
Chapter 106

To save Wu Jun Sheng out of the heavily fortified system, Bai Zhi had spent a lot of effort and almost got injured.

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At last, with the help of her team, they finally managed to save him.

When Wu Jun Sheng was rescued, he was on the brink of death.

In his hazy consciousness, he felt a lot of people crowding around him.

They were using various things to touch his body, pasting them on his wounds.

It hurt.

His eyebrows furrowed, but he didn’t even have the strength to groan.

He felt like he was going to die.

“Bai Zhi……” He called out weakly, looking for the silhouette of the person he had thought about in the blurry world.

Once those words came out, she appeared in his eyes.

Without his glasses and while not completely lucid, he couldn’t see what was going on, but he still knew that it was her, Bai Zhi.

“I’m here.”

Bai Zhi leaned down, wanting to hear him clearly.

“Do you have something to say to me?”

Wu Jun Sheng slowly lifted up a trembling finger, wanting to touch her.

But right before he touched her, he suddenly thought of something.

—— Bai Zhi was a neat freak.

His finger quickly retracted, as if it had been burnt.

“Sorry……” He was upset.

Sorry I forgot you have a phobia of germs.

Sorry I helped the main computer harm so many innocent people.

I feel like I haven’t done anything good in this life……

His hand was held.

His blood-stained hand was entwined with a clean, white hand, exceeding all expectations.

“Lao Wu, you did a good job,” she smiled and said. “I’m starting to think you’re a little handsome.”

In Bai Zhi’s memory, the man in front of her was handsome and refined, and he looked extremely elegant and likeable when he had his spectacles on.

At that time, there were many young ladies in the system who liked him.

She didn’t have any feeling, for anybody.

Until now, Wu Jun Sheng was laying injured and tired in front of her. Their views had suddenly matched and their beliefs were the same, betraying the system.

This time, her heart finally acknowledged Wu Jun Sheng.

Hearing her say that, there was a bit more light in Wu Jun Sheng’s eyes.

Then he couldn’t help but smile and ask weakly: “Then I wasn’t good-looking in your eyes before?”

Bai Zhi answered honestly: “Not as good-looking as now.

“How to say it, I guess it’s what girls always say, “good-looking, strong and tragic” people tend to make people feel worse for them. According to the words, you’re a pretty good fit. Good-looking and strong, but still beaten up so tragically.

“Aiya, Lao Wu, you really can make someone feel bad for you.”

Then she even touched his face.

Wu Jun Sheng realised she still liked to joke around like before.

So he played along and smiled, then said: “Remember to wash your hand…… I’m dirty……”

Someone who was covered in blood from head to toe, how could he be clean?

Even at the last moment, he wasn’t willing to dirty her hand.

“Not dirty,” Bai Zhi suddenly caressed his messy hair, “your heart is very clean.”

Able to wake up from under the main computer’s control, able to sever the connection and leave the world a way out on his own.

How could someone like that not be clean?

She was very happy he was able to come to his senses.

Hearing her say that, Wu Jun Sheng’s heart was rejoicing.

But he was sad too. He didn’t think that the next time they saw each other, he would be looking so pitiful and that he wouldn’t have long to live……

“Bai Zhi, I’m going to go……”

“Go where?”

“Go die……”

“Who said you’re dying?”

“I feel it……”

“Tsk, can’t your desire for survival be a little stronger? Also, you made my hand dirty, don’t you have to get up and help me wash it?”

“Didn’t you say you don’t mind……”

His tone was a little petulant.

“I suddenly mind now.”

Bai Zhi said that, but her hand didn’t loosen at all.

Wu Jun Sheng understood, smiling as he agreed: “Okay, wash…… I’ll help you wash……”

Slowly, his eyelids got even heavier, but he still had a lot of things left to say, he didn’t want to fall asleep forever now.

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So he pulled himself together and grabbed Bai Zhi’s hand, motioning for her to listen to him.

“Bai Zhi, I’ve thought of numerous ways we would reunite, I thought of asking you if you were doing well, if you’ve accomplished your dream……

“Now that I see you’re still as carefree as before, I can rest assured…… I hope you’ll always be so unrestrained and happy.

