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Translator: Flying Lines
The mark subtly emerged from the earth had made Zu Yan astonished. He speculated that an invincible giant once had appeared on the earth long time ago. The giant had obtained the power of Tao, leaving such indelible marks on the earth!

How crucial and terrifying it was!

A great disturbance would be caused once the information about the mark spread out. By that time, countless powerful cultivators from the universe would come and fight for it.

Because in the mark, the giant had left many Taoist fruits and his Taoist cultivation path.

Zu Yan’s heart was flooded with strong desire. It would be formidable if he could get the mark. However, the appearance of the real dragon made him startled. The dragon was still alive? And it even appeared in the public.

Zu Yan had a complicated look, and things were out of his control. Unpredictable things happened on the earth, which annoyed him so much. He felt that he was losing control of the overall situation.

A real dragon travelling around the whole universe would no doubt draw countless people’s attention, especially the Martial Lord Yi Yuan.

There was a flash of suspicion in his eyes. He found that the charm of the dragon once appeared in Su Yan's body. Was it one of Su Yan's great opportunities?

Anyway, Yi Yuan was very excited. He had a look at the real dragon because of its sudden appearance just now, which would be of great help to his future cultivation!

The appearance of real dragon caused an immense sensation.

The real dragon returned and entered Su Yan’s arm with stronger aura. It even stole some Taoist power, the remnant of which spread to every corner of Su Yan’s body.

The entire body of Su Yan was burning up at the moment!

The frightening Taoist power was the power of the newborn rules of the earth.

Usually, if the primordial planet was awakened to this level, many strong cultivators from various forces would come with their disciples!

What for?

It was because the newborn rules of heaven and earth was very suitable for people to understand and even conformed to the transformation of the human body. Everything was new, which was quite important for the awakening of people in the future.

However, the rules between heaven and earth of the powerful primordial planet were relatively mature so they were much harder to understand than newborn ones.

Especially for the native residents who had lived on the earth all long, the effect of the newborn rules would be even stronger. Not to mention the Taoist power the Dragon brought back into Su Yan’s body which made his body burn to the limit, even to pieces!


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Su Yan was extremely anguished, feeling that he would be torn apart by Taoist power.

His body was strong enough fortunately. He gritted his teeth and withstood the power of rules between heaven and earth in the body. With his persistence, the power permeated into all his limbs and bones.


He roared with his long black hair dancing around. His whole body, nurtured by the rules of heaven and earth, dimly torn off a dreadful chain!

“The Incipient Scripture, refine it now!”

He roared with red eyes. Now the Incipient Scripture seemed formidable enough to assimilate all the Taoist power!


His body was just like a furnace, seizing the fortune of heaven and earth, which was closer to the true meaning of the Incipient Scripture.

Nurtured by these mighty Taoist rules, it was visible to the naked eyes that Su Yan’s body, shaking off a chain, released so unfathomable power like ten thousand horses galloping that it kept soaring rapidly and enhancing continuously!

What was this?

This was Su Yan’s body. He broke the second chain forcibly, in other words, his body stepped into the Destiny Spring Realm!

The formidable aura was released while Su Yan’s Qi and blood became more exuberant than before.

Su Yan released his power to its peak state and forged ahead, bombarding the gate of Destiny Spring with all his might.

“Open it!”

Su Yan roared. Dragon’s aura became stronger and its power was astounding. Under the guidance of soul, it struck against the eye of Destiny Spring hid in the depths of chaos.


The crisp sound was like firecrackers in the Spring Festival. Su Yan's success brought tears to his eyes, he did it. He opened the eye of Destiny Spring!


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Su Yan laughed, he was too excited to say a word. Suddenly, the disastrous aura gushed out from Destiny Spring which was opened by Su Yan forcibly. At the same time when Destiny Spring opened, it was also collapsing!


The smile on Su Yan's face suddenly disappeared. Su Yan was so worried that he almost jumped into the air, because he found faintly that his Destiny Spring was on the verge of destruction.

“What can I do? What should I do? Oh my god!”

Su Yan thought madly and finally recalled the magic treasure that Zhu Yue had given to him. He took out the white jade tripod quickly, throwing Fontal Qi of Heaven and Earth out to the almost collapsed Destiny Spring.

This Fontal Qi of Heaven and Earth was purple, and it plunged into Su Yan’s Destiny Spring like fairy air. At this moment, Su Yan’s almost broken Destiny Spring became turbulent with the nourishment of Fontal Qi of Heaven and Earth.


Su Yan’s Destiny Spring became stronger after absorbing the power of Fontal Qi of Heaven and Earth

The Destiny Spring required further cultivation and development, and it could store natural divine power.

