Pain Fetish

Chapter 15

“How long has this rut lasted?” Fu Zhenying pinched Qi Han’s chin and asked the woman next to him coldly.

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“A little over three hours, I think. This newly differentiated little boy is just awesome, such a small dose can make him go crazy for such a long time, unlike some people.”

“Yo, I can’t satisfy you anymore?” Fu Zhenying unzipped Qi Han’s pants to make it easier to observe his body’s reaction at any time while pulling the woman into his arms, squeezing and rubbing her thin waist.

The boy who was hanging in mid-air dying from constant ruts had not had any water or food for ten hours but they still flirted with gusto.

“Water…” Qi Han half-opened his eyes and squeezed out a word. His lips were so dry and cracked that they oozed blood.

“Want some water? It’s not that easy.”

The woman pouted with her red lips, came closer and patted his face, saying as if in pity, “Look at our poor little baby, come on, tell your mommy what it feels like now? Has this inhibitor worked better than the last one?”

Qi Han lifted his head with difficulty, revealing his right eye with its eyeball bloodshot and bulging out, dripping with pus and tears.

There was no intact place left all over his body, his skin streaked with the red rash of allergy and covered in bruises of violent beatings. He looked ghastly and pitiful.

“I don’t know…” The voice of the fourteen-year-old boy was still childish, his tone full of begging, “I’m in pain… all numb, I can’t feel… Can you give me a sip of water?…”

The woman seemed to have softened, “Oh oh, poor little thing, how did you get like this, ah? Don’t be afraid, I’ll give you water now.”

She poured a cup of water and put it on the floor and opened a lunch box but deliberately threw all the cutlery aside. Then, humming a song, she untied one of Qi Han’s hands and looked at him sweetly, “Eat, eat full so you can have the strength for the afternoon experiment.”

Qi Han opened his one eye that could still see, glanced at the food on the floor, then at the woman, and after a long silence knelt down and slowly crawled over.

The lunch box was so far away that he couldn’t reach it, so he had to desperately stretch his neck. His whole face was red from being choked by the chain, and when he finally managed to get a mouthful of rice, Fu Zhenying suddenly came in, furious.

“Fucking little bastard! You still have the face to eat!”

He kicked over the lunch box, splashing the soup all over Qi Han’s face, then pulled Qi Han up by his neck and slapped him so hard that his head dangled.

“The latest data is worse than from the last potion, are you lying? You’re deliberately refusing to tell the truth so we don’t get the formula, aren’t you?”

“No… no… I didn’t…” the boy pleaded, sobbing, shielding his head with his arms: “I’m not lying, I really can’t feel it… I can’t measure it…”

“You can’t measure it?” Fu Zhenying snorted and took the inhibitor to go upstairs, “Fine, then I’ll use your dad to do experiments and see how many injections he can survive!”

“No! Don’t! Don’t inject Daddy!” Qi Han screamed and lunged over, hugging Fu Zhenying’s legs, pleading incoherently, “Don’t, don’t inject him, he’s already very old, he can’t be injected… I can… I can still… “

“Now you can again?”

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Fu Zhenying slapped him on the face a few times. “But I don’t think your body seems to have any sensitivity anymore. Let’s get a few more shots this time.”

The next second the woman came over with three syringes of who knows what and said affectionately, “The afternoon session has begun.”

Her pretty face looked like the face of a man-eating ghost in the dim light, and her full red lips were the bloody mouth of a monster, ready to eat people alive.

Qi Han shook his head in a daze and backed away in horror. The pus in his right eye turned into a yellow goo that dripped down, and the liquid that trickled out of his eye was stained with blood.

“No… don’t… don’t inject it anymore… please… don’t… I, I haven’t eaten… you promised I could eat…”

“Eat? You won’t eat until the formula passes the test!”

The vicious executioners rushed up together to hold him down, the man grabbed both of his wrists as Qi Han struggled desperately, and the woman used her teeth to yank off the cap of the syringe.

Qi Han cried out for help like a bird caught in a net, his hoarse voice and desperate screams turning the room full of basketball stuff and sports equipment into a total hell on earth.

The first injection was shot into the vein on his arm, and Qi Han’s eyes immediately rolled up as he choked, foaming at the mouth.

The second injection pierced the side of his neck, and Qi Han’s legs stomped in convulsions, the air filling with a strong fishy smell.

He howled, begged and screamed at the top of his lungs, but the sharp needle pierced his skin without hesitation.

