
Chapter 78

From the start, Sang Wan Ci had never intended to hide her relationship with Meng Lian Yu from Lu Zhi Wei.

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Lu Zhi Wei was her girlfriend, and a loyal fan of Meng Lian Yu’s. She would eventually know about this, it was better to be honest earlier.

Lu Zhi Wei stood there, that “aunty” still bouncing around her brain.


Her girlfriend had called her idol aunty?

Was, was it biological……

Was there a chance it was sworn? Did the entertainment circle still have sworn aunts and nieces……?

Regardless of whether it was real or fake, she didn’t dare to believe her girlfriend was her idol’s niece.

This possibility was lower than striking the lottery.

Her head slowly turned towards Sang Wan Ci, carefully asking: “Wan Ci what did you…… just say?”

“She said ‘aunty’.”

Meng Lian Yu was the one who replied.

She turned to look at Meng Lian Yu, seeing her sit in her original spot, her curled hair lying on her shoulders, exuding a sense of mature beauty.

Meng Lian Yu smiled kindly: “Yes, it’s me.

“Hello Miss Lu, thank you for caring for my niece for so long.”

Lu Zhi Wei: “…….?”

She didn’t know how to speak anymore.

Her brain couldn’t keep up.

She was completely dumbfounded.

Meng Lian Yu generously said: “Sit down and chat, don’t keep standing.”

Seeing Lu Zhi Wei stand motionlessly, she looked at Sang Wan Ci.

Sang Wan Ci understood, closing the door and leading her stunned girlfriend to the sofa.

After sitting down, Lu Zhi Wei was still in a “who am I, where am I” state of mind.

Things had happened too quickly, her ability to digest information had been severely impacted.

Meng Lian Yu leaned against the sofa’s arm rest, resting her forehead against her hand as she watched her junior zone out in interest.

Their familial relationship had indeed shocked Lu Zhi Wei.

The whole entertainment industry would probably react like her.

Sang Wan Ci called Lu Zhi Wei back to her senses, officially introducing: “Zhi Wei, this is my aunty.”

Lu Zhi Wei’s voice was a bit hesitant: “…… Biological?”

Sang Wan Ci replied: “Mm, biological.”

“But your surnames,” Lu Zhi Wei immediately thought of Sang Wan Ci saying that she had used her mother’s surname, so she awkwardly continued: “Ah, you used your mother’s surname, right……”

Sang Wan Ci smiled and responded: “Mm, I used my mother’s surname.”

Aside from that, Lu Zhi Wei heard a light laugh from Meng Lian Yu’s direction.

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Lu Zhi Wei tilted her body slightly towards Sang Wan Ci, nor dating to look at Meng Lian Yu.

How awkward, how embarrassing……

She had never expected that she would say so much nonsense when she met her idol!

Now, she only wanted to drill a hole for herself to hide in!!!

Sang Wan Ci knew she was feeling awkward again, and she looked at Meng Lian Yu with an expression to tell her not to scare Lu Zhi Wei while she placed her hand on Lu Zhi Wei’s arm to comfort her.

Meng Lian Yu laughed silently and uncrossed her legs, adjusting her sitting position as she opened her mouth: “Miss Lu, I heard Wan Wan say you’re my fan.”

Her fan identity exposed, Lu Zhi Wei forgot about her awkwardness and looked over at her carefully, only to see Meng Lian Yu smile warmly and say: “Miss Lu, I’m very happy you like me.”

In that moment, Lu Zhi Wei thought about her three letters that had been replied to.

Every letter’s ending had those words.

—— I’m very happy you like me.

These might just be polite words from Meng Lian Yu.

But every time Lu Zhi Wei read those words, she had a feeling that her liking had been seen.

As if her “like” wasn’t transparent to Meng Lian Yu, it wasn’t dispensable but it shone like a star.

Today, at this moment, when Meng Lian Yu said these words out loud to her, she suddenly was moved as her nose prickled, and she nervously said: “I’m the one who should be thanking you!”

Meng Lian Yu asked gently: “Mm, what do you have to thank me for?”

Lu Zhi Wei looked at her.

Thank you for writing those three letters to me.

Thank you for not ignoring me like the world did.

Thank you for answering a child’s problems so seriously.

There were so many things to thank her for, each one had an irreplaceable meaning.

