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Translator: Flying Lines
Su Yan immediately called Elder Lei and waited anxiously.

After several seconds, a familiar and nervous voice came from the communicator, "Su Yan, this is Liu Chengtian. How is the situation now? Is Female Asura with you? You must protect her before things come out in the wash. Don't show up and wait for the Dean, he will definitely find out the truth and do justice to Female Asura. Remember, don’t come out."

Su Yan told Liu Chengtian about what Su Bingshuang said quickly. Liu Chengtian was angry, "I knew that there is something. With Zu Yan’s selfish temperament, it is impossible for him to reveal the news of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. I was right. Just hide cautiously, Su Yan."

Liu Chengtian hung up quickly. Now the situation was very bad. Although he could pacify some masters of the college, it did not mean that the rest of the forces would listen to him. The news released by Zu Yan was too shocking. Countless forces had been tracking down the location of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.

"What treasures are in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor? Is it worthy for Zu Yan to start such a big bloody event?" Su Yan's face was sullen. Zu Yan had mastered a lot; if Su Yan hadn’t taken away part of Zu Yan’s treasure, then Zu Yan would be unimaginably powerful right now!

Suddenly, gusts of weird smell came!

Su Yan’s face changed abruptly as his soul detected a hound who was giant and tall running wildly toward him only one kilometer away with its scarlet pupils staring at the beast king’s cave where Su Yan hid.

"A hound lord, damn it!"

Su Yan was shocked. When bursts of extremely turbulent aura came, silver flames spurted out at the end of the horizon. Countless old trees burned down, even a big waterfall nearby was dried out!

The source of the power turned out to be a pair of silver pupils surrounded by two masses of silver flames, which seemed to burn down the sky!

"Shit, let’s go, brother!"

Su Bingshuang’s face changed dramatically and she said worriedly, “It’s Tong Huoyin!”

"What? Tong Huoyin!" exclaimed Su Yan in surprise.

Yu Wenhong, Tong Huoyin, Xia Ze, Yi Yuan, Su Bingshuang, they were all among the top ten overmatches of Huaxia Alliance. Tong Houyin was innate fire-treasured body with extremely strong power. Su Bingshuang knew it clearly that Tong Huoyin had joined Zu Yan’s camp in the dark era of Huaxia Alliance!

Su Yan wanted to leave, but it was too late!

Tong Huoyin had seen what was in the beast king’s cave. Scorching shine flashed from the burning silver pupils fixed on the delicate face of Su Bingshuang!

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His breath was very strong, like a silver god standing high above the masses, looking down upon the heaven and the earth. He was very handsome and young, wearing a silver robe.

"I didn't expect that the famous Female Asura of Huaxia Alliance was such a lovely girl. How surprising!"

Tong Huoyin was very noble, he was born with silver pupils which were surrounded by flames. He looked all over Su Bingshuang’s body seriously and commented, "You have a good shape, too! How unexpected! The name of Female Asura doesn’t match you at all."

"One of the famous top ten overmatches of Huaxia Alliance, Tong Huoyin, is actually a hatchet man of Zu Yan. You've really broadened my horizons!" Eyeing coldly at Tong Huoyin, Su Yan intended to gain some time.

Tong Huoyin ignored Su Yan, and he was still unscrupulously scrutinizing the body of Su Bingshuang. He sneered, "What a wonderful prey! It is such a waste to give you to Zu Yan, right? Female Asura?"

"You wretch! You don’t deserve to enjoy equal fame as my mentor does." Su Yan said coldly.

The expression of Tong Huoyin became sullen slowly. His dazzling silver pupils finally fixed at Su Yan, and a blob of coldness flashed on his handsome face. Tong Huoyin said chillingly, "You poor fish! Even the Martial Lord dares not to talk to me like this! How brave you are, but I won’t kill you. Let’s wait for Zu Yan to cut off the head of your mentor! I really want to see who dares to stand up to help you at that time!"

"You little shit, I guess my mentor can kill you with one punch!" Su Yan responded coldly.

"You’re courting death, asshole!"

Tong Huoyin’s face was faintly hideous, and his aura became flaming all of a sudden. In a moment silver beams of light pervaded the sky and his body was like a sea of ​​fire, bursting out roaring flames that nearly burned down layers of the air.

The rolling silver flames raged frantically toward Su Yan!


The beast king crouching at the door shivered, unable to resist the overwhelming aura of Tong Huoyin. In a flash it was burned to ashes by the rampant silver flames!


Tong Huoyin also came like lightning. Standing in the silver flames, he really looked like a god overlooking the rivers and the mountains. Silver flames roared along with him, rushing towards the beast king’s cave!

However, his silver pupils were closely fixed on the curvaceous Su Bingshaung in black, and he laughed dirtily, "I really want to appreciate what is inside of your clothes!"

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Su Yan clenched his fists tight out of such wrath that his blood was boiling!

Su Yan tried so hard to restrain himself.

Su Bingshuang’s eyes were also very chilling. Having trudged through blood-shed and kills for hundreds of years, her willpower and self-control were way beyond the average.

Su Yan and Su Bingshuang had lived together for dozens of years, so they knew what to do next with a simple look at each other.

