Oyaji Kanojo

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: School

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We reached our destination and got off the bus. Then, we walked to the school.

Miyu was holding my hand.

So smooth~ Being a high school girl really is the best.

When I entered the classroom, two girls ran up towards me.


“Thank goodness! I was so worried~!”

The girl with a light make-up, shaggy hair, and looked strong-willed was Watasaki Noriko.

Her eyes were a bit small, but she was considerably cute.

The other girl with a waist-long straight hair was Satou Keiko.

Along with Miyu who was holding my hand, the four of us are supposedly best friends.

“Ooh! Isn’t this the idol of my class, Oono-san? I was so lonely without you!”

A noisy guy approached me.

What’s with this flashy guy? Everytime I see people like him I want to beat them up so much.

Noriko glared at him.

“Kondou, you’re being over-friendly. Please stay away from Natsumi.”

Hearing’s Noriko’s threat, Kondou waved his hand at me and retreated.

Noriko placed her hand on my shoulder.

“How annoying. But thank goodness, if Natsumi’s not here it’s not fun after all. To celebrate your recovery, why don’t we party today? Party~”

Miyu and Keiko glanced at Noriko, then voiced their approval.

“Right right! Let’s go karaoke! Karaoke~!”

“Sounds nice. Let’s do it~!”

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I nodded with a smile.

“Yeah. That’s right. Thank you.”

Noriko was somewhat baffled.

“Eh? Somehow you doesn’t really sound happy. And you don’t look passionate as well…..”

Of course? You high school girls are so passionate, so I feel somewhat worn out instead.

I also talked a lot with Miyu on the way to school.

High school girls’ conversation sure is intense. The skinship feels good though.

Afterwards, as the four of us continued to chat, I noticed that the boys were stealing glances at me.

It seems I’m really popular.

Well, it’s only natural considering my look.

These three girls are cute as well, but I’m the best by far.


A while later, a teacher entered the classroom.

When he saw me, his face turned delightful.

“As I thought, when Oono is here, the class feels much more dazzling.”

The students instantly bursted in laughter.

It appeared that they like this teacher.

He should be around thirty. His face is good-looking, and he’s tall as well.

He’s the so-called ikemen teacher, huh?

He took the attendance and then left. At this moment, a girl who was seated beside me spoke.

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“Oono-san, go-good morning. T-Thank goodness you’ve recovered.”

This chubby girl seemed nervous when she talked to me.

I don’t really know about Natsumi’s relationship with other people, but this girl is my neighbor so it should be fine if I get along well with her.

“Thank you. You see, my memories is fuzzy because of the accident. Can you tell me your name?”

The girl was taken aback, she pointed a finger to herself.

My face blushed a bit as I nodded.

“M-My name is Kishida Yuuko! For me to make Oono-san have to ask such thing…..!”

“There’s a lot that I can’t remember. So please take care of me, Yuuko-chan.”

As I said that with a smile, Yuuko’s face turned red and she dropped her head.

“For me to take care of Oono-san, that’s…..”

“Is something wrong? Aren’t we classmate? So please take care of me. Okay?”

Ooh. My speech just now is great, even if I say so myself. I also smiled very naturally.

Yuuko lifted her head and his face turned bright in an instant.

What, even though she’s a bit fat, it turned out her face is quite lovely.

“I-I’m so glad! Can I be your friend?”

“Mn. Alright. More like, we’re classmate so aren’t we already friends?”

“S-Say, when the lunch break comes can I eat with you?”

“Mn. No problem. Let’s eat together.”

“Uwaah. I’m so happy!”

Hmm. So there’s a girl who wants to eat together with me.

Appearance sure is important.

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In my previous life, I often could only eat at my own desk because I was very busy. And everytime I do that, the women all had unpleasant expression on their face as they scattered to all directions, leaving their own desk.


I took the classes well, and lunch break finally arrived.

Though I didn’t like studying when I was a high school student, it feels fairly refreshing to do it all over again.

Natsumi’s note is organized beautifully.

I’m sure her grades were good.

Though there’s no guarantee that Natsumi will return to this body, it’d still be bad if her grades were to drop.

And it’s not like I’m bad at studying either.

As it was the lunch break, Noriko, Keiko, and Miyu brought their lunch box and came to my seat.

Were these four always eat together?

I took out my lunch box from the bag as well.

Noriko turned to the chubby Yuuko and spoke in an arrogant fashion.

“Kishida. Move aside.”

Yuuko averted her eyes awkwardly before timidly replied.

“U-Umm, I also want to eat together. Earlier, Oono-san said it’s okay…..”

“Haa? Natsumi said that?”

Noriko swiftly shifted her gaze to me.

Gah. This girl sure is strong-willed. If this goes on, aren’t the other girls gonna start paying attention to us?

“Mn. Isn’t it fine to eat together with Yuuko-chan? Also, I forgot various things because of the accident, so I want to chat a lot.”

Noriko seemed skeptical as she looked at Keiko and Miyu.

The two discerned Noriko’s intention and shook their head.

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“Oh my, too bad. It seems they don’t agree. Kishida, be tactful, won’t you?”

Yuuko stood up in a cold sweat, and then left the classroom.

She seemed so pitiful.

“Natsumi, aren’t you cruel for ridiculing a girl like Kishida? That girl, were she to eat with us, isn’t even qualified to make us look better. Ahahaha.”

As Noriko laughed, Keiko and Miyu followed suit.

“Right right. She’s so pitiful.”

“Well, maybe it’s okay if she’s thinner by 30 kilograms.”

“Nice one~ Ahahaha.”

Somehow, these girls are really despicable.

Sure they look cute, but they were so full of themselves as they mocked the chubby Yuuko.

“We should stop talking about people’s appearance like that.”

Noriko’s face looked bemused.

“What are you saying? If someone as beautiful as you say that, it can only be sarcasm. Ahahahaha.”


As I eat my lunch together with the three of them, I can’t help but feel annoyed.



I want to explain this sentence a bit in case anyone didn’t get it.

“That girl, were she to eat with us, isn’t even qualified to make us look better.”

You see, you’ll seems better in other people’s eyes if you’re together with someone whose look is below you. It’s because people subconsciously compared the two of you and thus amplified their perception (or something like that). It’s like how people with ordinary height look taller when standing beside a short person but look shorter when standing beside a tall person. Noriko was saying that Yuuko wasn’t even qualified to be their ‘loser’.

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