
Chapter 96

The filming paused.

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The actors got their makeup touched up.

Once the break started, the two of them immediately picked up their scripts and started rehearsing their lines to each other.

Guo Hui stood between them while they were getting their makeup done, not resting for a minute as she continued talking about the scene.

There were still two scenes left to film, and then they were done with filming.

It was just about right on schedule, finishing in the middle of December. This way, everybody would be able to go home to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

In order not to delay, Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci both put in 120% of their effort.

“Okay, then we’ll start filming from that area. You two get into character, and we’ll start once you’re ready.”



Guo Hui returned to her seat, waiting for the two of them to signal to her before she picked up the speakerphone and notified everybody that filming was about to start.

The goddess should be surprised that the person she loved forgot her after taking the potion of forgetfulness.

There were many kinds of love.

Her love was one kind, treating the other person well and thinking of them, wanting to help them escape and being open about it.

Hating because of love was another.

Lin Huai Rou had rejected her numerous times, citing that she liked Zhou Ming Shan, and the goddess believed it.

Even though Lin Huai Rou eventually killed her husband, the goddess still didn’t doubt her.

There were too many kinds of love.

Even if it was hatred born out of love, it was still a kind of love.

So in the goddess’ eyes, Lin Huai Rou hated Zhou Ming Shang because of love, she was rebelling and seeking escape.

But she had forgotten.

Her believer knew how to lie.

Lin Huai Rou would lie that she had no sorrows, that she didn’t like chestnut pastries, and that she didn’t like to travel far. All of her “likes” were lies, even.

Lu Zhi Wei got into the goddess’ character, looking at the person in front of her in a daze.

The person in front of her looked at her like she was a stranger, lost yet wary.

She felt pained, yet a little happy.

So it wasn’t one-sided……

So you like me too……

She reached out, wanting to hold Lin Huai Rou’s hand, but Lin Huai Rou frowned and dodged.

“Who exactly are you!”

But the goddess no longer wanted to miss this opportunity.

She wouldn’t let go of her, never again.

The goddess grabbed Lin Huai Rou’s hand, her expression becoming gentle as she looked at the beauty in front of her.

“I’m your wife.”

Lin Huai Rou froze, forgetting to move.

The goddess held her hand tightly, her expression firm.

“I was originally a nameless beggar, but you saved me when I was hurt. I’m now called Ah Yue, it’s the name you gave me.

“Then, we fell for each other.

“You might not remember it, but I do.”

“Furen,” the goddess pulled her slowly into an embrace and smiled. “We agreed to go to Xiling and see the butterfly valley. Let’s go tomorrow, okay?”

Xiling…… Please read at jiulian lian . word press . com 天安门

Butterfly valley……

Lin Huai Rou placed a hand over her heart, the wariness in her eyes disappearing to leave only uncertainty.

“I don’t know why,” she said, “although I don’t remember you, but hearing you say that, my heart is so happy……”

Fell for each other.

Her heart remembers it.

Her heart was rejoicing because the person in front of her was her wife.

Hearing that, the goddess was happy but also saddened.

She hugged Lin Huai Rou even tighter, apologising silently in her heart.

Clearly, we loved each other, but I couldn’t see your heart and I made you endure all this by yourself……

If I had known from the start and brought you away, would you be happier?

Lin Huai Rou decided to believe in her heart.

She lightly hugged Ah Yue, grabbing her clothes as she asked: “Why can’t I remember you? Ah Yue, why can’t I remember you……”

“It’s okay,” the goddess kissed her forehead, comforting her gently. “We have time, you’ll remember.”

She knew better than anybody else whether one could still recover their memories after drinking the potion of forgetfulness.

But she was still willing to give Lin Huai Rou a beautiful expectation.

Even if she couldn’t recall, it was fine, take it as…… a brand new start for the two of them.

Lin Huai Rou forgot about Ah Yue, but she didn’t forget about what happened in the Zhou family.