"How strong the flame is!"

Under the engulfment of the silver flames, Su Yan clearly felt that the beast king’s cave, including all the rock walls, was melting!

The blazing temperature was hot enough to dry up the blood of some masters in Destiny Spring Realm.

At the moment when the silver flame was about to engulf them both, sacred clouds flowed out from Su Bingshuang’s eyes and ancient scripture chanting sound resonated in her body, like a primordial saint chanting in her Destiny Spring.

"Brother, you see? This is the martial art of our family, the Saint-soul Scripture!"

Su Bingshuang's weak breath climbed to the peak quickly as lightning, and from her jade hand scattered a lot of powder because she had just absorbed five pieces of Essence Stone so that she could stand in the peak for a short time!

"Saint-soul Hand Attacks!"

Su Bingshuang stood up with her clothes fluttering in the air. She was so gorgeous and outstanding.

When her jade hand was lifted, holy chanting of scriptures emitted from her palm suddenly, and her palm was quickly enlarged. It seemed that at its peak state, the palm could shroud the starry sky and shake the stars all over the sky!


Su Bingshuang's jade hand covered the sky, tore apart the silver flames permeating the sky, and hit Tong Huoyin in an instant!


Tong Huoyin widened his pupils furiously, feeling a crisis that he was about to be crushed under Saint-soul Hand Attacks!

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However, he was very extraordinary and he opened his Destiny Spring fully. A silver furnace inside his body was burning flamingly. It was the outbreak of his cultivation in Implement Constructing Realm, driving the silver furnace to hit against the palm that shrouded the sky!


The land within a radius of 500 meters was overturned, and everything was shattered into pieces!

At the moment when the big hand and the silver stove collided, the sky was broken, the earth was cracked, and the silver flame was split apart once again. This silver furnace was shaking violently by the bombardment. Every tremble of it made the Destiny Spring of Tong Huoyin shake, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth!

He was astonished as the strength of the Female Asura exceeded his expectation. But the blaze in his eyes was even more intense, and he laughed, " Ha-ha! That’s great! How lucky I am to get you, Female Asura!"

He was roaring, doing everything he could to resist Female Asura’s attack with silver flames rolling all around his body!

Su Bingshuang's aura became weaker rapidly, her injury was too serious. Eventually she bit her mouth and exerted all the might she had to increase only slightly the power of Saint-soul Hand Attacks!


Tong Huoyin and Su Bingshuang coughed up blood at the same time. Tong Hoyin, especially, had a palm print on his treasured robe, which made him angry. He would be severely injured without the treasured robe!

"Female Asura, I will punish you severely!"

Tong Huoyin suddenly rushed toward Su Yan with his hair fluttering around and took the initiative to split Su Yan with his eyes staring at Su Bingshuang!

Just as his hand was about to touch Su Yan, formidable air erupted from Su Yan’s eyes suddenly like an awakening fierce beast. At the moment the Incipient Scripture operated, Su Yan’s body, Destiny Spring and soul broke out to their peak at the same time!


Su Yan roared wildly and revived the Alkaid Boxing, blasting away the beast king’s cave entirely!


This punch smashed right at the palm of Tong Huoyin solidly, generating billowy golden starlight that immediately enveloped Tong Huoyin’s body!

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Tong Huoyin screamed hysterically as his entire palm was blown apart by Su Yan’s punch and half of his arm was blasted. He was blown away by the beam of Alkaid Boxing and smashed to the ground!

"Fuck, my hand! My hand, ahhhh!"

Tong Huoyin was so terrified, and he still couldn't believe it that Su Yan's fighting power in close-combat was so mighty that he was injured unexpectedly!

Su Yan was trembling all over with blood seeping out from his pores. When hitting against Tong Huoyin, Su Yan sensed Tong Huoyin’s terrible aura. If Tong Huoyin fought with all his power, Su Yan would probably be killed!

The Implement Constructing Realm was too strong that once stepping into it, the Destiny Spring was like a powerful weapon. So peerless!

Su Yan got up without a word, quickly picked up Su Bingshuang, and rushed into the depths of the forest like lightning.

"Damn, this is so awkward. I can’t stand up in a short time. Let’s go, brother, quickly."Su Bingshuang’s eyes flickered.

"Don’t worry, I’ll handle it. Have a good rest! I’m here, no one can hurt you in the future!"

Su Yan was very calm. He put Su Bingshuang into the phoenix hairpin and rushed to the depths of the forest quickly as a flash.

"Su Yan!"

Right after Su Yan left, this area almost turned into an ocean of silver-fire!

Tong Huoyin was like a maniac beast. He had never suffered such a beating. He enjoyed the same reputation as the Martial Lord, but now his arm was broken by the disciple of the Martial Lord. The strength of Su Yan’s body was far beyond his expectation!

"I will fucking kill you!"

The clouds at high altitude were melted, and the rolling silver flames rushed toward the direction where Su Yan escaped. Tong Huoyin roared frantically, spitting out a silver furnace that collapsed layers of air, slammed violently toward Su Yan, and locked Su Yan's body!

"Where you think you are going!"

Tong Huoyin grinded his teeth, and he wished he could skin Su Yan alive.

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