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Translator: Flying Lines
The divine sound was rumbling all over the Dragon-hidden Mountain incessantly. That was like the tiger-howling and dragon-roaring!

Suffering from a splitting headache caused by the rumbling, all the disciples and teachers were agonized and almost deafened.

A dominating figure was on the peak of Dragon-hidden Mountain and when they found the source of this terrifying sound, they were all petrified completely!

Yi Yuan, with his messy hair waving and his bronzed body filled with horrifying sounds, stood gracefully and majestically. Sometimes he was like a fierce tiger and sometimes he was like a huge dragon. The Dragon-hidden Mountain was quivering dramatically because of his magnificent power.

It was such a dreadful power that every corner of Huaxia College reverberated with its sound.

“Yi Yuan is serious this time!”

“Huh! This old fellow! No one has expected he should get serious for Su Yan! Unbelievable!” Liu Chengtian smiled at this scene.

“Yi Yuan, my old pal! You awake finally!”

In the most mysterious Taoist temple inside Huaxia College, Xia Ze opened his smiley eyes and frowned as he cast his sight on Su Yan, “What’s the relation between Su Yan and the Female Asura? But indeed, he is unusual since he was able to make the martial lord do something. I hope he is the next martial lord!”

“Yi Yuan!”

Thousands of disciples were petrified while nearly all teachers were struck dumb at the same time.

Yi Yuan was more than powerful. His aura, which had a crushing impact on the whole Dragon-hidden Mountain, could be compared to a huge awakening dragon!

“How could it be?”

Students mumbled in amazement as they all thought that Yi Yuan was nothing but a pathetic loser. How could he become so powerful now?

Previously, they all believed Yi Yuan could not be comparable to their mentors.

Even Elder Liang was also in a daze. Then he came to his senses——no wonder Su Yan had been so respectful and loyal to Yi Yuan who gave the whole college a shock today when Su Yan was in danger.

“Mister!” Su Yan looked at Yi Yuan with gratefulness and he was relieved. He knew that Yi Yuan wouldn’t do it if he was not in danger.

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Yi Yuan approached Su Yan slowly in a dignified bearing. His shinning bronzed skin and oppressive manner made him look like a demon.

“Yi Yuan!”

Elder Lei, deputy dean, put on a shady look and said callously, “You have fooled us all, really. I had terribly underestimated you.”

“But so what? It doesn’t matter. Even ten dragons would be crawling on the ground in front of me.”

Elder Lei was not afraid and continued calmly, “Your student was culpable for embezzling resources, attacking the disciples from Penalty Chamber and even slandering my reputation. He’ll not be forgiven, for sure.”


Yi Yuan responded with a quick move of his palm instead of words. His palm turned into a scary intangible dragon snaking out and directly crushing Elder Lei’s virtual palm along with the lightning virtual palm against the Fatty.

Brilliant and domineering!

Those two words were so suitable for Yi Yuan! He was even greater than Tang Yi.

Several decades ago Tang Yi and Yi Yuan were both young blood ascending from difficulties and obstacles. They had no awe in heaven or earth, gods or demons. They were fearless and free-minded.

“You! Yi Yuan! How dare you be against the law!”

Elder Lei got furious, with flashes of lightnings rotating around his body and growing stronger and stronger.

His wrath, which seemed to be brewing a rampant storm, made the sky dark, causing the lightning flashing and thunder striking.

It was the first time that the students had encountered such a display of fight between awesome overmatches. They all kept their eyes wide open and stared at this scene, looking forward to this great show.

"You have no jurisdiction over my student! " Yi Yuan said with a cold light in his eyes.

"Excuse me?" Shocked and exasperated, Elder Lei fulminated at Yi Yuan, “You are also a teacher! How dare you defy the laws with no reverence at all! What a rebellion!”

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Elder Lei’s aura became formidable again as the whole Dragon-hidden Mountain was sieged by the sound of thunder. Between the heaven and earth, the heavy rainstorm, rolled up in rage, and poured down like a waterfall.

"After I capture you, I will give you a good interrogation."

Elder Lei crazily rushed over with lightning around his body magnificently. His strength was extremely amazing as he had entered the ninth level of Destiny Spring Realm and was close to enter the Implement Constructing Realm. In the ninth level of Spring Destiny Realm, his destiny spring was running like the splendid Yangtse River.

People around were thrilled to see such a grandiose momentum.

"Look! That's my mentor. Ha ha! I’m telling you. Yi Yuan is just shit and he is not even qualified to clean my teacher’s shoes. He is doomed 'cause my mentor is invincible!" Teng Yingjie was particularly excited.

"Interrogate me?"

Yi Yuan was infuriated totally. Someone felt faintly that wisps of fierce momentum emitted from his body, which chilled many teachers and they thought Yi Yuan at this time was familiar.

Watching Elder Lei rushing over with his murderous look, Yi Yuan lifted his fists right away.