She looked up at Ah Yue, reaching out her bloodstained hands.

“Ah Yue, I killed Zhou Ming Shan…… I killed Zhou Ming Shan.”

The goddess held her hands, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe them clean.

She wasn’t willing to let the blood of scum like Zhou Ming Shan dirty her wife.

“It’s heaven’s will.”

“Zhou Ming Shan did too many evil deeds, heaven could no longer abide him.” She pointed at her own statue. “Furen‘s heart is kind and you have accumulated virtue, so the goddess protected you and wanted to let you leave the Zhou family to have your own life.”

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Lin Huai Rou looked at the statue of the goddess in the hall.

She heard the person beside her say: “Furen once prayed to the goddess for good and evil to be rewarded.”

Lin Huai Rou looked back at the goddess.

The goddess smiled: “This is the miracle that the goddess has performed for furen.”

The goddess likes you the most.

She’ll fulfil any wish you make.

As long as you ask it of her.

Lin Huai Rou looked at her calmly, slowly accepting this.

Because everything the goddess had said matched up with the memories in her brain.

But she couldn’t find any trace of the person in front of her in her memories —— She had forgotten the person in front of her.

She had forgotten the person she loved.

“Ah Yue,” Lin Huai Rou reached out, hugging the goddess tightly. “Thank you for not leaving me.”

The goddess paused.

She knew what Lin Huai Rou meant, but it felt more like she was thanking the goddess for all the companionship in the past.

Lin Huai Rou must have been very happy to have her company back then too……

“You’re my wife, I will never leave you.” The goddess promised solemnly.

Guo Hui sat behind the monitor as she watched Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci hug each other tightly.

The two of them had grasped every emotion that they needed to portray.

The sweet would come after the bitter, their hearts were connected. It was as if they would live happily ever after.

But things were never that simple.

Wen Shuang wouldn’t be so good-hearted to write a happy ending right now either, or her “gods would no longer exist if they suffered three punishments from the heavens” would be in vain.

After the goddess made her promise to Lin Huai Rou, lightning crackled down outside the building.

Lin Huai Rou jumped in shock, but still remember to protect the goddess.

Her mind was telling her that her wife was afraid of lightning.

The goddess knew that there was no escaping the retribution of heaven.

Since she couldn’t escape, then there was no need to hide from it.

She pulled out her treasure pouch and stuffed it into Lin Huai Rou’s hand, her expression stern and serious: “Furen, hold onto this, wait for me to return.

“When I return, we’ll go to Xiling and see the butterfly valley together.”

Seeing her like this, Lin Huai Rou suddenly felt sorrowful and helpless.

Something was waiting for her Ah Yue to solve it, but she couldn’t do anything.

“Okay,” Lin Huai Rou held onto the pouch tightly. “I’ll wait for you to return.”

The goddess looked at her, a deep look in her eyes, as if she wanted to carve Lin Huai Rou’s appearance forever into her mind.

Next, the storyline of the goddess getting punished by the heavens would be completed from Lin Huai Rou’s perspective.

So Lu Zhi Wei left the scene first, leaving behind Sang Wan Ci.

Through the camera, Sang Wan Ci held onto the white, cloud-embroidered pouch, staring at the doors of the hall.

When the silhouette of the person she loved disappeared completely, she finally looked away and walked to the statue of the goddess, kneeling on the thin mat.

She put her hands together, looking sincere.

“Please protect Ah Yue and keep her safe, goddess. Please protect Ah Yue and keep her safe, goddess……”

After a moment, the sound of lightning crashing to the ground rang out.

Lightning flashed in the sky, the horrifying white light tearing through the sky and hitting the top of the mountain, threatening to devour the mountains and rivers.

Lin Huai Rou’s heart suddenly felt panicked.

She got up quickly, not caring about her manners.

Her skirt slid across the ground as she took hasty steps.

She clutched the pouch in her hand tightly as she looked towards the direction that the lightning had landed.

