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Translator: Flying Lines
Time flowed like a river. Fleetingly, a month had passed again!

“Yu Yiling advanced to the Implement Constructing Realm!”

Huaxia Alliance was prospering with loads of masters of Implement Constructing Realm rising. The talents of younger generation had also made their way to the Implement Constructing Realm, for instance, the God’s favored girl Yu Yiling allegedly had constructed a formidable weapon.

Xia Ze and Zu Yan were the only two who made it to Taoist Door Realm, a proof that Taoist Door Realm for sure was a hard nut to crack.

“Has there been an internal strife among the beasts? How else could this calamity happen?”

“Likely. Within the area of five hundred miles, there is not a single beast alive. I don’t know if you notice that the beasts around seem to be petrified by this place like it is a death zone!”

“I think it is artificial. Maybe there is a Taoist Door Realm master of Huaxia Alliance lurking in this area?”

As more and more masters rose to the Implement Constructing Realm, some cultivators began to explore in depth of the Wilderness region. Strangely, in this area a blood deluge washed everything!


Several miles away, a glorious aura reigned causing a magnificent scene where bolts of lightning were dancing!

A shimmering gold shadow was punching with an intimidating momentum that could shatter a mountain easily!

Su Yan’s whole physical body was filled with energy of dominance and masculinity like a blurred golden star rotating with incredible combat effectiveness!

Su Yan had been taking the Star Rice as sustenance to exercise his body and cultivate The Big Dipper Boxing!

His body was now purer for the improvement in physical strength, Qi and blood that the star rice promoted!

Su Yan had slain countless beasts and even five demon kings!

When adventuring in the wilderness, Su Yan found a Dragon Vein!

In the Dragon Vein, Su Yan acquired a large amount of Innate Liquid with the help of which the Fatty got into the ninth level of Destiny Spring Realm and there was still plenty left.

Currently, Su Yan was still practicing the boxings in the area four thousand kilometers into the wilderness. His moves were powerful enough to crack a mountain and split the sea, his body domineering enough to bear the rules of heaven and earth!

Under the suppression Su Yan had a better clarity in how the world worked and where the power originated.


Su Yan’s Soul flourished and heart clarified like he had been a unity with cosmos as he perceived the magic power of laws that could penetrate the heaven and underworld!

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His body thrived with a faint power of laws gleaming!

“It is the time to enhance the Source Pen. Hope its evolvement will help me grasp the power of rules faster!”

Su Yan paused the meditation of laws as he knew that starting the evolving of Source Pen at this moment would be more fruitful.

Embracing the gold Source Pen, his Soul appeared in the air!

Su Yan took out all his Essence Stones, about five hundred of them. He prayed for it to succeed.

The Fatty and Tie Baocai all made their way here to watch and learn.

At this moment, the gold Source Pen was inserted in the mound of Essence Stones, which started to glow automatically with a devouring energy pervading.

A wonder of magic like this was far beyond the expectation of Su Yan and the rest. The speed of the pen absorbing the stones was so fast that those Essence Stones turned into powder in a few blinks of an eye!

Su Yan’s Soul connected with the pen and transfused energy into it.

The golden hinterland inside the Source Pen was evolving and expanding under the energy supplement of Essence Stones and a low-level scale of universe was forming inside of it!

While the little universe was expanding, the rules were enhancing itself as well!

“This is so freaking awesome! No wonder it is called the wonder of magic!”

Su Yan was so amazed and he kept watching closer!

Every period of time passed, the space inside of the pen enlarged!

Silently, Su Yan and the rest were indulging in the evolvement of Source Pen which was in a state of awakening itself.

The evolvement of the pen could be compared to a horrific master’s indoctrination that would help them comprehend the forming of the rules. Even the Fatty who absolutely had no idea about the rules now had come to light after witnessing the evolving!

A hundred Essence Stone were exhausted and the pen was transforming.

When three hundred Essence Stones were turned in to dust, the Source Pen was blooming in divine aura.

The space inside the pen was also transforming which helped Su Yan and the other two to touch upon the deeper power of rules along with the Source Pen’s evolving.


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Su Yan and Tie Baocai glowed as they revived to their prime state. As the Source Pen developed, they also changed into more powerful beings emitting energy waves that could make the power of rules roar!

“Shit! I want this too!”

The Fatty was envious with eyes turning red, outraged. How come Tie Baocai could do it but he couldn’t? With the full outburst of his Spirit, he was bathing in flames which looked marvelous!


The Fatty shouted drastically like a pig being slaughtered. His skull was on the edge of exploding. Then in a quiver, a Soul that was as small as a sesame popped out.

“Holy shit! Hahahah!”

The Fatty was so delirious that he wanted to fly in the air. By accident, he opened the door of Soul!

Before the Fatty could take a closer look at how the pen evolved, he was frustrated by the fact that he did not evolve with the pen so now he was having trouble to understand and to keep up with the complex rules of the inside space and the rhythm of evolving!

“This is the advantage that Baocai had mentioned?” The Fatty was amazed. If they were in a mighty immemorial planet of life, it wouldn’t be this easy to understand the rules. Lucky they were in an aboriginal planet and things could be done easier by following the route of shallow to complex.

When five hundred Essence Stones were totally depleted, the pen finished the evolvement, releasing a glorious golden glow. The trails the pen left made a well-regulated pattern which resonated with the energy and the rules of the world!

The level-two evolvement of the Source Pen was finished.

The inside space had formed a small-scale universe with the tangled golden trails of rules.

The Fatty was kind of pitiful for himself, but he was also psyched about having released his Soul and having a glimpse into the rules. He was convinced that he would get there soon!

The Fatty started patrolling around to guard for Su Yan and Tie Baocai.

