Pain Fetish

Chapter 64

Qi Han was rescued for four hours that night, and finally escaped from the danger and was transferred to the general ward, but Fu Ge was not allowed to go in to visit.

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Xu Zhou surrounded Qi Han’s ward with three layers of people to prevent him from communicating with the outside world, and no one was allowed to enter except the doctors and the police officers who brought food.

Fu Ge was so anxious that he was about to go crazy, but there was no other way, so he stayed outside Qi Han’s ward for four days and four nights.

Qi Han finally regained consciousness. He was in pain. As soon as he moved, the wound on his chest reopened and bled again.

He was anxious to find Fu Ge and struggled desperately, tossing and turning until the bandage on his chest was soaked with blood. The pain made blue veins on his neck bulge, and he was covered in a layer of cold sweat.

The doctor came in to give him a sedative and painkiller; the needles of the two syringes were exposed, shining brightly, still dripping with medicine.

The result could be imagined.

The barely alive Alpha went berserk seeing the needles and suddenly violently broke free from the restraining belts. The police officers guarding him thought he was going to escape and immediately rushed in with batons and chains.

Fu Ge watched them break into Qi Han’s ward, and three seconds later the entire corridor was filled with the Alpha’s screams.

The batons hit Qi Han’s back and hands with a dull fleshy sound, accompanied by the thuds of the collision with the furniture and Qi Han’s pitiful wailing. Fu Ge felt as if his heart was pierced with a knife.

He covered his mouth in a heartbreaking pain, tears and snot flowing all over his face, and he choked and coughed so hard that he even vomited the water he had drunk.

He struggled desperately to break through the police officers who were stopping him, and kept explaining that Qi Han was not trying to escape, he was just afraid.

Finally Xu Zhou came and ordered to release him. As soon as Fu Ge rushed in, he saw Qi Han being pressed to the floor like a dog and given an injection.

The tip of the needle entered the back of his neck, and Qi Han’s body suddenly bounced, his pupils dilated, his tear-filled eyes finding Fu Ge who was kneeling at the door. He choked a sob: “Gege…”

The little Beta blinked his crimson eyes, stretched out his hand but couldn’t reach Qi Han. He could only smile with tears in his eyes: “Don’t be afraid, I’m here…”

As soon as a sedative was injected, Qi Han passed out. Fu Ge stood up and looked at the man lying on the floor, “He’s unconscious, can I go in and see him?”

Xu Zhou was a little embarrassed: “You have to leave before he wakes up. You can’t meet with him, let alone talk.”

The little Beta opened his lips stiffly and said with a wry smile: “I don’t want to conspire with him, I just want to wipe off the dirt on his body. He didn’t want to run away or hurt others. He was just afraid of needles and reacted instinctively.”

The police officers in the room retreated, and only Xu Zhou was guarding the door.

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Fu Ge went in and carefully put his arms around Qi Han to move him to the bed little by little, and waited for the doctor to deal with the reopened wound before taking a towel to wipe off all the cold sweat and dust on Qi Han’s face.

He cried as he wiped, looking at Qi Han’s new wounds overlapping old wounds. It hurt so much that his heart was breaking, and his voice was hoarse as if his throat was tearing: “Hold on a little longer, it’s almost over… I know you’re in pain, I know you’re suffering… hold on a little longer, okay? Ah, gege will be here soon to get you out…”

The little Beta finally dropped a kiss on Qi Han’s forehead, his tear-filled eyes full of affection. Qi Han seemed to feel something, and his fingers hanging from the edge of the bed moved with difficulty.

He was trying to open his eyes to see his lover.

Fu Ge saw it, and Xu Zhou naturally saw it too. “Come out.”

The little Beta froze for a moment, desperately wanting to hold Qi Han’s hand for a moment, but in the end, he could only force himself to leave.

Four days later, Qi Han’s Enigma status was confirmed, and Fu Ge was allowed to defend him in the police station’s interrogation room.

Fu Ge sat opposite the presiding investigator, while the four police officers, including Xu Zhou, stood behind him. Other than that, there was no one else in the interrogation room.

Obviously, there was an entire wall of one-way glass on the left side, but the room was so dark that it seemed that there was no light, which made Fu Ge feel depressed and panicked.

He provided a total of four pieces of evidence—

The first was all the records of the artificial glands that Qi Han brought and kept in the hospital, the consent form for gland transplant surgery that both he and Qi Han signed, and the storage record of the glands of the Omega who died in a car accident.

