
Chapter 70

Some people looked all serious on the outside, but they were actually exceptional when it came to angering people.

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Looking at the redundant selfie, Jin Man Wen could feel her blood pressure rising.

Sang Wan Ci, I didn’t think that you looked so righteous but actually were so possessive!

That’s your friend, not your girlfriend!!

Even if you don’t date, what right do you have to stop your friend from dating!!!

Jin Man Wen complained internally, throwing down her phone as she went to bathe.

If she continued looking at it, she was afraid her soul would explode from anger!

On Sang Wan Ci’s side, she was calmly watching the video.

A simple couple selfie, bestowing the most enjoyment upon a love rival.

Her mood was good, so she felt happy even while watching the video.

Meng Lian Yu had personally explained many viewpoints from the video to her before.

Face-to-face, one-to-one, more complete and more in-depth than the video.

But she didn’t mind watching a video that someone else had cut, because Lu Zhi Wei was accompanying her.

Lu Zhi Wei’s gaze landed on the screen as she was hugged.

That clearly was her favourite idol, but she couldn’t focus at this moment.

She was still thinking about the feeling that had popped out at that moment, but she didn’t dare to think too much about it.

What if it really was an illusion?

What if it was just her feelings playing tricks on her, making her think Sang Wan Ci liked her too?

She didn’t dare to ask if it was true or not.

She was suddenly afraid that they wouldn’t be able to even be just friends.

…… She was retreating.

Her optimism suddenly disappeared as she forcibly pulled her thoughts back and continued watching the video silently, not daring to think about it.

Overthinking was the cause of unhappiness. If you thought less about it, you’d be happier.

When it came around to the time to sleep, they went to different rooms.

Sang Wan Ci didn’t request to share a room with Lu Zhi Wei this time.

She would be a bit more restrained on a variety show.

Besides, she had things to do, and she was afraid she would affect Lu Zhi Wei’s rest.

They said goodnight to each other, then went to their own rooms.

The assistant director couldn’t help but scratch his head.

—— Why were they sleeping in different rooms? Do you two still remember that you’re “Wei Shi Bu Wan”? You two are being too unreasonable!

Lu Zhi Wei had no idea what the programme crew were thinking,

She turned off the lights and laid down, starting to think again.

Then she opened the gallery on her phone, looking at the selfie Sang Wan Ci had taken.

They appeared so close in the photo, but they were sleeping in separate rooms in reality.

She turned to look at the door.

She was hoping for Sang Wan Ci to appear, just like how Sang Wan Ci would lie beside her in her house, hugging her waist and saying she was afraid Lu Zhi Wei would have a nightmare.

But Sang Wan Ci clearly didn’t have that intention today.

The door stayed unmoving for a long time, not even the slightest sound coming from it.

Lu Zhi Wei sighed.

Sigh…… What sort of concern that exceeded the limits of normal friends, it clearly was her own wishful thinking.

Sleep, sleep.

She still had to do the production crew’s tasks tomorrow.

Thinking about it, she turned over, then quickly got up and turned off the cameras and audio recording equipment in the room.

As someone who was on a variety show that lasted for the whole day for the first time, she wasn’t used to being continually filmed by cameras all the time.

—— Dangerous, she had almost forgotten.

Sang Wan Ci was more composed.

The light in her room was still on, she was sitting on her bed and looking at her phone, having turned off everything she needed to.

She was waiting for Ying Xi Ze’s reply.

After seven minutes ——

The chat between her and Ying Xi Ze were immediately flooded with expression packs.

There were all sorts, covering all situations.

There was even one that said “remove your mei qualifications”.

Sang Wan Ci: “?”

That expression was recalled the next second

[Ying Xi Ze]: Pressed too quickly and sent the wrong one, sorry

[Ying Xi Ze]: Are these enough?

[Ying Xi Ze]: I have more if not

Sang Wan Ci scrolled up looking at the messages.

There were some that she had seen Lu Zhi Wei using before.

How could this do, how could she get Lu Zhi Wei to save them if she had already used them before?

[Sang Wan Ci]: Keep sending if you have more

[Sang Wan Ci]: I want stuff that Zhi Wei hasn’t used before.

[Ying Xi Ze]: ?

He sighed as he held his phone, his face stern.

[Ying Xi Ze]: Teacher Sang, you can directly tell me if I’ve done anything wrong……

What did she mean stuff that Zhi Wei hadn’t used before?

How could he remember that!!

Wasn’t she making things difficult for him???

[Sang Wan Ci]: ?