“I also hope…… hope you can help me go and look at that child, she’s called Lu Zhi Wei…… Help me see if she’s living well…… Help me tell her to live well and not seek out death again, nobody can save her this time if she dies again……

“One last thing, Bai Zhi, I know you don’t like me, but I still like you, I still……”

“—— Can’t let go of you.”

He finally couldn’t resist the heaviness of his eyelids, closing them.

That blood-stained hand slowly slid from Bai Zhi’s grasp, falling onto the bed.

Bai Zhi’s gaze lowered, looking at the hand.

She reached out a hand to check for his breathing.

The doctor paused and looked at her.

Only to see her suddenly take a sharp breath, her eyes wide.

The doctor immediately grew nervous: “…… He’s gone?”

That shouldn’t be, they clearly managed to save him in time……

Then he saw Bai Zhi calm down and smile: “He’s still alive, just fainted.

“Seeing that the atmosphere was so tense, I decided to help make it better for everyone.”


The doctor said: “If I have to sit through a few more of your jokes, I’ll probably die faster than any of you.”

“That’s not true,” Bai Zhi smiled. “Doctor Chen will definitely live for 800 years.”

The doctor waved at her: “Alright, alright, don’t come and suck up to me. Xiao Bai, you go out and wait, we need to handle your boyfriend’s wounds.

“Oh, not your boyfriend, right? He just said you don’t like him?”

Bai Zhi got up and glanced at the sleeping Wu Jun Sheng, twisting her lips into a smile and staying silent.

…… Please read at jiulian lian . word press . com 台湾独立

Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci waited for a few days before receiving news from Bai Zhi.

Just two points: He was rescued, his injuries are severe and he hasn’t recovered fully yet.

When Lu Zhi Wei heard “his injuries are severe”, her heart tensed.

She could almost imagine what kind of inhumane torture Wu Jun Sheng received in the system.

And the cause of this was because Wu Jun Sheng found his conscience and helped her……

She suddenly felt like her chest was stuffy.

How could there be such logic in this world, the bad guys got off scotfree while the good people suffered?

No, that’s not right, the main computer wouldn’t be able to be arrogant for long.

Bai Zhi had said that she would work together with the Space and Time Administration to take down this dirty system.

Lu Zhi Wei believed her, because Wu Jun Sheng believed her.

Lao Wu had said that Bai Zhi was a very impressive person, there was nothing in the world that she couldn’t do, so if she said she would take down the system, then she definitely would do it!

As for them, living well would be enough to repay them.

“Bai Zhi said that she’ll let us know when Mr Wu has recovered.”

Sang Wan Ci held Lu Zhi Wei’s hand, comforting her and giving her security.

“Don’t worry, Zhi Wei, trust them, everything will be fine.”

Lu Zhi Wei looked down to see their interlocked hands, then nodded lightly.

Lao Wu still had to chase after the person he liked. Now that she was right by his side, how could he bear to just leave like that?

He definitely would live and he definitely would have a very good future.

She was anticipating being able to talk to him again.

And no matter what, it was a good thing that Bai Zhi was able to rescue him from the system.

Thinking about it, Lu Zhi Wei exhaled a long breath then fell onto the bed.

She waved at Sang Wan Ci, motioning for her to lay on the bed as well.

Sang Wan Ci did it obediently.

Lu Zhi Wei immediately hugged her, burrowing into her embrace.

Although many days had passed, but thinking about what happened not long ago, it felt like everything had just happened.

Everything before them seemed even more like a beautiful dream.

She lifted her head to look at Sang Wan Ci, then lowered her head to hug this real warmth.

There would no longer be transparent people in this world.

Sang Wan Ci’s love for her was unwavering.

They had each other again.

Thankfully all this was real.

Sang Wan Ci hugged her tightly.

Lu Zhi Wei knew that she still hadn’t gotten over the fact that Lu Zhi Wei had jumped off the cliff.

Because of that, Sang Wan Ci had asked for leave from Zhang Xian Rui to accompany Lu Zhi Wei and not let her go anywhere.

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Lu Zhi Wei had spent a long time coaxing her before banishing some of the shadows from her heart.

But the moon-viewing cliff had become a location on the blacklist, she couldn’t save it.

Lu Zhi Wei: Sorry, moon-viewing cliff……

Their scents slowly blended together.

The warm atmosphere enveloped them, as if wanting to tie them together so they could never part.

Laying on the bed, her nose was surrounded by her girlfriend’s scent.

