrow Yue’s route. When they’re attacking is the best opportunity for Yuan Country to annex Wei Country.”

Ye Mu’s words were nothing at first hearing but gradually made everyone’s backs covered with cold sweat.

Ye Mu continued, “And then that person also said different ideas to Zhao Country and Yan Country. He might have said, Zhao’s and Yan’s forces are used to draw Mo’s military strength or make it powerless, giving Wei Country the upper hand.

“After Wei Country invades Mo Coutnry, when Mo Linyuan is homeless, Zhao and Yan don’t have to spend so much manpower and resources to win. Your Majesty, do you think this foreign official is right? Did that person convince you like this?”

Yan’s monarch sat on the throne. His whole body turned ice-cold. He suddenly got up and walked down, walking up to Ye Mu.

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“You know all of this?!”

Ye Mu raised her head to look at him and faintly smiled. “If not for his promise that the two forces will not suffer heavy losses, how could you ally with Zhao Country and risk yourself? After all, Mo Country’s power isn’t inferior to the two countries combined, right? So, this foreign official is guessing he would do this.”

Yan’s monarch was speechless. Ye Mu changed the topic.

“But you can think again? What’s the situation of the six countries now? Wei Country is about to fall. Although Yue Country and Yuan Country can destroy them, they will lose a lot. Not to mention Mo Country can only defend the gates to survive.

“And you two countries didn’t think Wei Country would end up like that, causing the allied forces, which were originally baits, to become the main forces that are now in a dilemma.

“So that you won’t lose, you can only keep throwing in more people recklessly. But right now, which country is watching the fires burning across the river, not suffering any damage?”

“Li Country!”

No one knew who shouted out as such. The whole courtroom was immediately abuzz.

But during this raucousness, Ye Mu’s voice clearly reached the ears of Yan’s monarch.

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“Your country’s Min Liang, gifted with intelligence, turned down the position of prime minister, and maybe he still talks big in your face, said he wants to expand Yan’s territory and make it powerful!

“But the fact is, Yan Country is the most miserable in this war! Even Wei Country still has the strength to revolt, but Yan Country, the supporting allied force that dispatches their last troops, if they want to be seized, it’s just Li Country’s matter.

“So, won’t your country be destroyed?”

This time, no one dared to argue Ye Mu’s words. The facts spoke louder than words!

“Then Li’s crown prince is still in—”

Ye Mu interrupted, “Li’s crown prince has been weak and ill since a child and is rarely seen before people. Even many people in Li Country only have seen him when he’s sent hostage, so what if this crown prince is fake?”

Li’s monarch fell back a step, but Ye Mu approached him a step.

“If Li’s crown prince is not ill and has been hiding in another country, for example, Yan Country? Maybe because of his intelligence, he gained Your Majesty’s trust and became the crown prince’s study companion?”

Ye Mu’s words were too terrifying. Min Liang whom they trusted so much, Min Liang who became special friends with the crown prince, could he be from Li Country?!

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