In about half a month, Tie Baocai woke up. Its silky fur was fabulously glowing and the full outburst of its body could make the rules of heaven and earth resonate along.

Tie Baocai deliriously giggled with mouth wide open. It had been illuminated and had grasped the power of the rules!

Su Yan was still in his meditation, which Tie Baocai was not surprised. After all, Su Yan was the one who connected with the Source Pen by blood. Thus he should be the one to know and see the most of the evolving process.

Ten day passed.

Su Yan began to revive. Something had changed about him, like he had disappeared from the world!

The next moment, Su Yan’s body shined and was covered by densely spread golden patterns as he stretched his arms and legs.

“What it is!”

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Tie Baocai was shocked for he noticed something had completely changed about Su Yan, who now had the energy that could be compared to a small universe!

Su Yan now had a more thorough understanding of his body which was like a golden furnace making the world roar.

As Su Yan’s power was fully activated, an energy that could shake the earth ran throughout his torso. He was so strong and majestic now that some nearby mountains caved in with dust and ashes flying all over.

“Holy mother!”

The Fatty was dumbstruck. The power of the rules between heaven and earth was so freaking horrifying!

Due to his grasp of rules of heaven and earth, Su Yan’s golden furnace was more powerful and his capacity was greatly improved. He now could use his body as intermediary to draw the power of heaven and earth. If he went on further, he would continue to rise!

Like a baby god, Su Yan possessed dreadful power that made the sky and the earth roar along with him as if to demonstrate some mighty art of attacking!

“The Incipient Scripture, the profoundness of universe!”

Su Yan opened his eye, praising the amazement of the Incipient Scripture. He had comprehended the basic rules and probed deeper into the Incipient Scripture!

“Let’s strike while the iron’s still hot! Kid, be quick and refine the Formation breaker. Then we’ll have some real fun in plundering all of Zu Yan’s treasures!”

Tie Baocai couldn’t wait to start their great course of stealing as resources required for improving Taoist Doors were far too massive.

Now they basically had nothing left. There were only dozens of Essence Stones now.

“We should go back first. We don’t have that much time. Formation breaking is gonna take some effort!” said Su Yan taking a deep breath.

They left the place rushing for Huaxia City.

“News Bombing! Zu Yan has accumulated more than ten thousand credits and just made his way to the top of the Trial Field!”

The minute the news came, Huaxia City fell into disturbance! The Trial Field now became the most popular land of mysteries for the masters and talents!

In the past six months, countless people had been eliminated. The small group of people that left were the elites of the elites.

Everybody was paying attention to the ranking in the Trial Field. Zu Yan’s rocketing credit surely drew tons of attention!

“What a Zu Yan!”

In Huaxia College, Xia Ze opened his eyes, casting his sight to a shadow coming out from the crack of Chaos.

Like an ancient worrier, he walked in mightiness, making the rules of heaven and earth thunder!

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“It’s Zu Yan the Warlord!”

Some females shriek in admiration and excitement. They all looked at their beloved figure of majesty with heart shaped eyes.

At that moment, Zu Yan was like a warlord descending from the sky that eclipsed everything else. His great dignity and mightiness were so intense and compelling, second to none!

“That’s frightening!”

Some masters in the Implement Constructing Realm could felt a shiver running through their bodies. Zu Yan was so formidable that all present were overawed!

Xia Ze looked grave. Zu Yan must have obtained some great opportunity in the Trial Field for he took out the Bronze Chariot and left the place without any delay!

What did it mean? It meant the opportunity Zu Yan got was so powerful that he needed to find a safe place to take it all in instantly!

Before he left, Zu Yan had a final glimpse of the crack of Chaos. While deep in heart he was full of horror for the unknown. He saw what just happened——a top-level trial that nothing could be compared with in this vast universe. What he saw shattered his worldview and made him wonder the origin of the earth!

He started to doubt that what Su Yan experienced was the Core Trial instead of the Elite Trial.

Su Yan arrived in Huaxia City just in time to witness the scene.

Tie Baocai grimaced, “It just gets tougher to deal with Zu Yan who apparently has inexhaustible resources and a soaring combat effectiveness that just improved under our watch!”

“Baocai, how come you become the enemy’s cheerleader? Are you scared?” Fatty complained unpleasantly.

“I am only making a factual statement. Zu Yan’s mightiness is unquestionable now. Don’t think less of the third level of the Elite Trial. He must have gained a lot!” Rarely, Tie Baocai did not lose its temper. And solemnly it continued, “Even if Yi Yuan enters the Taoist Door Realm, he’ll hardly stand a chance against Zu Yan.”

The Fatty looked worried. Time was fleeting and Zu Yan was rocking it!

Su Yan rushed to the Trial Field without any delay.

“Look! Su Yan is here!”

Near the crack of Chaos were a great many of onlookers, including some of Su Yan’s old acquaintances like Jing Yanghui, Tong Huoyin and Teng Yingjie, as well as some young talents.

“Su Yan finally makes a grand entrance! Stop that bastard!”

The people of Prime Faction were immediately inspired. Zu Yan’s tremendous progress made them feel like they dominated the world now. Ferociously and overbearingly they rushed up to Su Yan, blocking the way. Especially Tong Huoyin who viciously sneered, “Su Yan, Zu Yan came to the first of the trial! You still refuse the truth? What are the pathetic tiny odds that you’ll overtake him?”

“Get the fuck out of my way!”

A cold light flashed across Su Yan’s eyes. His aura thrived ferociously like a rampaging tiger with an unstoppable majesty and dignity!

Right under the jaw-dropping eyes of the startled people, Su Yan rushed into the crack of Chaos, with a glow of divine glory springing from his body!

Those who stood in Su Yan’s way were all knocked into the air, flying away like being weighted on by an enormous mountain!

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