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Translator: Flying Lines
“Su Yan didn’t say yes? Did you make yourself clear?” Liu Peng sat cross-legged casually on the floor in a tidy room. He was dressed simple but even that his body still suffused thick martial aura automatically.

This was the well-known martial great master. Once seeing him, Yuan Zhengqi felt more affirmative of what a wrong decision Su Yan had made!

“Teacher, I have said everything I should say, but this boy, Su Yan, unexpectedly trust Yi Yuan instead of you!” Yuan Zhengqi said with a cold hum, “This kind of student doesn’t deserve your guidance.”


Liu Peng took a glimpse at Yuan Zhengqi, which made Yuan Zhengqi’s scalp tingle. Even though Yuan Zhengqi was a golden student, he still couldn’t keep calm in front of Liu Peng.

“Being loyal to his teacher is a good thing.”

“Don’t say that again! I would invite him in person someday. You go out first.” Liu Peng closed his eyes and said discontentedly.

Liu Peng wasn’t dissatisfied with Su Yan but paid more attention to him. Such a faithful student deserved to be cultivated and could be entrusted with an important task in the future.

However, Yi Yuan didn’t open the Destiney Spring Realm, and Liu Peng thought Su Yan’s gift should not be wasted.

Gritting his teeth, Yuan Zhengqi clenched his fists tightly and his face turned blue. Su Yan just had a higher savvy, was he worth it?

Su Yan was still waiting for Yi Yuan in the room.

After an hour, Yi Yuan finally came. And when he saw Su Yan, a faint smile appeared on his stuffy face with satisfaction.

“Mr. Yi, I almost have one hundred thousand contributing points, what kind of treasures should I buy?” Su Yan asked Yi Yuan excitedly.

Hearing this, Su Yan smiled, “No need to rush. Your reward is much more than 10,000 contributing points. Never have I thought that you could get to the eighth floor. Now you are No.1 in the core students. Be patient, someone would come to you. ”“Ok!”Su Yan nodded his head and waited here with his teacher altogether. After all what Huaxia College could give to Su Yan concerned with his vital development in the future!


Su Yan’ communicator rang and he responded hurriedly because it was Elder Liang’s message. Elder Liang asked if Su Yan had time or not.

Elder Liang came in less than an hour. He burst out laughing while coming, “Thanks to you, Su Yan, that I am awarded and highly praised by Deputy Dean Liu Chengtian. Wow, Yi Yuan, you’re here too.”

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Yi Yuan nodded. Su Yan hurried to greet Elder Liang, “Please sit down, Elder Liang. Why do you come here so late at night?”

Elder Liang smiled, “A large number of people are shocked by your performance at the Training Pagoda. And I am here just to raise your treatment, including more rewards!”

“According to the contract I gave to you, now you have 100,000 Contributing Points!”

Elder Liang smiled and continued, “It took you only 3 months to become number one of the core disciples. Deputy Dean Liu Chengtian asked me to tell you that the reward for the No.1 disciple is doubled, that is to say, you can get 150,000 Contributing Points!”

“150,000!” Su Yan was very so excited about such a great wealth!

“And three more Essence Stones!” Elder Liang was quite taken aback. These were the most important rewards of all as the value of the Essence Stone couldn’t be measured by money.

Yi Yuan was also very satisfied. Three Essence Stones were valuable enough, which could help Su Yan a lot.

“Well, Su Yan, have you opened Destiny Spring now?”

Elder Liang looked at Yi Yuan. He knew that Yi Yuan had mastered a way to cultivate his body. He was not clear whether Su Yan went the same way as Yi Yuan did.

Su Yan shook his head. A gleam of amazement came into Elder Liang’s eyes, that was so horrifying. Su Yan did not open the Destiny Spring, but he could actually beat Jing Yangyu and reach the eighth floor of Training Pagoda. That was really amazing!

Elder Liang didn’t think that Su Yan had exceeded a thousand horsepower. He thought that Su Yan must have practiced Yi Yuan’s special skills to strengthen his body in advance before reaching Destiny Spring Realm. After all, the body could be infinitely strengthened.

Elder Liang took a deep breath, “OK, I originally prepared two contracts, now it seems the second one is more useful!”

If Su Yan opened Destiny Spring, Elder Liang would use the first contract. If he didn’t, Elder Liang would use the second one. While the second one was so fabulous that even Elder Liang was jealous of the rewards in it.