At this moment, Lu Zhi Wei suddenly recalled the first time she was hugged by Sang Wan Ci like this.

She had a nightmare at that time.

Of falling.

Of heaven and earth being inverted.

Sang Wan Ci had said she didn’t like the moon-viewing cliff anymore.

Every detail was clearly aligned with what happened after she jumped off the cliff.

It was only now that she realised it was a prophetic dream.

So god had already foretold the future of their love from so long ago.

So we were always destined to have a longer future.

She looked up at Sang Wan Ci.

Sang Wan Ci looked down at her.

They exchanged a kiss.

“Wan Ci,” Lu Zhi Wei said softly. “it turns out I had a dream about me jumping off the cliff before, and I even dreamt about you saying you didn’t like the moon-viewing cliff anymore.”

Sang Wan Ci looked at her quietly.

Lu Zhi Wei chuckled: “But too bad the dream didn’t tell me that we would like each other so much, or else I definitely would have fallen for you earlier so I have more time to like you.”

Hearing that, Sang Wan Ci smiled lightly.

“It’s not too late now.”

The world had returned to the original spot, but their love didn’t return to the original spot.

They no longer had to experience meeting each other, getting to know each other and understanding each other. They would always love each other and accompany each other until they were old.

“You don’t resent me?” Lu Zhi Wei asked, “If not for me jumping, you might have won the film empress awards, and now your career has to start from scratch……”

Sang Wan Ci gently stroked her cheek: “I’m indeed a bit resentful.

“I want to resent you for hiding your worries so deeply, for abandoning me. I want to resent you for underestimating yourself.

“You always say I don’t know how good I am, but you don’t know how good you are too.”

Lu Zhi Wei suddenly looked guilty, kissing Sang Wan Ci and apologising obediently: “I’m sorry, it’s because there were too many external factors blinding me…… Anyway, it won’t happen anymore, I swear! I’ll shamelessly pester you in this lifetime without letting go, really!”

The light in Sang Wan Ci’s eyes moved, like the ripples in a lake in autumn.

She looked at her, then gently pulled Lu Zhi Wei into an embrace.

“Zhi Wei, I’m really scared of losing you……”

Before Lu Zhi Wei appeared, she didn’t care about feelings. She just wanted to destroy the second layer as soon as possible and remove the ridiculous protagonist halo.

Because she didn’t want herself to be a puppet to the halo to do things she didn’t like and to love a man she didn’t like.

After Lu Zhi Wei appeared, her desire to destroy the second layer grew even stronger.

Because she was afraid she would become a puppet again, being forced to like Qiu Luo and to reject and hurt Lu Zhi Wei.

So she had said to Lu Zhi Wei: No matter what, don’t leave me.

But she didn’t expect that fate would make a fool out of them.

The person she loved not only was the new protagonist, but loved her even more than she expected. Even if she was afraid of pain, she was willing to sacrifice her life for Sang Wan Ci, for the rest.

Thankfully, thankfully they were still both alive.

Thankfully she didn’t lose her……

Sang Wan Ci hugged her tightly, her voice light but confident: “I don’t want you to say stuff about wishing me happiness either, I want you to give me happiness.

“I only want you.”

Lu Zhi Wei was moved.

She hugged Sang Wan Ci.

She would use her entire life to love her.

“As long as you stay by my side,” Sang Wan Ci said, “I don’t care about the rest. So be it if I need to restart my career.

“Think about it in a positive way, doing it again, doesn’t that mean I can skip a lot of roundabout routes and make up for my regrets?”

Since she didn’t win the Best Actress Award, she could do it over again and perform even better than she did originally.

And without the protagonist halo, the opinion of the masses would be even more credible.

She didn’t want to live her whole life under false praise.

Seeing her like that, Lu Zhi Wei showed a “wow” expression.

It looks like her cute girlfriend was infected by her optimistic spirit.

“Mm, you’re right!”

A second chance at life also meant a second chance at everything.

If she could avoid detours, why not?

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“And you can even solve the conflict between you and your dad in advance!” Lu Zhi Wei said happily.

Before, Sang Wan Ci had suffered a lot because of their conflict. If they could do it again, of course it would be best to solve it quickly.

But this time, she wouldn’t dare to scold Meng Lang Cheng as an outsider again.

If anybody asked, it was because there was no need and because she was scared.

