Paladin of Asgard

Chapter 1

Alex walked out of the theater, feeling a mix of emotions as the credits rolled on Avengers: Endgame.

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As he looked up at the night sky, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him. He couldn’t help but think about the countless hours he had spent playing World of Warcraft, a game that had once consumed his life.

He had left the game behind due to work and other obligations, but after watching Endgame, he couldn’t resist the urge to log back in and remember the good old days.

As he made his way back to his home, he couldn’t shake the feeling of excitement that was building up inside of him. He quickly booted up his computer and logged into the game, eager to see how much it had changed since he last played. But as soon as he logged in, he was transported to the human city of Stormwind in the World of Warcraft universe.

As he looked around in awe, he couldn’t believe how much the game had changed.
Players were flying in the sky with the help of blue dragons, and the level cap had been raised to 120.

He felt like he had traveled to another world, one that was familiar yet completely different from the one he remembered.

As he looked around in awe, he couldn’t believe how much the game had changed. Players were flying in the sky with the help of blue dragons, and the level cap had been raised to 120. He felt like he had traveled to another world, one that was familiar yet completely different from the one he remembered.

But as he looked at his own player character, a Paladin at level 80, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of embarrassment.
He knew that he would look like a noob compared to the other players, and the thought made him feel self-conscious.

Despite the initial embarrassment, Alex played for an hour before calling it a day. He knew he had to get some sleep because he had a job to attend to in the morning. As he lay in bed, he couldn’t shake the feeling of excitement that had taken hold of him.

After sometime he lost in his dream world but He didn’t knew  that the next time he touched a technological object, he would be in a completely different world and in a completely different body.

And as the narrator of this story, I can tell you that Alex has no idea what’s about to happen to him. He’s about to embark on an adventure that will take him to places he’s never even imagined, and he’ll be facing challenges that he never thought possible. But, as I said earlier, this is the last time he’ll ever touch a technological object, and he’ll be forced to adapt to a new way of life.

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But for now, let’s just let him sleep and see where his journey takes him.
In his dream, Alex found himself chasing a dazzling golden light. The light was as radiant and dazzling as the sun, and it seemed to possess an almost magnetic pull that drew him closer to it. However, the dream had no logical sense to it – he was chasing this light for no apparent reason, and no matter how hard he tried, he could never seem to get any closer to it.

As he continued to chase the light, Alex suddenly found himself falling through the air and into an endless abyss. He was filled with terror as he struggled in the pitch-black space, with no sense of up or down, left or right. But as he struggled, he noticed that the distance between him and the golden light had gradually shortened.

Finally, the light came within reach and Alex could see that it was a book, made of a golden light that looked like red gold. The book was about the size of a regular book, but slightly thicker, with simple yet mysterious lines etched into its cover. At each end of the spine, there was a small golden ring.

Reaching out, Alex grabbed the book and as soon as his fingers touched it, a brilliant golden light engulfed everything, like a storm.
“What the hell!” Alex exclaimed as he abruptly woke up from his dream. He jumped out of bed and fell to the floor, feeling the sharp pain of his nose as blood oozed out.

He looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. The room was clearly a masonry house with a strong classical atmosphere, similar to the set of a European costume drama like Game of Thrones. He looked down at himself and noticed that he was dressed in viking attire, a light gray-white linen shirt, brown trousers, and boots.

The soft light of evening filtered in through the window, but Alex felt confused and disoriented. He couldn’t remember how he got here or where he was.

Is this a dream? Alex thought to himself. But it couldn’t be, as the pain in his nose and the memory of his dream about a golden book felt all too real.

As he looked around the room, his eyes caught sight of a heavy golden book lying on the ground. It looked exactly like the one from his dream, but without the dazzling light.

There it is ! Alex realized that something strange was happening. He hesitated before picking up the book. As he touched the spine and cover, he felt a sense of connection to it, as if it was a part of him.

As he opened the cover, the first page flickered with golden light and a few lines slowly emerged. Alex couldn’t believe what was happening, but he knew that this was no dream. Something bizarre had occurred and he needed to figure out what it was.
The Holy Covenant of Kings was written on the cover page of the book and in the corner of the page, Alex’s name was written in golden plating.

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Alex looked bewildered as he prepared to turn to the first page of the book. Suddenly, a footstep sounded from outside the house.

A young woman with long brown hair soon ran in. She was dressed in Viking attire and had a pretty face, but with freckles on her face.
“Alex!” the brown-haired woman exclaimed with excitement and relief in her voice.

“Uh… %#@¥…” Alex attempted to speak, but ended up babbling nonsense, as if his mouth was cramping.

He suddenly felt a strong headache. Whenever he tried to open his mouth, memories of two languages competed, causing him to lose the ability to speak.

One of these languages was English, and the other was… Asgardian language Rune?

Asgard! Alex shouted in his mind

Fragmented information surged like a tide, and Alex froze for a long time, as if he was petrified, and his eyes were empty for a moment.

“Alex, what’s wrong with you? Alex!” the brown-haired woman shouted anxiously.