The fourteen-year-old boy was as strong as a bull when he went berserk. He roared and broke free from Fu Zhenying’s grip, hitting the woman in the face with one hand, and the furious woman kicked him in the stomach with her high-heeled shoe, while at the same time, the third needle pierced his chest.

In that instant, it was as if he had been ripped open, the pain was so intense that it came crashing down on his head. The inhibitor was stabbed into his chest and penetrated his heart. Qi Han screamed and jerked up, his half-opened eyes suddenly catching the sight of Fu Ge’s anxious face.

“Ah Han! You’re finally awake! What’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?”


Qi Han blinked in a daze and looked around with ragged gasps, only to find that he was lying on the bed in their bedroom, and his fourteen-year-old adolescent body had changed into the tall, lean and fit body of an eighteen-year-old.

Next to him, Fu Ge was hugging him, patting his chest as he soothed him gently, “Okay, don’t be afraid, it’s good that you’re awake. I’m here, I’ll stay with you, go back to sleep.”

Qi Han’s nose was sour, and he sobbed and buried his head in Fu Ge’s chest, “Gege…”



Fu Ge smiled and said another “hmm” in a drawling voice, “What’s wrong?”

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“I had a nightmare. Someone stabbed me with needles in my dream. Can you coax me?”

“I’m already coaxing you.” Fu Ge helplessly furrowed his brow, rubbed his palms and put them on Qi Han’s forehead, gently stroking him, “Is this enough?”

“Not enough,” Qi Han arched into his arms, aggrieved. “The hug is not tight enough. Pick me up and coax me.”

Fu Ge was amused, “You’re so big, how can I pick you up?” As he said that, he leaned down and gave Qi Han a gentle kiss on the cheek, adding softly, “That’s okay, big baby.”

Qi Han was rarely bashful and closed his eyes, muttering, “Why do you call me that? Am I gege’s big baby?”

“Well… aren’t you? I stopped crying when I had nightmares after I turned five, and you’re still a crybaby now.”

“Me! I don’t just cry, I also eat milk!”

Completely shameless, he lifted the hem of Fu Ge’s pyjamas and burrowed inside. Fu Ge laughed and pushed him away but was unable to avoid him, so he obediently undid his clothes to let Qi Han rub against him, his right hand reaching in a seemingly casual gesture to wipe the cold sweat on Qi Han’s forehead.

“Will you stay with me forever, gege?”

Qi Han raised his head and blinked hard to see Fu Ge’s face clearly. He felt inexplicably guilty and only dared to clutch the corner of his clothes, “I will have nightmares in the future, will you still coax me? Will you save me? Will you think I’m too much of a trouble if I have them too many times, and get tired of me?”

“No, I will always be with you.” Fu Ge straightened up with a smile and took something from the bedside table.

Qi Han’s eyes followed his motion and saw a flash of silver in the darkness, and the next second, Fu Ge raised his hand and stabbed a fork into his chest, “But you don’t believe me!”

He was slammed onto the bed, his body bouncing up convulsively, and the fork was still dripping with blood when it was pulled out. Qi Han choked and yelled“ “Gege…” when his chest was stabbed again.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

Fu Ge grabbed his throat like a madman, his hand stabbing him with the fork again and again as he asked desperately with each stab, “Don’t you love me?”

“Didn’t we agree to get married?”

“I have nothing to do with your grievances, why are you torturing me? What have I done wrong?!”

Blood flowed from the wounds; Qi Han choked and spat out a stream of blood. He half opened his eyes and tried to catch the corner of Fu Ge’s clothes, his hoarse voice breaking: “Yes, I’m sorry… I’m sorry, gege… “

“It’s too late.” Fu Ge’s crimson eyes were full of despair, and tears were falling down as he raised his hand high and stabbed Qi Han’s neck, “Go to hell.”

With a bang, the Alpha’s upper body suddenly bounced, and bursts of electric current exploded from his chest and ran through his body. Qi Han’s closed eyes finally opened in narrow slits, and he saw a circle of cold white lights above him and the doctor with a defibrillator in his hands.

“The patient’s vital signs are weak.”

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“Report heart rate and blood pressure!”

“Prepare for the second defibrillation!”

He had lost too much blood and went into shock that night when he got to know that Fu Ge was not Fu Zhenying’s son. If Chen Xing hadn’t arrived in time to bring him in for resuscitation, he probably wouldn’t survive.

The doctor pressed the defibrillator to his chest again, and Qi Han’s body bounced up in convulsions. The lights above his head made him dizzy, and the eyelids he had managed to lift closed again.