She didn’t know what was there, she was just worried.

Worried that the person she loved would be scared while she was outside, worried the lightning would hit the person she loved.

Worried…… that the person she loved wouldn’t be able to return.

The gods were angered and the lightning came down without rest.

On this lonely night, the lightning shook the earth.

Everybody in the city was witnessing this.

The lightning was striking at the mountain, but it felt like it was landing right in front of them. People were scared and screaming.

One after another, the sky sent down three bolts of lightning.

Lin Huai Rou stood at the window. Suddenly, she recalled something Cui Luo had said.

—— Gods would no longer exist if they suffered three punishments from the heavens

She hadn’t had time to react when a sound came from behind her.

She quickly turned back, only to see that the statue of the goddess had cracked.

After a short while, the crack spread as the statue crumbled.

The arm was broken, landing heavily on the floor.

The body was completely torn apart and crumbled slowly, finally collapsing.

Smoke and dust were everywhere.

After everything calmed down, there was no longer that solemn statue of the goddess in the hall. All that was left was a pile of useless rubble.


The pouch fell to the ground.

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Lin Huai Rou lifted a hand slowly to her eyes, then pulled it away and looked at it. She didn’t know when her tears had started falling.

“Cut —— Good! Very good!”

Guo Hui got up and praised Sang Wan Ci’s acting.

Sang Wan Ci took a few seconds to get out of character, rubbing away her tears lightly.

The collapse of the stone statue was all dependent on post-production effects, she was acting without any physical object right now.

But this didn’t affect her. Just thinking about the fate of the two main leads would make anybody upset.

Lu Zhi Wei handed her a tissue.

Sang Wan Ci took it.

Lu Zhi Wei gently patted her head: “You’ve worked hard.”

Sang Wan Ci smiled warmly with red eyes: “Zhi Wei has worked hard too.”

Acting wasn’t just one person’s job, it was people coming together for the best effect.

Guo Hui lifted a hand and looked at her watch, then waved her arm: “We’ll stop filming here, let’s pack up and go back and rest.

“Zhi Wei and Wan Ci, you two get a good rest too. The filming today was good, we’ll continue filming the butterfly valley scene tomorrow when we return to An City. Once that’s done, we’ll be done with filming.

“Rest early everybody, we still have to catch our flight tomorrow.”

There was an existing butterfly valley outside of An City.

The scriptwriter Wen Shuang had visited it before.

There were mountains and lakes and a sea of flowers, it was beautiful.

But the park didn’t publicise it much, so not a lot of people visited it.

Guo Hui felt that since it was a local scenic spot, then she might as well promote it. If she could contribute to An City’s tourism, then even better.

It wasn’t a problem even if it was winter. If there weren’t enough flowers and butterflies, they could always be added in during the post-production process. It was good enough to have a ready-made valley.

And it just so happened that the butterfly valley was in An City. After the filming was done, everybody would go home and rest.

Knowing that they would be leaving soon, Lu Zhi Wei took her phone from Wen Wen to snap some photos.

Taking a selfie wasn’t enough, she got her girlfriend to take a photo with her too.

The two of them stood in front of the statue and took a few selfies together, then picked a photo each to post to Weibo to promote the movie.

Immediately, the night owl fans replied and expressed their excitement for the movie, hoping it would be aired soon so they could see their collaboration.

Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci looked at each other, smiling.

They wanted to see it too.

After all, this was their first movie together, and their first time working on a same-sex relationship movie. It would be false to say that they weren’t looking forward to the reviews.

Lu Zhi Wei couldn’t help but think: It would be even better if 《Shackles》 can help Wan Ci directly complete the agreement with Chairman Meng!

…… Please read at jiulian lian . word press . com 台湾独立

The next day, the sky was clear with no snow and the flight was punctual.

All of the production crew flew back to An City and travelled to the butterfly valley.

Before filming, the crew had already spoken to the management of the park where the butterfly valley was.