At this moment, his fists raised as tigers and dragons coming out of their caves and immemorial stars shining across the sky, the whole Dragon-hidden Mountain was shaking along! Everyone froze because Elder Lei seemed a bit of weaker against the power of Yi Yuan’s boxing!


Yi Yuan’s fist hit with the dragon-roaring sound. His fist, like a gigantic immemorial star, burst out a kind of unbelievable super Qi that ran through the whole mountain!


Everyone was astonished and scared to see that the thunder over the sky was smashed. Elder Lei’s whole body was shivering violently with a bowl-sized blood hole on his chest!


Elder Lei coughed up a mouthful of blood and was knocked into the air. Then he fell to the ground with his body shaking!


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Teng Yingjie was frightened. All the disciples were dumbfounded that Elder Lei was struck to fly by the fist!

“How is that possible!”

Elder Lei was frightened with his palms on the ground and his mouth bleeding. He wanted to get up but it was hard for him to stand up in a short time.


Elder Lei pointed at Yi Yuan, gasping heavily, and screamed, “You are the Martial Lord!”


The crowd on the Dragon-hidden Mountain was in an uproar. Elder Liang took a deep breath, and nearly fell down.

Among the top ten overmatches of Huaxia Alliance, the Female Asura was the most mysterious one and the Martial Lord was the fiercest in short-distance combats!

The Martial Lord became famous before Zu Yan. He got the name Martial Lord because he killed a monster king in a short distance, and the monster king was a leader of the Beast Army which had killed plenty of masters in Huaxia Alliance.

It was said that the Martial Lord died in that war and vanished since then. Many people called Yi Yuan the Martial Lord!

But now the Martial Lord was actually a teacher unknown in Huaxia College.

Su Yan was in a daze. His mentor was Martial Lord!

There were many fanatical eyes staring at the Martial Lord.

However, Tao Tianhua looked miserable. Xia Ze and the Martial Lord were all here.

Two old-generation masters’ rallying point was so terrifying. Once the news that the Martial Lord was still alive spread, it would cause a huge sensation.

The Martial Lord had high prestige. That day when he combatted with the monster king in a short distance, he indeed saved lots of overmatches of Huaxia Alliance.

Xia Ze sighed, the Martial Lord was powerful and they were sworn friends for life or death. However, his appearance had changed too much. Yi Yuan came to the college 30 years ago, and the idea of taking him as a disciple occurred to Xia Ze at that time.

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But Xia was refused, and now Xia Ze just recognized Yi’s identity.

The Martial Lord’s destiny spring was injured in that war with the monster king, but he explored another way to cultivate by refining his body. Xia Ze found that the Martial Lord now was more powerful than before.

“No matter who I am, as deputy dean, you bullied my students over and over again.”

Yi Yuan stared at Elder Lei with cold eyes, shouting, “I would hack you to death with my hand if this happened in old times!”

All people felt suffocated. The Martial Lord surviving through blood and fire held an uncompromising attitude.

Even though Elder Lei was in high status, Yi Yuan wouldn’t forgive him so easily and that palm had injured him greatly.

Elder Lei’s face was changing drastically, and at last, he shouted, “The Martial Lord, I respect you of course, but your student hid the treasure cave privately, which is a felony.”

“Elder Lei, the college does not have this rule. What’s more, Su Yan chooses his residence by himself.” Liu Peng stood up with great excitement and enthusiasm. Liu Peng had regarded the Martial Lord as his idol since childhood. He couldn’t forget the battle between the Martial Lord and the monster king fifty years ago. He was just a little kid that year.

He witnessed the unforgettable scene of the Martial Lord fighting with his life to kill the monster king.

“Even so, am I wrong to just check it? But Su Yan defies the law.” Elder Lei roared hysterically. He actually feared the Martial Lord too. It was also the Martial Lord who shattered his pride so he didn’t plan to let this matter rest.

“You said I defied the law? Do you forget how you treat me? Even use the shackles to chain me!”

Su Yan said angrily, “All you want is the Qi of Dragon Vein. You can strive for it other than bully me here if you have the ability. What kind of deputy dean are you??”

People around were in a disturbance. Qi of Dragon Vein? Many people didn’t know it. But Tao Tianhua knew it, so did Teng Yingjie.

“Hahaha, you are right. I want the Qi of Dragon Vein for my Teng’er.”

Elder Lei stood up with difficulty and shouted angrily, “The Martial Lord, dare you say that your student is more outstanding than Teng’er? Why can Su Yan have the Qi of Dragon Vein while Teng’er can’t. The college is unfair! The dean is unfair! You are the Martial Lord, so they give Qi of Dragon Vein to Su Yan, right?”

“That’s right! Why Su Yan can have it?” Teng Yingjie was angry too.

“Elder Lei, what the hell are you doing?” Liu Peng raged. He thought Elder Lei was slandering the Martial Lord.


Elder Lei said, “Su Yan is weaker than Teng’er Indeed. Qi of Dragon Vein is supposed to be Teng’er’s. It is better to let them fight and the loser shall give up the Qi of Dragon Vein.”

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