[Sang Wan Ci]: What have you done wrong?

Ying Xi Ze: “……”

Alright, it looks like their serious Teacher Sang really wanted to add to her own expression pack collection.

But why did she suddenly want to do that?

And at this time too, couldn’t it wait till tomorrow?

Did something urgent happen that could only be solved by expression packs?

Could it be…… Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

Ying Xi Ze thought about it, suddenly enlightened.

[Ying Xi Ze]: Did you lose an expression pack battle with someone?

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[Ying Xi Ze]: So you’re looking for more resources now?

Sang Wan Ci frowned: “?”

What rubbish was he spouting?

[Sang Wan Ci]: There’s no expression pack battle.

[Sang Wan Ci]: I just want to save some expression packs in case Zhi Wei gets deceived away by someone else’s expression packs.

It was Ying Xi Ze’s turn to be lost.

Who could be deceived away by expression packs?

Could it be…… the other person was who Lu Zhi Wei liked?!

He remembered that Lu Zhi Wei was filming a variety with Sang Wan Ci now, could that show’s guests really have the person Lu Zhi Wei liked?!

Thinking of Lu Si Jiao’s instructions, Ying Xi Ze immediately started gossiping.

[Ying Xi Ze]: Who is it?

[Ying Xi Ze]: Is it the person my jie likes?

Seeing that, Sang Wan Ci’s eyebrows knitted together as she asked: [Zhi Wei likes someone?]

After that, her heart started to feel nervous.

She didn’t know if she was anticipating or rejecting Ying Xi Ze’s answer.

If yes, then who? Would it have nothing to her?

If no…… She rather it be no.

At least this way, she had a chance to become the person in Lu Zhi Wei’s heart.

Soon, Ying Xi Ze came back with an answer.

There was only one word clearly showing on the screen: [Yes]

Sang Wan Ci’s heart lurched.

…… Lu Zhi Wei had someone she liked?

She lifted her head to look at the door, her gaze wanting to go through this obstacle to see what Lu Zhi Wei was thinking.

Who…… is the person you like?

Lu Si Jiao had instructed that he couldn’t say anything to people who couldn’t keep secrets.

Ying Xi Ze believed Sang Wan Ci wasn’t someone like that, so he answered decisively.

Besides, Sang Wan Ci and Lu Zhi Wei were so close, maybe she would know who Lu Zhi Wei liked?

[Who is it?]

He suddenly saw Sang Wan Ci’s question.

He paused for a moment then answered: [You don’t know either? I thought you would know]

Not only did she not know who it was.

She only just knew that Lu Zhi Wei had someone she liked……

Lu Zhi Wei was actually willing to tell Ying Xi Ze but not willing to tell her……

She suddenly felt an unprecedented disappointed.

[Sang Wan Ci]: She told it to you?

[Ying Xi Ze]: No, her meimei told me

[Ying Xi Ze]: Her mei even told me not to go around spreading it

Sang Wan Ci: “?”

Oh, it was Lu Si Jiao who said it, then that was fine.

Looks like the two of them were about the same level.

[Sang Wan Ci]: You didn’t go around saying it did you?

[Ying Xi Ze]: Of course!

[Ying Xi Ze]: I only told you

[Sang Wan Ci]: Mm, well done.

Ying Xi Ze: “……?”

What was with this sudden praise?

[Ying Xi Ze]: Teacher Sang, your relationship with Zhi Wei jie is better, if you know who she likes……

[Ying Xi Ze]: Remember to tell me secretly!

Lu Si Jiao wanted to know, he wanted to know too.

Humans were gossipy by nature, he couldn’t be blamed. He just wanted to know who his brother-in-law would be!

Sang Wan Ci: “……”

[Sang Wan Ci]: We’ll see.

She put down her phone and turned off the light, going to sleep sullenly.

Wait till she finds out, then they’ll see……

…… Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

In the early morning, the sunlight was warm and the surroundings were quiet.

Lu Zhi Wei woke up with the first ray of sunlight.

Just in time to receive the mission card from the production crew.

She stretched and opened the door, receiving the card as she blurrily said: “Morning……”

The crew member smiled: “Morning. Today’s mission and rules are all written on the card. If you don’t understand anything, you can call us and ask.”

“Mm,” Lu Zhi Wei rubbed her eyes, trying to open them to read what was on the card. “Thanks, you’ve worked hard.”

“No problem.”

The person left.

Lu Zhi Wei shut the door, looking at the card as she shuffled to the sofa in her slippers.