They welcomed the filming.

Both parties had signed a contract promising that the crew wouldn’t damage the park and the park had to keep the filming under wraps.

In order not to disturb the filming, the management had even closed the park for a day, although the valley was so quiet that there wasn’t much need to do so……

It was the first time Lu Zhi Wei had been here.

There were flowers everywhere, and butterflies fluttering around freely.

She had never heard of An City having a butterfly valley before. Now, it was clear that she didn’t know much about An City, there were still many places for her to explore.

Thinking about it, she decided to explore more with Sang Wan Ci when they had time.

Sang Wan Ci had no objections.

Before filming started, the two of them sat behind the set.

Lu Zhi Wei looked at Sang Wan Ci’s head and asked: “Has your head hurt lately?”

Sang Wan Ci shook her head.

Lu Zhi Wei was relieved, joking: “Then your headache is pretty sensible, it knows not to disturb you when you’re working.”

Hearing that, Sang Wan Ci chuckled and handed Lu Zhi Wei the cup of warm water she was holding: “Drink some water, Zhi Wei.”

Sang Wan Ci had still combed her hair into a hairstyle that married women wore, but she wore simple, clean clothes. She didn’t look as dignified anymore, but she looked even more gentle.

But it suited it.

Or rather, there was nothing that didn’t suit her face.

Lu Zhi Wei reached out and helped Sang Wan Ci adjust her collar, then took the water and drank it.

Zhang Xian Rui had some time today, and she planned to watch Sang Wan Ci finish filming then bring her away.

When she got the set, this was the scene that awaited her.

She halted, suddenly feeling like the atmosphere between her artiste and Lu Zhi Wei was a little sweet. Sweet until a third person couldn’t barge in.

She finally felt like something wasn’t right.

A bold thought floated to the surface.

The two of them…… wouldn’t like each other, would they?

… Please read at jiulian lian . word press . com 人权

The scene was set.

Sang Wan Ci followed Guo Hui’s instruction, obediently standing under a stone wall.

The butterfly valley had layers of naturally formed rock walls and crannies of all sizes.

The mouth of the valley was like a round disk. The warm sun could be seen just by looking up.

The inside of the valley was filled with flowers and dancing butterflies, the fragrance filling the nose.

There was even a small ancient-looking pavilion in the valley for visitors to rest at.

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There was a small dirt road for entry and exit, and you could see the whole sea of flowers from the exit.

If there was a breeze, the flowers would sway in the wind.

It was suitable to come here during the spring, summer and fall.

Although it still looked good in the winter, the wind cutting across their face was too cold.

Guo Hui immediately started filming after checking everything was in order.

All the crew members were focused.

Sang Wan Ci lifted her skirt, stepping into the entrance of the valley.

The flowers were swaying in the gentle wind, and the warm sunlight shone on the fragile petals, illuminating them.

Suddenly, a butterfly landed on Sang Wan Ci’s shoulder.

Everybody on the set looked at Sang Wan Ci.

Only to see her raise a finger, and the butterfly flew over and landed there.

She smiled at the butterfly, as if she wasn’t disturbed by it.

The next second, she waved her hand gently and the butterfly fluttered its wings and took off. The carefreeness of it echoed through the valley.

This scene was captured by all the cameras.

Guo Hui felt this was good, she wanted to include this in the movie!

Sang Wan Ci continued into the valley slowly, happiness in her eyes.

Lin Huai Rou had finally seen the butterfly valley she longed for with her own eyes.

She could finally see any scenery she wanted in the world without restraints.

In the scene, she stood in the middle of the valley, alone.

After a moment, someone appeared beside her, laughter in her eyes as she looked warmly at Lin Huai Rou.

Lin Huai Rou turned and reached out her hand, speaking gently: “Ah Yue, come.”

The goddess, no, she was now the mortal Ah Yue.