It was to prove that the artificial glands bought by Qi Han were indeed transplanted to Fu Ge, and the Omega’s glands were still intact and stored in the clinic.

The second was the details of Qi Ji and Qi Han’s donations of tens of millions to the Omega Gland Protection Foundation over more than ten years, to prove Qi Han’s respect for Omega gland protection.

The third was the surveillance video played in front of all the guests on the wedding day. In the video, Qi Han did get a box in the auction and walked out carrying it.

The fourth piece of evidence was Fu Ge himself.

The first two pieces of evidence were all seen by the investigators, were consistent with their findings and were not disputed.

The presiding investigator pointed to the surveillance video and asked Fu Ge, “If I remember correctly, this is the video we used to convict him at the beginning.”

“In addition, although buying and selling artificial glands is not against the law, I need to know why he wanted to implant artificial glands in your body.”

Fu Ge smiled: “The answer is in this surveillance.”

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He turned on the surveillance, quickly pulled out the shot of Qi Han walking with the box, and zoomed in on the close-up of the front side of the box, with a line of blurry Morse code written on it.

“If you decipher this code and compare it with Mr. Qi Ji’s notes, you will find that this is Mr. Qi Ji’s handwriting, and the contents of the box are the result of the last research of his lifetime. Unfortunately, this result did not come out to the world.”

The presiding investigator gave Xu Zhou a look, “Go check.”


Fu Ge’s palms sweated and his fingernails stuck deep into his flesh.

He had thought of today’s situation from the very beginning of the set-up, so he had imitated Qi Ji’s handwriting and engraved a string of Morse code on the box corresponding to the experiment’s number, so that the artificial glands would appear reasonably and legally, and so that his own confession would be consistent.

Qi Ji did research on artificial glands during his lifetime. Unfortunately, no tangible progress had been made. There were indeed many artificial glands that were considered to be waste products in his laboratory. Fu Ge didn’t take them. He just found someone to imitate a low-profile version.

He regarded those things as relics left to Qi Han by Qi Ji, not wanting to destroy the intentions of the deceased.

Five minutes later, Xu Zhou came back.

“The code has been deciphered. The box is engraved with ‘Experimental product No. 0739’. It is indeed Qi Ji’s handwriting and marking habits, and the number is also just after the Alpha inhibitor 0738 that came out last.”

The presiding investigator nodded, “In other words, these artificial glands are indeed the result of Mr. Qi Ji’s research.”

“Right.” Fu Ge took the opportunity to say, “Since the final clinical trial has not been completed, Mr. Qi Ji didn’t report the artificial glands to the research institute. After Mr. Qi Ji died, Qi Han kept these glands as a relic by his side.”

“But a few months ago, his home was robbed, and the glands were stolen. After several rounds, they ended up in the auction. When Qi Han got the news, the auction was about to begin. As a last resort, he could only buy the glands back at a high price.”

The little Beta touched his neck as he said, “You know what happened afterwards. I had a health problem and needed Omega glands for treatment. Qi Han thought of the artificial glands made by his father.”

“Firstly, I wanted to take a chance, and secondly, I could help Mr. Qi Ji complete the final clinical trial. If it was really successful, then this attempt could provide the greatest help for the Academy of Sciences to develop artificial glands and save more Omegas from suffering from gland diseases.”

The presiding investigator thought for a moment and then raised his eyebrows, “Since it is artificial glands, why didn’t he report when they were stolen? Mr. Qi Ji was an outstanding scientist. If his research results were lost, we would definitely search for them with all our strength!”

“Oh? Is that so?”

Fu Ge smiled lightly and raised his eyes carelessly: “I don’t think you have forgotten the cause of the home invasion, kidnapping and murder nine years ago.”

Nine years ago, once the news of the impending release of the highly effective inhibitor leaked out, it led to various forces to move. Under such circumstances, neither the Academy nor the police department provided the most basic protection for the Qi family, which indirectly led to Qi Ji’s tragic death and Qi Han being tortured into insanity.

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Even a few years after the incident, the murderer was not caught, and reporters were allowed to bully a fourteen-year-old half-dead child.

With this kind of lesson of blood and tears in front of him, Qi Han naturally would not easily divulge the news that his father still had research results left in the world, and instead chose to buy back the glands in such a labour-consuming and costly way.

The presiding investigator smiled in embarrassment, “Now it seems that the ins and outs of the case are clear. It was a misunderstanding. President Qi bought and sold only artificial glands, and it was even a relic of Mr. Qi Ji. We really have no right to pursue this.”