Today’s theme: Lunch and dinner.

The rules were simple, they had to go out to buy groceries to cook. They couldn’t eat out or order takeaway.

They could ask their neighbours for help, but they couldn’t make other people do all the work while they stayed idle.


That was so simple.

She put down the card and went to wash up.

When she came out, Sang Wan Ci was looking at the card while still in her pyjamas.

“That’s it?” Sang Wan Ci asked.

“Mm, that’s all for today.” Lu Zhi Wei answered.

Sang Wan Ci nodded, then prepared to go wash up.

Lu Zhi Wei said: “You go brush your teeth first, I’ll go buy breakfast.”

Sang Wan Ci called out: “Wait for me, I’ll go with you so I can familiarise myself with the surroundings.”

Thinking of the mission, Lu Zhi Wei didn’t refuse.

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The three groups all received the same missions every day.

Jin Man Wen’s group also received the mission to cook their own meals.

The two of them stared at the card, a sense of “my life is over” enveloped them.

Help, they both didn’t know how to cook!

“Wait,” Jin Man Wen looked at the rules, reading them out. “You can ask your neighbours for help……”

Her eyes lit up suddenly: “We can ask other guests to teach us how to cook!”

At this point, she already had an idea: “Let’s go look for Lu Zhi Wei, she’s good at cooking!”

Jin Man Wen’s friend was called Zhou Su, she was someone who wasn’t in the industry and she didn’t pay attention to celebrities’ Weibos usually, preferring to read instead.

Zhou Su asked: “How do you know?”

Jin Man Wen answered: “Sang Wan Ci posted about her cooking before on her Weibo!”

Zhou Su scratched her head, even more confused: “Why would Sang Wan Ci post on her Weibo about Lu Zhi Wei’s cooking? Shouldn’t she post it herself??”

Jin Man Wen was speechless: “If you still remember the name of the variety show we’re on……”

They were very good friends, so what if they frequently went to each other’s house to have meals!

Silly child, how was your comprehension so bad!

Being reminded by Jin Man Wen, Zhou Su finally understood: “Oh, that’s it, but would she be willing to help us? Cooking isn’t easy, and she still has to help two rookies…… Ah, that’s really busy.”

Jin Man Wen looked at her, then rubbed her messy bedhead.

“What are you talking about, our Teacher Lu is kind and beautiful!

“Besides, the mission says we can ask for help! There’s no end to learning, we can just ask if we don’t know it!

“Go brush your teeth, let’s go out for breakfast and ask our neighbours later.”

Zhou Su could only get up and go wash up.

Jin Man Wen sat cross-legged on the sofa, planning her moves out in her heart.

If Zhi Wei agreed…… Then I would have more opportunities to spend time with her, hehe!

… Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

The production crew rushed and finally managed to edit the interview with Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci.

The teaser was about three minutes, with the usual light-hearted style to fascinate viewers.

After Director Mu finished watching it, he was very satisfied.

“We’ll post it like this, probably after 10am,” Director Mu said. “After two days, we can edit the other two groups’ interviews and publish it after.”

He got someone to put breakfast on the table: “Everybody’s worked hard, come on, let’s have some breakfast.”

“Okay, Director.”

“Got it.”

“Thanks Director Mu!”

Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci each held onto a cup of soybean milk, drinking slowly as they walked around town.

Looking for the supermarket, looking for the vegetable market, looking for whatever they could find.

Sang Wan Ci was still thinking about the message Ying Xi Ze sent to her last night.

—— Lu Zhi Wei likes someone.

Who could that be?

She sipped on her soybean milk calmly, turning her head slightly to look at Lu Zhi Wei.

A sudden impulse made her want to ask Lu Zhi Wei and get an answer.

Lu Zhi Wei didn’t look at her.

She looked at the architecture in front of her, then at the architecture behind her, working hard to engrave the route into her mind.

She was so serious nobody would dare to disturb her.

Sang Wan Ci decided not to ask about it at this time, and it wasn’t good to ask about this sort of thing in front of the cameras too. It would be awkward whether Lu Zhi Wei answered or not.

She wouldn’t be an impolite person.

Like Jin Man Wen.

“Okay, I pretty much have it remembered!” She suddenly heard Lu Zhi Wei call out.

Lu Zhi Wei smiled: “I’ve remembered the route to the vegetable market. I can come over and buy fresh vegetables for the next few days to cook for you.”

Her personality and age would always make her unconsciously take the initiative to take care of others.

But she actually didn’t dislike this feeling, rather, she liked taking care of people.

