
Chapter 110

Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci’s schedule today was extremely simple. After they had lunch, they took an afternoon nap.

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They did whatever they had to in the afternoon, then as night fell, the time to rest came again.

Sang Wan Ci bathed first then went back to the room.

Lu Zhi Wei’s actions were a bit slower.

She slowly went back to the main bedroom, immediately making eye contact with Sang Wan Ci once she looked up.

Blinking again, she saw Sang Wan Ci opening both arms towards her.

So she obediently climbed onto the bed, diving under the blanket as she lay in Sang Wan Ci’s embrace.

Sang Wan Ci hugged her own bolster-shaped person, her heart satisfied.

She stroked Lu Zhi Wei’s head, then kissed her face and her lips.

Lu Zhi Wei was amused.

Lu Zhi Wei buried her face in Sang Wan Ci’s embrace, asking her embarrassedly: “Aren’t you embarrassed…….”

Although they had already filmed for an entire day, but in front of the camera, it was still embarrassing to kiss so directly. Compared to her, her little friend was much more daring, kissing her as she wanted without turning red or getting embarrassed.

Understanding, Sang Wan Ci looked at the closest camera and then said honestly: “Because I’m kissing my wife, so I’m not embarrassed.”

Sang Wan Ci touched Lu Zhi Wei’s hand, tapping the engagement ring on her finger as she whispered: “Legally lawful wife, only mine.”

“…… That’s right.”

Lu Zhi Wei was immediately persuaded, caressing her cheek.

“My wife’s right.”

—— Don’t be shy, look, we’re not shy [dog head]

—— Some people look like they’re free from desire, but they’re actually super clingy to their wives!

—— Ahhhhh Sang Wan Ci how are you so sweet, what kind of sweet bean are you!

—— Before starting: Aloof beauty. After starting: Whining clingy person, I’m in love

“It’s late, let’s sleep, Wan Ci.”


“We’ll have dumplings tomorrow, or do you want to eat something else?”

Sang Wan Ci didn’t even think about it: “Dumplings.”

They hadn’t had dumplings in a long time, she rather missed it.

Lu Zhi Wei couldn’t help but laugh: “You really do like dumplings……”

After all these years, Sang Wan Ci still liked her dumplings most.

Sang Wan Ci’s love for her dumplings was like Sang Wan Ci’s love for her, unending.

“Mm,” Sang Wan Ci nodded, then hugged her, “Because Zhi Wei’s dumplings are nice, and because it’s made by Zhi Wei, so I like it a lot.”

The amusement deepened on Lu Zhi Wei’s face as she hugged her back and replied: “Sweet talker.”

Sang Wan Ci kissed her fingertips and got up to turn off the audio recording equipment.

Then, she turned off the lights and followed the moonlight back to the bed.

Nothing could disturb them when they were sleeping.

Lu Zhi Wei pulled the blanket up.

“Goodnight, my little friend.”

She whispered it, low and gentle, incredibly moving.

Sang Wan Ci’s ears felt like they had been kissed by her voice, itchy yet comfortable.

But Sang Wan Ci wasn’t satisfied with just that.

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Without the restrictions of the cameras, she could do whatever she wanted to do in this room.

So she lifted her fingertips and brushed them against Lu Zhi Wei’s face, seducing her with her voice: “Kiss me, jiejie.”

Lu Zhi Wei’s heart stirred.

She knew that she couldn’t resist.

—— Not only is this a clingy person, this is a succubus!

…… Please read at jiulian lian . word press . com 人权

Today, Lu Zhi Wei woke up early again.

She prepared to go to the market to buy the freshest ingredients.

She washed up, her actions practised.

Her movements were light, light until the sound of her clothes rustling together was the loudest sound.

Even so, Sang Wan Ci still woke up.

“Where’s Zhi Wei going……” Sang Wan Ci asked hoarsely.

She spread her arms out as she asked, wanting a hug.

Lu Zhi Wei smiled and leaned down to give her a hug, saying: “I’m going to go to the market to buy fresh vegetables and meat.”

Sang Wan Ci hummed in her ear: “Wait for me, I’ll go with you.”

Lu Zhi Wei didn’t refuse: “Then hurry up and get up, we’ll go and have breakfast at the same time, okay?”

Sang Wan Ci nodded: “Okay……”

—— She really wants hugs the moment she opens her eyes, how obedient how cute how coquettish

—— Sang Wan Ci: The guide to being clingy

—— All of a sudden, I don’t know who I rather possess!

—— How sweet, I really like how they interact with each other, dating them will definitely be super blissful and sweet 【lemon.JPG】

They settled breakfast at a nearby shop.

This shop’s soup dumplings were delicious and their freshly-ground soy milk was fragrant and delectable, making it a popular shop in the neighbourhood.