The nightmares were endless. This time it was the basement where Fu Ge was imprisoned.

And he had gone from being a participant to a spectator, floating in mid-air like a ghost, watching with his own eyes how his old self was torturing Fu Ge from a carefree young man to being half-dead.

“Why did you betray me?”

In the dream, Qi Han pinched Fu Ge’s chin and threw paintings into the brazier in front of him.

“Haven’t I treated you well enough, huh? Didn’t you say you liked me? Didn’t you want to save me? Why didn’t you keep your word!”

The manic Alpha had completely lost his mind; the recurring periods of rut had filled his head with the pain and torture of that half a month, and when he looked at Fu Ge’s face, all he could think of was Fu Zhenying’s beatings and threats.

“You’ve been lying to me from the beginning, haven’t you? Just like that woman lied to my father, you both did it for the inhibitor, you both did it for the money, never because of me, you deserve to die just like your father!”

With a violent movement, Qi Han threw him on the floor and forced his way in. The young Beta screamed and raised his head, his eyes full of tears as he looked at “Qi Han” floating in mid-air.

“Help me…” Fu Ge said, “I didn’t do it, I’m not his son…”

The transparent body of “Qi Han” was trembling; he couldn’t say anything except for an apology, “I’m sorry…”

I made a mistake…

In the evening two days later, Qi Han woke up.

At that time, the setting sun outside the window rolled over the tips of the clouds, as gorgeous as the sky Fu Ge had painted when he was in love with him.

Qi Han still had an oxygen tube in his nose to maintain his breathing that could stop at any moment. It took all his strength just to lift his eyelids, but fortunately, the first thing he saw was Fu Ge.

The young Beta, also wearing a hospital gown, sat in a chair by the bed, his pale face expressionless, as if he was not surprised by his awakening at all.

“Is gege… waiting for me?” Qi Han asked in a hoarse voice.

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Fu Ge didn’t make a sound, so Qi Han gritted his teeth and raised his hand to reach for his fingers. But every time he was just about to touch Fu Ge, the young Beta dodged as if frightened. After two or three times, Qi Han lost his strength and his arm dropped.

At this moment, he saw that Fu Ge’s left hand, placed on the edge of the bedside equipment, moved a little. Fu Ge was holding a sharp utility knife in his hand, and the tip of the knife was less than half an inch away from the oxygen tube.

Apparently the patient’s sudden awakening had interrupted his plans.

“Gege isn’t here to save me… right?”

The young Beta opened and closed his lips, “For the past five years, there hasn’t been a moment when I didn’t want you to die. Every second of every day I was thinking about it.”

Qi Han looked at him for a long time, then averted his eyes, “…got it.”

He looked at the ceiling and adjusted himself into a slightly more decent position. He had run out of strength, and it took him a long time to say every word.

“I’ve deposited a sum of money for you in a Swiss bank, the password is your birthday. If you need it in the future, you can contact Uncle Gu to get it for you…”

“Your house and that small studio have been transferred back to your name, and there is also a painting exhibition I promised to help you with before we got married, I haven’t forgotten it, the gallery is at… No. 10 Baishan Road. Your paintings didn’t all burn either, I left some of them to hang there, the key is in the hands of your high school art teacher…”

“And the contents of that safe… I guess you don’t want them anymore, so leave them to me, when I… Chen Xing will pack them up.”

“And the psychiatrist I contacted for you—”

“Have you said enough?!” Fu Ge interrupted him with his eyes red.

Qi Han moved his lips stiffly and smiled, “Sorry, too rambling, I… I have one last sentence.”

He glanced at the sunset outside the window, and his fingers slowly moved to the back of Fu Ge’s hand, not daring to touch it, hanging in the air.

“In the future, if gege has… a new lover, remember not to like him too much. If you meet another scumbag like me, you will be sad.”

“Like you?” Fu Ge turned his head with a sneer, “Will there be anyone else like you in this world?”

Qi Han thought about it and only chuckled, “That’s right, there won’t be anyone as stupid as me…” Such a good boy, and he didn’t know how to cherish him.

When the sunset dyed the last corner of the sky outside the window, Qi Han withdrew his hand and pulled out a few tissues, “Wrap your hands up.”

Fu Ge’s hand holding the utility knife trembled, “What… what?”

“If you leave fingerprints, it will be troublesome.”

Translator’s note: Shove your exhibition up your ass, Qi Han, who needs it now! And do you think Fu Ge didn’t have time to cut your oxygen tube while you were unconscious? Wouldn’t it be too easy for you to die like this?

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