Now Su Yan finally realized the value of Fontal Qi of Heaven and Earth. His starting point was higher than other students, and now with the nourishment of Fontal Qi of Heaven and Earth, his Destiny Spring was several times mightier.

“I need to absorb the Essence Stone immediately!”

The power of the Essence Stone was not much left. When the Incipient Scripture started operating, Su Yan’s Destiny Spring turned into a furnace. The Essence Qi floating in the 12th floor rapidly merged into Su Yan's Destiny Spring with his breathing!

His Destiny Spring rapidly expanded in a terrifying speed, just like taking a tonic.

His aura also started to rise suddenly and sharply.

His whole body was as bright as a burning furnace.

The Essence Qi merged into his body and nourished his spirit, flesh and Destiny Spring.

This was exactly the most integrated state of cultivation . Countless Essence Stones were digested by Su Yan as he inhaled, and his originally dry Destiny Spring got supplemented and strengthened quickly.

The second awakening of Su Yan lasted for nine days and nights.

His whole body was golden and bright, like a god, permeating a strong aura from inside out.

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When his Qi channel moved and the Incipient Scripture operated, his body and Destiny Spring burst out simultaneously.

Su Yan’s aura was much more powerful. Every act of him was all full of strong and tough power, almost crushing the air.


He cultivated for the whole night. At this day, Su Yan's whole aura enhanced again. His Destiny Spring passed the first-level and directly entered the second-level, even constantly soared to the peak of the second-level.

His aura was more tempestuous. Once burst out, golden airflows would pervade the air.

"I have reached the peak of the second-level of Destiny Spring Realm! Nearly make it to the third-level!"

Su Yan stood up excitedly. However, seeing all the ashes on the ground, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Su Yan utterly consumed all three thousand Essence Stones!

"Zhu Yue, if it were not for you, I am afraid that I could not open the door of Destiny Spring. After all, three thousand Essence Stones in total! Where could I find so many Essence Stones?"

Su Yan clenched his fists and felt the powerful tidal energy inside his body was surging at every moment. Once he revived, the power of Destiny Spring along with his body would rush out together. It could break out very strong combat forces, which were several times more terrifying than ten days ago!

"My body is also improved, and my potential is revived again!"

Su Yan frowned. Normally it was difficult for his body to break through, but the successful breakthrough of his body this time made his force very abnormal and overwhelming.

"Something is wrong!"

Su Yan found that the Dragon Totem became more powerful than before. He could clearly feel that the verve of the dragon was very astounding.

"How can the Dragon Totem become so strong? Did it go out?”

Su Yan scratched his head and felt a little puzzled. Now that Dragon Totem got stronger, I supposed its ability in nosing for treasures would be more striking in the future?

"I’ll try if I can master the Training Pagoda now!"

Su Yan's spirit immersed in the Training Pagoda, and he could now feel the power of it. Somehow, he had a feeling of seeing an endless sea.

Su Yan forced a wry smile. Now he was still too weak to master the Training Pagoda.

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"Anyway, the treasure is here, and other people can't take it away at all. Besides, the blood lance is too overwhelmingly powerful and its Qi is too violent for me to control now!"

Thinking for a while, Su Yan held the dark green phoenix-hairpin in his hand, opened the interior space and threw the blood lance inside.

He looked up at the sky, hid the hairpin in his hair and left the Training Pagoda!

This secluded challenge was too long like almost one year.

After coming out, Su Yan felt that he was brought to the light again. The world had changed. He felt the power of the newborn rules between heaven and earth and the more than doubled essence in the air.

Su Yan was a little shocked. The second mutation of the earth had ended!


Seeing Su Yan getting out of the Training Pagoda, people around were all frozen.

For Su Yan had been in the Training Pagoda for such a long time that the news he might have died in it had already spread out.

But now, the man who was said dead came out from the Training Pagoda alive!

“How is that possible?”

The nearby crowd was shocked! Su Yan came out unexpectedly!

He now ranked number one on the Dragon-hidden List.

“Su Yan!”

A voice full of disbelief and surprise came. Jing Yanghui was shocked that Su Yan was alive!

Taking a glance at Jing Yanghui, Su Yan saw with his soul that Jing Yanghui entered the seventh level of Destiny Spring Realm.

After the second mutation of the earth, almost all the cultivators had broken through and became more powerful.

“What’s up?” Su Yan asked.

Hearing that, Jing Yanghui looked at Su Yan with complicated and sullen eyes. He forced a smile and asked, “What is your decision? Su Yan, Big Brother wants to see you!”

“I have no time now. Wait till I’m done.” Su Yan wanted to share the good news to his teacher Yi Yuan at once.

Jing Yanghui’s face turned black when he saw Su Yan leave directly. Staring at Su Yan’s back, he said gruesomely, “Su Yan, just wait and see. I will let you kneel down in front of the Big Brother soon!”

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