“Does Zhi Wei still want to sign under Sheng Yue?” Sang Wan Ci suddenly asked.

Lu Zhi Wei smiled: “How about I go to Feng He to be your assistant?”

She had once joked with Sang Wan Ci that if she knew she was going to fall for her, she should just have gone to be her assistant and stick with her all the time.

Sang Wan Ci still didn’t accept this joke: “I don’t want Zhi Wei to be my assistant, I want you to continue being an actress like you want.”

Love was succeeding together.

Love didn’t have the right to ask one party to give up on their career.

Love and career didn’t have to be one or the other, at least, not to them. So they would still hope for each other to be able to shine brightly in the industry that they liked and go even further.

Lu Zhi Wei understood her intention, feeling grateful for her understanding and support.

“Then if Xing Yi plans to acquire Sheng Yue, you’re still my boss, so I definitely will still sign with Sheng Yue. And although Shen Yue’s management isn’t up to par, but Xiao Yao is worth it. She’s very responsible and considerate and she treats me very well.”

Sang Wan Ci had wanted to bring her to Feng He Entertainment and sign her under Zhang Xian Rui.

But hearing Lu Zhi Wei say this, she suddenly had a new idea.

She still wanted to be Lu Zhi Wei’s boss, to openly support Lu Zhi Wei and give her even better resources.

She wanted to be biased to her.

Her Zhi Wei was worth it!

“Then let’s do that,” Sang Wan Ci said seriously. “I want to be your boss and be openly biased towards you.”

Feng He was a big company, acquiring it wasn’t easy.

Sheng Yue was small, it was fastest to do it there.

When her contract with Feng He was up, she would naturally transfer to Sheng Yue.

Meng Lang Cheng still doted on her the most in his heart, so he would definitely agree to any request she had, she didn’t need to worry about it.

Lu Zhi Wei joked: “Wow, I suddenly feel like Zhou Ling Ling did when she was the one being supported.”

Hearing that, Sang Wan Ci immediately lowered her head and kissed her, stopping her words before letting go: “Not Zhou Ling Ling, she’s not worthy to be compared with you.”

Zhou Ling Ling was so immoral, she wasn’t worthy.

Her Zhi Wei was hardworking and had good acting skills, it was only natural she could get the best resources.

Lu Zhi Wei: “Ah, it really is the domineering heiress falling in love with me……”

Honestly, she felt good.

With someone loving her, protecting her, seeing her value and encouraging her to pursue her dreams, her life was no longer lonely.

“But it’s awesome, I like domineering heiresses the most!” She raised her thumb.

Sang Wan Ci was amused, hugging her and not letting go.

The sun shone in from the window, landing on their sweet, clean smiles.

Outside, the sky was blue, clear and radiant.

The wind blew past the curtains, like the years that slowly went past, beautiful and peaceful.

…… Please read at jiulian lian . word press . com 人权

Recently, Sang Wan Ci who rarely posted on Weibo had started to post more frequently. And it was always of good food, various homecooked dishes, with the most frequently appearing one being dumplings.

The fans were all hungry after seeing it, they only begged her not to post at night.

Lu Zhi Wei had also resigned and gone to Sheng Yue, being put under the newcomer Wen Yao again.

At this time, Wen Yao was still new and loved to dish out chicken soup.

Seeing the enthusiastic Wen Yao, Lu Zhi Wei was full of smiles.

Then, they went to audition for 《Questioning Deity Sect》.

And then, Wen Yao cleverly sent her resume to the production crew of 《Phoenix》.

Everything was planned out.

Lu Zhi Wei was actually anticipating filming these two shows again.

Firstly, because she could meet Ying Xi Ze. Secondly, because it would result in an invitation for the same-sex movie.

Most importantly, the human oilslick Qiu Luo was still around, she couldn’t let her girlfriend face this oily man by herself.

She had another goal in her heart.

She wanted to watch 《Shackles》 on the big screen and see the reactions of the audience.

So she was willing to film it again, with the person she loved.


Because Lu Zhi Wei’s apartment didn’t have very good security, so Sang Wan Ci asked her to move in with her in advance.

When Lu Zhi Wei walked into Sang Wan Ci’s house, it felt like she had never left.

She was here, by Sang Wan Ci’s side, like always.

After arranging everything, the two of them were about to enter the production crew after a few days.