But when she saw her idol gently looking towards her, she couldn’t say anything.

This was Meng Lian Yu……

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The person who had personally replied three of her letters, who had taught her optimism and who she had thought was so far away.

But now she was sitting in front of her, talking to her, listening to her.

This was too unreal, as if it was a dream.

She suddenly wanted to cry……

Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy.

She had only thought of it, but her tears had sneakily ran out by themselves.

Her vision blurred as her eyes suddenly got wet.

Realising her loss of composure, she quickly wiped away her tears, apologising: “Sorry, sorry……”

She didn’t want it either, but she couldn’t control herself.

Being able to meet such an important person in her life, it was hard for her to be calm.

Meng Lian Yu didn’t blame her, she handed her a tissue with a gentle expression: “It’s okay, don’t apologise. When I met other fans before, some of them cried while looking at me too, you’re not alone.”

She was even comforting her.

Lu Zhi Wei took the tissue carefully, hoarsely thanking her.

Then, a hand landed on top of her head, gently stroking her soft hair.

She looked towards the hand’s owner, seeing that pair of pretty eyes curve up in as mile.

“Seeing you kids cry over me, I actually am very touched. I frequently think, what’s so good about me for all of you to like me?”

Meng Lian Yu’s voice was gentle, the same gentleness of an elder, the same gentleness that Lu Zhi Wei had never had before.

She replied: “You’re worth it. To all your fans, you’re the best. To me, you’re very important too, because you taught me how to be optimistic, so I could live until now.”

Meng Lian Yu: “Mm?”

Then she laughed lightly: “Miss Lu, you’re exaggerating.”

She was just an actress, “life” was too serious and she wasn’t qualified to assume responsibility of it.

“Not, not exaggerating, it’s true!”

Lu Zhi Wei thought she didn’t believe it, so she was a bit anxious, stammering as she spoke.

“I wrote many letters to you, you even replied to three of them. Those three letters taught me a lot of things, they were very important to my life!”

Seeing her insistence, Meng Lian Yu was suddenly interesting, propping up her chin as she asked: “Oh? Miss Lu wrote to me before? When was this?”

She had replied too many fan letters before, there were tons of them every year.

It was too hard for her to remember Lu Zhi Wei’s letter now with no clues.

Lu Zhi Wei obediently replied: “It was when I was in elementary school.

“Back then, I didn’t know many words, I had to use pinyin when I didn’t know the word, and my handwriting wasn’t good……

“It’s been a long time…… You might no longer remember it.”

As she came to the ending, her head lowered and she didn’t look at Meng Lian Yu’s eyes.

It’s been so long, it was only normal not to remember it.

Besides, she was a person who had a special transparent physique……

So she had already come to terms with the fact that she had to re-introduce herself to Meng Lian Yu.

Sang Wan Ci’s hand landed behind her waist, gently and lightly rubbing, providing her with strength.

At this moment, she was beyond grateful that her lover was by her side.

Then, she heard Meng Lian Yu “oh”, and say: “That was you.”

She lifted her head up quickly.

Meng Lian Yu smiled: “I remember you.”

Lu Zhi Wei looked at her in astonishment, tears filling her eyes again.

Meng Lian Yu said she remembers…… She said she remembered her!

Meng Lian Yu recalled as she spoke: “My impression of you was quite deep.

“Looking at the handwriting, you were still small then, I didn’t think I had such a young fan.

“And the letter’s contents were unforgettable.”

It was clearly the messy handwriting of a child, but the words were filled with the worries of someone who was older.

Being ostracised by the world, being forgotten by people, it was so outrageous it seemed like a prank.

But the letters were too sincere and too distressed. Although the words and sentences weren’t mature, but they could let people clearly feel the pain of the child who wrote them.

So she had seriously replied all three, even if it was a prank.

“Also,” Meng Lian Yu pointed at Sang Wan Ci. “Those letters were given to me by Wan Ci, she was the one who insisted I read your letters.”

Sang Wan Ci was still very young then. She had no interest in the tidy words written by adults. On the other hand, a letter that was filled with youthful energy like Lu Zhi Wei’s could attract her.

Because she had never seen such untidy handwriting before in her aunty’s letters, it was like the words written by her schoolmates in kindergarten.