Ah Yue also had her hair combed in a hairstyle that married women wore, and she held Lin Huai Rou’s hand as she walked to her side.

The two of them interlaced their fingers.

Lin Huai Rou asked: “Does it look nice?”

Ah Yue nodded: “It looks nice.”

Then she saw the pavilion and asked: “Is Rou-er tired? Let’s go there and rest.”

Lin Huai Rou agreed, the smile on her lips never fading.

They sat in the pavilion and enjoyed the flowers, close to each other as they discussed where they should go next.

Lin Huai Rou couldn’t decide, she wanted to visit too many places.

Ah Yue smiled and held her hand: “There’s still a long time in this life, we’ll go to every place that Rou-er likes.”

Lin Huai Rou gazed at her, then smiled radiantly.

“Okay, we’ll go together.”

From now until the end of our lives, you and I will never part again.

The closing scene was of a pair of beautiful women, against the bright sky.

Everything in the world seemed to be just as perfect.

That was the ending of 《Shackles》, and it perfectly ended the story.

Wen Shuang finally decided to be humane this time.

Because she had let the goddess perform the last miracle for the person she loved so they could finally get married and have a happy ending.

《Shackles》 had finally finished filming ——

After successfully completing it, everybody was incredibly happy, applauding loudly.

“Thank you to the two main leads for giving us such a wonderful performance, everybody’s worked hard!” Guo Hui smiled.

“Director Guo has worked hard!”

“Director Guo has worked hard too!”

“Wishing everybody a happy new year in advance!”

“Happy new year!”

Lu Zhi Wei and Sang Wan Ci held onto their bouquets, smiling as they wished everybody a happy new year.

The atmosphere was harmonious.

Sang Wan Ci still had work scheduled, so she left with Zhang Xian Rui after taking a photo with the crew.

As she sat in the car, she sent a message to Lu Zhi Wei.

—— The code to the door of her house.

Lu Zhi Wei just got into the car and saw her message, smiling.

[Lu Zhi Wei]: Why did you send the code for the house?

[Baby Sang]: Haven’t gone back in a while, I’m afraid my girlfriend will forget, so I’m reminding her.

[Lu Zhi Wei]: I didn’t forget

[Lu Zhi Wei]: It’s just like remembering the birthday of my girlfriend, I’ve remembered it well

[Baby Sang]: That’s good.

[Baby Sang]: Zhi Wei, rest well. Once you’re all rested then move your things over. If I have time, I’ll fetch you.

[Lu Zhi Wei]: Alright, we’ll listen to everything our Teacher Sang says!

Sang Wan Ci put down her phone, satisfied. She looked at Xiao Qiu in the passenger seat and said: “Xiao Qiu, buy some ingredients and put it in the fridge for me over the next few days.”

Zhang Xian Rui and Xiao Qiu looked at her in curiosity.

Zhang Xian Rui said: “What are you doing buying ingredients, you don’t know how to cook? Are you preparing to learn?”

Sang Wan Ci smiled and looked out the window: “Someone who knows how to cook is going to move in with me.”

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From now on, she’ll be able to see the person she liked once she returned home.

Or if Lu Zhi Wei went out for work, she could stay at home and wait for her.

A life with expectations was better than just sitting at home alone.

She didn’t shy away from discussing it with Zhang Xian Rui and Xiao Qiu.

After all, to everybody else, she was just very good friends with Lu Zhi Wei.

The expressions of the people around them never seemed to cross the line, just like how they didn’t dare to confess to each other when they liked each other.

Zhang Xian Rui raised an eyebrow lightly, able to determine who it was almost instantly.

She lifted a hand and propped up her chin slowly.

Her artiste, wouldn’t really have fallen, right……

… Please read at jiulian lian . word press . com 香港独立

When Lu Zhi Wei reached home, Lu Si Jiao had already cooked a meal.

“It’s nothing special.” Lu Si Jiao said.

Lu Zhi Wei took a few bites, surprised at how much her sister’s cooking had improved.

