Oyaji Kanojo

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Reunion

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It was past 21.00 when I arrived at the dojo, the women division’s training was long over.

Kimura and Itou were waiting in dojo number one, wearing a Karate outfit and a jersey respectively.

“Oy! Sorry for being late.”

Kimura greeted me with a broad smile. In contrast, Itou was looking down on me with a bad mood.

Compared to the slender, 175 cm tall Kimura, Itou could be considered huge. He was over 180 cm tall with about twice as large body size.

As expected from a heavyweight.

“Although it appears you’re the girl Kimura is taking care of, still, you shouldn’t talk that way to your senior.”

“I said it’s fine, Itou. You’ll understand after hearing her story.”

“Kimura! What’re you saying! Even if this is just playing around, you’re still an instructor! You should establish the senior-junior relationship properly!”

“Oi oi. You sure are haughty even though you’re just a guy who borrows money from me to go to a massage parlor when he’s short of money.”

Itou shifted his gaze to me in surprise. His countenance changed immediately.

He emitted a piercing pressure towards me, seemingly offended.

“Young lady, you’ll get hurt if you don’t pay attention to your way of speaking, you know. I’m not that patient.”

“Ha? I know that. Who do you think cleaned up your brawls time and time again?”

Itou tilted his head in puzzlement, as if he saw something strange.

“What’s up with this girl? Everything other than her cute look is so nasty.”

I hugged Itou. He was surprised and flustered.

Nahahaha. Teasing these idiots sure is fun.

“Itou-san, I like you! I like you who are a muscle-idiot!”

“Eh? I’m already married. How troubling.”

“Stupid~ Stop having that lewd look on your face. Hihihi.”

Itou was flabbergasted and instantly turned red.

Oho~ He boiled in a second, same as ever, huh.

“This lass! I can’t take this anymore! You’re getting punished!”

I separated from Itou and brought both of my hands up.

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My palms were facing him, swaying slowly.

I lifted my left foot for a bit, making my lower body rose slightly, resulting in adefensive stance.

“What? That stance, I-Isono-san?”

Itou made a shocked expression as he looked at Kimura and me alternately.

Kimura made a big nod.

“Do you understand now? Why did I want to you to meet her? I don’t really know why, but it seems Isono-senpai’s soul somehow entered this girl.”

After a brief silence, Itou grabbed both of my shoulders.

“Isono-san? Is that you Isono-san?”

“That’s freaking hurt. Right, it’s me. I became a high school girl you like so much. Jealous?”

Itou hugged me tightly with his full strength. It was painful. What a stupid amount of power.

“I was really worried! Ahahaha, being able to meet once again, it’s the best!”

Itou touched my butt. Feeling an unpleasant chill, I withdrew my body.

Then I slapped his face.

“Don’t carelessly touch my butt!”

“That’s hurt. Aren’t I your friend, Isono-san? At any rate, you sure are cute.”

“Sheesh. You sure like high school girl as usual. Still doing that although you’re already married. How is your wife?”

“Yes! She’s well! Akari also almost walking now!”

“I see. Even though when I saw her, she couldn’t even respond or anything. Children sure grow up fast, huh.”

The smiling Itou suddenly raised his voice.

“Oi, Kimura! Don’t just stand around, call the instructor! Quick!”

My body trembled with a start.

Seeing that, Itou bursted into laughter.

“What was that? Isono-san, do you seriously became a high school girl? What a masterpiece. Gahahaha.”

“You punk, don’t look down on your senior. O-Oi, Kimura, stop!”

As I talked with Itou, Kimura already dashed to leave the dojo.

This is bad. If the instructor see the current me, he’s going to faint for sure.

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“What’s wrong Isono-san? Don’t you want to meet the instructor?”

“If the instructor know about me all of the sudden, wouldn’t he faint from high blood pressure? I worry about that.”

“What, so you’re worrying about that? On the contrary, I think he’ll be delighted. When he came to your funeral he was extremely sad, you know. He couldn’t even say anything. Moreover, since you’re this cute, he’ll also be delighted for a different reason…..”

“Idiot~ The instructor is different from you. But seriously, aren’t she cute? It seems she even appeared on a magazine. Doesn’t she look like the younger version of Miyazawa Rie?”

“Gahahaha, isn’t Miyazawa Rie really outdated? Young people like me wouldn’t know about her.”

“What, aren’t you only 5 years younger than me?”

“Ooh, your sulking face is cute as well. Gahaha.”