They were regular customers, and the boss of the shop recognised them.

The director of 《Falling For You Everyday》 enjoyed good food, he would always make sure to film seriously when he saw food, so Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci had basically made it into a food variety show instead.

The two of them also noticed this.

Lu Zhi Wei mused as the steam rose from the food: “We seem to have made a dating variety into a food variety……”

Yesterday’s content was about food, today’s content was also about food.

It seemed like there was only food in their lives……

Sang Wan Ci replied seriously: “Food is most important to humans.”

Humans couldn’t live without eating.

So be it if it became a food variety show, anything was fine as long as her wife was accompanying her.

—— ? Oh, so they actually know they’re filming a dating variety?

—— Wuwuwu why did I open this variety at night, despicable

—— It looks so delicious, I want to eat too……

—— I opened my food delivery app

After eating breakfast, Lu Zhi Wei brought Sang Wan Ci to browse the market.

It was early, but the market was already busy.

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Lu Zhi Wei walked around with Sang Wan Ci, purchasing everything they needed.

Once they got home, Lu Zhi Wei started preparing the dumpling skins and filling.

After wrapping them, she placed them in the fridge first. They could be taken out right before needing to be cooked.

Sang Wan Ci helped out by the side.

After watching her fiancée for so many years, she was now well-practised at wrapping dumplings and could now wrap dumplings that looked as nice as Lu Zhi Wei’s. Even the fans who saw it complimented her improvement.

So today became mostly a food variety show as well.

If not for the two of them being so sweet, the audience would really have taken this as a food variety show.

Close to evening time, Lu Zhi Wei calculated what time Meng Lian Yu would come and took the dumplings for her and Meng Lang Cheng out of the fridge to start cooking them.

Sang Wan Ci prepared the thermos boxes.

Just as the broadcast reached this point, there were already a lot of people in the bullet comments looking forward to seeing Sang Wan Ci’s aunt.

The editing also heightened this feeling, making the audience anticipate it.

Soon, their doorbell rang.

“Wan Wan, Zhi Wei, open the door for Aunty.”

—— She’s here, she’s here, it’s Aunty!

—— I bet 50 cents that Aunty must be very good-looking too!

—— I bet five dollars!

—— Why is Aunty’s voice kinda familiar?

Lu Zhi Wei was watching over the dumplings and couldn’t leave.

Sang Wan Ci went to open the door.

A mature woman with thick, curly hair slowly stepped into the frame.

She lifted a hand and calmly removed her mask.

A beautiful and radiant face that the audience was familiar with showed on the screen.

She smiled slightly at Sang Wan Ci: “I’m here for the dumplings.”

After this part was broadcasted, the bullet comments exploded.

—— WTF???????

—— ? Am I hallucinating??

——Meng Lian Yu is Sang Wan Ci’s aunt???

—— Baby Meng, it’s you????

—— F*ck, I didn’t dare to think it was her because there are too many people surnamed Meng in the entertainment industry, I didn’t think it would really be her QAQ

—— Fans of both, rejoice!

They had no idea of what was happening after this got broadcast.

To them, this was just another ordinary gathering.

“The dumplings aren’t ready yet,” Lu Zhi Wei poured a glass of water for Meng Lian Yu, “sit and rest for a bit, Aunty.”

Meng Lian Yu took the glass and walked into the kitchen to take a look at the dumplings.

There was quite a bit, definitely enough for her and Meng Lang Cheng.

She smiled at Lu Zhi Wei: “You’ve worked hard, niece-in-law.”

Lu Zhi Wei smiled back: “All in a day’s work.”

Meng Lian Yu picked up the chopsticks and swirled the water in the pot, turning to ask: “Is there anything to eat, I just got off the plane, I’m hungry.”

Then she turned back to look at the dumplings, saying: “I’m really afraid I’ll eat all of these in the car, then our Chairman Meng won’t have any to eat.”

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Her niece-in-law’s cooking was really very good, the Meng family approved.

Sang Wan Ci handed her an apple, saying warmly: “It’s fine even if you finish all of it, he definitely won’t blame you.”

Meng Lang Cheng was most concerned with the health and diet of his family members.

Meng Lian Yu had just returned from filming, it was good that she could eat more and nourish herself.

Meng Lian Yu smiled and bit into the apple, asking about their wedding.

She had been filming lately and had no time to participate in the discussions of her niece and niece-in-law’s wedding, so she didn’t know how it was progressing.

“How is it, have you guys decided?”

“Not yet,” Sang Wan Ci said, “Dad asked us to go back these few days to discuss it and pick a good date.”

The wedding, the style of the ceremony, it all had to be discussed properly before any decisions were made.