Alex finally recovered at this time, but his eyes were still a little confused. After watching her for a long time, he hesitated and said, “Cousin El?”

“Thank God, you’re fine.” El heaved a sigh of relief, then said reproachfully, “Don’t do this kind of thing again, you know? That bet is just…”

Alex didn’t hear what he said later, his brows were furrowed, but he fell into some kind of complicated thinking and shocked emotions.

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He figured out a few things: he actually traveled – from earth to Asgard. But it’s a little early, Thor hasn’t even been born yet and Asgard hasn’t conquered the seven realms And He is still called Alex, although the two Alex are only similar in pronunciation, but words are not the same.

This is a coincidence, and it may also be a kind of fate thought in sarcasm. Before that, Alex thought this frequent coincidence was nothing more than that author was too lazy to think of names, but now he couldn’t help thinking, maybe this is actually some kind of rule for transmigration? The owner of the original body no longer exists. Fortunately, he has left some memories. Although they are trivial and incomplete, after absorbing these memories, Alex does not have a strong sense of strangeness to this mythical world which only existed in books or movies.

“Hey, is the little piece of shit finally awake?” A scolding voice came, and then a middle-aged and elderly man with a bulging belly and a half-bald head walked into the room, holding a bottle of mead in his hand,

“Since you are awake, don’t lie down, I mean, you haven’t done any work these days!”

“Father, Alex has just woken up.” El said complaining.

“What’s wrong with just waking up, I think his spirit is better than mine!” T

his bald fat uncle is called Peter, Alex’s uncle. Because his parents died early, Alex lived in his uncle’s house. Fortunately, although his uncle treated him poorly, El treated him like his younger brother and cared very much.

Alex is thin and has a small frame, he is almost the thinnest among his peers, but he is very active. At the age of four, he still likes to climb walls and trees. For the Asgardians, who are also known as the Aesir, the age of four is considered to be a teenager and is considered normal.

The average lifespan of the Asgardians is around five thousand years. Even though their lifespan is long, their growth rate is not much different from other intelligent beings. They typically reach adulthood at the age of thirty.

In the movie “Thor 3,” it was mentioned that Thor was stabbed by Loki when he was eight years old, which also shows that the growth rate of Asgardians in childhood is not slow.
Once an Asgardian reaches adulthood at the age of thirty, they will be in their prime for nearly 4,000 years. During this long period, the power of the Asgardian will be fully manifested. Most creatures in the universe would not dare to conflict with an adult Asgardian. In a way, the Asgardians are indeed gods.

A few days ago, Alex, an expert climber in the town of Asgardelphia, finally stumbled and fell while climbing a tree. He was in a coma for several days and didn’t wake up until today. “The Frost Giant is waging war again. Make one hundred healing stones as soon as possible!” Uncle Peter said before leaving with a word and his cup of wine.

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The Peter family lives in the town of Lyfia at the foot of the Lyfia Mountains in Asgard. It is called a town, but it is actually a village. Asgard is very small. Liphia Mountain is rich in herbs, so Peter opened a herbal shop. The healing stone is one of the most important commodities in the store, and it is also a must-have item on the battlefield.

“Alex, how are you feeling now?” El asked.

Alex felt that his mind was still a little confused, and said, “I’m fine… I just want to be quiet for a while.”

El was about to say something when he suddenly noticed the “Saint of Kings” that Alex had placed on his lap, so he took a look and said, “Hey, what is this?”
“This…” Alex was subconsciously startled. Unexpectedly, El turned over two pages and returned it to him: “Your new diary? The shape is very unique.” Alex couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

When El opened the “Holy Deed of Kings” just now, he clearly saw the pictures and texts, but El’s expression and tone were as if she saw blank paper without words. Could it be that only he can see the text? Alex thought to himself.

After a while, El told Alex to take a good rest and then left. Alex hurriedly closed the door and opened the “deeds of Kings” again. The first page is naturally the same two lines of characters, but he was shocked to find that these two lines of characters are neither in English nor in Runic, or both, their characters are vague and ethereal. It’s weird, but he can easily read it, as if it was a language tailored for him.

There is also a line at the top of the second page: karma Store. “Karma” looked a little baffling to Alex, but he naturally understood “Store”, and the pictures and texts on this page were very similar to the store interface of some games he had seen in his previous life. To be precise… it’s the shop interface of World of Warcraft. Could it be that this thing has something to do with monsters? Having said that,the book that the paladin was holding was called Sanchi. Alex couldn’t help but think about this.

There are two items in the store, both marked with numbers, presumably the price. One of them is a golden question mark pattern:

[Gift of Fate], 0.99 (limited time offer, original price 9.98).

The words in brackets made Alex speechless for a while. The other is a golden shield: [Gift from the Guardian], 0.00 (limited time offer, original price 0.00).

In the corner of the store is written [karma: 0.00]. Karma? Do you mean currency?

Alex frowned, hesitated for a while, then tried to use his fingers to lightly touch the free [Guardian’s Gift]. He couldn’t help but wonder what it could be and if it had any connection to his Asgardian powers. He knew he had to find out more about this strange book and its contents.

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