—— She liked taking care of Sang Wan Ci.

Everytime she saw Sang Wan Ci eating the food she cooked, praising that it’s delicious and being nourished by her food, she would feel achieved and happy.

Who didn’t like seeing the person they liked healthy and well?

“Then you’ll have to remember to call me along,” Sang Wan Ci naturally held her hand. “I’ll come with you and buy vegetables together, and help you carry it back.”

She didn’t want Lu Zhi Wei to be too tired.

And she didn’t want someone to get close to her Zhi Wei when she wasn’t around.

She had to be on her guard!

“Our Teacher Sang is so good.

“So, what do you want for lunch today?

“Hold on, let me see the time, it’s past 9am, mm…… We can buy the groceries and go back, then rest for a bit and prepare lunch, it’s about right.”

Sang Wan Ci looked at her.

The sunlight peeking down from between the leaves shone past the corner of Lu Zhi Wei’s eyes, even her pupils had become shimmering.

She was very pretty.

Sang Wan Ci asked her to stay still, then snapped a photo: “Is it nice?”

Lu Zhi Wei’s eyes lit up: “Wow, it’s nice, send it to me!”

Sang Wan Ci smiled and send it over, then quietly saved this “girlfriend angle” photo of Lu Zhi Wei.

“Let’s go take a look, I can’t think of what I want to eat at the moment.”

She still wanted to slowly walk around with Lu Zhi Wei.

Because of work, they spent more time apart than together. Being able to skive off once in a while, they definitely had to treasure it.

Lu Zhi Wei didn’t have any objections.

After they bought the groceries and got home, it was still early so Lu Zhi Wei practiced the violin for a while.

After a while, she took a break and started using her phone.

She immediately saw the teaser for her group.

[@Me and My Friend]: #Me and My Friend# Since we’ve been discovered, then we won’t keep everyone in the dark. Dang dang dang dang~ The “baby interview”, fresh out of the oven. We’re releasing it for everybody to have some new content, please continue to watch us for more @Me and my Friend~ [Video]

Lu Zhi Wei: “?”

Was the teaser always released so quickly?

She didn’t seem to remember that was the case???

She looked at the comments.

There was quite a lot.

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The CP fans were even more.

[@Owww]: God, they’re so pampering, so sweet, I’m fainting from sweetness

[One Bar Bar Bar]: You’re all babies, you’re all mommy’s babies, I can kiss you both!

[@Tired, But I Can Still Love]: What sort of arrogance is this? If you have the ability, kiss her, that’s arrogance!!

[@Woman, It’s Me, Ba Hong Jian]: A mature official account needs to learn how to release the actual show. What? You guys just started filming? Then live stream it for me! I want to see pretty ladies dating, I want to see pretty ladies together!!

[@Liked For How Many Years]: @Falling For You Everyday, the person who invites guests for you have never beaten 《My Friend》 right?

Lu Zhi Wei scrolled then finally went back up to watch the video again.

The interview was edited in a humourous way, with a hint of romance.

Strange, she clearly remembered their interview the other day was very normal, it was entirely how they normally interacted.

Why did the video feel…… somewhat different?

It looked like they didn’t do anything, but the relationship between them was so intimate that a third person couldn’t be accepted.

Lu Zhi Wei propped up her chin, looking at Sang Wan Ci in the video.

She had been answering the question at that time so she didn’t notice, Sang Wan Ci had quietly watched her for so long……

Those gentle eyes, looking only at her.

How could she not be moved?

Sang Wan Ci, you really knew how to flirt with someone.

Unknowingly too……

Seeing it, she suddenly felt a bit shy.

Wow, we’re really so shippable.

Wuwu, it’s so good to be a CP with Wan Ci!

Sang Wan Ci saw her looking at her phone once she walked out of the room.

That reaction…… looked a bit embarrassed?

She was a bit confused, walking over and asking: “What are you watching?”

“The teaser,” Lu Zhi Wei handed the phone to her naturally. “The programme released our teaser.”

“?” Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

Sang Wan Ci: “So quickly?”

Lu Zhi Wei nodded.

He indeed was worthy of being a man who misleadingly drew three different routes on the map, nobody could figure him out.

Sang Wan Ci opened the video.

Lu Zhi Wei supported her face as she looked up, anticipating.

She didn’t know what reaction Sang Wan Ci would have after watching it.

The teaser was quickly over.

Sang Wan Ci put down the phone.

The two of them looked at each other.