To them, a wedding was once in a lifetime, it had to be prepared for meticulously.

Meng Lang Cheng thought so too.

Meng Lian Yu nodded: “Mm, listen to your dad, such a good thing has to be on an auspicious date.”

The three of them chatted as they waited for the dumplings to be done.

Once the dumplings were cooked, Meng Lian Yu wasn’t in a rush to leave, staying to have some first.

Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci sat by the side to accompany her.

Lu Zhi Wei propped up her face as she said: “Teacher Meng, I feel like once the show airs, you’ll be on the hot search again.”

Meng Lian Yu raised an eyebrow nonchalantly: “It’s fine, it’s just a hot search, I’m used to being on it already. Treat it as me helping the show to add a bit more popularity.”

The employees were immediately immensely grateful upon hearing it.

—— Thank you Teacher Meng, please come often!

Lu Zhi Wei laughed and pushed the glass of water closer to her hand: “Drink some water, Aunty.”

Meng Lian Yu picked up the glass, praising Lu Zhi Wei’s cooking.

Lu Zhi Wei suddenly felt satisfied, feeling everything was perfect.

She turned to look at her lover, holding her hand.

It was her good fortune to meet and fall for such a good person, and to be able to be part of a family with her idol.

…… Please read at jiulian lian . word press . com 香港独立

Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci’s lives became peaceful again after Meng Lian Yu left.

But they had new sweet interactions every day to drag more of the audience into Wei Shi Bu Wan’s pit.

The production of the show was also smooth thanks to the cooperation of the guests, but all good things had to come to an end. Soon, it was the last day of filming.

On this day, they didn’t know what to do.

So they sat on the sofa together and watched the snow outside the windows quietly.

As she watched, Lu Zhi Wei suddenly had an idea.

She hadn’t had a chance to perform with Sang Wan Ci yet in this life, this was a good chance to do it.

So they planned and decided to perform for the audience, using the violin and the piano.

After Sang Wan Ci reconciled with Meng Lang Cheng, she came to accept the piano more, even purchasing one to put at home and play from time to time.

Lu Zhi Wei held onto the violin: “Let’s play…… something simple?”

Sang Wan Ci sat in front of the piano: “Mm?”

Lu Zhi Wei said: “How about 《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》, give me a way out, I can’t play anything too complex……”

Sang Wan Ci smiled, her eyes doting: “Okay, whatever Zhi Wei says.”

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The two of them exchanged a glance, then started playing.

The gentle, melodious tune flowed from their fingertips.

Calm and unhurried, complementing each other.

They didn’t need to look at a score, they knew which part to play just by looking at each other’s actions.

This was the chemistry left over from the last lifetime, deeply etched into their bones and letting them understand each other better than anybody else.

—— How are these two so compatible no matter what they do?

—— Wow, this is the first time I’m watching them perform together

—— Although the tune is gentle, but remembering that this is the last episode, I’m so sad, tears are flowing……

—— Wuwu don’t end, continue filming, I can still see you two continue being sweet

—— I somehow have the feeling they already knew each other in their past lives, so they understand each other better than anybody else……

The song ended.

Lu Zhi Wei lowered the violin.

Sang Wan Ci pulled her to sit by her side.

On top of the piano, a small camera was facing them.

They sat side by side silently.

Every time it was the end of filming for a show, it was like they should say something.

But in the end, they didn’t know what to say.

They thought for a while, then thanked their fans while looking at the camera.

It came from the heart, genuine and sincere.

After that, they looked at each other, interlocking their fingers.

At this moment, Lu Zhi Wei was a little dazed.

WIthout realising it, so much time had passed, they had already accompanied each other for such a long time.

But their love for each other hadn’t diminished at all.

From the first time they met, from the moment she had recognised Sang Wan Ci with a single glance, their love had been destined.

They ran towards each other, their feelings were deep and irreplaceable.

So she would always love her, until the last moment of her life, and she would continue in the next life.

Lu Zhi Wei slowly smiled, telling Sang Wan Ci for the first time in front of a camera: “I love you.

“I love you now, I’ll love you in the future. It will always be you.”

Thank you for coming into my world.

Thank you for embracing me.

The show will end, but my love for you will never end.

Sang Wan Ci looked at her, her pretty eyes turning into crescents.

She pulled Lu Zhi Wei into a hug and replied: “I love you too, more than anybody else.”

—— Too sweet, please get married right now!

—— Wuwuwu this is too sweet!

—— Sang Sang and Lu Lu, you two have to be very blissful together wuwuwuwu

—— I can die without regrets

——Although this variety show is over, but there are other varieties. I’ll be looking forward to your next work, we’ll meet again!

Just like that, 《Falling For You Everyday》 ended perfectly.

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