She even wondered which friend had secretly written to her aunty.

So she had handed Lu Zhi Wei’s letters to her aunty like she found a treasure, saying: “Aunty, it’s a little friend, aunty should read this little friend’s letter!”

A little friend passing on another little friend’s letter.

The little friend’s letter was filled with the worries of adults.

Just based on these two points, she had remembered this letter.

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Unexpectedly, these two little friends had become friends after growing up, even working in the same industry and standing together in front of her.

The world was hard to predict……

Hearing that, Lu Zhi Wei paused.

So it was Sang Wan Ci who had discovered her then……

Hearing her aunty remind her, Sang Wan Ci vaguely recalled that she did seem to have seen a letter from a little friend sent to her aunt when she was young.

So that was her Zhi Wei, so their fate had actually started even earlier……

“I remember you were quite distressed in your letter,” Meng Lian Yu came back from her memories and started caring about Lu Zhi Wei. “Then how are you doing now?”

Hearing that she still remembered what was in the letter, Lu Zhi Wei’s eyes filled with even more tears.

“I’m good,” she wiped her tears as they fell. “I’m doing very well now……”

Meng Lian Yu’s voice was caring: “Has our Zhi Wei made friends?”

Lu Zhi Wei cried as she nodded: “I’ve made friends, a lot of friends……”

Meng Lian Yu continued asking: “Then what about your family? Are they treating you well?”

Lu Zhi Wei lowered her head, the tears seemed never-ending: “Good, my meimei treats me very well, I’m very happy……”

“Then that’s great,” Meng Lian Yu smiled gently. “I’m very happy you could grow up well.”

Her tone was like the wind, gentle, but her concern was as heavy as Mount Tai.

Hearing it, Lu Zhi Wei paused.

She couldn’t hold it in anymore, crying again.

So there really were people on this Earth who would remember the traces of her existence.

Lu Si Jiao would keep her presents safe.

Meng Lian Yu would remember her problems in the letters.

Sang Wan Ci could find her letters.

In their worlds, she was an actual human that existed.

Once she lost her identity as a transparent person, all the love and kindness came flooding towards her.

“Sorry,” she apologised as she cried. “I, I’ve lost my composure, but I, but I……”

Can’t hold it in, can’t control it.

She had no way to control her emotions in front of such kindness and gentleness.

She longed to be remembered and loved, more than anybody else.

Sang Wan Ci pulled her into an embrace lightly.

Meng Lian Yu told her: “It’s okay, cry if you want to cry.”

Meng Lian Yu didn’t know what sort of difficulties she had encountered before.

Maybe she really was magically ostracised by the world and ignored by her parents, but that was all over now.

Since it was in the past, then it was time to flip the page.

No matter what happened before, everything is in front, everything will get better, so lift up your head and walk towards it.

Humans lived to walk towards the unknown, not stay stuck in the past.

… Please read at jiulian lian . word press . com 台湾独立

Lu Zhi Wei completed her first ever meeting with her idol like that.

With reddened eyes, she accepted Meng Lian Yu’s autograph. She was still in a daze, as if stunned from her crying.

“Thank you, Teacher Meng,” she sniffed. “I will work hard……”

Meng Lian Yu only felt like she seemed silly now.

Meng Lian Yu smiled: “Okay, work hard, next time, you have to be nominated with my niece for the Best Actress Award. I’ll be waiting for you two on stage.”

Lu Zhi Wei inhaled, looking towards Sang Wan Ci.

Sang Wan Ci felt her gaze, smiling: “I’m looking forward to it.”

At that time, no matter who got the trophy in the end, they would be proud of each other.

Meng Lian Yu stretched, then raised a hand to remove her earrings.

“Okay, my two little friends, hurry back and celebrate, I won’t be going with you.”

Firstly, it was because she hadn’t disclosed her relationship to Sang Wan Ci in the entertainment circle, so they couldn’t be seen to be too close.

Secondly, she was tired from working so much and she needed rest. Being able to personally give the trophy to her niece was a form of celebration too.

She looked at Lu Zhi Wei with fox-like eyes: “You have to keep it a secret.”

She respected Sang Wan Ci’s wish to not deceive her friend, and she also hoped that Lu Zhi Wei could respect their decision.