The next second, Sang Wan Ci lifted a hand and placed it on Lu Zhi Wei’s head, gently rubbing.

“Baby Lu.”

Then she returned the phone to her and left to get some water.

Lu Zhi Wei blinked.

This wasn’t rejection? Right?

—— Yay!

Sang Wan Ci thought about the expression packs, pouring the water into a cup as she spoke: “I spoke to Ying Xi Ze yesterday.”

Lu Zhi Wei got to her feet and looked at her: “Why?”

Sang Wan Ci: “I asked him for expression packs.”

Lu Zhi Wei: “?”

Sang Wan Ci took a sip and calmly said: “To give to you.”

Lu Zhi Wei: “???”

She couldn’t wrap her head around it: “Why to give to me?”

Sang Wan Ci answered honestly: “I saw you were saving someone else’s expression packs yesterday.

“Ying Xi Ze gave me a lot, I’ll give them all to you.

“If it’s not enough, I’ll ask him for more.”

The “someone else” clearly was Jin Man Wen.

She wouldn’t openly call out Jin Man Wen’s name on camera.

Meng Lian Yu had taught her before that she had to be careful with her words in front of a camera.

Lu Zhi Wei paused, then suddenly laughed.

She was indeed the female lead who didn’t follow the script. She looked for the second male lead to ask for expression packs.

But Ying Xi Ze’s expression packs, most of them probably came from Lu Si Jiao, so she probably would have them too.

Because she had already stolen many expression packs from Lu Si Jiao.

But it was still cute.

Thinking that she lacked expression packs, so she went to ask for it from others and said that she would give them all to her, this Sang Wan Ci was really cute.

And it was enough for her to confirm one thing ——

Sang Wan Ci did care about her.

But whether or not it was more than normal friendship…… She didn’t know.

The production crew who was remotely viewing the camera feeds naturally also saw this.

They all looked at each other, suddenly feeling Sang Wan Ci was cute.

“Before we filmed this show, I’ve never heard anybody say Sang Wan Ci was so cute……”

“Asking for expression packs, ah…… How cute”

“Honestly, this pair makes me suspicious that we’re actually a romance variety show.”

“Didn’t Director Mu invite them for the CP fans! Do more stuff, let us have a bit of sugar for the CP fans!”

“This isn’t a bit,” one of the workers pointed at the screen. “This is a ton.”

On the screen, Lu Zhi Wei had put on an apron and was getting ready to cook.

Sang Wan Ci hugged her from behind, putting her chin on Lu Zhi Wei’s shoulder.

The two of them maintained that position as they discussed what they would make today.

Production crew: “……”

This was a bloody couple, wasn’t it???

Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci had decided.

Today’s dishes would be on the sweeter side, with two side dishes.

Sang Wan Ci let go of Lu Zhi Wei. As she was about to put on an apron and help, the doorbell rang.

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She walked to the door and opened it.

—— Jin Man Wen, and her friend Zhou Su.


Sang Wan Ci’s expression was calm: “Is something the matter?”

“Yes!” Please read at jiulian lian . wordpress . com

Jin Man Wen answered quickly, she was really afraid Sang Wan Ci would close the door on her.

“We can’t cook, the mission said we can look for our neighbours for help. So we wanted to ask Zhi Wei for help~ Is that okay?”

Lu Zhi Wei had already walked to the door, politely asking: “What can I do? I probably can’t cook for you two?”

Jin Man Wen waved her hands, familiarly acting miserable: “Of course it’s not asking for you to help cook for us, but we would like to ask you to teach us how to cook, is that okay?”

Lu Zhi Wei understood, her expression cheerful: “Sure.”

“We were just about to prepare lunch, you two can watch from the side, or follow along with us. Doing it yourself will help you learn faster.”

“Okay, thank you Zhi Wei~”

Sang Wan Ci didn’t say anything.

She wasn’t cruel enough to watch others starve.

Hopefully Jin Man Wen and Zhou Su really didn’t know how to cook.

Hopefully Jin Man Wen would stop coveting her Zhi Wei.

But Jin Man Wen clearly didn’t think so, and she was even a bit arrogant.

She walked past Sang Wan Ci, their shoulders brushing as she lifted her chin slightly and arrogantly looked at her.

Sang Wan Ci: “……”

She indeed had come with a plan.

She really wanted to kick Jin Man Wen out immediately.

Zhou Su didn’t have any messy thoughts. She thought about how good-looking Sang Wan Ci was, then she obediently followed Lu Zhi Wei to the kitchen, looking like an eager student.