Su Yan carefully read the contract given by Elder Liang!

“If you make it to the ninth floor in six months, you’ll get one of the best martial arts!” A gleam of surprise flashed in Su Yan’s eyes, and he asked, “One of the best martial arts?”

Even Yi Yuan was interested. Elder Liang said seriously, “Su Yan, this is the best resource in our college. Top martial arts are very rare, and they were unearthed from ancient relics. There are only two top martial arts in our college, even golden students are not capable of cultivating them!”

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“Heaven Incinerator is one of the two top martial arts that was unearthed together with Golden-crow Tripod!” Elder Liang murmured, “Now Jiang Wuhen is also cultivating the Heaven Incinerator which is very powerful and strengthens both the body and the Destiny Spring. Besides, it can swallow the sun’s real fire to refine the body. If you can reach the ninth floor, you’ll get this top martial art!”

Su Yan clenched his fists. The best martial art was so important for a cultivator and it was concerned with one’s development in the future. Who didn’t want it?

“If you manage to the tenth floor in a year, the college will reward you with Primordial Blood, Primordial Treasure and Qi of Dragon Vein!”

Su Yan was amazed. A pot of Primordial Blood cost one hundred thousand contributing points. He had never expected that the college was willing to give it to him, let alone Primordial Treasure. When Yi Yuan heard the Qi of Dragon Vein, a smile appeared on his face again, and he was very satisfied with the resources given by Huaxia College.

“What is the Qi of Dragon Vein?” Su Yan wondered.

Hearing this, Elder Liang whispered, “Su Yan, it is the essence of Dragon Vein, which is one of the most precious treasures. Even Elder Lei didn’t get it for Teng Yingjie!”


Su Yan was shocked. Elder Lei had ever tried to plunder Su Yan’s Body-cultivating Pill shamelessly for Teng Yingjie, which could show his love to Teng Yingjie. However, even he didn’t gain the Qi of Dragon Vein. Did that mean it was far more precious than Body-cultivating Pill?

“When Destiny Spring Realm is opened, it would be better to corporate with the marvelous Qi created by heaven and earth. However, Qi of Dragon Vein is the essence of it. Although it is only a streak of Qi of Dragon Vein, the value of a hundred Essence Stones couldn’t compare to it, neither could Primordial Blood. It is limited resource that cannot be measured with money.”

Su Yan was so awed that he couldn’t speak. This was too horrible!

“The Destiny Spring Realm you opened will be more powerful with the help of Qi of Dragon Vein. Qi of Dragon Vein can build a firm foundation and nourish the root of Destiny Spring for you, which is more helpful in the future when you’re striving for the peak of Destiny Spring Realm”

“Even Tao Tianhua and Jing Yanghui aren’t qualified to enjoy the Qi of Dragon Vein. So you see how precious it is?”

Su Yan was in shock. It was far more than expensive.

But that was too hard. Elder Liang was so clear that passing ten floors in one year was too difficult for Su Yan.

But the Qi of Dragon Vein in the whole Huaxia College was so rare, so it couldn’t be given to Su Yan for no reason.

“Uh, why there is no reward for passing the eleventh and the twelfth floor?” Su Yan was curious.

Elder Liang immediately laughed and said, “Su Yan, you have no idea. And I’ve never heard that anybody can make it to the eleventh floor at all from Training Pagoda’s existence till now. If you can do it, you’d be extremely horrifying to all.”

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Su Yan was speechless, so the original contract was just a fool.

“If I can do it, what about the contributing points in the original contract?” Su Yan asked insistently. He wanted to have a try.

Elder Liang shook his head and couldn’t help laughing, “Su Yan, if you can succeed, the awards in the original contract also take effect.”

A smile appeared on Su Yan’s face after he heard Elder Liang’s words. Elder Liang wanted to add something, but he stopped. How hard it was! Even Zu Yan’s disciple Jiang Wuhen could not manage it.

“Right, Elder Liang, do you know where the Training Pagoda comes from?” Su Yan asked again.

Elder Liang shook his head, “I have no idea. Only the dean knows it. The college has rules that all the inheritances about Training Pagoda shall not be discussed or disseminated. Once discovered, anyone who violated the rules will be expelled from the academy or even be killed.”

Su Yan was impressed, no wonder Training Pagoda’s inheritance was not discussed outside. That was the rule.

“All right, I am done. Fighting! Su Yan! Strive for the Qi of Dragon Vein and take it!”