Before she went into the production crew, Lu Si Jiao’s cooking was definitely inedible and evil.

Evil to the point that if people in the culinary world were to set up an evil cooking sect, Lu Si Jiao would definitely be invited to be the guardian.

“Not bad, Jiao Jiao, there’s an improvement!” Lu Zhi Wei praised.

Lu Si Jiao chuckled, a little pride on her face: “That’s for sure, Ying Xi Ze has been testing the poison for me!”


Lu Zhi Wei: “…… He’s really suffered.”

Having to eat so much bad cooking, how bitter must his life be.

Lu Zhi Wei put down her luggage and washed her hands before sitting down.

Lu Si Jiao took a bowl of rice for her.

Lu Zhi Wei said: “Jiao Jiao, jiejie still has work tonight and might return home late. Don’t wait up for me, got it?

“You still need to work tomorrow, rest early.”

Lu Si Jiao nodded: “Okay okay, I know.”

Then she asked curiously: “What work is it tonight?”

“Something offline,” Lu Zhi Wei said. “At Xinghe mall.”

Hearing it, Lu Si Jiao immediately said: “Oh, I just went two days ago. I saw a huge poster of Wan Ci jie in Xinghe mall, it’s super pretty!

“Jie, you can take a look at it when you go over tonight, see how pretty your girlfriend is.”

Lu Zhi Wei couldn’t help but feel a bit proud: “Of course, my girlfriend is the prettiest.”

Seeing her like this, Lu Si Jiao couldn’t help but laugh, recalling when she used to fight for the room with Sang Wan Ci.

“When Wan Ci jie comes over next time, I won’t dare to fight with her for the room.”

“She probably won’t be coming over,” Lu Zhi Wei said. “I’m planning to move in with her.”

Lu Si Jiao blinked.

Lu Zhi Wei continued: “I’ll leave this place for you. Our Jiao Jiao has grown up, it’s okay if you live alone, right?”

Lu Si Jiao immediately said: “There’s no problem at all, jiejie‘s happiness is important. Besides, I’ve lived by myself for a few months already, don’t worry.”

If she couldn’t, then she could call her friends to stay with her.

If not, she could call he boyfriend to accompany her.

All roads lead to Rome, a younger sister absolutely should not interfere with her older sister’s pursuit of happiness!

Lu Zhi Wei was relieved.

“Let’s eat.”

Close to ten at night, Lu Zhi Wei finally ended work.

Thinking about the giant poster that Lu Si Jiao had mentioned, she didn’t go back with Wen Yao. She put on her coat and scarf, hiding herself with her cap and mask before she walked out of the mall.

Just as Lu Si Jiao had said, there was a giant poster of Sang Wan Ci.

The person in the poster had delicate eyebrows and bright eyes, with the endorsed necklace around her white neck, complementing it perfectly.

Very beautiful, especially beautiful.

Lu Zhi Wei couldn’t help but take out her phone and take a photo.

Although they could see each other every day in the production crew, but she could never get enough of seeing her girlfriend.

People walked along the street, with the indicator halos flashing before Lu Zhi Wei’s eyes.

All of them were the colour of a passerby.

Lu Zhi Wei had already gotten used to it, not reacting anymore.

She looked at the photo on her phone, satisfied.

Not only that, she even sent it to Sang Wan Ci.

[Lu Zhi Wei]: This female celebrity is so pretty, I wonder whose girlfriend she is

Sang Wan Ci was working, so she didn’t check her phone.

Lu Zhi Wei slowly put her phone away and turned to leave.

She lifted her eyes, suddenly realising someone was looking at Sang Wan Ci’s poster like her.

It was a face she had never seen before.

As expected, the indicator halo popped out above the girl’s head.

Lu Zhi Wei’s eyes widened.

It actually was…… grey.

T/N: Idk about y’all but I’m pretty satisfied with how the show ended. Time for real-life drama!

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