Fu Ge closed his eyes and exhaled a sigh of relief. The clothes on his back were soaked in cold sweat, and he stammered a little when he spoke: “Then… when can you let him go?”

“Very soon, after the follow-up investigation is over, President Qi will be acquitted. In view of his physical condition, we can let him apply for medical parole and be temporarily detained in the ward. It’s just that you still need to cooperate with us to do the last investigation.”

Fu Ge was taken aback: “What is the last investigation?”

“To prove that the glands on the back of your neck are indeed artificial, we need to cut a small piece of tissue and take it for testing.”

The presiding investigator frowned as he said that, pointing to the ribbon on Fu Ge’s neck, “It might hurt a little. Your inflammation there is quite serious.”

Fu Ge smiled, not taking it seriously at all, “Okay, no problem, let’s do it right now, I will cooperate.”

As soon as the words were said, something smashed against the glass in the interrogation room with a bang.

The presiding investigator and Xu Zhou glanced at each other, their faces not very good-looking, “Move quickly.”

The back of the neck is in a special area and cannot be anaesthetised. Fu Ge could only let the doctor take the sample while bearing the pain.

He walked to the window and chose a convenient posture to stand, propping himself up against the glass with both hands.

To cut the gland tissue, the doctor needed to cut and lift his purulent skin first, and take the inner tissue that was still intact for testing.

Fu Ge was trembling with pain, his face was frighteningly pale, and his whole body was numb, as if all his senses were lost. Only the sharp tip of the knife cutting his flesh on the back of his neck was clearly felt.

His eyes were closed tightly, blue veins were bulging on his forehead and a layer of cold sweat covered his face pressed against the window. His lips were bitten and bleeding as he endured the pain.

When the sample was taken and the doctor withdrew his hand, Fu Ge slid softly to the floor. Xu Zhou hurriedly helped him up and poured him a glass of water.

“It’s okay, Officer Xu, don’t worry about me, go to the lab first.” Fu Ge pushed Xu Zhou’s hand away and asked the doctor to wrap up the wound casually, thinking that the time was just right and he could take a look at Qi Han before he was sent on medical parole. 

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So he said goodbye to the presiding investigator and left the room.

As a result, he froze in place as soon as the door opened and he took the first step.

Qi Han was standing in front of the glass window of the interrogation room, subdued by two officers, staring at the place where Fu Ge had just been holding onto when his glands were cut.

Every cut he suffered, every drop of sweat that seeped out of his forehead, every whimper that he held back were all projected in front of Qi Han’s eyes like a live broadcast, and the muffled thud that came from the glass when Fu Ge agreed to cut his glands immediately was Qi Han hitting the glass in anger.

Fu Ge’s heart trembled, and he inexplicably felt guilty, “Ah… Ah Han?”

The Alpha in front of him moved his fingers and turned his head stiffly like a short-circuited robot. With just one glance at him, Fu Ge’s breath hitched.

He could feel that Qi Han was dying of pain.

Those desperate eyes were bloodshot, filled with tears and so swollen as if they were about to burst out.

His rage was extreme, but he was powerless, and his whole body was collapsing. He moved his head very slowly and squeezed out an embarrassing wry smile at Fu Ge.

“What are you doing, ah…”

Inexplicably, the little Beta’s heart hurt more severely than when his glands were cut just now, and he didn’t even dare to look into Qi Han’s eyes anymore.

Not only because he immediately agreed to be cut, but also because he let the festering glands remain in his flesh for so long without telling him.

“Ah Han… listen to me explain, it’s not like that, it doesn’t hurt… I don’t feel much pain…”

Qi Han walked up to him and ripped off the gauze and white lace that Fu Ge had wrapped around his neck. The cloth rubbed against the festering flesh. The little Beta suddenly pursed his lips and stifled a groan, his shoulders shaking with pain.

Qi Han saw his reaction, and sneered with tears in his eyes, “Is that what you said… it doesn’t hurt?”

Fu Ge looked at him blankly, guilty and aggrieved, lowered his head and wanted to take a step forward and hold his hand: “Ah Han, I promise I will never—”

His voice stopped abruptly, the unsaid words stuck in his throat as Qi Han avoided his hand.

Fu Ge was stunned, “Ah Han…”

The Alpha didn’t look up at him anymore, he just put the gauze back around his wound, and when he spoke, his voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible, “I’m protecting you with my life, how can you… treat yourself like this…”

With these words, he turned around and left with the police.

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