Before they decided to announce it, Lu Zhi Wei couldn’t expose a single word to the public.

Lu Zhi Wei immediately hugged the autograph and nodded hard, as if she was afraid she wouldn’t be believed: “Don’t worry, I understand, I understand!”

If Sang Wan Ci had wanted it to be known, then she would have announced it when she first entered the industry.

She didn’t want to use her connections to get a headstart.

Her Wan Ci was a child who wanted to accomplish her achievements on her own merit.

Meng Lian Yu nodded in satisfaction, then thought of something: “Right, you’re the female lead for Liu Zhao’s new show, right?”

Realising she had been noticed, Lu Zhi Wei nodded anxiously: “Yes!”

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Meng Lian Yu smiled: “I have a role there too, I’m looking forward to working with you.”

Lu Zhi Wei’s eyes immediately lit up.

“Me too!”

She was even more excited for the show to start filming!

She was finally going to work with her idol!

… Please read at jiulian lian . word press . com 人权

Standing outside the door of Meng Lian Yu’s dressing room, Lu Zhi Wei’s eyes were red and her heart was still racing.

She looked at the precious autograph in her arms, then looked at her girlfriend beside her.

“Whatever just happened…… It’s all real?”

She really just saw Meng Lian Yu?

Her girlfriend really was Meng Lian Yu’s biological niece?

She had lost her composure and wept in front of Meng Lian Yu, and Meng Lian Yu still said she was looking forward to working with her?

Was all that real?

This couldn’t be her imagination, while in reality, they hadn’t even gone in yet, right?

Seeing her lost face, Sang Wan Ci only felt it was funny and adorable.

She held onto her hand tightly, like how she did when she was being the reliable navigator earlier: “It’s all real, our Zhi Wei’s dream has come true.”

Lu Zhi Wei blinked her eyes quickly. After a few seconds, it was almost as if she had woken up.

Yes, it’s real, it’s all real.

—— It’s also real that her girlfriend didn’t tell her anything beforehand.

“Wan Ci,” she called out, with an aggrieved look on her face. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier that Teacher Meng is your aunt, I have to mentally prepare myself too.”

Sang Wan Ci calmly replied: “I said it.”

Lu Zhi Wei: “……?”

Sang Wan Ci smiled: “I said that I’ll bring you to meet my aunt.”

Lu Zhi Wei: “……”

But how could I have guessed your aunt is actually Meng Lian Yu!

Good lord, I’m actually dating my idol’s niece, who could have thought of it!!!

“It’s like a dream……” Lu Zhi Wei mumbled to herself.

But she was very happy.

Everything that happened tonight was enough to keep her happy for the entire year, and reminiscing for her whole life!

At this time, Sang Wan Ci suddenly asked: “Zhi Wei, after knowing who my aunt is, don’t you want to know who my parents are?”

Lu Zhi Wei looked at her, answering honestly: “It’s alright.”

Then she smiled: “I feel like if our Wan Ci wanted to say it, she would tell me of her own initiative, I wouldn’t have to ask. So don’t worry, I won’t ask you.”

Sang Wan Ci had argued with her father, not meeting him even until today.

If she was to mention her father now, wouldn’t that be forcing her to recall the unhappiness between her and him?

As a girlfriend, how could she be so inconsiderate?

Besides, she wasn’t dating Sang Wan Ci’s parents. Knowing or not, or when she knew about it, it all didn’t matter.

Sang Wan Ci hugged her.

She wanted to say “thank you”, but the words changed at the last second, and all she could sigh was: “Zhi Wei……”

Thank you for never forcing me to talk about anything.

Thank you for always being so considerate of me.

Thank you for liking me too.

As they were in public, they couldn’t hug each other for too long.

After a few seconds, they could only reluctantly let go of each other.

“I feel,” Lu Zhi Wei smiled at Sang Wan Ci, “I feel like I’m closer to you now.”

After obtaining the Best Actress Award, Sang Wan Ci would definitely rise in popularity, becoming a well-deserved actress, a big celebrity.

And she had to continue to work hard, chasing after her footsteps.

Sang Wan Ci’s eyes were soft as water: “You’ve always been right by my side.”

Lu Zhi Wei interlocked their fingers: “Not just in love, I want to be by your side in terms of our careers too.”