What emotions or feelings, they all didn’t matter to her, she just wanted to be a person eating happily.

Lu Zhi Wei asked Zhou Su if they had bought any groceries.

Zhou Su replied: “We did, we just bought a bit of everything.”

After asking how much they had bought, she stayed silent for a moment then said: “It’s okay, there’s dinner too. This much is enough, you guys won’t have to go out to buy anything for dinner.”

Hearing that, Zhou Su knew Jin Man Wen had bought too much, smiling awkwardly.

Jin Man Wen happily ran into the kitchen, standing in front of Lu Zhi Wei with her eyes shining: “Zhi Wei, I’m ready, what do we do now?”

Lu Zhi Wei moved back slightly.

Seeing it, Zhou Su pulled Jin Man Wen back a little as well.

Sang Wan Ci was taking a call outside, so she didn’t join them in the kitchen immediately.

Lu Zhi Wei didn’t say anything, asking if they wanted to bring the ingredients over and cook lunch before taking it away.

She was worried something might happen if she let the two beginners go back and cook by themselves.

She would just supervise them cooking, safety was paramount.

The two disciples immediately ran back to bring all their ingredients over.

Under Lu Zhi Wei’s instructions, they started working.

But even while working, Jin Man Wen’s enthusiasm couldn’t be curbed.

She kept chatting with Lu Zhi Wei.

Asking about everything under the sun, being extremely concerned about her and trying her best to leave a good impression, she looked like an obedient meimei.

As long as Sang Wan Ci wasn’t around, she had no obstacles between her and Lu Zhi Wei!

Lu Zhi Wei really thought she was just trying to be friends, and since the two of them still had to work together on the next show, so her attitude was cordial and she answered all the questions.

Polite as if she was talking to a guest.

Jin Man Wen didn’t feel dismayed.

So be it if she was polite, it was a good sign that Lu Zhi Wei answered all her questions.

As long as they spent more time together, they could become friends too, and they could possibly become girlfriends in the future!

Besides, they had to work together for the next show, would she be scared there wasn’t time to interact with each other?

Thinking about it, her mood suddenly became much better.

In the cameras’ blind spot, she looked at Lu Zhi Wei’s back, her eyes filled with conviction.

The next second, she walked over and stood next to Lu Zhi Wei, chatting with her.

Soon, Sang Wan Ci finished her call and came back.

She immediately saw Jin Man Wen trying to get close to her Zhi Wei.

The smile on her face was so radiant that the corners of her lips were almost at her ears.

Sang Wan Ci: “……”

In that moment, she really wanted to throw away her upbringing and throw Jin Man Wen out.

“Zhi Wei.” She called out.

Lu Zhi Wei turned back and asked curiously: “You’re back, where did you go?”

Sang Wan Ci turned on the tap and washed her hands: “I had a call to take. What do you need me to do?”

Lu Zhi Wei: “Help me cut up these onions.”

Sang Wan Ci: “Okay.”

After living in Lu Zhi Wei’s house for so many days, she had pretty much learnt how to chop up vegetables, with onions posing no challenge for her.

Jin Man Wen continued handling the meat with Lu Zhi Wei.

Thinking about Sang Wan Ci being chased off to the side to cut up onions, but she was handling the meat with Lu Zhi Wei, Jin Man Wen suddenly felt like she had won the battle.

If she had a tail, it would be happily lifted towards the sky now.

But at this moment, Lu Zhi Wei suddenly called out: “Wait.”

She said that to Sang Wan Ci.

“Put an apron on.”

Then Jin Man Wen watched as Lu Zhi Wei took the other apron, walking over to personally help Sang Wan Ci wear it.

Lu Zhi Wei stood behind Sang Wan Ci, helping her tie the strings of the apron.

The action was intimate and well-rehearsed, as if she had already done it a thousand times before.

“Okay, done.

“Be careful when you’re cutting, don’t cut your hand.”

Sang Wan Ci turned, glancing lazily at Jin Man Wen before looking at Lu Zhi Wei.

She replied gently: “You be careful too, don’t cut your finger again.”

Lu Zhi Wei smiled: “Don’t worry, I won’t, that was because I was too distracted and didn’t notice.”

Sang Wan Ci pinched her cheek, then turned to cut the onions.

It was as if she didn’t see Jin Man Wen at all.

Although she had only been calmly looked at, but Jin Man Wen still felt challenged: “……”

She suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of danger.

Sang Wan Ci, she…… wouldn’t happen to also like Lu Zhi Wei, right?

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