Su Yan and Yi Yuan sent Elder Liang off to the door, and Elder Liang took a slight glance at Su Yan’s living room while he left.

Su Yan closed the door, and said nervously, “Mr. Yi, did Elder Liang discover it?”

Hearing that, Yi Yuan said indifferently, “Don’t worry. According to your achievements, nobody dares to pick on you. What’s more, Elder Liang won’t spread the news that a Treasure Cave is in your residence either. Nothing would happen even if the Treasure Cave is discovered. The residence was chosen by you and you didn’t violate the rules.”

Su Yan relaxed a lot, then he asked how to use the Contributing Points.

“What do you want to buy?” Yi Yuan asked.

“Mr. Yi, I think there is still room for improving my body!”

Su Yan hesitated for a while and said, “I want to buy some treasures to strengthen my body so that I can reach the peak as soon as possible.”

“You don’t have to spend any contributing points for this. I think the Treasure Cave couldn’t be hidden for too long. There are hundreds of thousands of innate liquid in the Treasure Cave. You must sell them as soon as possible.”

Su Yan was surprised by Yi Yuan’s words and asked Yi Yuan whether he should go to the UCC.

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“Why UCC?” Yi Yuan couldn’t help laughing, “Such trifles, we can hand them over to the college and exchange something better. Don’t worry about that, I’ll get you some Essence Stones.”

“Mr. Yi, do you want to buy Essence Stones?”

Yi Yuan nodded, “You should tell Elder Liang now and buy the Essence Stones for thirty thousand Contributing Points. Essence Stones are key for breakthroughs, which can nourish your body strongly!”

“There still left one hundred and twenty thousand Contributing Points and you can use it to buy Soul-nourishing Milk!”

Su Yan quickly opened the illustrated handbooks of treasures. After finding the Soul-nourishing Milk, he gasped, “Mr. Yi, it costs ten thousand Contributing Points!”

Hearing that, Yi Yuan laughed, “Do you know how many people want it? Only students can buy Soul-nourishing Milk. It is a kind of natural divine treasure, which is bred by heaven and earth, and it can help to enhance your spirit greatly. If you have Soul-nourishing Milk, your spirit will be improved a lot and it’ll be easier to step cultivate your spirit into Soul in the future. With it, the cultivating plan I made for you can go on smoothly!”

Su Yan didn’t hesitate and told Elder Liang directly that he needed Soul-nourishing Milk and Essence Stones.

Su Yan begrudged spending so many contributing points. But when he saw the new contract, he became confident again. After all, there were some treasures that couldn’t be bought by contributing points.

After a while, Su Yan’s communicating device rang. Su Yan answered it and heard Elder Liang laugh, “Su Yan, I have already prepared all the things you need and tomorrow I will send someone to deliver them to you. By the way, there is good news. Deputy Dean Liu Chengtian gave you a Soul-nourishing Liquid in particular.”

“The Soul-nourishing Liquid?” Su Yan thought quickly and exclaimed, “It’s the third-grade liquid — Soul-nourishing Liquid!”

“That’s right! The Soul-nourishing Liquid is more valuable than Body-cultivating Pill.” Elder Liang envied, “Congratulations, Su Yan!”

Su Yan controlled his excitement and laughed, “I shall go and thank Deputy Dean Liu in face tomorrow.”

“Su Yan, there is no need to bother Deputy Dean Liu.”

Elder Liang laughed, “Deputy Dean Liu always gives some liquid to talented students for free but only a few students have received the third-grade Soul-nourishing Liquid. Don’t spread it out. Deputy Dean Liu is willing to contribute to Huaxia Alliance!”

Su Yan stayed in silence. Yi Yuan stood beside and laughed, “The Soul-nourishing Liquid is of high value and it costs at least 70,000 to 80,000 contributing points for its ingredients are rare. You can use the Soul-nourishing Liquid first, and then the Soul-nourishing Milk. Su Yan, you should know that we have more other deputy deans who are not the same as Elder Lei in Huaxia College.”

Su Yan clenched his fists abruptly and looked at Yi Yuan. It never occurred to him that Yi Yuan had known so many things. So it was obvious that Yi Yuan had secretly paid great attention to Su Yan.

“Alright, I should go and seek Essence stones for you. You should cultivate your spirit first and, oh yes, get ready because we are going out for several months to tour the wilderness regions.”

Su Yan felt excited. It seemed that the training plan that Yi Yuan designed for him had started already.

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