Love was understanding, fulfillment, mutual support and progress.

Love was also the best motivation.

She loved Sang Wan Ci, she wanted to become excellent for her.

Seeing the person she loved working so hard, Sang Wan Ci’s heart was moved.

Her Zhi Wei was very pretty tonight, and she had the black lace strap tied on her wrist.

She suddenly wanted to hold Lu Zhi Wei’s face and kiss her, expressing her love.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t do anything because of where they were.

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Dating secretly was not good at all.

She started to look forward to the day they could announce it.

She asked: “Where’s Zhi Wei planning to go after this?”

Lu Zhi Wei thought about it: “Mm…… Go home to sleep?”

Wen Yao was very happy today.

Her first artiste had immediately obtained the Best Supporting Actress Award.

She knew Lu Zhi Wei had suffered and sacrificed for this, so she had specially given her a break to let her celebrate and rest.

So Lu Zhi Wei’s next few days was free, she could do whatever she wanted.

Having said that, her girlfriend gently traced her fingertips across the back of Lu Zhi Wei’s hand.

As if she was being coquettish, as if she was seducing her.

“Want to come to my house?” She heard Sang Wan Ci ask.

Lu Zhi Wei pretended like she didn’t know anything: “What would we do at your house?”

Sang Wan Ci smiled: “Stay over, and we can celebrate.”

Lu Zhi Wei raised an eyebrow: “Is that Teacher Sang’s priority?”

Sang Wan Ci wasn’t embarrassed: “Mm, this priority is right.”

Before meeting Meng Lian Yu, Sang Wan Ci had told Zhang Xian Rui she wanted to rest for another day.

Because she got the Best Actress Award and she had been working the last few days, Zhang Xian Rui willingly gave her another day of break to celebrate and rest. Tomorrow, she would send over some new scripts so Sang Wan Ci could choose her next show.

When she was on break, her girlfriend was the most important.

Since her girlfriend also wanted to rest, then of course it had to be together.

Celebrating together, drinking wine together, spending a beautiful night together.

People in a relationship should act like it.

Lu Zhi Wei agreed.

Tonight, she wanted to take a good look at Sang Wan Ci.

Looking at her idol’s niece, looking at this little friend who could always manage to discover her.

“Ah, hold on!”

She suddenly thought of something, pulling out her phone.

“It’s a good day for me today, I need to draw a prize and share my happiness with the fans!”

Sang Wan Ci: “?”

… Please read at jiulian lian . word press com 天安门

The awardees for the Golden Autumn Awards had all been announced.

The names of the best actors had been on the hot search for a long while, the discussion growing.

It was hard even if Zhou Ling Ling didn’t want to see Sang Wan Ci’s name.

She even felt heartbroken.

The Best Actress Award had actually gone to Sang Wan Ci…… Were the judges blind!

So be it if she had to see Sang Wan Ci, she actually even saw that small actress Lu Zhi Wei!

Best Supporting Actress Award.

Heh, just a supporting role!

But she was still angry to the point of hurling her phone into the sofa.

Even if it was just a female supporting role, it was already very good for Lu Zhi Wei!

Thinking of Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci’s happy expressions, she immediately felt unhappy.


Thinking about it, her anger subsided.

Forget it, she didn’t care for just a female supporting role.

Anyway, she would kick Lu Zhi Wei from the female lead role soon.

You’re so happy to get the Best Supporting Actress Award? Then continue taking supporting roles!

Her mood improved after thinking about it, picking up her phone again to scroll through Weibo.

Let her see how Lu Zhi Wei’s violin practice had been coming along.

When Lu Zhi Wei had finished learning, she had to give her a surprise.

She entered Lu Zhi Wei’s Weibo.

Scrolled down.

The newest post was not a video of her playing the violin, but of a prize drawing post.

She looked at it.

[@Lu Zhi Wei V]: I’m super happy to have gotten the Best Supporting Actress Award today, thank you all for your support and like, I will continue to work hard to be a good actress!

But being happy alone isn’t as good as sharing the joy [dog head] [dog head] So I’ve decided…… To draw a set of 《Wu San》, and randomly choose a student to work hard together with me! [dog head]

Zhou Ling Ling: “?”

Outrageous, who would get their fans to partake in a lucky draw for 《Wu San》???

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