“Heh, I truly am no match for you.”


A short while later, Kimura returned with the instructor.

The instructor entered the dojo with a bewildered expression, trying to digest the situation.

“Instructor! Forgive me for the failure of not contacting you!”

The instructor was astonished and looked at me, then Kimura and Itou alternatively.

“Instructor, it’s Isono-senpai. He became a high school girl and came back.”

“Instructor, just as Kimura said, I don’t really know why, but this high school girl is Isono-san!”

“Instructor, I’m sorry. I also don’t really understand, but somehow I turned to be like this after I died while saving a child.”

The instructor said “ooh” and grabbed my shoulder.

“Isono, so you’re Isono! You have changed so much! This rascal, you’re so pretty now! Ahahaha.”

“Instructor, you believed what I said?”

“How could I not believe my disciples? They unanonymously said that you’re Isono. There’s no doubt about it. Besides, there’s no mistaking your atmosphere. You’re really Isono.”

“Thank you very much for believing me.”

“Good grief, why didn’t you immediately come to the dojo after turning into a girl? I was really troubled, you know.”

He was certainly worried, huh. But I can’t really say I didn’t want to come because the clerk was always cold to me.

“I’m very sorry. Please let me join again.”

“I see. You guys are all so glad, huh. How about I treat you all to a drink today?”

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“Yes sir! Please do!”


We went to a familiar bar.

Itou made the order.

“First of all, three draught beers and a cup of oolong tea, please! Also, a good snack to accompany them!”

Hmm? Is there a tournament around the corner? For whom is he ordering the oolong tea for?

“Oi, Itou. Who is drinking the oolong tea? Is it you?”

“What’re you saying, Isono-san? Isn’t it obviously for you?”

“Haah? Me? Why?”

Both the instructor and Kimura nodded.

“Isono, aren’t you a high school girl now? Then since you’re a minor you can’t drink alcohol.”


Though I became jealous of them who can get drunk, I’m still thankful for this joyous reunion.

As we chatted happily, my phone rang.

“Ah? It’s from my house.”

The slightly red instructor looked at his wristwatch.

“It’s almost 22.00! Of course your parents are worried.”

Is that so? Dammit. For a girl, contacting her home is a must.

When I answered the call, the sullen voice of my mother could be heard.

“Nacchan, where are you going at this hours? Go home immediately!”

“Sorry. To be honest, I want to take up Karate so I went to observe. But then I forgot to call.”

“Karate? Why so suddenly? Anyway, Otou-san is going to pick you up, so tell me your location.”

I glanced at the instructor and he gave a big nod.

“Currently I’m in a bar called Gyoka in front of the station.”

“A bar? What are you doing in such a place?”

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“Err, I’m eating together with the instructors. Sorry for not calling.”

“At any rate, Otou-san is going immediately, so just wait there.”

When I hung up, Itou smiled teasingly.

“Oho~ what a sheltered girl~”

“What’re you saying, Itou. Isono-senpai is in a trouble. We have to play the part now.”

“Kimura, don’t fuss over such trifles. Don’t we have instructor Yamashita here? There’s nothing to worry about. Right, instructor?”

“Yeah. Just let me talk with the parent. It should be fine if I say I invited her to a meal.”

When the clock turned 22.00, the door of the bar was opened, and my father Hiroshi came in.

He seemed to be angry.

“Otou-san, I’m sorry for not calling.”

I said that while bowing my head to take control of the situation before he can scold me. As the result, he turned silent.

It appears that he was swayed by his daughter’s cuteness.

Seeing that, the instructor started to speak.

“Aren’t you Oono-san! So she’s your daughter. Please forgive her for not calling you. Since we are the ones who invited her to a meal unreasonably.”

“Ah, no. Were I know it was with Yamashita-san, I won’t be troubled.”

What, so Hiroshi and the instructor are acquaintance.

If that’s the case, this should be easy.

“Otou-san, can I learn Karate? Pretty please~?”

“If you really want to learn, then Otou-san won’t mind. Moreover, I have no worry if it’s Yamashita-san’s place.”

“Yay~! I love you, Otou-san!”

Hiroshi turned awkward when I hugged him.

Kimura and Itou were laughing. You guys really should stop. What if he found out?

I emptied my cup in one gulp and then went home together with Hiroshi.



I get the feeling they trusted him too quickly, aren’t they supposed to ask something that only Isono know at least? That and he still forget he’s a high school girl even now….. It’s getting annoying even as a running gag.

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