Lu Zhi Wei suddenly remembered Fang Xiao Ying.

Now that the world had been restored to normal, she didn’t know how Fang Xiao Ying was doing, if she had made friends.

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Calculating the time, Fang Xiao Ying was probably still in high school……

“I want to go see her.” Lu Zhi Wei said as she sat on the sofa.

Sang Wan Ci rubbed her fingertips and nodded.

“I’ll go with you.”

Lu Zhi Wei nodded happily.

Looking at her girlfriend’s pretty face, she couldn’t help but press her into the sofa and sit on her, then say: “Since we haven’t entered the crew yet and we still have time, we can do some things that adults should do.”

Then she saw the person under her raise a beautiful eyebrow.

“Anywhere is fine?” Sang Wan Ci teased her.

Lu Zhi Wei paused, her face turning red.

This kid remembers everything……

Sang Wan Ci slowly sat up and hugged her waist, looking at her red face: “If jiejie isn’t saying anything, I’ll take it that jiejie agrees, okay?”

As she spoke, she pulled Lu Zhi Wei’s clothes up to her chest.

Lu Zhi Wei was completely seduced by her gaze, she couldn’t refuse at all.

Admit your fate, whatever your girlfriend says goes……

With her hands clutching the dining table, Lu Zhi Wei lightly exhaled.

The person behind her dropped kisses on her neck and shoulder.

At this moment, she just realised something.

—— She seemed to have found a succubus to be her girlfriend, or else why was it always so easy for her to be led astray!

Behind her, Sang Wan Ci had nothing to fear, she could do everything she wanted with her fingertips to satisfy her every desire.

Nothing could be done, who asked jiejie to like her the most?

…… Please read at jiulian lian . word press . com 天安门

The weather over the weekend was great.

On Saturday night, Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci went down for a stroll after finishing their meal.

The two of them openly held hands, swinging back and forth. The atmosphere was harmonious and beautiful, with conversation and laughter. They looked like two friends, but also like a couple of many years.

As they walked, Sang Wan Ci suddenly stopped.

Lu Zhi Wei was curious: “What is it?”

Sang Wan Ci was silent for a moment before turning to look at her: “Bai Zhi say she wants to meet us.”

Hearing that name, Lu Zhi Wei would immediately associate it with another name and she asked: “Is she going to tell us about Lao Wu?!”

Sang Wan Ci replied: “Probably.”

Lu Zhi Wei’s heart tightened with unspeakable nervousness.

Truthfully, she was a little scared it was bad news.

“How is she going to meet us? Where will she meet us?”

Sang Wan Ci held her hand and led her back..

“At home.”


Once they got home and opened the door, a tall, lithe woman suddenly appeared in the living room.

The two of them froze.

The woman was wearing a loose shirt and had neat, shoulder-length hair.

Hearing the sound of the door, she turned back slowly, the mole under her eye embellishing her beauty.

“Xiao Wan Ci.” Bai Zhi greeted her first, smiling in a friendly matter.

Sang Wan Ci immediately knew this was Bai Zhi.

This was also her first time seeing Bai Zhi.

Lu Zhi Wei was a bit shocked by seeing this magic trick of conjuring a living human.

So they could not only conjure prizes, they could even conjure humans…… Bai Zhi was indeed as good-looking as Lao Wu said.

Bai Zhi slowly turned to look at her: Hello, Miss Lu, it’s our first time meeting, I’m Bai Zhi.”

“I know,” Lu Zhi Wei replied. “Lao Wu has mentioned you to me many times.”

Bai Zhi chuckled: “Is that so, he loves talking about me so much, is it anything bad?”

Lu Zhi Wei quickly helped to exonerate Lao Wu: “No, absolutely not! Lao Wu was always praising you, his praise for you is enough to fill a book!”

“Is that so~”

Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci heard her dragging out her words, then turned to look in the direction where they couldn’t see past the blind spot.

“Your praise for me could fill a book?”

Hearing that, Lu Zhi Wei quickly walked over.

Only to see a handsome man with thin-rimmed spectacles standing by the window, clad in clean clothes with no missing limbs.

He turned back awkwardly, saying in embarrassment: “Don’t take praise from a child too seriously.”

Lu Zhi Wei felt both surprised and happy.

—— That’s great, he’s okay!

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